Showing posts with label Force. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Force. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Colin Cowherd Russell Wilson To Replace Eli In NY? ... Ciara Could Force It!!

Breaking News
Russell Wilson could be the guy who replaces Eli Manning as QB of the NY Giants … and it’s all ’cause of Ciara — so says Colin Cowherd.
The FS1 star reported on his show, “The Herd,” that he’s hearing from sources “in the...
Colin Cowherd Russell Wilson To Replace Eli In NY? ... Ciara Could Force It!!

Thursday, September 6, 2018

David Eason: I Need a Gun So They Don"t Force My Straight White Ass Into a Concentration Camp!

It’s been almost seven months since David Eason was fired from Teen Mom 2 for hurling bigoted slurs at fans on social media.

But Jenelle Evans’ husband has made a point of not backing away from his controversial stances.

In fact — because 2018 is nightmarish hellscape in which every idiot with an opinion feels that they need to cram it down your throat on a daily basis until you run screaming for the “block” button — he’s been more outspoken than ever in recent weeks. 

You see, David is one of those well-heeled straight, Christian white guys who has somehow convinced himself he’s an oppressed minority.

In David’s mind, the whole world is out to get him, and the barbarians are forever at his gates, which is why he needs to be armed to the teeth in order to defend himself.

And he’s been expressing that view in increasingly offensive fashion lately with the help of the preferred weapon of internet jackasses everywhere — memes.

As The Ashley’s Reality Roundup points out, David posted the above meme earlier this week, and predictably, the reaction from fans has been one of mingled confusion and outrage.

“Why gun control? Because armed people will NOT willingly load themselves into railroad boxcars,” reads the caption.

So … does David really think he’s at risk of being sent off to a concentration camp?

Interestingly, that post comes on the heels of another one in which Eason boasts of his pride in being a straight white redneck.

“For the people who get offended when you call them what they identify themselves as… I’m also proud to be a white man, a southerner and a redneck! #pride,” Eason captioned the above image.

As far as we can tell, David is the kind of guy who will tell you that he and the rest of the MAGA crowd are tired of winning in one breath, and then argue that he needs an AR-15 to protect himself from his many oppressors in the next.

He’s that very modern sort of dipsh-t who will complain about identity politics while proudly affixing himself with labels that he thinks will make his opinions matter more.

Clearly, political matters are very much at the forefront of David’s mind these days.

But since he and his wife have had CPS called to their house 20 times in the past year, maybe he should focus a bit more energy on getting his own house in order.


Sunday, August 12, 2018

NASA Logo Designer Bashes Donald Trump"s Space Force

Donald Trump’s amateurish designs for potential Space Force logos are out-of-this-world bad … so says the artist who created an older NASA logo. Richard Danne — the designer of a NASA logo from 1975 — went off on Trump’s Space Force…


Friday, August 10, 2018

NASA Astronaut Clayton Anderson Sees Potential in Donald Trump"s Space Force

If the idea of a U.S. Space Force triggers visions of spacecrafts engaging in intergalactic battles and missions, you might have watched too many ‘Star Wars’ films … so says former NASA astronaut Clayton Anderson. Anderson wants to learn…


Trump"s Space Force is Bonanza for Beer and Computer Games

President Trump’s plan for an upcoming U.S. Space Force isn’t just major news for the military … it could be a huge windfall for beer and computer game producers too. TMZ has learned the term “Space Force” has been quite popular, long before the…


Thursday, August 9, 2018

Donald Trump Wants His Supporters to Vote on a Space Force Merch Logo

President Trump is going back to his base over space — as in his proposed Space Force, and wants his MAGA camp to vote on their favorite logo … and then buy it. Trump’s campaign sent an email Thursday to subscribers … asking them to weigh in on…


Friday, July 20, 2018

Neil deGrasse Tyson Says We Should Consider Donald Trump"s Space Force

Neil deGrasse Tyson says the idea of a U.S. Space Force ain’t all that crazy — in fact it’s not even new — but people just think it sounds crazy because it’s coming from President Trump’s mouth. We got the astrophysicist Thursday at LAX where he…


Neil deGrasse Tyson Says We Should Consider Donald Trump"s Space Force

Neil deGrasse Tyson says the idea of a U.S. Space Force ain’t all that crazy — in fact it’s not even new — but people just think it sounds crazy because it’s coming from President Trump’s mouth. We got the astrophysicist Thursday at LAX where he…


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Ice Cube Says BIG3"s New CBD Rules Will Force Other Leagues to Legalize It

Ice Cube says now that his BIG3 basketball league has legalized CBD medication for pain management — he truly believes other major sports leagues will follow suit.  The BIG3 made the announcement Tuesday … saying players are now allowed to…


Friday, June 1, 2018

Kanye West: Did He FORCE Kim Kardashian to Meet With Donald Trump?!

As you’ve likely heard by now, Kim Kardashian met with Donald Trump this week, and the internet simply doesn’t know how to feel about it.

Some have praised Kim for putting her reputation on the line for a worthy cause.

Others have condemned her for providing a photo op to a president she’s been highly critical of in the past.

And then there are those who feel it’s inappropriate for the president to meet with a reality star, because apparently those folks just emerged from a three-year coma, and no one has brought them up to speed on the news yet.

Anyway, this certainly isn’t the first time that Kim’s feelings toward 45 have been the subject of intense public scrutiny in recent weeks.

Kanye West’s love of Trump has alienated many of his fans and earned him the admiration of people who usually just call the cops when they hear hip-hop.

And there are those who feel its no coincidence that Kim met with Trump so soon after her husband sang the man’s praises on Twitter.

Kimye-Donald Trump

According to Radar Online, the situation has resulted in a familial rift, as Kim feels she’s being pulled in opposite directions by her MAGA hat-wearing husband and her more liberal mother and sisters.

“Kanye is so proud of Kim for meeting with the Trump, who he openly supports,” an insider tells the site.

“But Kris and her sisters do not agree with her decision and feel that she is being incredibly selfish by ignoring her own true beliefs to follow Kanye’s political agenda.”

The political divide within the Kard clan has reportedly deepened to the point that Kris, Khloe and Kourtney are no longer speaking with Kanye.

Last night, the rapper hosted a listening party for his new album in Wyoming.

Sources say the more left-leaning side of Kim’s family opted to stay home as a form of protest.

“Kim’s family were all invited and many of them were planning on going before Kim’s meeting with Trump,” the insider said, adding:

“The worst part is that Kim has no idea her sisters and furious.”

While it wasn’t all that long ago that Kim considered leaving Kanye (a rough patch he alludes to in the lyrics to one of his new songs), these days it seems Yeezy very much has the upper hand in the relationship.

“Kim is being obedient to Kanye now and the power shift has changed dramatically,” the source told Radar.

Apparently the rapper is on quite a roll these days.

In fact, Kanye might be the only Trump supporter who’s legitimately tired of winning.


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Air Force Airmen in Charge of Nuclear Weapons were Tripping on LSD

Now this will scare the crap out of you … a group of Air Force airmen responsible for guarding nuclear weapons were heavy into LSD and cocaine. The jaw-dropping revelations just surfaced … and not because the government wanted it known. Turns…


Friday, April 20, 2018

Tristan Thompson: Did Kris Jenner Force Him to Pay $10 Million For Cheating?!

In the wake of Tristan Thompson cheating on Khloe Kardashian with numerous women, it’s safe to say that Tristan has fallen out of favor with … most people.

A new report says that Kris Jenner has found a way to penalize him for it — financially.

And she allegedly has a major threat hanging over his head to keep him from doing this to Khloe ever again.

OK! has an explosive report that claims that Kris Jenner forced Tristan Thompson to sign over some serious cash into a trust for his daughter, True Thompson.

This isn’t a college fund or a childcare agreement.

The reported amount is to the tune of $ 10 million.

In addition, Kris also allegedly got him to agree — on paper, contractually — that he will fork over an additional $ 10 million into this fund every time that he gets caught cheating.

That amounts to massive, automatic punitive damages if he ever steps out on Khloe again.


A source dishes to OK! on where Kris is coming from.

“She’s been through it all with her girls.”

Having children exposes you to a lot of new experiences. Having six children exposes you to many, many new experiences and can impart valuable lessons.

“And at this point, she knows exactly how to take control, no matter the situation.”

(I once had a dream that Kris Jenner was a queen — a literal queen. A friend remarked: “Oh, so she was just herself.” Accurate)

“Of course Kris hopes the contract will deter him from future bad behavior.”

A $ 10 million penalty is one hell of a deterrent. Unless you’re a corporation.

“But if it doesn’t she’ll make sure there’s a payday for her family.”

It sounds like Kris has a bit of a Xanatos complex. No matter what the outcome, she wins.

Most people’s first question is … can Tristan really afford all of that?

After all, not all famous sportsball dudes make the kinds of riches that so many people assume.

But Tristan is making major money.

His net worth is reportedly about $ 20 million.

And he apparently makes about $ 15 million per year.

That said, Tristan has been benched by the Cleveland Cavaliers. Some say that this is connected to his cheating scandal.

I’m no sports expert, but if Tristan isn’t contributing to his team, how long is he going to continue making $ 15 million per year?

There’s no question that Kris Jenner would go above and beyond to protect Khloe from further embarrassment, betrayal, and heartbreak.

But it sort of defies belief that Tristan — or anyone else — would sign such a document.

The $ 10 million that he would allegedly set aside for his daughter, who will never want for anything in life, would be half his net worth.

And opening himself up to $ 10 million penalties in the future, when he has to know good and well that he’s not going to suddenly have a change in personality and keep his penis to himself?

(Again, this is a guy who allegedly got his side piece pregnant while cheating on pregnant Khloe, whom he started dating while his ex was pregnant)

That would be bonkers.

It sounds more plausible to most that Kris has advised Khloe to take her baby and leave Tristan and Cleveland in the dust and come back to Calabasas as soon as the doctor clears her to fly.

Most people feel that, realistically, it makes the most sense for Khloe to just dump Tristan and he can see their daughter … as often as custody agreements will allow.

After all, Khloe is not known as the forgiving type. And given that this seems to be a long-running pattern for Tristan, it’s difficult to imagine that he’ll change.

(Beyond getting more secretive)

If you want to bang every attractive person you meet, you should either avoid getting into a committed relationship … or find a partner who is totally fine with you, shall we say, putting your ball through other hoops from time to time.

If Khloe isn’t down for sharing her man, she needs to find a man who feels the same way. Also, one who hasn’t humiliated her in front of the entire world.


Monday, April 16, 2018

Coachella Celebrity Posers Out in Force

The scorching desert couldn’t stop these hot celebs from stripping down at showing off their goods on the third day of the Coachella Music and Arts Festival. Famous faces like Gigi and Bella Hadid, Iggy Azalea, Justin Bieber, Romee Strijd, Aubrey…


Coachella Celebrity Posers Out in Force

The scorching desert couldn’t stop these hot celebs from stripping down at showing off their goods on the third day of the Coachella Music and Arts Festival. Famous faces like Gigi and Bella Hadid, Iggy Azalea, Justin Bieber, Romee Strijd, Aubrey…


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Jacquees Hints at Legal Action, Claims Arresting Officer Used "Excessive Force"

Jacquees might be gearing up for a potential lawsuit against Miami Beach PD after one of its officers got rough with him during a traffic stop … according to Jacquees himself. The singer recorded a video for his fans, and addressed what he calls…


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Javi Marroquin is Being Deployed by the Air Force

There’s more going on in Javi Marroquin’s life than being a father and banging Briana DeJesus

Javi is being deployed by the United States Air Force.

That’s hard news for anyone, but especially for a parent. And, given Javi’s history, he has to worry about whether his relationship with Briana will survive.

Javi Marroquin spoke about his deployment to RadarOnline.

And it sounds like he was really blindsided.

“I wasn’t expecting this at all.”

Of course, the possibility of being deployed again is a reality with which many military families live. But that doesn’t make it any easier.

It sounds like the news has Javi scrambling.

“I’m trying to put everything together.”

Remember, he’s a father. No matter how good at coparenting he might (sometimes) be, Javi has to think about his role as a father. Just knowing that Kailyn is a good, loving mother won’t make him miss Lincoln any less.

Quite frankly, Javi also needs to worry about how he’ll handle being deployed again.

But Javi tells RadarOnline that he has a real lifeline and source of comfort and stability this time around:

Briana DeJesus.

“She’s what’s keeping me together right now,” he says.

That’s some hefty praise.

Even before speaking to RadarOnline, Javi let his social media followers know that he was being deployed again by the USAF.

First, Javi shared a Snapchat photo of Wendy’s.

He wrote:

“Eating whatever I want ‘cause I’ll be missing this soon. #depressed”

That could mean different things from different people — some people have “cheat days” that almost amount to binge eating.

Coming from Javi, though, it sounded like the Air Force had come calling.

And then he made it abundantly clear:

He shared a document of “reporting instructions,” and wrote “deja vu.”

Of course, Javi’s relationships don’t have the best track record when it comes to his deployments.

He returned home from Qatar hoping to talk things out with Kailyn, as we’re sure that you recall.

Instead, he found that she’d already moved on.

While that’s totally her right (and they’d been fighting all of the time; honestly, any couple that’s quarreling that often doesn’t need to be together), we know that it had to be crushing for Javi.

He and Kailyn Lowry are doing well with coparenting, mostly. (It might help if they didn’t get into social media arguments)

But will his relatively new relationship with Briana DeJesus survive while he’s away?

Well … we don’t know.

Sometimes, absence makes the heart grow fonder. You see someone return and you know how much you love them.

Sometimes, there’s an out-of-sight, out-of-mind element.

Javi’s relationship with Briana is fundamentally different than his relationship with Kailyn. Briana and Kail are different people.

And, as we said, his relationship with Briana is much newer. With Kailyn, they were past the honeymoon phase and definitely living in the real world and dealing with real struggles.

Still, there’s no telling how their relationship will turn out.

We won’t waste our hopes on that (one way or the other). We’ll just hope that Javi Marroquin stays safe while he’s deployed. We don’t want Lincoln to lose his father.


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

LaVar Ball Says He Would"ve Thanked Trump If He Gave UCLA Players A Ride on Air Force One

LaVar Ball says he would’ve given President Trump a “thank you” had the Prez brought LiAngelo Ball and his UCLA teammates back home from China on Air Force One. Ball appeared on CNN with Chris Cuomo Monday night to discuss the ongoing battle with…


Friday, November 3, 2017

Teen Mom: Does MTV Force Cast Members to Get Pregnant?!

It’s been such an amazing time for Teen Mom gossip lately, hasn’t it?

We’ve had pregnancy announcements, fights between cast members, balloon stabbings, hate crimes …

For those of us who hold this trashy little show close to our hearts, it’s been a wild and wonderful ride.

And you know the drama hasn’t reached a conclusion yet!

Today — or right now, we should say, since who knows what could happen with these people as the day goes on — we’re going to be talking about Farrah Abraham and her recent firing.

Or, sorry, her “fake firing.”

The whole fiasco began on Monday. That night, she was scheduled to do another adult livestream, a special Halloween one where she was supposed to do butt stuff.

She did log onto the livestream, but nothing sexy happened. Instead, she just ranted about how she’d been fired by MTV earlier in the day.

Yep, for the second time, Farrah was let go from Teen Mom for doing things in the adult industry.

Or, as she explained it, she was fired “because as a Business Mogul I act like an adult and part take in adult promotions and activities that other adults do for FREE or in private.”

“Sad such a phenomenal show will no longer have its biggest talent on the show because of women hating, sex shaming, hate crimes, selfish, Weinstein company power trip behaviors against a professional hard working, honest mother,” she added.

Things turned out to be a little more complicated than that though — sources involved in production claimed that in addition to the porn, Farrah is also just really unlikable.

Fans of the show don’t like her, the people who make the show don’t like her … and not in a fun, scandalous way that would make great television, either.

And then things got even more complicated when Farrah explained in a video she shared on her YouTube account that, as it turns out, she actually wasn’t fired.

Instead, certain “accomplists” — Farrah-speak for “accomplices” — just pretended to fire her “for the gain of your own press.”

We’re still not sure what exactly is happening, but it’s all very intense.

And it’s getting even more intense, because Simon Saran is joining Farrah in calling out the people behind the magic of Teen Mom.

According to Simon, the producers of the show are “very controlling individuals,” and that’s one of the reasons why he quit the show after his Being Simon special aired.

“The reason why I also quit,” he explains in an interview with Radar Online, “because producer Morgan J. Freeman hated the fact that I was successful.”

“I didn’t agree with how he went about treating people and putting them in harm’s way.”

He also said that Freeman “provides cast members with drugs, forces them to have kids and bribes them with bonuses to have strange men move in with them.”

This isn’t the first time he’s made such accusations — far from it.

He’s slammed the cast and crew of Teen Mom time and time again: he’s claimed that the show’s producers supplied Ryan Edwards with drugs last season, for example.

And he’s not done, either.

He also made some pretty harsh allegations over on Twitter, where he wrote that another reason he quit the show “was because of the racist comments” producers made to him.

He then called Teen Mom as “The show that promotes 50 year old naked men on book covers and 6 years olds in the same segments,” referring to Matt Baier and Amber Portwood’s segments last season.

Later he touched on Amber’s recent pregnancy news, writing “Poor Amber had to get knocked up for Morgan’s financial gain! How sad! It’s like a breeding mill over at #TeenMomOG.”

He clarified “In no means was this to attack Amber, I feel bad actually for what some of these people go through to satisfy Morgan’s needs.”

“I don’t hate any of the girls,” he added. “A reality check once in a while never hurt. I give Farrah them all the time. Even she has a lot to learn.”

So there’s a lot to unpack here, right?

He’s saying that the show’s producers actually force the moms to have more children, which … how?

A popular rumor for years has been that the moms receive a “bonus” when they have additional children, but that’s never been confirmed.

Besides that extra incentive, it’s hard to imagine how anyone could force pregnancies on the cast members.

Maybe Simon knows something we don’t, but it’s probably safer to say that he’s just going along with Farrah’s insane trashing of anything and anyone having to do with the show.

For what it’s worth, Kailyn Lowry has come forward to deny the claims they’ve been making.

“I’ve never, ever experienced any of those things with our production crews,” she said in a statement to Radar. “I have a great relationship with a lot of the crew.”

The plot thickens!


Monday, April 24, 2017

Aaron Hernandez Funeral in Bristol, Cops Out In Force (PHOTO)

Aaron Hernandez is set to be laid to rest in his hometown of Bristol, Connecticut on Monday — and the police are out in force to make sure things don’t get violent.  Hernandez’s body is currently at a funeral home in Bristol — where it was…


Sunday, April 2, 2017

Taylor Swift: Did Bullies Force Her into Hiding?!

These days, if you hear anyone talking about Taylor Swift, your first reaction may be “Taylor Swift who?”

Well, not really. You’d probably roll your eyes and try to change the subject, but you see where we’re going with this.

Taylor’s been staying out of the spotlight for months now. Besides releasing that 50 Shades Darker music video with Zayn Malik and performing at Super Bowl pre-show, she’s pretty much been in hiding.

It’s worth noting that at that pre-show, she told the audience that “I’m only doing one show in 2017, and as far as I know, this is that show.”

She’s barely been on social media except to promote those couple of projects, and she hasn’t been spotted by paparazzi in nearly two months.

It’s a weird move for the biggest pop star in the world.

And now, thanks to a new report from Hollywood Life, we may know why.

An insider explains that Taylor “enjoys being connected with her fans but she also struggles with the negativity and bullies that she deals with whenever she reads Instagram comments.”

Girl, you’re a pro now. You know better than to read the comments.

Still, she’s “loving her break from social media.”

“She will be back to posting more regularly soon,” the source says, “but for now she is really appreciating detoxing and being unplugged from some of the negative energy online.”

While this is a solid theory and we can definitely believe that Taylor is having fun just living her life away from the spotlight, we imagine bullies aren’t the only reason she’s been keeping quiet.

Let’s not forget, the girl had a pretty horrific year last year.

You know, for Taylor Swift.

She broke up with Calvin Harris and hooked up with Tom Hiddleston very soon after, sparking cheating rumors and beginning the most embarrassing courtship of all time.

Critics and fans alike gave her the side-eye for how she behaved with him, and they broke up after a few months together.

Around the same time, Kim Kardashian released a certain series of recordings of a conversation between Taylor and Kanye West.

The recordings proved that Taylor had lied about Kanye asking her permission to rap about her in his song “Famous,” and they also proved that Taylor was playing the victim in their renewed feud.

Then, when election season was underway, she never spoke out at all about the candidates, causing many people to accuse her of being a “fake feminist” who only uses the movement when it can make her look good.

To this day, she still hasn’t said a word against Donald Trump, which, to many, isn’t OK.

So it’s probably safe to say that she’s waiting for a lot of those memories to fade before she tries to drop her next mega hit album, you know?

That’s the way the Taylor Swift game is played, after all.
