Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Ashamed of Weight Gain? Planning Emergency Surgery?!?

Kylie Jenner has scarcely been seen in public since numerous outlets confirmed she’s pregnant.

The reality star has shared the occasional photo on social media, but rarely of her belly.

And she certainly hasn’t confirmed the VERY strong rumor at any point, either.

Will we even see Kylie again before she gives birth to her first child?

One would have to imagine so, although recent reports have suggested Jenner really is going to lay as low as possible until she becomes a mother.

“Kylie wants to disappear and be out of the spotlight and focus on her health and happiness,” an insider recently told People Magazine, claiming Jenner won’t even “address her pregnancy” until it’s over with.

For what reason?

Multiple sources have said Kylie thinks she’s an ugly pregnant person.

Considering she’s sky-rocketed to Instagram fame largely due to her revealing pictures, it’s not hard to understand why a new, significantly larger figure may be difficult for the star to digest.

This is why Kylie supposedly has a master plan to get rid of said figure as quickly as she can.

According to Radar Online, the 20-year old is “very insecure with her weight gain” and, as a result, her loved ones are “trying to make her feel better.”

But to no avail.

The pregnant star has been asking “if it’s possible get [liposuction] immediately” after giving birth, this same report alleges.

This, of course, is frowned upon in the United States. Or in nearly any first world country, really.

It’s dangerous to go under the knife after your body goes through some as traumatic as squeezing a human being out of your vagina.

Having had her request denied, Radar writes that Kylie “asked if she could to another country” for the weight loss procedure.

Thankfully, there are apparently a few voices of reason here.

For all the issues one could understandably take with Kim, Khloe or Kim Kardashian, this Radar source says the sisters advised Kylie against such a terrible idea.

They told her she would have to shed the weight “naturally,” as Kim blogged about non-stop shortly after giving birth to her two kids.

Why cutting pounds so darn important to this family?

We wish we knew.

The sisters are setting a pretty terrible example by so constantly bringing up their bodies and their work out routines and their supposed need to weigh a certain amount.

We mean…come on now!

Kylie Jenner is about to be a mother!

She ought to be excited about the bundle of joy that’s about to enter her life, not what she looks like when she steps in front of a mirror.
