Showing posts with label Trauma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trauma. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Tyler Baltierra Opens Up About Childhood Sexual Trauma

In a reality TV franchise famous for shining a spotlight on some atrociously unfit fathers, Tyler Baltierra has been a welcome change of pace for over a decade.

Catelynn Lowell"s husband has long been a favorite of Teen Mom OG fans, particularly after they witnessed the way he supported his wife during her struggles with PTSD.

And Tyler"s strength in the face of such difficulties is all the more impressive due to the considerable traumas he"s suffered himself — traumas that he opened up about in a surprisingly candid interview.

Take a look:

1. The Face of Courage

Tyler baltierra instagram selfie

Throughout his time on Teen Mom OG, Tyler has been admirably forthcoming about his painful past.

2. Tough Times

Tyler baltierra and catelynn lowell at the vmas

While Tyler has never blamed his parents for his present difficulties, he’s been open about the fact that he grew up in an unstable household and has carried his childhood scars into adulthood.

3. A Supporting Role

Catelynn lowell and tyler baltierra 2018 selfie

Of course, Tyler’s struggles often receive less attention from TMOG fans and producers than those of his wife, Catelynn Lowell.

4. The Strong, Silent Type

Tyler baltierra gets honest on instagram

And that’s probably quite alright by Tyler, who generally seems to put his family ahead of himself.

5. Opening Up

Tyler baltierra selfie

But while he doesn’t thirst for attention like so many reality stars, Tyler also doesn’t shy away from sharing the most intimate and painful details of his life.

6. Moral Duty

Tyler baltierra and fancy jacket

“I feel, with my platform, I have a moral obligation to help people,” Tyler once remarked, and in talking about the pain of his childhood sexual traumas, he’s attempting to do exactly that.

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Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Teen Mom OG Trailer: Tears, Trauma and... Sarah Palin!

New challenges are ahead on Teen Mom OG.

At least one new child is on the way.

New drama, new storylines and plenty of new controversies are also on tap.

But the first trailer for fresh episodes of this beloved MTV reality series focus mostly on the two new mothers set to take the show by storm.

Are you ready to delve into the lives of Bristol Palin and Cheyenne Floyd?

The former, of course, is the daughter of ex-Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

You may think you know her well due to her time in the spotlight several years ago, but Bristol reveals in this preview that her (now former) husband, Dakota Meyer, is suffering from PTSD due to his time in the military.

And it"s tearing her relationship apart.

"We don"t know how to coexist together," Palin says here. "I don"t want to raise my kids to think this is what a marriage looks like, you know?"

Meyer is the father of Bristol"s two oldest children; and Levi Johnston, the father of her first son, will also be appearing on Season 8 this fall.

Elsewhere, Floyd – who first appeared on MTV"s Are You the One, prior to competing on The Challenge: Rivals 3 – will be juggling two men as part of her Teen Mom OG role.

One is Cory Wharton, the father of her daughter, Ryder.

The other is a boyfriend named Zach, who, as depicted in this video, will find himself at the center of drama between the exes, their custody arrangement and how much time he spends with Floyd"s adorable child.

That"s a bit of background on the new OGs.

What about the original OGs?

Catelynn and Tyler Baltierra will openly wonder whether they have a future together, with the latter dropping the most heartbreaking quote of the promo when he comes right out and admits:

"If someone asked me, "Are you happy in your marriage?" I"d say, "Absolutely not.""


Maci Bookout and husband Taylor McKinney look to be having serious issues with Maci"s ex, Ryan Edwards, while Amber Portwood and boyfriend Andrew Glennon are at least in new baby bliss.

Will that last, however?

And how will these long-time cast members react to the presence of Bristol and Cheyenne? And Sarah Palin herself?!?

Check out the explosive teaser now and then prepare for Teen Mom OG to return with new episodes on October 1 at 9/8c.

Teen mom og season 8 watch the trailer

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

The Bachelor Recap: Bumper Car Trauma and Other Drama

Monday on The Bachelor, Arie continued his quest to pare down the field / steal kisses from as many aspiring trophy wives as possible.

It’s a tough job, but someone’s gotta do it.

If you want to know who has the inside track, The Bachelor spoilers have you covered. Just saying. Follow the link if you dare.

Otherwise, if you choose to remain spoiler free, it’s a long road ahead before we find out who Arie picks. A long Journey, if you will. 

But that doesn’t mean it won’t be hella entertaining, or full of twists and turns that not even The Bachelor spoiler gods expect.

The drama ramped up this week thanks to the got the first one-on-one dates of the season, with Arie picking up Becca K. on a motorcycle.

Becca opened up about losing her father to brain cancer and being close with her family, and Arie gave her a rose in return.

Pretty standard.

For his second one-on-one date, Arie took Krystal to his hometown of Scottsdale, Arizona. Yes, he took her home on night two;

Krystal even met Arie’s parents and brother, and it went well, despite her being thrown off by her own upbringing being less traditional.

After she received a rose and a private concert (another Bachelor staple), the episode devolved into a massive car wreck.

Literally. The participants on Arie’s demolition derby group date made for perhaps the largest group date in franchise history:

Maquel, Marikh, Tia, Valerie, Annaliese, Lauren G., Kendall, Bekah M., Jenny, Seinne, Jenna, Caroline, Brittany, Bibiana and Chelsea.

Annaliese stole the show, or at least the other girls’ thunder, by claiming she suffered “bumper car trauma” as a kid and freaking out.

Producers (and the other women) had a field day with this at Annaliese’s expense, but she eventually did participate with the group.

Seinne won the demolition derby, and received a rose for that … along with her beauty and brains (she went to Yale, people)!

Bibiana, meanwhile, stormed off in a rage at the ensuing cocktail party after not getting any one-on-one time with Arie to speak of.

There’s one in every season.

Krystal pushed her over the edge a bit when she “stole” him during the cocktail party, even though she already had a rose of her own.

This never goes over well historically.

Bibiana tore Krystal a new one, accusing her of having a fake tone and worse. This sort of thing is what TV viewing dreams are made of.

Alas, Monday’s show was the end of the line for Jenny, Valerie and Lauren G., with the former going out in unique style at least.

Jenny told Arie: “I’m not sad about you.”

“I’m sad about leaving my new friends.”

Aww. Isn’t that sweet? She may not have found love in the romantic sense, but the bond with her new girlfriends is forever!

Who said these women all have to swoon over some guy … or that they have to hate each other and fight all the time!?

Way to defy convention, Jenny.


Thursday, December 21, 2017

Duggar Abuse Scandal: Is Jordyn Showing Signs of Trauma?

Back in May of 2015, the Josh Duggar sex scandals devastated the wholesome public image the 19 Kids and Counting clan had spent years cultivating.

Amazingly, the family was able to make a comeback (sans Josh, of course), but the intervening years have been loaded with controversy, due in part to increased scrutiny of Jim Bob and Michelle’s parenting methods.

Now, fans are concerned that the famously strict parents are mistreating their 9-year-old daughter, Jordyn Duggar.

The speculation comes as a result of an odd video posted by the Duggars in celebration of Jordyn’s recent birthday.

The clip, which appeared yesterday on the Duggars’ official Facebook page, shows Jordyn standing on a chair as her family sings her praises.

“Jordyn, we love you so much. You’re such a special girl,” Jim Bob tells his visibly uncomfortable daughter.

From there, Michelle takes over and tells the tale of finding Jordyn’s birthday outfit at a “really ginormous thrift store,” which she credits God for recommending.

In Touch Weekly observed that Jordyn “looks totally scared and covers her chest while her dad grips her shoulders, and flinches every time her mom touches her.”

That may sound like an exaggeration, but the girl does seem rather nervous and out of sorts in the clip.

Several fans rushed to the Duggars’ defense, suggesting that Jordyn might not have enjoyed being the center of attention:

“I suspect Jordyn is a bit shy and a little embarrassed at all the attention. She cracked a few sweet, teeny smiles — especially for her daddy,” one fan commented.

“She’s just a very shy young girl. There is nothing sinister going on in the home. She loves her parents very much, and was not pulling away from them,” another remarked.

“She was standing on a chair, and possibly felt unstable on it. Why are people so nasty and assume the worst?”

On its own, the clip may seem innocent, but coming as it does amidst a slew of Duggar parenting scandals, the situation is raising a lot of red flags, especially amongst those who were already critical of the family.

Obviously, the video doesn’t capture any behavior that could be described as abusive (unless the Jesus-centric birthday song meets your definition), but many feel that Jordyn is showing signs of having recently suffered some sort of trauma.

Of particular concern is the fact that she seems to shy away from her parents and avoid physical contact.

If this were a photo of an anonymous child and her unknown parents, it’s likely that Jordyn’s body language would be attributed to bashfulness.

But knowing what we know about the Duggars, it’s impossible not to look for signs of abuse, and many fans figure it’s best to err on the side of caution and call the parents out at every opportunity.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, January 4, 2017

NFL"s Keion Carpenter Died from Blunt Force Trauma Following Mysterious Fall

Officials have determined ex-NFL player Keion Carpenter died from traumatic brain injuries suffered in a fall during his Miami vacation … but why he fell remains a mystery.  TMZ Sports obtained the autopsy report for the 39-year-old former…


Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Bam Margera Turned to Booze Due to Childhood Trauma, Mother Claims

One of the most compelling figures on the first season of VH1’s Family Therapy has been former Jackass star Bam Margera who’s simultaneously working on his relationship with his mother, April Margera, and detoxing after more than a decade of severe alcoholism.

On this week’s episode, April speculates about the cause of Bam’s lifelong attraction to danger and self-destructive behavior:

“Well, Bam had this show, and before I knew it he was able to have a show about anything he wanted on the whole planet, to be a reality,” April says during a group treatment session.

“When Bam was younger, [his father] Phil kind of started the little pranky thing. Like when I was walking into my room, he’d be hiding behind the door,”

“Taking them to ‘Incinerator Road.’ Incinerator Road was this scary, spooky road. So he’d take the kids and he’d put his arm out the window and bunk on the roof. You know, [saying it was] dead people falling on the roof, and it really affected him!”

It felt like a bit of a stretch at first (Lots of folks were frequently pranked as kids, and they didn’t all grown up to put crocodiles in their parents’ house or befriend Michael Lohan.), but Bam seems to agree that his reckless lifestyle began on Incinerator Road.

Later in the episode the Margeras participate in an emotional experiment that reveals the depth of April’s concern for her son.

The patients are taken to a cemetery, where April is forced to quite literally confront her worst nightmare.

It seems that Bam’s alcoholism had gotten so bad in recent years that April frequently feared for his life.

In the cemetery, she breaks down after seeing a tombstone with his name on it.

“I will never let that happen,” she sobs. “That’s why I am here! I don’t want that to happen.”

Powerful stuff, and a potent reminder that reality TV can – on very rare occasions – be a powerful force for positive change.

Watch Family Therapy Wednesdays on VH1 for more.

Just be warned that the show has an incredibly high Lohan factor.