Showing posts with label Painful. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Painful. Show all posts

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Monday, October 29, 2018

Khloe Kardashian: Reliving Tristan Cheating is "Painful"

Khloe Kardashian is finally, finally speaking about what Tristan Thompson put her through with his massive cheating scandal.

Now that Keeping Up With The Kardashians is getting into the story of baby True’s birth, fans are going to see that scandal unfold.

And Khloe is admitting that reliving that time is “painful.” Is she ready to ditch Tristan?

“I feel so bad for @khloekardashian had to go through what Tristan did while filming #KUWTK,” a fan lamented.

“If I’m not wrong,” the fan predicted. “Next episode will be insane.”

“You’re so strong to put that personal issue as part of the show knowing millions of ppl will watch it,” the fan continued.

The tweet concluded: “I wouldn’t be able to do it.”

“Sadly, it will” be insane, Khloe confirmed.

“I signed up to show the for the good and the bad, right?” Khloe wrote. “The bad is very hard to relive but it’s life.”

That almost vague tweet from Khloe about how difficult it is to relive this part of her life is … kind of huge.

For the most part, she has avoided directly addressing Tristan Thompson’s cheating scandal.

It has now been more than sixth months, though.

Not only is she reliving the horror of it on reality television …

(It’s about to blow wide open on screen in front of the entire world)

… But she has had a lot of time to think about whether or not she is really prepared to spend the rest of her life worrying if another cheating scandal will break.

On top of that, Khloe has been dropping hints that she may have ditched Tristan.

For starters, the two of them haven’t interacted on social media in ages.

That, on its own, could be a coincidence. Sometimes you don’t publicly “@” each other.

But then there’s the advice that Khloe has been peddling to her fans and followers.

People have noticed that Khloe seems less blissfully naive — and willing and ready to excise toxic people from her life.

“Free yourself from negative people,” Khloe recently counseled her fans adn followers.

“Spend time with nice people who are smart, driven, and likeminded,” she continued.

Most significantly, Khloe shared: “Relationships should help you, not hurt you.”

“Surround yourself with people who reflect the person you want to be,” she advised.

When Khloe shared that message, Kourtney seconded the opinion, which looked to fans a lot like her pushing Khloe to ditch Tristan.

Khloe also recently shared that she is “not the woman i was 5 months ago.”

Five months ago, of course, Khloe seemed desperate to reconcile with Tristan despite what he had done.

At the end of the day, however, it is believed that Khloe clings to Tristan the way that she does for True’s sake.

Precious baby True is six months old, and it is perceived that Khloe doesn’t want her to grow up with parents who aren’t together.

It’s sweet that Khloe wants what’s best for True, but her fans have pointed out that a toxic relationship is not better for a child than co-parents.

But until very recently, it hasn’t looked like Khloe has been willing to listen to anyone else’s advice.

Ultimately, whether or not Khloe breaks up with Tristan is Khloe’s choice.

Not Kim’s, not Kourtney’s, not Kris’ … and certainly not her fans.

(It could always be Tristan who decides to end things, which would certainly be an unexpected twist)

Maybe Khloe and Tristan will outlast all expectations.

But if Khloe is finally speaking frankly about how painful it is to relive the scandal, which was entirely his doing, then maybe she’s rethinking that.

Or maybe, as some believe, she and Tristan are already over.


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Jenelle Evans Opens Up About Painful Childhood in New Memoir

Jenelle Evans has long been the preferred punching bag of angry Teen Mom 2 fans.

To a large segment of the show’s audience, Jenelle embodies the recklessness, negligence, and sense of entitlement that’s put the show at the center of so many critical thinkpieces over the years.

But while Evans claims that her abhorrent behavior is created in the cutting room by crafty Teen Mom 2 editors are clearly BS, obsessive Jenelle haters might do well to listen to her side of things before continuing to devote their lives to seething over the behavior of someone they’ve never met.

Evans has opened up about her difficult childhood and her absentee father before, but now, sources say she’s ready to delve into greater detail in a forthcoming memoir.

Those closest to Jenelle say her troubled past helps to shed light on her current demons, and they believe fans will see the mother of three in a different light following the July 25 release of her memoir, Between the Lines: From the Diary of a Teenage Mother.

While Jenelle is far from the first Teen Mom to add “author” to her resume (Kailyn Lowry and Farrah Abraham have each been credited with penning multiple books.), her literary is different in that it  

“The book shares raw emotional stories of Jenelle’s youth that have helped shape the woman she has become, all drawn from her childhood diary,” a source close to Evans tells Radar Online

“My book will put into perspective how I was brought up and raised,” Evans recently tweeted.

“Gives everyone my point of view. Everyone will understand me now!”

Insiders say much of the book deals with Jenelle’s father, Robert Evans, and his alleged abandonment of his children when Jenelle was just four years old.

Roberts admits to having little to no contact with his kids over the years, but he maintains that he was forced to leave due to abuse from Evans’ mother, Barbara Evans.

“They don’t call me,” Robert recently told Radar.

“They don’t get in touch with me. And I have no idea how to get in touch with them.”

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive all of Jenelle’s ups and downs over the years.


Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Gabby Douglas Updates Fans On Health (And It Sounds Painful)

Fans wanted to know why Gabby Douglas missed Sunday’s VMAs, where her four teammates presented Beyonce with a Moon Man for Best Female Video.

It turns out that Douglas is battling a mouth infection that landed her back in the hospital Sunday, her rep told People.

“Gabby is back in the hospital tonight being treated for a seriously infected past mouth injury.  She continues to have deep swelling and adverse reactions to medication.”  

Last night, Douglas was feeling well enough to let fans know that she’s on the road to recovery, but it’s been a bit of a painful journey.

“Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that I’m doing ok” Douglas wrote on Instagram alongside a picture of herself in a dentist’s chair.

Gabby Douglas Dentist Chair

“I had a complication from a prior injury that caused a cyst to grow on a bone in my mouth.

“Got it removed and feeling much better now!

“Thanks for all your concerns and prayers  and HUGE thank you to the doctors that have taken care of me these last four days! #ontheroadtorecovery #butIstillgottagetthesewisdomteethout”

Douglas’ teammates – Aly Raisman, Simone Biles, Madison Kocian and Laurie Hernandez – missed their girl, but knew it was best for her to stay home (and good thing, too, since she had to be hospitalized again).

Gabby Douglas Bedridden

“I think she’s feeling a little better, but she’s staying home as a precaution,” Biles told People on the red carpet Sunday night.

“We’re sad she couldn’t be here to enjoy this with us. We miss her!”

Hernandez told Entertainment Tonight that though the growth needed to be closely watched, Douglas is going to pull through.

“It’s a little bit swollen, but we hope she can get better soon because we wish she could be here with us,” she said.

Get well soon, Gabby!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Snooki Gets Botox, Shares Painful Experience On Snapchat

No one asked, but Snooki recorded her Botox procedure on Snapchat anyway.

And now, we can"t unsee it.

Nicole "Snookie" LaValle went back to Dr. Ratmin Kassir for a lip perk-up and some Botox, according to Fishwrapper.

"Today I"m getting needles in my face," Snooki told viewers.  "Getting my first Botox in my forehead. And I"m doing a little plump in my lips, too.

Snooki first turned to the needle last August, because she wasn"t happy with her pout.

"I"ve always hated my thin lips and never thought I had the balls to get needles in my lip to perfect them but I did!" the Jersey Shore alum posted to Instagram, hoping to inspire others who are too afraid (or too poor) to get fillers.

"First session of lip plumps and it"s just fabulous. Trust me girls, I was terrified to get my first "procedure" ever done, but it wasn"t terrible at all! And I hate needles! I love my "natural beauty," but being able to enhance my lips to make me feel better about myself is life."

If you are thinking about getting your lips perked up, keep it mind that it requires upkeep.

"I had to go a couple times because you can’t just plump them up huge the first time," Snooki told toofab. "This is it. This is all I wanna do, a nice little plump, a nice top lip.

"I’m not gonna go any bigger. [But] obviously you have to keep going because they’re gonna shrink."

PS, she could also give two hoots about what you think, because their her lips, damn it, and she"ll plump if she wants to.

"I honestly don"t care what people say about me because they don"t know me.

"I always say I"m not living for them, I"m living for myself. People talk, that"s just our nature. People are a**holes, so you just gotta deal with it."

I never thought it was possible to experience pain by watching something, but I all of a sudden have a tremendous headache.

Snooki gets botox shares painful experience on snapchat

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Jenelle Evans Opens Up About Painful Past on New Website

Jenelle Evans has been having a rough time lately, but then again, we could say that about just about any period of time in the life of Teen Mom‘s most troubled trainwreck.

No doubt many fans have wondered where it all started to go wrong for Jenelle, and now the 24-year-old mother of two is opening up for the first time about her child – and the biological father she barely knew.

Jenelle launched a new website today, and her first blog post is a surprisingly candid reflection 

“A lot of people ask and wonder about my biological father; where he is, why isn’t he in my life,” Jenelle writes.

“For some reason my siblings and my mother always had a sour attitude towards my father and I had no idea why.  Later on I found out there was a huge reason behind that. I’ll save that for my book.”

Obviously, Jenelle wasn’t going to give up all the details for free, but she did offer some insight as to why she’s no longer in contact with her father:

“My mother and father never got along, and I don’t remember, but there was always arguing and physical altercations in my household growing up,” she writes.

Sadly, the pattern seems to be repeating itself, as Jenelle has been arrested for violent altercations on more than one occasion.

She’s currently awaiting trial for assaulting the girlfriend of Nathan Griffith, the father of her second child. 

Between the new website and her planned memoir, Jenelle has clearly been doing a lot of writing lately, and we can only hope it’ll serve as a form of therapy.

We’ve certainly been amused by her antics over the years, but at this point, we’d love nothing more than to see her shock the world by turning her life around.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive some of Jenelle’s many highs and lows.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Kim Kardashian: Birth Was Most Painful Thing Ever!

She gave birth to a healthy baby boy on December 5th, but Kim Kardashian’s labor sounded like it was excruciating.

Sources told TMZ that Kardashian suffers from “placenta accreta,” which occurs when the placenta grows too deeply into the uterus.

This added a reported two hours to the delivery, but Kardashian was able to have her child naturally rather than via C-section.

“The Issue made the birth more difficult,” sources told the site.

“Kim’s recovering from what she’s calling a ‘very painful’ experience, but we’re told the ordeal’s taken its toll on her appetite. No cravings … just a lot of hospital oatmeal.”

Kris Jenner and Khloe Kardashian were seen arriving at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles to visit the newest addition. 

Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick also stopped by to congratulate Kim and Kanye; 

Kim has been honest about her difficult pregnancy, telling fans that after North West’s birth, her doctor had to go in and “scrape out” her uterus because the placenta would not come out.

Last week, Kim and Kanye’s son was breeched, Kim had to undergo a procedure to move the little guy into the proper position.

“I’ve surrendered to the placenta issues and actually haven’t been thinking too deeply about them lately. However, my latest concern is that my baby is breech, meaning he’s in the wrong position for childbirth,” Kardashian wrote on her site.

“His head is still up and it’s supposed to be down. He was supposed to turn by 32 weeks.”

At press time, Kim and Kanye still have not released their son’s name.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Kim Kardashian: Baby No Longer Breech After Painful Procedure

Kim Kardashian’s second pregnancy is turning out to be even more complicated and difficult than her first.

Last week, we learned that Kim’s baby is breech, meaning that he’s in the wrong position for delivery, and would likely require a C-section.

Yesterday, however, Kim revealed on her website that her baby is no longer breech following a painful and difficult procedure:

“This weekend, I checked into the hospital and underwent a procedure called an external cephalic version (ECV), which is done to manually turn the baby from a breech position to a head-down position,” Kim wrote.

In the article (hilariously titled “My Baby Boy is Turnt!”) Kim goes on to say that she was given an intravenous medication to relax her uterus while three doctors worked to re-position the fetus.

She was warned beforehand that there was a chance who water might break or that the baby’s heart rate would drop. Either scenario would have required an emergency C-section.

Thankfully, everything went according to plan, and Kim says she’s currently resting comfortably at home.

Obviously, the best news here is that the baby is no longer breech, and Kim will now hopefully have her choice of delivery methods.

But as a bonus, this should put a rest to those rumors that Kim is faking her pregnancy problems

Monday, November 16, 2015

Kim Kardashian: Why North"s Birth Was "The Most Painful Experience"

Kim Kardashian has every right to be terrified of labor.

When she was pregnant with North West in 2013, Kardashian suffered from preeclampsia.  During her June delivery, things got worse for the new mom.  

Normally the placenta comes out right after the baby is born, but with Kardashian, her doctor had to go into her womb and scrape it out by hand.

In a post on her site today, Kardashian called the procedure the “most painful experience of my life.”

With baby number two, a boy, due in December, Kardashian is frightened about labor because her previous condition could have negative effects. 

“With the issues I had last time, my risk of having preclampsia and placenta acreeta are increased and there’s not a whole lot I can do to prevent it, so my anxiety is a little high leading up to my delivery.

“In a very rare case, I might need a hysterectomy after delivery if my condition is severe enough, but luckily my doctor doesn’t think this will happen.”

The 35-year-old, who has been honest about not loving pregnancy, wanted to share her story with other expectant moms.

“My advice to anyone going through this or anything difficult during pregnancy is that all you can do is be hopeful, get the best information out there and just be prepared,” Kardashian wrote.

“The more information you have, the better you know how to handle it!”