Friday, January 8, 2016

Tyga: Caught Cheating on Kylie Jenner With Brazilian Model?!

It’s been a rough week for Tyga and Kylie Jenner.

On Monday, a 14-year-old model named Molly O’Malia accused Tyga of stalking and harassing her via text messages and social media.

Yesterday, breakup rumors circulated online, as sources claimed that Kylie had gotten fed up with not being able to trust her boyfriend.

Now, Us Weekly is reporting that Tyga has been cheating on Kylie with a 23-year-old Brazilian model named Annalu Cardoso.

An insider tells the tabloid that Tyga met Cardoso on a video shoot and later asked her to appear on his MTV2 reality show.

Based on the source’s description, Tyga approached Cardoso using similar tactics to the ones he later (allegedly) used on O’Malia.

“He would text her and ask how she was doing, casual conversation,” says the insider. “Then he started asking her to send pics and to meet up. They hooked up a couple of times, but for the most part they would just hang out.”

Eventually, the rapper got so bold with his affair that he would reportedly take Cardoso out on dates and introduce her to his friends.

“She and Tyga wouldn’t be extremely affectionate in front of them, but she could tell his friends all knew that they were something,” the source says.

“If someone else was sitting next to Tyga, they’d move so she could sit next to him.”

So how is it possible that all of this went on right under Kylie’s nose without her knowledge?

Well, the source says that despite his brazenness, the rapper was always extremely careful about ensuring that Kylie and Annalu never crossed paths.

“Tyga is very careful and waits until Kylie is out of the country,” the insider claims. 

“Annalu never wanted to ask [about Kylie] because he was acting like someone who didn’t have a girlfriend, so she thought those were just rumors.”

The source says Tyga and Annalu never officially ended their relationship, but they’ve “stopped talking” in recent weeks.