Thursday, November 30, 2017

Teresa and Joe Giudice: Getting DIVORCED Over Cheating Allegations?!

Currently, Joe Giudice is serving a four-year prison sentence for bankruptcy fraud.

Back in 2015, his wife, Real Housewives of New Jersey star Teresa Giudice, served 11 months behind bars on similar charges.

But while absence often makes the heart grow fonder, it seems back-to-back prison sentences are wreaking havoc on the Giudices and their relationship.

Of course, it certainly doesn"t help that Joe and Teresa have both been accused of cheating while the other was locked up.

Now it seems this country song of a marriage may finally be coming to an end thanks to some surprising accusations from Teresa"s biggest rival:

1. Happier Times

Teresa and joe giudice on instagram

While it often seems that the Giudices’ marriage has been one long rough patch, those who know the couple best say there was a time when they packed on the PDA nonstop.

2. Going Down Together

Teresa and joe giudice head to court

The Giudices were both convicted of bankruptcy fraud in 2015. The judge in their case allowed Joe and Teresa to serve their sentences back-to-back for the sake of their children.

3. Teresa Went First

Teresa giudice going to court

Teresa served 11 months of a 15-month sentence, earning an early release just before Christmas of 2015.

4. And Joe Allegedly Took Advantage

Joe giudice cheating

Though Teresa was locked up for less than a year, Joe reportedly carried on several affairs while she was serving her sentence.

5. Weathering the Storm

Teresa giudice and joe giudice perp walk

Teresa reportedly refused to believe the allegations against Joe, but now, the Giudices are facing further trouble.

6. Teresa’s Turn?

Teresa giudice on the real housewives

Now that Joe is locked up, rumors of Teresa being unfaithful are circulating non-stop. And they’re coming from a very high-profile accuser…

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