Friday, November 3, 2017

Teen Mom: Does MTV Force Cast Members to Get Pregnant?!

It’s been such an amazing time for Teen Mom gossip lately, hasn’t it?

We’ve had pregnancy announcements, fights between cast members, balloon stabbings, hate crimes …

For those of us who hold this trashy little show close to our hearts, it’s been a wild and wonderful ride.

And you know the drama hasn’t reached a conclusion yet!

Today — or right now, we should say, since who knows what could happen with these people as the day goes on — we’re going to be talking about Farrah Abraham and her recent firing.

Or, sorry, her “fake firing.”

The whole fiasco began on Monday. That night, she was scheduled to do another adult livestream, a special Halloween one where she was supposed to do butt stuff.

She did log onto the livestream, but nothing sexy happened. Instead, she just ranted about how she’d been fired by MTV earlier in the day.

Yep, for the second time, Farrah was let go from Teen Mom for doing things in the adult industry.

Or, as she explained it, she was fired “because as a Business Mogul I act like an adult and part take in adult promotions and activities that other adults do for FREE or in private.”

“Sad such a phenomenal show will no longer have its biggest talent on the show because of women hating, sex shaming, hate crimes, selfish, Weinstein company power trip behaviors against a professional hard working, honest mother,” she added.

Things turned out to be a little more complicated than that though — sources involved in production claimed that in addition to the porn, Farrah is also just really unlikable.

Fans of the show don’t like her, the people who make the show don’t like her … and not in a fun, scandalous way that would make great television, either.

And then things got even more complicated when Farrah explained in a video she shared on her YouTube account that, as it turns out, she actually wasn’t fired.

Instead, certain “accomplists” — Farrah-speak for “accomplices” — just pretended to fire her “for the gain of your own press.”

We’re still not sure what exactly is happening, but it’s all very intense.

And it’s getting even more intense, because Simon Saran is joining Farrah in calling out the people behind the magic of Teen Mom.

According to Simon, the producers of the show are “very controlling individuals,” and that’s one of the reasons why he quit the show after his Being Simon special aired.

“The reason why I also quit,” he explains in an interview with Radar Online, “because producer Morgan J. Freeman hated the fact that I was successful.”

“I didn’t agree with how he went about treating people and putting them in harm’s way.”

He also said that Freeman “provides cast members with drugs, forces them to have kids and bribes them with bonuses to have strange men move in with them.”

This isn’t the first time he’s made such accusations — far from it.

He’s slammed the cast and crew of Teen Mom time and time again: he’s claimed that the show’s producers supplied Ryan Edwards with drugs last season, for example.

And he’s not done, either.

He also made some pretty harsh allegations over on Twitter, where he wrote that another reason he quit the show “was because of the racist comments” producers made to him.

He then called Teen Mom as “The show that promotes 50 year old naked men on book covers and 6 years olds in the same segments,” referring to Matt Baier and Amber Portwood’s segments last season.

Later he touched on Amber’s recent pregnancy news, writing “Poor Amber had to get knocked up for Morgan’s financial gain! How sad! It’s like a breeding mill over at #TeenMomOG.”

He clarified “In no means was this to attack Amber, I feel bad actually for what some of these people go through to satisfy Morgan’s needs.”

“I don’t hate any of the girls,” he added. “A reality check once in a while never hurt. I give Farrah them all the time. Even she has a lot to learn.”

So there’s a lot to unpack here, right?

He’s saying that the show’s producers actually force the moms to have more children, which … how?

A popular rumor for years has been that the moms receive a “bonus” when they have additional children, but that’s never been confirmed.

Besides that extra incentive, it’s hard to imagine how anyone could force pregnancies on the cast members.

Maybe Simon knows something we don’t, but it’s probably safer to say that he’s just going along with Farrah’s insane trashing of anything and anyone having to do with the show.

For what it’s worth, Kailyn Lowry has come forward to deny the claims they’ve been making.

“I’ve never, ever experienced any of those things with our production crews,” she said in a statement to Radar. “I have a great relationship with a lot of the crew.”

The plot thickens!
