Thursday, November 30, 2017

Jana Duggar & Caleb Williams: Courtship Confirmed?!

For several weeks now, we’ve been hearing rumors that Jana Duggar is being courted by Caleb Williams, a longtime friend of her family’s.

False reports of Jana entering a relationship seem to surface about once a month, but this time, there’s real reason to believe that the claims may be legit.

Not only has Caleb been spending time with Jana, he’s also been putting in one-on-one time with her father, Jim Bob.

Since all courtship candidates need Jim Bob’s approval, many are taking this as a sign that Caleb and Jana are, in fact, in the early stages of a relationship.

An even better indication is the fact that Caleb and Jana are downplaying their involvement with one another, while never explicitly denying that they’re courting.

Unfortunately for the young lovebirds, it’s hard for to keep anything a secret in 2017, especially when your followers are as obsessive as Duggar fans tend to be.

To be fair, Caleb is doing a pretty good job of keeping things on the down-low.

(As an unmarried Duggar woman, Jana’s not allowed to use social media, so she has nothing to worry about.)


But Duggar die-hards are a detail-oriented bunch with a knack for picking up on the smallest of clues.

Take the above photo of a bag of oranges, for example.

Caleb posted it earlier this week, with a caption explaining that he’d simply decided to post “a few candid food photos.”

Seems innocent enough … but his followers quickly put this thing under the microscope, and it seems they’re very pleased with what they’ve found.

“That looks like the Duggars’ house,” one fan commented.

Others echoed the sentiment, because apparently there’s more than one person out there who’s capable of recognizing the Duggars’ countertops.

Caleb hasn’t confirmed that his followers are correct in their assumptions that he’s been hanging out at the Duggar compound.

But this may be one of those instances in which silence speaks volumes.

Williams has also avoided answering fans’ questions about whether or not he spent Thanksgiving with the Duggars.

He was notably not in the family’s holiday photo, but again, it’s a little weird that he’s not talking.

If Caleb was at the compound on Turkey Day but was left out of the photo, then this is pretty much an open-and-case.

The Duggars wouldn’t invite a young, single dude to Thanksgiving dinner unless he was courting one of their daughters.

And they wouldn’t leave a guest out of their big group photo unless they were trying to keep his presence a secret.

Clearly, neither Caleb or Jana will be confirming anything anytime soon.

Fortunately, legions of borderline-stalker Duggar fans are on the case.

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