Showing posts with label Cheating. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cheating. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Kylie Jenner Relationship with Jordyn Uncertain In Wake of Tristan Cheating Scandal


Kylie Jenner is having enormous trouble processing the revelation her best friend was involved in a cheating scandal with her sister’s baby daddy … and she doesn’t know if her relationship with her BFF is worth saving. 
TMZ broke the story … Khloe Kardashian ...
Kylie Jenner Relationship with Jordyn Uncertain In Wake of Tristan Cheating Scandal

Monday, November 19, 2018

"L&HH" Star Lyrica"s Maternity Shoot Following Safaree Cheating Rumor

‘Love & Hip Hop’ star Lyrica Anderson finally put a monster rumor to rest over whose baby she’s carrying, and now … she’s ready to spill the rest of the tea(l) with mommy shots. Here are Lyrica’s first maternity photos after a rough…


Friday, November 16, 2018

Sofia Richie and Scott Disick: Breaking Up Over Cheating Rumors?

According to a new report, there’s more to Sofia Richie’s fear that Scott Disick will cheat.

She’s apparently given him an ultimatum.

If he goes running back to Kourtney’s bed, he won’t get to return to hers.

Life & Style reports that though this couple is still together, but that their split may be inevitable.

“Sofia has made it very clear that if [he] strays, it’s over,” the insider reveals.

She is particularly worried that he’s banging his ex.

According to the source, “She’d hate to see Kourtney [Kardashian] get one up on her.”

“Although,” the insider admits. “Saying and doing are two different things.”

In other words, telling Scott to never cross that line isn’t the same thing as following up on her vow to end things if he slips up.

Apparently, she’s genuinely worried that he can’t resist his ex.

Honestly, a lot of past and present fans of Scott and Kourtney have also gotten that vie.

“Sofia has her suspicions about Kourt and Scott hooking up,” the source shares.

“But,” the insider continues. “He swears that nothing is going on between them.”

Well, as we all know, if a dude is cheating, he’ll totally fess up immediately if you ask him.

In all seriousness, though, they share years of history and three children. It’s normal for them to talk.

Apparently, a lot of Sofia’s alleged concerns come from a place of insecurity.

“Nothing seems to stop Sofia from feeling like the third wheel to Kourtney,” the source reports.

That is understandable.

Scott and Kourtney’s shared history (and children) means that they have so much life in common.

They have an easy chemistry, even as exes, and can naturally have smooth conversations.

Scott’s much-younger girlfriend would notice and might even feel left out of their conversations.

That sounds pitiful.

You know who is not helping this situation at all?


It wasn’t so long ago that Scott openly spoke about trying things again with Kourtney.

According to the self-styled Lord: “We always said we’d try to get back together when we’re 40.”

Well, Kourtney is going to be 40 in less than half a year — in April of 2019.

Sofia might be taking that as a very serious countdown.

Sofia was 19 when she and Scott first hooked up. She’s now 20.

Now, she’s an adult — Scott may be creepy, but he’s not doing anything illegal.

But at that age, she’s very likely still feeling all sorts of emotions more strongly than the guy 75% older than she is feeling.

We should also acknowledge that Sofia has already given Scott one of her best years.

She’s a young adult and a super hot model.

We hope that Scott is being sensitive to Sofia’s feelings regarding, well, everything, including Kourtney.

We also hope that Scott is not taking Sofia or his relationship with her for granted.

Ultimately, all relationships end, and we don’t expect that Scott and Sofia’s will be any different.

But it would certainly be better if no one, say, cheats or dismisses the other’s feelings. People should be nice to their loved ones.

That said, we cannot confirm that Sofia believes that Scott has been cheating.

Do a lot of people believe it? Sure. Has Sofia openly confirmed that it’s a suspicion of hers? Of course not.

So we’ll take this report with a grain of salt and keep an eye out.


Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Tristan Thompson is STRESSED About Viewers Seeing His Cheating Scandal

Sunday night’s Keeping Up With The Kardashians featured Khloe’s baby shower for True.

But we all know what’s coming next weekend — Khloe and her whole family learning about Tristan’s cheating scandal.

Fans are excited, Khloe is stressed, and Tristan is worried he’s going to look like the bad guy.

Viewers of Keeping Up With The Kardashians are about to see Khloe’s whole family react to Tristan’s cheating.

HollywoodLife reports that Tristan is on edge knowing that the world will watch this story play out.

“Tristan is freaking out about the next episode of KUWTK airing,” an insider reveals.

While Khloe, like her sisters, has veto power over aspects of the show, there’s only so much that she can edit out.

The source reports: “It does not make him look good at all.”

It’s difficult to gloss over a guy cheating on his pregnant girlfriend with multiple women.

Fortunately, Tristan at least doesn’t seem to be thinking that he didn’t do anything wrong.

“He knows he made some mistakes,” the insider affirms.

There were some troubling reports this summer that claimed that Tristan didn’t think it was a big deal.

(There are some men in the world who think that being a cheater is a phase that men grow out of; ugh)

“But,” the source continues, Tristan “is not looking forward to the show blasting his problems out for the whole world to see.”

Well, that’s what happens when you date, impregnant, and cheat on a reality star.

The promo already showed Kendall, Kim, Kris, and Kylie reacting to the news on their phones.

“Tristan is doing his best to be a better father,” the insider says.

He has two young children — True wtih Khloe, and a son named Prince from a previous relationship.

The source says that Tristan is also working to be a better “boyfriend to Khloe and a better teammate to his Cavs.”

“And,” the insider explains. “He does not think this episode is going to make his life easier for any of that.”

KUWTK doesn’t even exist to make the Kardashians look good, let alone their cheating boyfriends.

Tristan is concerned that, no matter how many people read about the scandal, seeing it will be something else.

He worries that there could be serious social fallout.

“He knows he is not going to be very popular anywhere after this episode airs,” the source reports.

Khloe can be problematic, but nobody realistically wanted to see her life ruined.

“So,” the insider says. “He is stressed out.”

Tristan may be biting his nails with anxiety.

Khloe, at least, seems to have accepted that the world is going to see her get humiliated.

“I signed up to show the good and the bad, right?” she recently wrote to a fan on Twitter.

“The bad is very hard to relive,” Khloe affirmed. “But it’s life.”

She’s right.

Unlike Tristan, however, she has had nearly a dozen years to get used to the idea that most of her dirty laundry is going to air on television.

A lot of fans are concerned that Tristan will cheat again as soon as Khloe lowers her guard.

If he was willing to cheat on her with so many women while she was pregnant, fans reason, what’s to stop him now?

He’s still a young, hot athlete.

And now he knows that Khloe won’t necessarily break up with him if he strays.

Hopefully, however, Tristan cares about his relationship with Khloe more than he does about the convenience of banging random beautiful women.

If not, we could be looking at another agonizing KUWTK in the future.


Monday, October 29, 2018

Javi Marroquin: Is He Cheating on Lauren Comeau With Madison Channing Walls?!

Following a period of time in which he often appeared to be juggling multiple women at once, Javi Marroquin is now engaged to Lauren Comeau.

Sometimes former players are able to grow up, settle down, and make reliable spouses.

But it"s equally possible that Javi still has some wild oats to sow.

Either way, fans will be scrutinizing his every move — especially when he spends the weekend partying with a very recent ex.

Check it out:

1. The Happy Couple

Lauren comeau with javi m

Javi is currently engaged to Lauren Comeau. The couple recently bought a house and are currently expecting their first child together.

2. Making It Work

Javi with lauren comeau

Javi and Lauren have certainly had their share of ups and downs, but these days, they both seem excited about the prospect of starting a family together.

3. Moving Fast

Lauren comeau big baby bump

Javi and Lauren certainly haven’t wasted any time since getting back together in March.

4. The Big Announcement

Javi and laurens big announcement

In fact, the news that they’re expecting a child came just a few weeks after they confirmed their reconciliation.

5. All Talk?

Javi marroquin turns serious

Javi says he wants to devote himself fully to being a husband and father, and he says Lauren is the one for him.

6. Changing His Ways

Javi marroquin and lauren comeau selfie

But until recently, Javi was playing the field in a big way. In fact, it appears there was some overlap between his most recent relationships.

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Khloe Kardashian: Reliving Tristan Cheating is "Painful"

Khloe Kardashian is finally, finally speaking about what Tristan Thompson put her through with his massive cheating scandal.

Now that Keeping Up With The Kardashians is getting into the story of baby True’s birth, fans are going to see that scandal unfold.

And Khloe is admitting that reliving that time is “painful.” Is she ready to ditch Tristan?

“I feel so bad for @khloekardashian had to go through what Tristan did while filming #KUWTK,” a fan lamented.

“If I’m not wrong,” the fan predicted. “Next episode will be insane.”

“You’re so strong to put that personal issue as part of the show knowing millions of ppl will watch it,” the fan continued.

The tweet concluded: “I wouldn’t be able to do it.”

“Sadly, it will” be insane, Khloe confirmed.

“I signed up to show the for the good and the bad, right?” Khloe wrote. “The bad is very hard to relive but it’s life.”

That almost vague tweet from Khloe about how difficult it is to relive this part of her life is … kind of huge.

For the most part, she has avoided directly addressing Tristan Thompson’s cheating scandal.

It has now been more than sixth months, though.

Not only is she reliving the horror of it on reality television …

(It’s about to blow wide open on screen in front of the entire world)

… But she has had a lot of time to think about whether or not she is really prepared to spend the rest of her life worrying if another cheating scandal will break.

On top of that, Khloe has been dropping hints that she may have ditched Tristan.

For starters, the two of them haven’t interacted on social media in ages.

That, on its own, could be a coincidence. Sometimes you don’t publicly “@” each other.

But then there’s the advice that Khloe has been peddling to her fans and followers.

People have noticed that Khloe seems less blissfully naive — and willing and ready to excise toxic people from her life.

“Free yourself from negative people,” Khloe recently counseled her fans adn followers.

“Spend time with nice people who are smart, driven, and likeminded,” she continued.

Most significantly, Khloe shared: “Relationships should help you, not hurt you.”

“Surround yourself with people who reflect the person you want to be,” she advised.

When Khloe shared that message, Kourtney seconded the opinion, which looked to fans a lot like her pushing Khloe to ditch Tristan.

Khloe also recently shared that she is “not the woman i was 5 months ago.”

Five months ago, of course, Khloe seemed desperate to reconcile with Tristan despite what he had done.

At the end of the day, however, it is believed that Khloe clings to Tristan the way that she does for True’s sake.

Precious baby True is six months old, and it is perceived that Khloe doesn’t want her to grow up with parents who aren’t together.

It’s sweet that Khloe wants what’s best for True, but her fans have pointed out that a toxic relationship is not better for a child than co-parents.

But until very recently, it hasn’t looked like Khloe has been willing to listen to anyone else’s advice.

Ultimately, whether or not Khloe breaks up with Tristan is Khloe’s choice.

Not Kim’s, not Kourtney’s, not Kris’ … and certainly not her fans.

(It could always be Tristan who decides to end things, which would certainly be an unexpected twist)

Maybe Khloe and Tristan will outlast all expectations.

But if Khloe is finally speaking frankly about how painful it is to relive the scandal, which was entirely his doing, then maybe she’s rethinking that.

Or maybe, as some believe, she and Tristan are already over.


Friday, October 19, 2018

Jill Duggar: Did She Just Confirm That Derick Dillard Is Cheating?!

The past year has not been particularly kind to Jill Duggar.

It all started back in November of 2017, when Derick Dillard was fired from Counting On.

Jill quit the show as a gesture of solidarity, which unfortunately left the couple with two kids to raise and no source of income.

One would think that after such a precipitous fall from grace, Derick would be forever on his best behavior, but thus far that hasn’t been the case.

These days, Derick is in law school and taking steps toward once again supporting his wife and kids, but the months since his termination have been tumultuous for reasons that go far beyond financial instability.

Derick has been accused of cheating on Jill, and the fact that neither party has addressed those rumors has only added to the public scrutiny of their relationship.

Earlier this week, Jill posted the photo below, which shows her reading a self-help book entitled Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend.

“Reading a little during bath time. lol #momlife #orangebathwater #boundariesbook,” Jill captioned the pic.

As In Touch Weekly points out, many of Jill’s followers commented that they had also enjoyed the book and found it especially helpful for mending fractured relationships.

“Very good for dealing with toxic family members or friends!” wrote one such fan.

Others noted that Jill could very much benefit from the lessons about independence, and Derick often seems to treat her as his doormat, even going so far as to make Jill attend his law school lectures to assist in taking notes.

“A great time to say ‘no’ is going to your husband’s school. That is a good boundary to work on, Jill,” commented one follower.

“Her father controlled her life until she married her husband,” added another fan.

“She NEEDS to read this book.”

As many others pointed out, this is not the first time that Jill has used her Instagram page and her choice of reading materials to throw subtle shade at her controversial husband.

Jill recently posted a photo of her Bible, in which the section about adultery has been highlighted in its entirety.

Like we said, neither Jill or Derick has confirmed or denied that Derick was busted cheating recently — and in all likelihood, they never will.

But that doesn’t Jill is above throwing a little shade with her Instagram posts.


Monday, October 15, 2018

Jenna Cooper: Here"s the Proof that JORDAN Faked Those Cheating Texts!

Jenna Cooper and Jordan Kimball’s Bachelor in Paradise cheating scandal didn’t end when they broke up.

While Jenna has fired back, saying that she’s a victim of fraud, Jordan has all but accused her of blackmailing him through her attorneys.

Now, she is hitting back even harder, and accusing Jordan of having faked the text messages for publicity’s sake.

Over the weekend, Us Weekly spoke to Jordan Kimball about this entire situation.

“It is what it is,” the model states simply.

When it comes to the emails he shared that he clearly viewed as a blackmail attempt, he says: “I said nothing about it.”

“The email was sent to me,” Jorday explains. “I got phone calls from the firm.”

“It was an attorney representing her,” Jordan says, who told him to publicly exonerate Jenna or the firm would go public with what they know.

Jordan says that he’s heard from her attorneys, but that’s about as personal as it gets these days.

“I’ve heard nothing back” from Jenna, Jordan says. “And her family stopped — I guess you could say bashing me online.”

“They have said nothing,” he says. “She has said nothing. It’s behind us.”

“I no longer feel I need to defend myself,” Jordan claims. “It is what it is.”

But … is it? Because Jenna released some evidence for the entire world to see.

When other Bachelor ladies rallied to Jenna’s defense, Lauren Burnham assured the world that she’d seen proof that Jenna wasn’t a cheater.

It’s not that people realistically believe that Reality Steve fabricated text messages out of thin air.

Instead, people believe that someone close to Jenna, someone who knew her texting style and phone number, faked them and sent them to him.

And Jenna’s electronic devices got a clean bill of health — with an examination that proves she never cheated.

“A comprehensive forensic examination of Jenna’s devices by an independent third-party expert, Jenna’s publicist Steve Honig begins.

Honig continues: “has definitively confirmed none of the text messages in question came from Jenna’s phone.”

“Given the conclusive findings of the forensic report,” Honig says. “Jenna’s team is considering all options available to Jenna relating to the fraudulent texts.”

Jenna’s publicist’s statement continues, and begins to paint a troubling picture of her former love.

“After the cameras stopped rolling, Jordan’s demeanor toward Jenna changed dramatically,” Honig reveals.

“He let it be known there was only room for one celebrity in the relationship,” Honig says.

Jordan reportedly made it clear that “he was more successful and famous than her, she would never make as much money as him or amount to anything in life.”

“She was belittled and made to feel insignificant and worthless,” Honig says. “He continues to disparage her to this day.”

“As painful as this has been for Jenna,” Honig concludes. “She is glad he showed his true colors before they were married and began building a life together.”

Protus3 is a Raleigh-based security service to which Jenna turned to prove her innocense. They examined her iPhone, iPad, and iCloud storage.

“An analysis of the messages and data ranging from June 11, 2017, through September 18, 2018, on all devices,” the Protus3 report says.

The report continues, revealing that the test “did not reveal any of the text messages alleged to be created by Ms. Cooper.”

As we mentioned, the analysis would have turned up any messages, even deleted ones, that she sent on any of her devices.

Protus3’s analysis also showed that certain keywords showed up in Jenna’s messages to Jordan and in the allegedly fabricated texts that make her look like a cheater.

Protus3 just reports as a third party on the contents of the examination, but Jenna’s attorneys have made their theory clear.

They believe that Jordan faked the texts and then sent them to Reality Steve with enough details about Jenna to make the texts look authentic.

But, as Protus3 notes, screenshots — no matter their source — cannot be authenticated with the level of certainty that comes with screening a device.

It’s not clear what they believe was Jordan’s motive.

Was he allegedly trying to milk the Bachelor Nation for sympathy that could carry him forward in his reality career?

Was he just trying to end their relationship without appearing to the public as “the bad guy?”

Or is Jordan just another victim in all of this, and the texts were fabricated by someone else?


Friday, October 5, 2018

Tristan Thompson: Caught Cheating on Khloe Kardashian AGAIN?!

Two weeks from today, the Cleveland Cavaliers will travel to Minnesota to take on the Timberwolves, thus beginning their 2018-2019 season.

Fans of the team are no doubt experiencing some mixed emotions as the Cavs kick off this year’s campaign without the help of LeBron James, but surely no one is as ambivalent about the upcoming season as Khloe Kardashian.

Khloe obviously enjoys all the benefits of dating an NBA player, and she was frequently in attendance at Tristan Thompson’s home games last season.

Unfortunately, Tristan’s away games were quite another story entirely.

As you’ve no doubt heard, Tristan was caught cheating on Khloe while she was pregnant with his child last year.

To the surprise of many, Khloe did not immediately kick Tristan to the curb, and instead opted to give her baby daddy a second chance.

Over the summer, Tristan reportedly did his best to repair his relationship with Khloe, and he even got back in her family’s good graces.

But as tipoff approaches, the real test looms.

Will Tristan be able to remain loyal as his team once again hits the road?

So far, the results are less than promising. 

According to Hollywood Life, Tristan has admitted that he’s finding it very difficult to resist the temptation of courtside groupies.

“Tristan is constantly surrounded by temptation, hot chicks literally throw themselves at him, and are constantly flirting with him and vying for his attention,” a source tells the site.

“Tristan is doing his utmost to ignore it all though and to focus on what matters most, Khloe, his kids, and his career. It ain’t easy though, Tristan is young, he’s in his prime, and all the attention he gets is enough to tempt anyone,” the insider adds.

This isn’t the first time, of course, that rumors of Tristan cheating again have made their way across social media in recent weeks.

Unfortunately, it seems Khloe is blinded by love and is having a very difficult time acknowledging the evidence that Tristan might soon embark on another full-blown affair.

“Khloe just can’t let this relationship go,” an spource tells Life & Style.

“All the Kardashians are against her having another baby, but she won’t listen to them. She’s blinded by love when it comes to Tristan.” 

The source says that the Kardashians believe Tristan “is making a fool out of Khloe,” and they’re stunned that she can’t see it for herself.

Fortunately, it’s not all bad news.

One insider claims that despite appearances to the contrary, Tristan has learned his lesson and is determined to do right by Khloe.

“After being caught out before and nearly losing everything he holds dearest, he’s determined to be better, to be the man he knows he can be, and to be faithful and loyal to Khloe,” says one source.

“She’s his heart and soul, and he never wants to hurt or humiliate her again.”

That’s all well and good, but as they say — the road game to hell is paved with good intentions.


Thursday, September 27, 2018

Khloe Kardashian Goes Into Labor After Tristan"s Cheating Scandal Breaks

On the latest episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Kylie Jenner gave birth. It took more than seven months for that to air.

Viewers knew that it was only a matter of time before the show reached Khloe and her much more controversial childbirth.

In this preview video, you can see Kim, Khloe, and the rest of her family react as Khloe goes into labor … and Tristan"s cheating scandal is exposed.

Kim kardashian has a tense discussion

In the Keeping Up With The Kardashians preview teaser video that we have for you, the show teases what remains to be seen on this season.

When it really becomes interesting is when, very clearly, the story of Tristan Thompson"s cheating scandal breaks.

"They have another video of him," Kim can be heard saying into her phone.

She is clearly referring to Tristan Thompson and the evidence of him being with other women during Khloe"s pregnancy.

"Unfollowed, I hate him," Kim announces in another part of the clip. "Sorry, not sorry."

Khloe kardashian goes into labor

Kim"s reaction was one thing, but what everyone wants to see is how Khloe responded to the news that her love and baby daddy is a no-good dirty cheater.

As we all know, it was a matter of hours after that scandal broke that Khloe went into labor with baby True.

"The things I can control, I have to be able to control," Khloe can be heard saying.

That is a fairly grounded response to such explosive news — though of course we can imagine that some responses may have been edited out.

Khloe does, after all, have veto power over footage from the show.

Khloe kardashian undergoes an ultrasound

She gets an ultrasound while very pregnant, and also is shown going into labor while her family races to get to where she is in Cleveland.

"I hope everyone gets here in time," Khloe says.

You can also see a van full of her family members racing towards her.

As widely reported as Tristan"s scandal was and True"s birth was, we never really got a behind-the-scenes look or Khloe"s reaction immediately afterwards.

We hope that, despite Khloe"s editorial powers, we get to see her raw reaction. Fans are curious. It"s human nature.

We"ll definitely get to see at least some of the responses, from anger to disbelief, of Khloe"s extended family. We wonder what Tristan will think.

Kim kardashian north west and kanye west in dc

Arguably the second-most-interesting storyline in this teaser is Kim using her platform for civil rights advocacy.

The story of a woman using her fame and beauty to influence a terrible old orange man to pardon a grandmother is definitely compelling.

Speaking of Trump, Kim also addresses Kanye West"s worrisome bad behavior and outlandish statements.

In this case, it looks like fans can expect to see more or less the same sentiments that she has expressed publicly.

She believes that Kanye"s apparently uncontrolled, no-filter declarations about Trump and "dragon energy" aren"t signs of mental illness.

Kim kardashian is looking great

Kim may be right. If she is, Kanye isn"t mentally troubled — he may just be a bad person.

And it is of course unfair to malign the mentally ill, many of whom are good people, by confusing bad behavior with mental health.

Viewers will also get to see things like Kendall, who is famously anxious, try skydiving for the first time. Also, Kris falls down playing baseball.

Honestly? That could all be entertaining, but it"s just filler.

Khloe"s heartbreak, Kim"s activism, and Kanye"s nonsense look like the real meat of the rest of the season.

Khloe kardashian goes into labor after tristans cheating scandal

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson Hold Hands after Bogus Cheating Rumors

Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson showed solidarity Friday night by clasping hands at a birthday party. Khloe and Tristan showed up with Kourtney for the 21st birthday bash of Kylie Jenner’s best friend, Jordyn Woods.  There were stories…


Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Jenna Cooper: Inside Her Bachelor in Paradise Cheating Scandal

It"s the Bachelor in Paradise scandal no one saw coming.

On the Season 5 finale of this ABC reality series, Jordan Kimball got down on one knee and proposed to Jenna Cooper… and she said yes!

Hooray, right?!?

Not so fast.

Around the same exact time this proposal aired, a handful of text messages went viral that Bachelor guru Reality Steve alleges were sent back and forth between Jenna and her actual boyfriend/lover this summer.

It certainly appears as if Cooper was sleeping with someone else while she was being wooed by Jordan on the aforementioned series.

What is actually going on here? And s there any chance Jordan and Jenna still walk down the aisle next year?

Scroll down to get caught up…

1. What a Perfect Looking Couple

Jenna cooper

Ah, yes, but looks can deceive. This is the most recent photo Jenna shared of herself and Jordan on Instagram prior to the cheating bombshell getting dropped online.

2. The Proposal

The ask

Jordan asked for Jenna’s hand to wrap up Season 5 and the two then asked Chris Harrison to officiate their wedding in June of 2019.

3. The Wedding Would Have Been Televised, Too

Paradise peeps

They announced on the finale that the date would be June 9, 2019 and Cooper said the following about the planned union to People Magazine: “I want our wedding to be extra and fun, just like our personalities. There will be some performances, some outfit changes.”

4. But Now?

Jordan and jenna

YIKES! It’s hard to believe the reality stars make it down the aisle, not when an unnamed person contacted Reality Steve and claimed to have been in a relationship nearly this whole time with Jenna.

5. Why Did This Man Come Forward?

Jordan and jenna photo

“Jenna is a manipulator. She manipulated me. She manipulates the other guys she ‘networks’ with and is apparently manipulating this Jordan guy,” he told Reality Steve, explaining that he met Jenna prior to Bachelor in Paradise filming and was still with her two days before the finale aired.

6. More Jenna Bashing:

Cooper j

Added this individual of Cooper: “She uses men for money and business help and loves the attention along the way. And she just loves to rub in your face that she’s pretty and everyone wants her and how she can easily move onto the next. I’m tired of the bullshit and am calling her out.”

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Bachelor in Paradise Finale Marred by Stunning Cheating Scandal

On the Bachelor in Paradise season finale Tuesday night, Jordan Kimball got down on one knee and proposed to Jenna Cooper.

It was a beautiful moment, as you can see here:

the ask

But the proposal, the acceptance, the finale and possibly the entire relationship has now been marred by an explosive allegation:

Has Jenna been cheating on Jordan?

Indeed, the same day ABC aired footage of Jordan and Jenna agreeing to marry and asking Chris Harrison to officiate their June 2019 wedding, Reality Steve shared text messages between Jenna and the man with whom she has allegedly been sleeping.

Reality Steve, as you may know, is the Internet’s leading purveyor of Bachelor spoilers and Bachelorette spoilers.

The man has his connection. He knows his stuff.

According to Steve, Jenna has been cheating on Jordan all summer with an unnamed man that she met prior to Bachelor in Paradise filming.

A professional relationship between the two, during which they teamed up for a failed business venture, eventually turned intimate.

This is an exchange Steve alleges took place just this past weekend:

jenna text

In another exchange published by Steve, Jenna apologizes for her actions on an episode and tells this lover that she’s only on the show for her “business.”

There’s also this semi-graphic back and forth:

jenna cheats

Yikes, right?

Poor Jordan, right?

This is what he told People Magazine about the depressing development:

“I’m weak in the knees and I feel like I have rocks in my stomach.”

Did Jenna actually cheat, though?

No, she tells this same publication in a statement:

“I am aware of the allegations being made against me and they are simply untrue. I am choosing to focus on my relationship right now. Thank you for respecting my privacy at this time.”

We aren’t exactly doing that.

We’re a celebrity gossip website and it’s our job to discuss allegations of this nature.

All we can do is share the information we’ve received or we’ve seen, however. We cannot verify the above text messages with 100% certainty.

Kimball says he has spoken to Cooper since this story broke — and that he believes the cheating charge to be true.

“I know my Jenna, and I read those texts and in my heart, I know it’s her,” he says, adding to People:

“She was saying she didn’t do it, but hinting towards the fact that there’s a possibility that it happened. In all reality, I don’t expect her to own it.”

paradise peeps

Jordan also says the two were planning an engagement party next month in North Carolina. His parents were planning to attend and everything.

What now?

He can’t say for sure.

But Jordan denies all assertions that the couple faked anything for the camera (“This was not a TV romance. This was real. And whether you like me or not, I deserve love.”) and admits his universe has been rocked by this scandal:

I don’t know how to handle this. All I know is I obviously only knew a limited amount of information about Jenna. This is embarrassing and it hurts my pride. And our friendship is just tarnished.

I don’t even know what piece to pick up or how to put it back.


Saturday, September 8, 2018

Cardi B Denies Ordering Strip Club Beatdown and Calls BS on Offset Cheating

Cardi B says the strip club workers alleging she ordered her crew to beat the crap out of them are full of it … claiming the women are just trying to get famous off her and her husband. Sources close to Cardi and Offset tell TMZ … she strongly…


Thursday, August 30, 2018

Thomas Ravenel Hastily Retracts Ashley Jacobs Cheating Claims!

Over the weekend, Thomas Ravenel accused Ashley Jacobs of having cheated on him during their relationship. He didn’t provide any details — he just made the claim.

Ashley denied cheating in a public statement, essentially saying that Thomas was just upset and wanted to lash out.

Now, Thomas is walking back his words — with very good reason.

Taking to Twitter on Wednesday, Thomas writes: “I have no information that Ashley Jacobs ever cheated on me.”

“In fact as far as I know she has always been true and faithful,” Thomas affirms.

Thomas adds that this was true “especially during the really dark times.”

One assumes that he is referring to the multiple accusations of sexual assault that he is facing.

Thomas admits: “She didn’t deserve my insinuations to the contrary.”

RadarOnline reports that Ashley Jacobs threatened legal action over Thomas’ accusatory tweets.

“Ashley was so upset that Thomas accused her of cheating,” an insider tells the tabloid.

It’s true that he didn’t spell out his accusations, but the source says that “even if it wasn’t by name, everyone knows it was about her.”


In fact, it’s difficult to read his words as anything else but an accusations that Ashley was screwing around with other dudes during their relationship.

The insider says that “she called his attorney super upset about what he wrote.”

We would imagine so. Ashley’s had enough trouble dating after Thomas as it is.

(To be fair, that’s probably because a lot of people saw her vicious verbal attacks on Southern Charm and don’t want that in their lives)

It’s not clear what she said to the attorney, but apparently it worked, “and Thomas quickly put up the new statement.”

Well, at least that is taken care of.

In case you’ve forgotten Thomas’ words from the weekend, here are his insinuations:

“Today, my personal life just took a huge upward turn,” he wrote. “I finally have more than enough information to move forward without any doubt or hesitation and I’ll never look back.”

On its own, that’s super vague. Unfortunately, he elaborated.

“After 30 years,” Thomas continued. “I finally understand the lyrics from that wonderful Chicago tune:”

He reminds followers of the lyrics: “If she would have been faithful / if she could have been true / then I would have been cheated / I would have never known real love.”

We can’t confirm the report that Ashley made a call to Thomas’ attorney, so it’s always possible that Thomas simply decided to retract those words on his own.

According to a number of his fellow Southern Charm stars, Thomas behaves like a decent guy most of the time.

They — and others — have said that his gentlemanly behavior can sometimes give way and reveal someone with an unkind or even frightening temperament 

The relationship between Ashley and Thomas was unnerving to a number of people, who despite Ashley’s extremely hostile behavior found themselves worried that she was in a toxic relationship.

Hopefully, she can move ahead, work on her behavior, and, in time, leave this chapter of her life behind her.
