Friday, January 8, 2016

Josh Duggar: Forced to Admit to Sex With Porn Star?!

Earlier this week, Josh Duggar filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit filed against him by Danica Dillon – an adult film star who claims Duggar paid her for sex, then brutally manhandled and verbally abused her.

Josh’s lawyers claim that he’s never even met Dillon, much less had sex with her, and that she’s simply extorting the Duggar family in hopes that they’ll settle out of court in order to avoid negative publicity.

Apparently, that argument didn’t fly with the judge in Josh’s case, as Radar Online is now reporting that the 27-year-old’s motion to dismiss has been denied.

In even worse news for Josh, the court has ordered him to reply to Dillon’s claims by January 20.

Even though the response will presumably be in writing, Josh will be considered under oath, which means that after months of avoiding the issue, he might finally be forced to come clean about his interactions with Dillon.

Of course, Josh can avoid being forced to confess by settling with Dillon out of court, but there are a few problems with that solution:

  1. At this point, it would basically be admitting guilt.

  2. Josh’s parents have reportedly refused to help him buy his way out of this one.

  3. Sources say Josh is strapped for cash. In fact, it’s been rumored that he and Anna Duggar are trying to sell their home in order to raise the funds necessary to make Dillon go away.

So it looks like this thing may be going to court. And the Duggars might be the first family in history whose lives got more dramatic after their reality show got canceled.