Showing posts with label Admit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Admit. Show all posts

Monday, July 30, 2018

R. Kelly Should "Admit" He"s a Pedophile, Says Father of Alleged Sex Slave

R. Kelly’s new song fell way short of living up to its name, because he didn’t admit he’s a pedophile and a deadbeat dad … so says the father of one of his alleged sex slaves. Angelo Clary — father of Azriel Clary – tells TMZ … Kelly took…


Monday, July 23, 2018

R. Kelly Rips Steve Harvey and John Legend in New 19-Minute Song, "I Admit"

R. Kelly’s spewing out ALL his feelings about the sex cult allegations, his financial problems, the 3 celebs he wants to get off his back … and much, much more in a 19-minute long song. The track’s called “I Admit” and in it, Kelly goes right…


Friday, March 30, 2018

Tyler Baltierra: Did He Just Admit to Cheating on Catelynn Lowell?!

For quite a long time now, there have been rumors that Tyler Baltierra has been cheating on Catelynn Lowell.

Like, it’s getting to the point where there are so many rumors you sort of have to wonder if there’s at least a little bit of truth to them.

It’s pretty sad, because as we’ve been seeing in this season of Teen Mom OG, Tyler has been nothing but supportive and kind and loving towards Catelynn.

And as fans of the show will remember, there’s only been one confirmed case of cheating for this couple, and Tyler wasn’t the one who stepped out.

(To be fair though, Catelynn cheated on Tyler when they were like 13 years old, but still, facts are facts.)

The whole “Tyler is a cheater” thing started a little over a year ago when a Teen Mom blind item was revealed to be about the Baltierras.

“The MTV cameras have turned a blind eye to the cheating by this significant other of an OG Teen Mom because it doesn’t fit in the storyline,” the story went.

The thing is, blind items are fun and all, but you can’t really treat them like irrefutable facts.

And even if one does turn out to be true, there’s a good chance you’ll never hear about it again.

For example, last year there was a blind item about a Teen Mom couple doing hard drugs in a hotel room in L.A. and trashing the place, but did we ever see that on the show? 

But still, many people did believe that Tyler cheated on Catelynn — probably because with the state their marriage was in at the time, it wasn’t that hard to imagine it.

Back then, Cate was unable to do much of anything at all because of her depression, and it was really weighing on Tyler.

And it’s interesting, because the same thing has been happening for the past few months, and the same rumors are starting to pop up.

In November, Catelynn checked herself into a treatment center to deal with her depression and some suicidal thoughts, and then in January, another blind item came out.

“This Teen Mom star has been cheating on his significant other for almost a year,” the item read.

“Eventually, when she starts having a clear head she is going to catch on and that could finally push her over the edge to suicide.”

So that’s really very dark and also pretty gross, right?

Even if it was a confirmed story that he’d been cheating on her, it’s beyond disgusting to suggest that she could kill herself because of it and it would be his fault.

And while both Catelynn and Tyler joked about the rumors the first time around, Tyler didn’t take so kindly to all that new speculation.

He called out the site that published the blind item, repeatedly denying that he’d cheated on his wife and repeatedly asking for evidence — of course, none was provided.

Still, the rumors persisted, and that’s where we’re at now.

Yesterday afternoon, someone tweeted that he wondered “how many times” Tyler had cheated on Catelynn.

And he actually answered,

“More times than I could count,” he wrote, along with that laughing and crying emoji.

Obviously he’s being sarcastic, but … come on.

It just doesn’t seem like the greatest time to be addressing dumb rumors from strangers on the internet, you know? Especially not like this.

Catelynn has barely been home from rehab for a month, and it just seems like they could both find better ways to spend their time than this.

Just … take it easy, OK, guys?


Friday, March 9, 2018

Colin Firth and Wife Admit She Had an Affair with Their Alleged Stalker

Colin Firth and his wife admit she used to bang the guy they’re now accusing of stalking them. Stuff that’s in Bridget Jones’ diary! The Oscar winner and his wife, Livia Giuggioli, a movie producer, released a statement saying she was “involved…


Thursday, January 25, 2018

Leah Messer: Did She Just Admit to Using Meth?!

If you’re a fan of Teen Mom 2, then you’re probably familiar with Leah Messer’s troubled past.

Leah has struggled with addiction and mental health issues over the years, and there was a time when her difficulties were so severe many viewers reported that they had difficulty watching the show.

When Leah lost custody of her daughters, it seems she hit a personal rock bottom and found the motivation to turn her life around.

These days, she’s a bonafide success story, and fans say they’ve found inspiration in her courageous comeback.

So it came as quite a shock to many when Leah joked about using methamphetamines in a recent social media post.

In a now-deleted retweet, Leah replied “yes” to a meme that began: 

“Here’s a list of date ideas because you pulling up to ‘chill’ isn’t a date.”

Fans immediately took issue with the post, noting that either Leah didn’t read the list in its entirety, or she has a rather dark sense of humor.

The list started off innocently enough, with suggestions such as “mini golf” and “a walk in the park.”

Things quickly took a turn, however, with joking recommendations like  “shooting up a school,” “double suicide,” “running over people,” “killing infants,” “beating up strangers,” and “robbing the elderly.”

Obviously, it’s pretty over-the-top stuff, but surprisingly, that’s not the portion of the list that caught fans’ attention.

No, most who commented on Leah’s tweet focused on the part that read, “Overdosing on meth.”

When several of her followers brought that particular item to Leah’s attention, she took swift action.

“Omgosh some of those are really bad oh my,” she tweeted before deleting the meme.

This appears to be nothing more than an instance in which Leah posted something on social media without reading it in its entirety.

But for many of her fans, it brought up some painful memories.

Leah checked into rehab back in 2015 and has reportedly been sober ever since.

While her period of her hard drug use was brief, it was also painfully intense.

For many viewers, the image of Leah falling asleep while holding a baby is an indelible one that serves as a constant reminder of the severity of the opioid crisis in America. 

At the time, Leah was a living symbol of the horrors of hard drug use.

Fortunately, these days she’s simply a reminder of the dangers of posting something you haven’t read.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Leah’s road back from addiction.


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Rachel Lindsay: I Admit it, I Regret My Choice!

The first and most important news out of The Bachelorette: Men Tell All was, of course, that Dean Unglert is a clear favorite and would be perfect as the next Bachelor.

We already knew that, because we have sense.

Rachel Lindsay, looking back on Men Tell All and the entire season of The Bachelorette, is admitting that she regrets one decision — and would do it differently if she could.

In an interview with Us Weekly, Rachel Lindsay says that if she could go back and change one thing, she would have kicked one of the suitors to the curb way, way sooner:

“If I’m just honest, I’m going to be 100 percent honest, I’m just going to say one word: Lee.”

That would be Lee Garrett, folks.

You know, the one who got slammed for racism.

“I would have sent him home sooner.”

We should hope so.

You might think that the first black lead on The Bachelorette (shameful that it took so many seasons, by the way) wouldn’t be an inviting bride for, you know, racists.

But racism and reality television are both much, much more complicated than that.

First of all, not everyone goes on reality dating shows to find the love of their life.

They can’t all win, and they go into the show knowing this.

Getting to appear on another show in the Bachelor Nation or even just getting more social media followers an exposure is an amazing opportunity.

So long as they make a good impression.

Lee Garrett did not seem like a good guy — we’re not sure what he was hoping for, unless he thought that The Bachelor was going to cast him to court Trump fans or something.

As far as the idea of a racist guy trying to win the heart of a black woman goes, well, racism doesn’t make people blind.

Having black friends doesn’t mean that someone isn’t racist.

Having a black girlfriend or wife doesn’t mean that someone isn’t racist.

(And yes, that gets extra screwed up when children enter the mix and one of their parents has all of these prejudices that apply to them, too)

So … it’s sadly no surprise that Lee Garrett was competing for Rachel Lindsay’s hand.

If you remember from our The Bachelorette: Men Tell All recap, Rachel Lindsay was part of calling out Lee Garrett for racism.

During the special, Lee Garrett  tried to defend his actions, which really didn’t help.

During The Bachelorette, he kept getting into heated conflicts with other suitors.

Those other suitors tended to have something in common with each other — they were black.

Fans noticed.

Just about everybody noticed.

Lee’s excuse that he was “uncomfortable” and trying to “joke” to excuse his behavior … didn’t go over well.

Lee wasn’t only controversial for his actions on The Bachelorette — he also got into trouble for his antics on social media before he even went on the show.

Specifically, Lee Garrett’s racist tweets landed him in hot water with fans and on Men Tell All.

(Dude, even if you’re going to tweet super offensive stuff for whatever reason, maybe go delete them before you become famous)

They weren’t even old tweets that someone dug up — they were from within the last year.

There’s just no excuse.

Considering what those of you following The Bachelorette Spoilers already know, there are plenty of fans who think that Rachel Lindsay made a bigger mistake than letting Lee Garrett hang around.

Not everyone, to be clear.

But more than a few.

Actually, you don’t even need spoilers to know that sending Dean Unglert home before narrowing her suitors down to three was positively foolish.

But Lee Garrett had to go, as much because he and she clearly wouldn’t work out as to demonstrate to viewers how unacceptable he was.

But, you know, hindsight is always clearer.

And Rachel Lindsay didn’t know as much about Lee Garrett at the beginning of the series as she does now.

In many ways, if there were viewers who saw some of themselves in Lee Garrett and his excuses, maybe his example served as a wake-up call to them about their own choices and behaviors.

Still, we wonder if, in a year or so, Rachel Lindsay won’t have a larger regret about this season.


Saturday, May 20, 2017

Katy Perry: Did She Just Admit Her New Song is About Taylor Swift?!

Katy Perry shocked and delighted us all when she released "Swish Swish," a fun little song with Nicki Minaj.

The song itself is OK, but the real joy comes from the lyrics, which really and truly seem to be about Taylor Swift.

The legendary Katy vs. Taylor feud has been going on for years now, all because Taylor thought Katy betrayed her by stealing some backup dancers.

Taylor"s made several passive aggressive statements about Katy, and she even released a song about her, the super catchy but super petty "Bad Blood."

And now, two years lately, it seems like Katy"s responded with "Swish Swish."

You can listen to the song, take in the lyrics and make your own decision about what it"s possibly about, but Katy made an appearance on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon last night, and she was directly asked about the rumor.

""Swish Swish,"" Jimmy began, "is that about anyone we know?"

Katy took a moment to gather her thoughts, then responded with "I think it"s a great anthem for people to use whenever someone"s trying to hold you down or bully you."

Which, it seems, is a good, neutral answer that works better than something like "Yeah, this song is about Taylor Swift, that bitch."

Of course she can"t come right out and directly diss Taylor like that, but notice that she definitely doesn"t deny that ti"s about her.

Watch Katy throw her best subtle shade in the interview below:

Katy perry did she just admit her new song is about taylor swift

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Bill Cosby"s Daughter Wants Media to Admit They Were Wrong ... He"s "No Rapist"

Evin Cosby insists her father is not violent, respects women and absolutely is NOT a rapist — and she thinks it’s time for the media to admit it, now that Bill Cosby’s scored a few legal victories. Cosby’s daughter feels there’s been a national…


Thursday, July 28, 2016

Blake Shelton: Did He Just Admit Miranda Lambert Cheated?

This may be his most revealing interview yet.

As the cover star for Billboard‘s latest issue, Blake Shelton gave some fantastic insight into his four-year marriage to Miranda Lambert.

Or rather, how it ended.

The magazine’s contributor, Rob Tannenbaum pointed out that the lyrics to the country singer’s single, “She’s Got A Way With Words” were about a woman who lies a cheats.

Shelton didn’t argue this point.

“When we recorded the vocals for some of these songs, I was only six months removed from when all the crap went down,” Shelton explained, referring to his July 2015 split from Lambert.

“When you have a broken heart – at least, when I do – you got to get it out of your system. You want people to sympathize with you. I was at rock bottom, in the middle of hell.”

A few months later, he was out of it.

In November, Shelton confirmed that he was dating Gwen Stefani, who judge season nine of The Voice alongside him.

The romance grew organically from a friendship that was formed because both Stefani and Shelton were going through divorces.

“She didn’t tell me much, because we didn’t know each other at the time, but she said, ‘I’m going through something very similar to what you’re going through. I understand. And I hate it,"” Shelton said.

“That’s kind of how our friendship and bond started, that day. It went from that, to checking in on each other once a week through email — ‘This shit happened to me, what happened to you?’ — to maybe three times a week, then every day, to ‘Hey, here’s my phone number if you ever want to text."”


“Next thing I know, I wake up and she’s all I care about, and I’m ­wondering if she feels the same about me.”

What’s even cuter is that Stefani can’t stop gushing about Shelton either.  Ever since her interview with the New York Times in March, Stefani has been open about her feelings for the country singer.

“We had anger, we had sadness, we had flirtation, we had sexy, and now we’re madly in love,” Stefani said.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Jessa Duggar, Ben Seewald Admit to Violating Courtship Rules Before Marriage

If you watch Jill & Jessa: Counting On online, you know that Jim Bob and Michelle remain as strict as ever with regard to limiting pre-marital contact between their many daughters and the girls’ parentally-approved suitors.

Some would argue that the parents should have invested some of that energy into limiting conflict between the girls and their brother, but that’s a conversation for another time.

The Duggar rules of courtship stipulate that there is to be no hand-holding without a ring on the finger, no “front hugs” (side hugs are permitted) until the wedding, and no un-chaperoned pre-marital contact of any kind.

And you thought your school night curfew was strict.

In a new edition of the Duggars kids’ book, Growing Up Duggar, Jessa reveals that she and husband Ben Seewald actually violated the rules of courtship on several occasions in the months leading up to their marriage:

“The day Ben and I started courting, we began our tradition of calling each other on the phone every night. These were such special times. These calls were not ‘chaperoned.’ They were private just between the two of us.”

“We would talk about everything from how our day went, to what we had ben learning from our Bible reading, and then just anything else that we want to talk about.:

Uh … scandalous stuff, right?

Okay, so the Duggar kids remain about as rebellious as a kale salad, but as many fans have pointed out, Jessa and Ben actually broke just about every one of the family’s famous courtship rules when they first met.

First they held hands during a family prayer session – a move that did not go unnoticed by family patriarch Jim Bob.

Shortly thereafter, they engaged in the dreaded front hug.

Jim Bob wasn’t on hand for that one, but he was reportedly cool with it, as the couple was already on the verge of getting hitched.

And people say he’s strict to the point of forever warping the way his kids view sex and relationships!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Jimmy Fallon to Admit to Drinking Problem in New Memoir?

For whatever reason, late night hosts generally don’t find their names mentioned in celebrity gossip circles very often.

Maybe it’s because every single one that currently occupies a network time slot is a middle-aged family man.

Maybe it’s because the work ethic required to reach such a lofty point in one’s career doesn’t jibe with a hard-partying lifestyle.

Whatever the case, Jimmy Fallon has become the exception to one of television’s most longest-standing rules in recent months.

It all started when Fallon severely injured his hand twice in less than five months. 

The second incident occurred when the Tonight Show host fell while holding a bottle of Jagermeister at a party:

Shortly thereafter, the 41-year-old chipped his tooth in an accident at home.

For obvious reasons, the succession of strange mishaps has raised concerns about Fallon’s drinking habits.

NBC execs issued a statement claiming that they weren’t concerned about Fallon’s alleged binges, but insiders have insisted that there’s been an ongoing effort to keep his boozing under wraps since well before the beloved comic took over for Jay Leno at 11:30.

“It’s gone from being a whisper to a chatter,” says one industry insider when asked about the rumors of Fallon’s heavy boozing.

“He’s a mess” confirms a Manhattan bartender who claims Fallon’s been a regular customer of hers for several years. “Everything you’ve heard [about his behavior] is true.”

Now, sources claim that Fallon has been offered a staggering sum (some say as high as $ 15 million) to pen a memoir.

And there are additional reports that Jimmy will take the opportunity to finally come clean about his boozing habits.

Friends of Fallon’s who prefer to remain anonymous say that he plans to confirm that he occasionally gets out of hand while partying, but firmly believes that he is not an alcoholic, as he abstains for long periods of time.

Some would argue that if Fallon frequently injures himself while drinking, then it’s clear that he does have a problem, but hopefully those folks will withhold judgment – at least until Jimmy gets to tell his side of the story.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Josh Duggar: Forced to Admit to Sex With Porn Star?!

Earlier this week, Josh Duggar filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit filed against him by Danica Dillon – an adult film star who claims Duggar paid her for sex, then brutally manhandled and verbally abused her.

Josh’s lawyers claim that he’s never even met Dillon, much less had sex with her, and that she’s simply extorting the Duggar family in hopes that they’ll settle out of court in order to avoid negative publicity.

Apparently, that argument didn’t fly with the judge in Josh’s case, as Radar Online is now reporting that the 27-year-old’s motion to dismiss has been denied.

In even worse news for Josh, the court has ordered him to reply to Dillon’s claims by January 20.

Even though the response will presumably be in writing, Josh will be considered under oath, which means that after months of avoiding the issue, he might finally be forced to come clean about his interactions with Dillon.

Of course, Josh can avoid being forced to confess by settling with Dillon out of court, but there are a few problems with that solution:

  1. At this point, it would basically be admitting guilt.

  2. Josh’s parents have reportedly refused to help him buy his way out of this one.

  3. Sources say Josh is strapped for cash. In fact, it’s been rumored that he and Anna Duggar are trying to sell their home in order to raise the funds necessary to make Dillon go away.

So it looks like this thing may be going to court. And the Duggars might be the first family in history whose lives got more dramatic after their reality show got canceled.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Kim Zolciak Shares Before and After Pics, Still Won"t Admit to Plastic Surgery

Former star of The Real Housewives of Atlanta Kim Zolciak hit rock bottom earlier this year.

First, Kim suffered a stroke after appearing on Dancing With the Stars.  As a result, she was dropped from the show for obvious health reasons.

Then, Kim went into heart surgery to repair a valve that never closed off.  She had been living with the heart condition her entire life, until it caused a blood clot to travel to the opposite side of her body.

But don’t worry!  Things are looking up for the mother of six.  And she is celebrating her new clean bill of health with before and after plastic surgery pictures!

Well, Kim doesn’t mention plastic surgery.  In fact, she likes to pretend that she hasn’t had any.  But for the sake of stating the obvious, we are calling them plastic surgery pics.

Kim posted the before and after pics on Instagram, showing off the differences in her self-portrait after 14 years of aging and countless dollars invested in cosmetic procedures.

In the caption, she wrote, “time flies.”  Then, she commented about her bleached eyebrows from 14 years ago.  We didn’t notice the eyebrows as much as the difference in her nose, chin, and cheeks.  But, hey, who’s really pay attention?

We are.  Ahem.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Kylie Jenner and Tyga: Did She Just Admit They Broke Up?!

Kylie Jenner and Tyga go through ups and downs like everyone else, but did she just admit that the duo’s romance is down for the count?

After she turned 18, the Keeping Up With the Kardashians star went public with their relationship, and Tyga has been flaunting it ever since.

Don’t think you know everything about them, though, or ever will – even when they break up, which may or may not have happened already.

“It has been pretty organic,” she says of going public. “But I do think that if you let people in too deep, it gets hard. Your fans get too invested.”

“They know when you break up and make up. I don’t want people to know every time we fight or break up, so I’d rather keep some things private.”

Hmm. Is that a tacit admission that things are not what they seem? Or are we reading way too much into a general, mature observation?

In any case, Kylie still says growing up in the spotlight is tough, no matter how rich and famous it has made her and her celebrity siblings:

“I’m still human; I can’t come across something so hurtful and just brush it off and go on with my day. It’s really hard, and I’m still growing up.”

“I know that if you don’t read it, it doesn’t affect you, but it’s hard.”

That includes the non-stop deluge of Kylie Jenner boob job rumors and the speculation about Kylie Jenner’s lips that has raged for years.

“I never said I got them done, but I never denied it either. But people thought I was such a liar!” Kylie said of her famously inflated pout.

And then the surgery rumors just kept on coming, and coming.

“Yeah, then people were saying I got my chin reconstructed, that I got a nose job, an eyebrow lift, I got my boobs done, this and that.”

“So I wanted to come out and say that this is crazy and I only got my lips done. I don’t think people realize that I just turned 18.”

“There’s no way my mom or any doctor would let me go under the knife like that,” she adds, baffled, “that’s just so crazy!”

Kylie insists she wants to be a good model for her fans.

“I don’t want my fans to think they have to get lip fillers or look like me in any way … it was always an insecurity of mine and I did it strictly for me.”