Thursday, November 30, 2017

Matt Lauer: A Timeline of Terrible Behavior

Matt Lauer is officially unemployed.

The Today Show co-host was fired by NBC amidst accusations of major sexual misconduct, including one report that claims he committed assault.

This is the most troubling of all allegations, of course.

However, as you"re about to learn below, Lauer has been dogged for years by claims he has a bad attitude and other claims that he cheated on his wife…

1. His First Marriage/Divorce

His first marriage slash divorce

The reporter was married to TV producer Nancy Alspaugh in 1981, but the pair divorced in 1988. After rumors of infidelity against Lauer arose years later, during his second marriage, Alspaugh told The National Enquirer she “was not shocked” to hear them.

2. His Second Engagement

Matt lauer on stage

The former anchor was briefly engaged to television newscaster Kristen Gesswein, prior to their split in 1996.

3. His Second Marriage

His second marriage

In 1998, Lauer married his second wife, former model Annette Roque. They are still together and share three children.

4. All Has Not Been Perfect

All has not been perfect

Lauer and Roque’s relationship has faced scrutiny in the public eye many times before. The ex-model briefly filed for divorce in 2006, the first time reports surfaced that Lauer had been unfaithful.

5. Says a Source to People Magazine:

Matt lauer wife

“He regularly cheated on his wife.Everyone knew. His wife lives in the Hamptons and he lives in the city, but we never heard he made unwanted moves.”

6. Specific Allegations:

Savannah guthrie and matt lauer no makeup

Shortly after Lauer and Roque got engaged, a man named Zoltan Molnar told the National Enquirer that Lauer had been in a relationship with his wife, adding: “He’s not the goody-goody nice guy he looks like on TV!”

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