Showing posts with label Childhood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Childhood. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Tyler Baltierra Opens Up About Childhood Sexual Trauma

In a reality TV franchise famous for shining a spotlight on some atrociously unfit fathers, Tyler Baltierra has been a welcome change of pace for over a decade.

Catelynn Lowell"s husband has long been a favorite of Teen Mom OG fans, particularly after they witnessed the way he supported his wife during her struggles with PTSD.

And Tyler"s strength in the face of such difficulties is all the more impressive due to the considerable traumas he"s suffered himself — traumas that he opened up about in a surprisingly candid interview.

Take a look:

1. The Face of Courage

Tyler baltierra instagram selfie

Throughout his time on Teen Mom OG, Tyler has been admirably forthcoming about his painful past.

2. Tough Times

Tyler baltierra and catelynn lowell at the vmas

While Tyler has never blamed his parents for his present difficulties, he’s been open about the fact that he grew up in an unstable household and has carried his childhood scars into adulthood.

3. A Supporting Role

Catelynn lowell and tyler baltierra 2018 selfie

Of course, Tyler’s struggles often receive less attention from TMOG fans and producers than those of his wife, Catelynn Lowell.

4. The Strong, Silent Type

Tyler baltierra gets honest on instagram

And that’s probably quite alright by Tyler, who generally seems to put his family ahead of himself.

5. Opening Up

Tyler baltierra selfie

But while he doesn’t thirst for attention like so many reality stars, Tyler also doesn’t shy away from sharing the most intimate and painful details of his life.

6. Moral Duty

Tyler baltierra and fancy jacket

“I feel, with my platform, I have a moral obligation to help people,” Tyler once remarked, and in talking about the pain of his childhood sexual traumas, he’s attempting to do exactly that.

View Slideshow

Friday, July 27, 2018

Matt Roloff Opens Up About Challenging Childhood (He Underwent HOW Many Surgeries?!?)

We interrupt our typical forcasting of Matt Roloff’s future to delve a bit into Matt Roloff’s past.

Over the past several weeks, we’ve wondered whether Roloff will remain on Little People, Big World, considering he’s moved part-time to Arizona and has also admitted that he’s maybe growing sick and tired of running the farm.

Not to mention… will he soon get engaged to Caryn Chandler?

Those topics can be put on hold for a moment, however.

Because Roloff was a guest on the podcast “Reality Life with Kate Casey” this week and opened up like never before about his unique and challenging childhood.

Did you know, for example, that the reality star underwent 15 surgeries as a child?!?

Yes, 15 surgeries.

They all related to Matt being born with Achondroplasia, a type of dwarfism that causes problems in one’s shoulders, legs, hips, knees and arms.

But we’ll let Roloff talk about this a bit more in-depth.

“As they say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,” Matt said during this interview, explaining that he would play chess, checkers and Legos to keep his mind focused during these challenging times.

“I had a rough childhood,” he added.

“Not from a family perspective but just from orthopedic surgery, spending long periods of time – sometimes months – in a hospital with very limited access to your parents.

“It was just the way they did it back in those days and going through some very painful operations.

“So I do think all of that sort of built up a muscle of resiliency and gave me a sense of can-do and tenacity.”

Times have changed, of course. Technology has advanced.

It’s very possible that someone born these days with Roloff’s condition could avoid many of these procedures.

But Matt’s brother, Josh, passed away from severe heart and lung problems many years ago.

“When Joshua was born – about two weeks before Christmas in 1964 when I was over two years old – my parents faced more childbirth trauma,” Matt wrote in his memoir, Against Tall Odds: Being A David In A Goliath World.

“Only this time it was the uncertainty over whether their new baby would ever make it out of the hospital alive.

“Not long after the delivery, the doctors diagnosed Josh as having severe heart and lung problems they thought would probably take his life before he was a day old.”

For those unaware, Both of Matt’s parents are of average size, as is his sister.

However, his brother, Sam, has the same form of degenerative dwarfism as Matt.

Matt did note on the podcast, though, that he doesn’t want any sympathy.

He knows that everyone has struggles.

“Life is tough,” he says. “Everyone goes through different adversity, but it’s how you react to it and what it makes out of you.”

This is a noble thing for Matt to say, but let’s be honest: he went through more than most people ever do. All in the course of a couple years. All as a child.

Roloff spent over 700 days in hospitals back then, undergoing various corrective surgeries and procedures.

To this day, he still can’t stand up straight or walk without the help of his crutches.

In 2016, he underwent a neck surgery that could have left him paralyzed.

Thankfully, he came out of that procedure strong and, as anyone knows who visits his Instagram page on a regular basis, feels spry enough these days to try and keep up with his adorable grandkids, Ember and Jackson.

Way to go, Matt.

We admire your attitude and persistance.


Friday, May 11, 2018

Mackenzie Ziegler Blasts Dance Moms: I Had No Childhood!

While Abby Lee Miller struggles through her chemo treatments, another former Dance Moms star is telling all about her experience on the show.

13-year-old Mackenzie Ziegler is following in big sister Maddie’s footsteps; she has written a book!

In Kenzie’s Rules for Life, she talks about missing her childhood while dancing on TV, and she slams Dance Moms as a toxic environment.

RadarOnline reports on some of the contents of Mackenzie’s tell-all book. Within the pages, Mackenzie confesses that she felt inadequate and insecure during her reality television career.

“I didn’t feel like I was good enough.”

That’s a normal feeling to have, but for a young child to experience it while being thrust into the spotlight is … sad.

“I was also really nervous about people watching me on TV.”

Of course! She was a child. She is still, for that matter, a child. She’s barely a teenager.

“Would they laugh at me? Would I look really stupid up there?”

Dancing in a room full of dancers is one thing. Doing so on television is another.

“I know the cameras would be following us around and catching everything I did and said. I was embarrassed and really insecure.”

Like her sister Maddie Ziegler’s tell-all book, Mackenzie’s does not mention Abby Lee Miller by name.

But you can see “vague” hints that appear to refer to her.

“I always felt like I had to live up to people’s expectations of me.”

A number of people suspect that Mackenzie is referring to Miller, here.

“I thought everyone was constantly judging me, watching each move and tearing it apart, nitpicking everything I did, and laughing at me behind my back.”

Yeah, that definitely sounds like how Miller came across on the show.

“The competitive dance world and reality TV can get a little crazy.”

Mackenzie also mentions that she basically missed out on a lot of important parts of being a child.

“It was pretty much my answer to every party, play date, after-school activity, you name it: ‘Sorry, I have dance."”

Strange that we live in a world where you (correctly) can’t send your child to work in a mine or a textile factory, but kids can be trotted out on TV and dance themselves into exhaustion.

“I started to regret not being a ‘real kid’ with a real life. I felt like I had no childhood, and it made me sad and angry.”

Those feelings sound very justified.

To make matters worse, Mackenzie reveals that she was the target of online bullying over social media.

“People would be so cruel to me in comments.”

For one thing, they would make unfavorable comparisons between her and her sister.

“They would compare me to my sister, saying that I wasn’t as pretty or as talented as Maddie.”

Vicious and inexcusable.

“They called me fat; they said I was ugly and had big bunny teeth that stuck out.”

I cannot imagine saying these vile things to anyone, let alone a child.

“They made fun of my costumes and my routines, called me a crybaby and a loser.”

Absolutely despicable.

“I felt like I was constantly being attacked. It made me paranoid and insecure.”

That kind of experience can haunt you for life.

Mackenzie says that it took almost her entire run on Dance Moms to work up the courage to put her foot down and leave the series.

“I was over it.”

By the way, are you aware that Mackenzie herself was not paid for her time on the show? She’s worth 2 million, thanks to other appearances and endorsements and tours.

“I felt like the constant competition life was getting to me too much.”

Absolutely understandable.

“It wasn’t fun for me anymore; I was ready to move on and do something else.”

Good for her.

“It was me knowing I was capable of doing so much more in my life and feeling ambitious and a little ‘itchy’ to branch out. I was ready to move on.”

Considering that Maddie’s book also did not mention Abby Lee Miller by name, we assume that Mackenzie avoided naming her from the start.

That is for the best, since Miller has been diagnosed with cancer. Releasing a book that bashes someone while they’re in the hospital fighting for their life would be all kinds of awkward.

That said, Miller did shade Mackenzie over allegedly vaping, but that’s a far cry from actively bashing someone.

We hope that Abby Lee Miller makes a swift and full recovery.

We also hope that Mackenzie Ziegler continues to see success — and that she gets to, at least, have an almost normal adolescence since she was robbed of a childhood.


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Bruno Mars Sued Over Cute Childhood Pic from His Elvis Days

Bruno Mars engaged in a little jailhouse rock when he slapped a pic of himself as a pint-sized Elvis Presley impersonator all over his social media … at least according to the photog who just sued Bruno. Catherine McGann says she…


Thursday, September 28, 2017

Ariel Winter: Mother Accuses Her of LYING About Childhood Abuse!

Apparently it wasn"t enough for Crystal Workman to slut-shame Ariel Winter, her own daughter, on national television.

Now, in yet another interview with Inside Edition, Crystal Workman is back and trying to drag Ariel Winter"s name through the mud, accusing her of lying — among other things.

At you watch the video (below), you have to ask yourself — what exactly is Crystal"s goal, here? What does she hope to achieve?

Ariel winter crystal workman split 2Crystal workman on inside edition

Ariel Winter has been in the acting business since she was just a little girl.

Based upon every description that we"ve ever heard, Crystal Workman was exactly the worst sort of "stage mom" that you might imagine.

We"ve heard descriptions of Ariel being taken to parties and told to mingle with adult professionals late at night when she had to get up early the next day.

One of her teachers recalls how she would order an extra meal in her own name so that she could sneak food to Ariel, whose diet was apparently extremely restricted to prevent her from gaining weight — even as a young child.

Even more seriously, Ariel has also accused her mother of abuse, from emotional torment to physical violence.

All of this was enough that Ariel, when she was ready, sought to become an emancipated minor at 14. At 15, she was finally free, and her older sister was awarded guardianship.

That"s a rare opportunity — the majority of abused young people either run away or endure it until adulthood (or even after turning 18), because legal emancipation requires money and support that most people have. And, in most cases, social services can do very little to intervene.

Ariel very likely has a long road to total recovery from her traumatic childhood, but now she"s an adult with a loving boyfriend and a strong career.

And a killer body that she doesn"t mind showing off for the camera.

Ariel winter on lake tahoe

The last time that Crystal Workman railed against Ariel Winter in front of the cameras, it was mostly so that she could try to slut-shame her daughter for daring to show some skin.

First of all, everyone has the right to show off parts of their meat prison — and Ariel is an adult and her photos are all Instagram-appropriate.

Second of all, Ariel"s curvy figure and proud photos have done wonders for body positivity.

You might say that Ariel Winter"s been waging her own crusade against body-shaming.

Crystal Workman also tried to shame Ariel for cutting ties with her, as if that isn"t the exact right thing to do in the case of a toxic relationship.

We saw what was essentially Crystal whining about being "homeless" (she was living in a storage facility with a bathroom after selling her home), as if Ariel or her sister should have reached out to her to help.

There are people out there who will reach out and financially support abusers. Tyler Perry does this.

We"re glad to know that Ariel Winter isn"t one of them.

Ariel winter shows off her peach

In the video below, which came out yesterday, it looks like Crystal Workman is specifically trying to refute details that Ariel Winter shared about her childhood abuse.

We know that this will come across as truly shocking, but … the person who"s accused of abuse denies it and says that their accuser is lying.

Truly unprecedented, we know.

"She continues to attack me. It"s heartbreaking."

Yeah. We"ll play you a sad song on the world"s smallest violin.

"I think she wants the headlines. I think she craves attention. If that means throwing your mother under the bus and hurting her and breaking her heart, she’s going to do it."

Well, "craving attention" is kind of the job of a celebrity, but especially an actor who needs attention and demand in order to get work and promote their show.

But we kind of feel like Crystal is projecting a little, here.

It looks like Crystal wants headlines, which is why she"s giving out these interviews.

Ariel winter black swimsuit

Now, Crystal Workman isn"t necessarily a woman with a firm grasp on reality. She may actually believe a lot of what she"s saying.

But we find it hard to believe that she genuinely expects that if she just keeps negging Ariel and calling her a liar in the news, Ariel will finally throw up her hands and go "fine, I guess we"re family again."

What seems more likely to us is that maybe Crystal is hoping that people will feel sorry for her and that her interviews will pressure Ariel into giving her what would amount to hush money.

At least, that"s what this looks like. We make no claims to have read Crystal Workman"s mind.

(And we wouldn"t care to if we had that power)

But Ariel has accused Crystal of abuse and let"s be very clear about one thing: victims owe their abusers nothing.

Watch this video and let us know what you think that Crystal is after.

Ariel winter mother accuses her of lying about childhood abuse

Friday, September 15, 2017

Ariel Winter: New Details of Tragic Childhood Abuse Revealed

Ariel Winter is honestly just a treasure, isn’t she?

Lately it’s been mostly because of all the body positivity stuff — girl is the best in the game at rocking some scandalous clothing and being completely unapologetic for it.

Because really, why should she have to apologize for wearing short shorts or revealing tops?

But while Ariel’s amazing crusade against body-shaming is something to be proud of for sure, and while it’s definitely one of our favorite topics to discuss, that’s not exactly why we’re here today.

Nope, the topic today is Ariel’s sad childhood and the amazing strength she’s shown in overcoming it.

You probably know at least a little about the story — it was big news a few years ago.

Essentially, after being investigated by child protective services, Ariel was removed from her mother’s care when she was 14 and temporary custody was given to her older sister.

Then, when she was 15, she was emancipated.

Those are the basics, but the full story, which Ariel is sharing in a new interview with the Hollywood Reporter, is quite a bit more disturbing.

As she tells it, she began acting when she was just four years old — not necessarily because she really wanted to, but because it was what her mother, Crystal Workman, wanted.

Throughout the beginnings of her acting career, her mother informed her that she wasn’t allowed to associate with other girls at all, “because females are competition.”

She says that her mom put an insane amount of pressure on her — “You don’t get to mess up when you have somebody around you who is constantly watching.”

Her mother also made sure that Ariel’s access to food was “very, very restricted,” so that she wouldn’t gain too much weight.

That part is especially concerning, seeing as how she began her career when she was just four years old and her mother was in charge for years after, throughout her most formative years.

She also wasn’t able to go to school very often, because acting trumped education.

As for her father, she says that “He just opted out a little bit,” and he was never really around.

And just when you thought things couldn’t get any sadder, she adds that from the time she was about seven years old, she was dressed in “the smallest miniskirts, sailor suits, low-cut things, the shortest dresses you’ve ever seen.”

“People thought I was 24 when I was 12.”

Even more disturbing is the fact that she says “If there was going to be a nude scene when I was that age, my mother would have a thousand percent said yes.”

The adults on the Modern Family set (she began working on the show when she was 11 years old) also noticed that things weren’t quite right.

The on-set tutor reveals to the magazine that “I would order a couple lunches in my name so Ariel could eat one of them. I could tell she was hungry.”

“Boiled chicken and cucumbers isn’t going to do it for a growing kid.”

The tutor also claims that “Her mother kept her out late at night at these ridiculous parties. She was 12 and 13 years old and had to be on set at 6:30, 7:00.”

When she was around 14, Ariel says that she “went through a really rough period, a really bad chapter.”

Her old teacher says that although she’d been concerned for her wellbeing for years, she wanted to wait until she asked her specifically to get help, and in 2012 she did.

“Ariel told me she was ready,” the woman says. “She was very scared … She knew the consequences.”

At first Ariel thought she’d have to go into foster care, and she was prepared to do so, but then her older sister was able to step in and take custody.

And you know the rest.

Thankfully, she’s doing much, much better these days — she’s going to therapy and doing some catch-up work with her education.

This month she’s even beginning college classes at UCLA!

“The reason I’m going to college,” she explains, “is because I do want knowledge in another field. College isn’t the college experience for me.”

“I’m not going to be in a sorority, I’m not going to network, I’m not even really going to make my lifelong friends. I’ve had the career experience. I’ve had the experience of taking care of myself.”

“I’m going to college because I genuinely want to learn,” she says.

She’s not sure what exactly she wants to study, but she does say that she wants to be able to start a charity and to help people who’ve been through similar experiences.

“Even though I wish I had a better childhood,” she says, “I wouldn’t trade it, because it made me who I am today.”

“I still respect the people that hurt me.”

Yeah, we feel like despite all she’s been through, Ariel is going to be just fine.


Thursday, August 3, 2017

Isobel Kennerley: Kate Middleton"s Childhood Friend Dies at 34

Isobel Kennerley, a childhood friend of Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton, has died after a three-year battle against a brain tumor.

She was only 34.

Kennerley, who was a member of Kate’s Brownie pack, tragically suffered “utmost pain” and dignity in recent years, according to her family.

Her mother, Christine Eeley, hopes Isobel’s passing will ultimately result in a change in the nation’s law to enable terminally ill patients.

Those who are terminally ill should be be able to “control the manner and the timing” of their deaths, says the 65-year-old mother-of-two.

“Isobel became trapped in her body … She couldn’t move a muscle, couldn’t eat and couldn’t speak at the end.”

“She was bedridden for so long that she developed huge hideous, stinking bedsores on her back and buttocks.”

“She cried out endlessly in pain and when she was able to mumble a few words, begged her husband and me every single day to help her to die.”

Isobel, who had cerebral palsy, met Kate and her sister Pippa Middleton, in 1990, when they joined the 1st St Andrew’s pack of Brownies.

The trio slept in camp bunk beds in old RAF buildings, set in 17 acres at Macaroni Wood, in the Cotswolds, where they fed chickens.

Along with the other girls, they collected eggs, watched chicks hatch, bottle-fed lambs and kid goats and went for horse-and-cart rides.

“I really enjoyed it,” Isobel recalled later, adding that the Middletons and everyone were “really kind to me because I have a disability.”

“I remember going to Brownie camp at Macaroni Wood and coming back to find an owl at the end of my bed. I don’t remember what I did to deserve it.”

“I remember feeling really pleased.”

After Brownies, Kate and Isobel’s paths diverged as the two girls went to different schools, but those memories are vivid and lasting.

Isobel went onto become a teaching assistant at Newbury’s St. Bartholomew’s School, specializing in caring for autistic children.

It was while she was at Newbury College that she would meet her future husband Scott Kennerley, 33, who was working at a local hotel.

The couple married in 2010, and she had begun to work toward a Master’s Degree. Yet four years later, Isobel fell seriously ill.

“She started to get pains in the left-hand side of her body,” said her mother Eeley, who also has a son Alexander, 37.

“We all thought it was her cerebral palsy. She was really struggling. She gradually had to be in a manual wheelchair and then in a power chair.”

“We went back to the GP time and time again but nobody got to the bottom of what was causing her pain. In the end I insisted we saw a neurologist.”

Isobel was diagnosed with the tumor at Reading’s Royal Berkshire Hospital in September 2014, after being given an MRI scan.

It was discovered, after having a biopsy, that she discovered she had a Grade IV glioblastoma and there was no cure for it.

“We were just devastated,” her mother said. “You never imagine that your child will die before you. But Isobel was so brave.”

“She faced it head on.” 

Over the next year, Isobel had six weeks of daily chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment before undergoing another six months of chemo.

That succeeded in shrinking the tumor, but by August last year she was unable to walk as her condition began to deteriorate.

She was awarded this year’s Sue Ryder Southern Woman of Courage Award for her bravery in fighting through the ordeal.

In March she went into Reading’s Sue Ryder Hospice where she was given days to live; Isobel lived another seven weeks.

“Isobel was the bravest girl imaginable,” said her mother.

“She was born with cerebral palsy and was paralyzed down the left side of her body, but she always pushed herself beyond her physical limits. “

“She never ever complained about what life had thrown at her and, even as a child and after many operations to help her mobility.”

“She just smiled her way through life.”


Thursday, June 22, 2017

Madonna"s Childhood Home Near Detroit Up for Sale

The house Madonna grew up in outside of Detroit is fully restored and up for sale … and can be yours for about half a mil. The Queen of Pop’s dad and stepmother sold the Rochester Hills, Michigan home in July 2001. It almost burned to the ground…


Friday, June 9, 2017

Jenelle Evans Reveals Heartbreaking Childhood: My Dad Abandoned Me!

For as long as we can remember, Jenelle Evans has been a complete and total trainwreck.

But to be fair, she didn’t magically become that way.

Sure, she’s done a lot of terrible things.

After getting pregnant at 16, she signed custody of her newborn over to her mother so that she could party, and eventually so that she could develop a heroin addiction.

In addition to the drugs, she’s been arrested numerous times for assault.

She went on to have two more kids with two more men, and in all these years, she’s never shown one single ounce of self awareness.

But, as we’ve seen on Teen Mom 2, Jenelle’s mother, Barbara, has issues of her own.

Good ol’ Babs is prone to yelling, too, and she and Jenelle obviously have a very toxic relationship. She’s even said that when she was younger, she used to be a lot like her daughter.

So with Barbara for a mother, and … wait, have we ever even seen Jenelle’s father?

No, we have not.

And, according to an excerpt from Jenelle’s upcoming book, his absence played a major role in how she turned out.

Her book is titled Read Between the Lines: From the Diary of a Teenage Mom, and as you can probably imagine, it includes some old diary entries, along with some updated reflections.

In one section of the book, Jenelle writes “Robert Evans was only in my life for a little while. For that short and glorious time, I was daddy’s little girl.”

“I loved and admired him. I still do in some way.”

But, she continues, “Without warning everything changed, and my dad cut himself out of my life.”

“Even now, as a grown woman, we don’t talk. Maybe one day that will change. Maybe one day we can find one another, get to know each other, and he can finally be my father.”

“Until then, he is just my biological dad.”

She goes on to recall some things about the man — for instance, she remembers him being “an awesome singer and musician,” and he loved driving around, listening to music.

She also remembers that he didn’t get along with Barbara, mostly because of his “misplaced sense of priorities.”

“Having been in and out of my own troubled relationships,” she writes, “I can only guess at what their marriage was like.”

“It was rocky enough not to last, and that says enough on its own, I suppose.”

Sadly, she adds that she wishes she had paid more attention then “so I could watch for the same signs in my own life.”

This isn’t the first time she’s talked about her father, but it seems like this is the first time she’s going into as much detail.

Last year, she wrote a surprisingly candid entry on her website about her father, explaining that he left the family when she was just 5 or 6 years old.

She teased her book even then, writing that her older siblings and her mother “always had a sour attitude towards my father and I had no idea why.”

“Later on I found out there was a huge reason behind that. I’ll save that for my book.”

While we don’t know the big bombshell yet, Jenelle also wrote then that her parents got into “physical altercations” regularly, and though he visited them for a few years after he left Barbara, he eventually stopped.

He called once, a couple of years after that, but she never saw him again.

“I don’t know what happened in the past, everyone has a past but everyone can change,” she wrote.

“I know he loved his kids and if he didn’t he wouldn’t have tried to be in our lives in the first place.”

Oh, Jenelle …


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Hayden Panettiere"s Childhood Home Up for Sale (PHOTO GALLERY)

The home Hayden Panettiere was living in when she was breaking into showbiz as a child star is now on the market for $ 1.75 million. The crib’s in Palisades, New York … a ritzy suburban enclave where Angelina Jolie grew up, and stars like Bill…


Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Nick Cannon"s Childhood Friend Is Fatal Victim in San Diego Mass Shooting (PHOTO)

Nick Cannon says the woman who was killed in the San Diego area mass shooting over the weekend was a dear friend. Monique Clark was the only fatality in the shooting Sunday in La Jolla … where 7 other people were injured. Nick posted a childhood…


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Jenelle Evans Opens Up About Painful Childhood in New Memoir

Jenelle Evans has long been the preferred punching bag of angry Teen Mom 2 fans.

To a large segment of the show’s audience, Jenelle embodies the recklessness, negligence, and sense of entitlement that’s put the show at the center of so many critical thinkpieces over the years.

But while Evans claims that her abhorrent behavior is created in the cutting room by crafty Teen Mom 2 editors are clearly BS, obsessive Jenelle haters might do well to listen to her side of things before continuing to devote their lives to seething over the behavior of someone they’ve never met.

Evans has opened up about her difficult childhood and her absentee father before, but now, sources say she’s ready to delve into greater detail in a forthcoming memoir.

Those closest to Jenelle say her troubled past helps to shed light on her current demons, and they believe fans will see the mother of three in a different light following the July 25 release of her memoir, Between the Lines: From the Diary of a Teenage Mother.

While Jenelle is far from the first Teen Mom to add “author” to her resume (Kailyn Lowry and Farrah Abraham have each been credited with penning multiple books.), her literary is different in that it  

“The book shares raw emotional stories of Jenelle’s youth that have helped shape the woman she has become, all drawn from her childhood diary,” a source close to Evans tells Radar Online

“My book will put into perspective how I was brought up and raised,” Evans recently tweeted.

“Gives everyone my point of view. Everyone will understand me now!”

Insiders say much of the book deals with Jenelle’s father, Robert Evans, and his alleged abandonment of his children when Jenelle was just four years old.

Roberts admits to having little to no contact with his kids over the years, but he maintains that he was forced to leave due to abuse from Evans’ mother, Barbara Evans.

“They don’t call me,” Robert recently told Radar.

“They don’t get in touch with me. And I have no idea how to get in touch with them.”

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive all of Jenelle’s ups and downs over the years.


Friday, March 17, 2017

Jonathan Lipnicki Says Talking About Childhood Bullying is Liberating (VIDEO)

Jonathan Lipnicki just hit 2 big milestones — starring in more movies as an adult than as a kid … and being honest about his childhood demons. We got the former child star — who became famous as a kid star in “Jerry Maguire” and…


Thursday, March 2, 2017

Jane Fonda Reveals Rape, Childhood Abuse in Shocking New Interview

Jane Fonda is a remarkable woman.

From her support to the civil rights movement in the 1960s to her involvement with several feminists causes to, let’s be real, her iconic workout videos, she’s been an inspiration to many.

And in this new interview with the also amazing Brie Larson, Jane is really just taking our appreciation of her to an entire new level.

Jane, who turns 80 this year, kicked things off by giving some real talk about feminism — particularly about the struggles of growing up as a woman so many years ago.

“I grew up in the ’50s,” she explains, “and it took me a long time to apply feminism to my life. The men in my life were wonderful, but victims of a [patriarchal] belief system. I felt diminished.”

She says that the first time she truly felt she was a feminist was when she saw Eve Ensler do a performance of The Vagina Monologues — which would have been in the mid 90s at the earliest.

“It took a long time” for her to call herself a feminist though, “because I was brought up with the disease to please.”

She went on to say, and this is where things really take an intense turn, that “To show you the extent to which a patriarchy takes a toll on females; I’ve been raped, I’ve been sexually abused as a child and I’ve been fired because I wouldn’t sleep with my boss and I always thought it was my fault.”

“That I didn’t do or say the right thing.”

“I know young girls,” she says, “who’ve been raped and didn’t even know it was rape. They think, ‘It must have been because I said ‘no’ the wrong way."”

“One of the great things the women’s movement has done is to make us realize that [rape and abuse] is not our fault. We were violated and it’s not right.”

This is the first time Jane’s ever publicly said that she’s been raped — after so many years of speaking up for women’s rights, it must have taken a lot for her to share this.

It’s not the only thing she shared though. She also discussed her controversial opposition to the Vietnam War.

“I didn’t become an activist until I was 31,” she says. “When I found out what was really happening in Vietnam I didn’t care if I ever worked again; I considered leaving the business to become a full-time activist.”

She recalls that “My father was terrified for me. He remembered the ’50s when people’s careers were destroyed.”

Jane even adds that, with Trump as president, “It’s possible the [Hollywood] blacklist will be brought back.”

And on the topic of Trump, she says that there are many battles to be fought, including but certainly not limited to the fight against defunding Planned Parenthood.

About being an activist for so many years, she says “Honey, I am almost 80 years old. If you want to make it to the long-haul, you have to take care of yourself.”

“I get more than eight hours sleep every night; I meditate twice a day for half an hour; I eat right; I workout.”

“I always tell activists: ‘This is going to be a long struggle. We have to stay strong.”

Yes, Jane Fonda. Just … yes.


Friday, January 27, 2017

Amy Duggar Reveals Heartbreaking Secrets from Her Childhood

Judging by the many, many tragic tales Amy Duggar has told on Marriage Boot Camp, it"s safe to say that she"s had a rough life.

She"s revealed that a family member grabbed her by the throat and lifted her when she was younger, which sounds so terrifying.

And of course she"s got several problems with her husband, Dillon King.

The way they speak to each other is appalling, and Amy"s even stated that once she got so mad at Dillon that she punched him.

She"s also a Duggar, so, you know … sorry about that lot in life, girl.

But is it possible that all of Amy"s issues, every last one of them, can be traced back to events that took place when she was a child?

Well, that"s usually how it works.

In this extra dramatic sneak peek for this week"s new episode of Marriage Boot Camp, Amy is confronted by a little girl: a child actor who"s pretending to be Amy.

Little Amy discusses with the therapist painful things that have happened in her short life so far …

Including her mother leaving suicide notes for her to find and her father telling her that she was a mistake.

She even says that she"s even used to spending most of her time outside so that she doesn"t have to hear her parents fighting.

Check out the absolutely harrowing clip below:

Amy duggar reveals heartbreaking secrets from her childhood

Monday, October 31, 2016

R. L. Stine -- Tells Saddest Halloween Childhood Story Ever (VIDEO)

Grab your tissues, everybody … R.L. Stine — the author dedicated to scaring kids — has a tearjerker of a story.  We caught up with the “Goosebumps” author Friday in NYC where we asked him for tips on Halloween costumes. Check out…


Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Jinger Duggar Photos: From Childhood to Courtship!

Jinger Duggar is looking like the next in line to get hitched on 19 Kids and Counting, now that she"s officially courting Jeremy Vuolo.

Assuming things work out with Jer, the 22-year-old would follow in the footsteps of her now-married older sisters Jill and Jessa Duggar.

And, we suppose, Josh Duggar. But we won"t go there.

Duggar fans are well aware that courtship is not dating, but really a pre-engagement, with the goal be to lead the couple down the aisle.

That made Josiah Duggar and Marjorie Jackson"s breakup all the more shocking, but hey. They"re still human … and young. So young.

Anyway, we wish Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo the best!

In honor of their pre-engagement / relationship, let"s take a look back at the sassy, spunky and silly Duggar daughter through the years:

1. Jinger on Counting On

Jinger on counting on

Jinger Duggar in an interview for Jill & Jessa: Counting On.

2. Joy-Anna and Jinger

Joy anna and jinger

Joy-Anna Duggar and sister Jinger Duggar pose for a nice picture together in early 2016.

3. Jinger and Joseph Duggar

Jinger and joseph duggar

Jinger and Joseph Duggar in a cute photo from Instagram.

4. Jinger Duggar Hunting

Jinger duggar hunting

Jinger gets ready to hit the tree stand with Jim Bob. She may love hunting, Jinger has openly discussed her desire to move to New York City.

5. Duggar Family Promotes Counting On

Duggar family promotes counting on

The Duggar family recently gave an interview to People magazine in order to promote their new reality show. In it, they speak openly about their feelings regarding the Josh Duggar sex scandal.

6. Jinger Duggar Photo

Jinger duggar photo

Jinger Duggar of 19 Kids and Counting fame. Many suspect she will be the next in line to marry.

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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Bam Margera Turned to Booze Due to Childhood Trauma, Mother Claims

One of the most compelling figures on the first season of VH1’s Family Therapy has been former Jackass star Bam Margera who’s simultaneously working on his relationship with his mother, April Margera, and detoxing after more than a decade of severe alcoholism.

On this week’s episode, April speculates about the cause of Bam’s lifelong attraction to danger and self-destructive behavior:

“Well, Bam had this show, and before I knew it he was able to have a show about anything he wanted on the whole planet, to be a reality,” April says during a group treatment session.

“When Bam was younger, [his father] Phil kind of started the little pranky thing. Like when I was walking into my room, he’d be hiding behind the door,”

“Taking them to ‘Incinerator Road.’ Incinerator Road was this scary, spooky road. So he’d take the kids and he’d put his arm out the window and bunk on the roof. You know, [saying it was] dead people falling on the roof, and it really affected him!”

It felt like a bit of a stretch at first (Lots of folks were frequently pranked as kids, and they didn’t all grown up to put crocodiles in their parents’ house or befriend Michael Lohan.), but Bam seems to agree that his reckless lifestyle began on Incinerator Road.

Later in the episode the Margeras participate in an emotional experiment that reveals the depth of April’s concern for her son.

The patients are taken to a cemetery, where April is forced to quite literally confront her worst nightmare.

It seems that Bam’s alcoholism had gotten so bad in recent years that April frequently feared for his life.

In the cemetery, she breaks down after seeing a tombstone with his name on it.

“I will never let that happen,” she sobs. “That’s why I am here! I don’t want that to happen.”

Powerful stuff, and a potent reminder that reality TV can – on very rare occasions – be a powerful force for positive change.

Watch Family Therapy Wednesdays on VH1 for more.

Just be warned that the show has an incredibly high Lohan factor.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Leah Messer: Details of Childhood Poverty Revealed

Last week, it was widely reported that Leah Messer might be a hoarder after photos emerged which seemed to show the garage of her sprawling Virginia home piled high with garbage.

Now, it seems the troubled 23-year-old might still be adjusting to having so much space (and so many things) following a childhood characterized by poverty and privation.

Radar Online is reporting today that in the years before Leah became pregnant with her twin daughters, her mother struggled with massive debt and frequently experienced difficulty feeding her family.

Delta Dawn Spears Messer – now a grandmother several times over at just 41 – reportedly had just $ 200 in her bank account when she welcomed Leah into the world at the age of 17.

Leah would eventually follow her footsteps into very young motherhood, but first she would endure crippling financial hardships throughout her childhood and teen years.

When Leah was 12, her mother – unemployed and unable to feed Leah and her younger brother on just $ 465 per month in food stamps – filed for bankruptcy.

At the time, Spears told the court that she was over $ 40,000 in debt and lived in constant fear that her mobile home would be repossessed.

These days, Leah is living a much more comfortable lifestyle, but her addiction issues to her alleged inability to maintain her massive home, the effects of her troubled childhood are still apparent.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to get caught up in time for tonight’s season premiere. 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

O.J. Simpson Allegedly Almost Committed Suicide In Kim Kardashian"s Childhood Room — Wait, What?!

This is crazy!

New information has come out about O.J. Simpson‘s 1995 trial regarding the murders of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman.

According to Lawrence Schiller, the author of American Tragedy: The Uncensored Story of the O.J. Simpson Defense, Simpson actually thought about committing suicide in Kim Kardashian West‘s childhood bedroom!

Related: Kim Kardashian Believed O.J. Simpson Did NOT Kill Nicole Brown!

The author said in an interview with ABC News’ 20/20 that before the famous Branco chase, the NFL star looked to hide out, at least for a short period of time, at his friend and attorney, Robert Kardashian Sr.‘s house!

Kim was only 14-years-old at the time but Schiller says Robert found Simpson sitting in “Kimmy’s” room and recording “a suicide tape” while looking at photos of Nicole and their kids Justin and Sydney.


Lawrence goes on to tell that O.J. said:

“I’m going to kill myself in this room.”

At which point the Robert told him:

“You can’t. This is my daughter’s bedroom. My little girl Kim sleeps here. I can’t have my little girl in this bedroom, and every time I come in here, I’m going to see your body lying in this. You can’t do that.”

Schiller recalls this story from prerecorded interviews that he did with Mr. Kardashian.

Photos: Get Your First Look At David Schwimmer & His Four Kardashian Kids For American Crime Story!

If this is true, talk about CREEPY!

Kris Jenner never made an appearance in the 20/20 special but she did recently reflect on the incident saying she’ll always “feel guilty” for Nicole’s death.

We’re definitely innerested to see what other details come out in the years to come, but until then, we’ll settle for Ryan Murphy‘s upcoming made for TV series, American Crime Story: The People V. O.J. Simpson starring Cuba Gooding Jr.!

What do you think? Could there be any truth to this or is this too wild to believe?

[Image via WENN.]