Showing posts with label Weight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weight. Show all posts

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Tori Roloff Flaunts Beach Body, Post-Baby Weight Loss

Tori Roloff is no Kim Kardashian.

She has no sex tape about which to lament the existence of and she doesn"t come across as fake or disingenuous at every turn.

But the Little People, Big World star has borrowed one page from Kim"s playbook on her Instagram page.

She has shared a photo of her pre-baby body and her post-baby body, clearly proud of how far she has come.

Oh, and she"s also given us new glimpses at adorable son Jackson!

Scroll down to see all the photos!

1. In Maui

In maui

Life looks pretty great for Tori, Zach and little Jackson in Maui, doesn’t it? We sort of wish we were there.

2. Pregnancy Throwback

Pregnancy throwback

Let’s do a time warp! Tori Roloff shared this photo on her Instagram page, saying she was seven months pregnant at the time… in Maui.

3. In Maui… Again

In maui again

… and now they have a baby! Tori and Zach returned to Maui with their precious son, Jackson, 18 months after he entered their world.

4. 7 months in. 18 months out.

7 months in 18 months out

Here is a comparison of those two photos. Tori wrote “7 months in. 18 months out.” as a caption.

5. A Slight Tease

A slight tease

As you can see here, some fans got excited that this was a second pregnancy announcement by Tori, as followers continue to hope one is on the way.

6. These Fans Mean Well, But…

Tori roloff and her cutie

Tori expressed understandable irritation at all the pregnancy rumors going around the Internet. She was forced to issue this statement in response to them on Instagram: “No I’m not pregnant. Yes I love baggy clothes and food. What if I was a women who couldn’t get pregnant? What if I was a women who had body image issues?”

View Slideshow

Friday, October 5, 2018

Khabib Nurmagomedov Makes Weight for UFC 229

Daniel Cormier was right …  Khabib Nurmagomedov has weighed in for his championship fight against Conor McGregor at UFC 229 … and he was a perfect 155 pounds.  Khabib has had issues with weight before — he bailed out of UFC 209…


Thursday, October 4, 2018

Daniel Cormier Says Khabib Will Definitely Make Weight, "He"s Looking Great"

Khabib Nurmagomedov will NOT screw over UFC 229 by missing weight — so says his teammate, Daniel Cormier, who says his Dagestani pal is right on track.  Khabib has had issues with weight before — he bailed out of UFC 209 (against Tony…


Saturday, September 29, 2018

Tyler Baltierra Shows Off Jaw-Dropping, 43-Pound Weight Loss!

Teen Mom star Tyler Baltierra has flaunted his wild weight loss before, but this time, his thirst trap is accompanied by a before photo.

In case the powerful visual of his body’s transformation isn’t enough, he reveals exactly how much weight he’s lost.

Take a look:

Tyler Baltierra posted a pair of shirtless photos of himself.

In the first, he looks overweight. It’s not an especially flattering image for a few reasons.

His body type in the pic could be described as “soft” or even, dare we say it, “dad bod.”

Tyler wants fans to know how much weight he’s lost, so he starts his captions with his stats.

“208lbs to 165lbs!” Tyler announces. 

That makes for a weight difference of 43 pounds. Wow!

“I’ve been eating healthy for about 7 months,” Tyler reveals about his lifestyle transformation.

Tyler then clarifies what he means by healthy food, since everybody has their own definition.

He explains: “(no processed foods/low carbs/no sugar)”

Different diets have different effects, but you can’t argue with his results!

Tyler Baltierra selfie

Tyler has been eating like this for more than half a year.

“But,” he says. “I’ve only been working out for 3 of those months.”

Diet and exercise combined are radically transforming his body.

“And,” Tyler writes. “I’m finally starting to see results from it!”

Um, we’re all seeing those results.

“#ReachingGoals,” Tyler tagged his post. “#SelfLove.”

Learning to love yourself is a great first step to taking measures to improve your health.

He followed that up with the tags: “#Dedication #NaturalEndorphins.”

Exercise may be miserable, but the release of natural endorphins is part of the reward.

Finally, Tyler tags: “#IAmMyOnlyCompetition”

That sounds like a very healthy mindset.

He’s not competing for Catelynn’s heart — he won that a long time ago.

He’s comparing his body and his current weight to his old body and his old weight.

Tyler Baltierra working out and posting these thirst traps has been great for his self esteem.

It has also, some cynical fans fear, been a warning that Tyler and Catelynn will get divorced.

Some people worry when one spouse suddenly starts working hard on getting hot.

While Catelynn obviously enjoys his new hot body, some fans fear that he’s preparing to leave her or at least step out on her.

If, they say, he has not done so already.

But Tyler isn’t getting hot so that he can bang other women.

He’s getting hot for himself. He is working to better his physical health, his mental health, and his emotional health.

Tyler has been open and honest about his struggles, but improving his health from without and within can really help him — in conjunction with proper medication and therapy.

By sharing his journey with fans and followers, Tyler is showing that they can follow in his footsteps.

Plus, he’s also showing off a little. That’s okay. He has more than earned those bragging rights.


Thursday, August 23, 2018

Kim Kardashian Reveals Her INSANE Weight Loss!

Though fans say that Kourtney is still hotter than Kim, there are few bodies on the planet more legendary than Kim Kardashian and her internet-breaking booty.

But Kim’s body has had some changes lately. And she has come forward to reveal that she is proud to have lost 20 pounds.

Kim is even revealing how she pulled it off. And no, feuding with Kourtney does not burn calories.

In an interview with E! that aired on Wednesday, Kim shares the new routine that helped her to lose 20 pounds.

“I work out about an hour-and-a-half every single day,” Kim reveals, sharing that she practices using “heavy weights.”

A lot of exercise intended to result in weight loss focuses upon sustained activity to burn calories, but Kim’s approach is a little different.

“I don’t do a lot of cardio,” Kim shares.

She teases that even her family has been marveling at the results.

“But honestly,” Kim says. “Like even my mom pulled me aside maybe a week ago and pulls me in a closet and is like, ‘What are you doing?’”

Why … why did this conversation need to take place in a closet?

Kim continues her anecdote about her mother’s desperate question: “She says, ‘I don’t care what, I just need to know.’”

That is … a phenomenally Kris Jenner way to ask something. Beautiful.

“I’ve been working out really hardcore with a bodybuilder for one year,” Kim announces.

“September,” Kim continues. “Is our one-year anniversary.”

In under one year, Kim has managed to sculpt her body beyond its already enviable shape.

“I’ve lost 20 pounds,” Kim reveals. “And I’m really proud of that.”

That’s impressive! Especially for someone so small who had so little, body-wise, to lose.

Kim shares her previous stats, saying: “I was almost 140 forever.”

140 and under is not a lot for a human being to weigh, but, at 5-foot-3, Kim is so very tiny that she felt heavy.

“And now,” Kim divulges. “I’m like 116 and it just feels good.”

Kim shares that this fitness habit is not the kind that boasts instant results.

“I didn’t see results right away,” she admits.

Very few sustainable workouts do see much initial change — unless you just shed water weight.

“But when you stick with something and you’re consistent,” Kim promises. “You will.”

“So,” Kim continues. “I love it.”

Kim notes that she has also made some adjustments to her diet that have contributed to her weight loss.

“I don’t really eat sugar the way that I used to,” Kim admits. “It doesn’t really do it for me.”

Different people crave different tastes. Though it is of course possible that Kim has just managed to convince herself that sweet things don’t taste as good as her new figure feels.

“I’ve kind of been trained to just eat a lot healthier than I used to,” Kim shares. “I used to just eat anything and everything and I loved it.”

One day, when medical science allows people to pop a $ 10 pill and lose 10 pounds of fat with zero consequences, maybe the whole world will be able to eat like that.

Kim explains that she has devoted herself to regulating what she eats and how much.

“And so I really do control that now,” Kim expresses. “I don’t want to ruin it by just stuffing my face.”

Some would say that the whole point of an exercise routine is to allow you to eat more of what you would like to eat.

Kim does reveal her cheat food: “I love Häagen-Dazs ice cream. That’s like my one go-to.”

Obviously, training with a bodybuilder and even eating healthy can be difficult or impossible if you’re not, you know, a millionaire. But it’s good of her to share her story with fans.


Thursday, August 9, 2018

Emmy Rossum Reveals Her Weight as Part of "I Weigh" Movement

Emmy Rossum is beautiful and talented, and has starred on television and in films.

In the past, she has used her voice to scold anti-Semitic Trump supporters. Now, she is lending her fame and platform to a very powerful movement.

She is sharing her weight, and the answer may surprise you.

Emmy took to Instagram to ask her fans and followers: “Want to know what I weigh?”

In case you’re thinking no thanks, I’m not that intrusive, know that she’s posting this herself.

And that second of all, there’s much more to this than a number on the scale. In fact, that is the whole point.

“Click on my stories,” Emmy encourages her followers. “@i_weigh BECAUSE YOU AE SO MUCH MORE THAN A NUMBER”

She tags I Weigh, which is a powerful campaign. And as you see her posts, you understand what the campaign is all about.

Emmy tells her followers that the scale, though a useful tool, does not reveal the be all and end all of a person’s value.

“During my life,” Emmy writes. “The scale has told me that I’ve gained and lost and gained and lost.”

It is, for everyone, an endless cycle of both gains and losses.

Emmy reveals that she has oscillated “somewhere in the range of 20 pounds. But that piece of metal doesn’t really know.”

“Here,” Emmy writes. “Is what I ACTUALLY WEIGH.”

Emmy then shares an image that lists her qualities — the substance of wh she is.

“3 best friends since kindergarten, drive, kindness, empathy,” Emmy lists.

“Makes friends with strangers, Jewish and proud, Daughter,” Emmy adds. “100+ hours of television.”

That’s not about watching TV — that means that she has appeared on 100 hours of television, which is true — honestly, her role on Shameless covered almost that much.

“The courage it takes everyday to overcome ptsd, one happy marriage, 3 episodes of television directed,” Emmy continues.

Emmy adds: “countless hours of therapy, one finished screenplay, and animal rescuer.”

She then shares an image that adds to that.

“See,” Emmy writes. “When you add up everything you are??”

You’re a lot more than how hard this planet’s gravity pulls you towards its center, that’s for sure.

Emmy writes: “The size of your thighs don’t really matter anymore do they?!”

“So join me in this,” Emmy says. “Show people what you are actually made of. Because you are so much more than a f–king number.”

Obviously, it is normal for weight to go up and down — but several pounds.

Factors like when you last ate, when you last went to the bathroom, how hydrated you are, and even the weather that day can change what the scale says about you.

Emmy and the I Weigh campaign are exactly right — that number on the scale does not tell you your value.

Some may cynically point out that Emmy Rossum is a famously gorgeous woman who has never in her life weighed anything outside of what society considers “extremely good” or “perfect.”

But she is lending her voice to a very good campaign, and her voice matters. Some people would sadly refuse to hear this from a woman twice her size.


Friday, August 3, 2018

Kathryn Dennis Demolishes Ashley Jacobs" Weight Loss Claims!

At the moment, Ashley Jacobs has left Thomas Ravenel … but they are not officially broken up. Yet.

In the mean time, a number of viewers have been deeply alarmed by what they perceive as rapid weight loss on Ashley’s part.

Ashley explains why she lost weight, but Kathryn Dennis isn’t buying it. She says that Ashley is just an a–hole.

“I know a lot of people on social media have been concerned about your weight loss,” Andy Cohen said to Ashley during the show’s reunion special. “You look different than you look on the show.”

“Yes,” Ashley acknowledges. “The pressure of filming made me nervous.”

Some people respond to anxiety by stress eating. Others respond with a total lack of appetite.

Neither of those are the worst coping mechanisms, but they’re also not healthy.

“It would be hard for me to eat before,” Ashley explains. “Because I would be so nervous about what to expect.”

The effects have transformed Ashley pretty noticeably. Fans are concerned.

Ashley has muddied the waters on Instagram by controlling which photos get posted (and stay posted) and also uploading throwback pics, but the change is still hard to miss.

“And then,” Ashley explains. “Afterward, I had such a hard time even eating, going, ‘I shouldn’t have said that. I shouldn’t have said this.’”

So she would get nervous before filming … and then work herself up into an anxious mess after filming, too.

“And it caused a lot of stress,” Ashley admits. “I put a lot of pressure on myself.”

Ashley then went on to imply that perhaps the multiple rape accusations against Thomas Ravenel and Ashley’s own portrayal as the season’s villain contributed to her unhealthy habits.

“Girl,” Kathryn writes on Twitter in response to Ashley’s statements. “This is your first year and you’re an a–hole.”

Ashley did seem to be rude and confrontational towards a number of Southern Charm stars — and on Kathryn in particular.

“Sorry to be blunt,” Kathryn continues. “But there’s no excuse.”

Kathryn reminds Ashley that “the original cast has been through a helluva lot more.” They’ve been filming the series for years, remember?

“Get yourself together and move on. Be an asshole in private,” Kathryn advises. “Truth hurts. Bye”

Though Ashley seemed determined to make enemies — whether by feuding or flirting — her castmates clearly do not wish her ill.

In fact, during the second part of the reunion special, which aired last week, Andy Cohen mentioned that someone had allegedly seen Thomas Ravenel throw something at Ashley.

Ashley had paused and then tried to take the blame, claiming that she had been “a brat” and that it was her fault.

Shock and concern, at the alleged incident and at Ashley’s response, was impossible for the Southern Charm stars to hide.

Multiple costars referred to Ashley making excuses for Thomas as a “red flag.”

Ashley may have been the season’s villain, but the more that fans and viewers have heard about Thomas, the more people doubt that he’ll be returning to the screen.

In fact, some have speculated that though there is no real defense for Ashley’s behavior on camera, that it seemed that Thomas was baiting her.

Even some of the Southern Charm stars themselves pointed out that Thomas liked to compare Ashley to Kathryn, but only where Ashley failed to measure up.

Ashley is an adult woman who is responsible for her own behavior, but that does not mean that no one else contributed to her behavior.

And it may be that her terror and anxiety over filming the show was also exacerbated by her relationship with Thomas.

Either way … not everyone is able to accept being a reality star, no matter how badly they may have wanted it.

It may be that all of Ashley’s famewhoring was for nothing.


Friday, July 27, 2018

Dustin Poirier Says Conor McGregor Avoiding Jail Is Good For Weight Class

Conor McGregor ain’t goin’ to prison — and UFC star Dustin Poirier couldn’t be happier about it — telling TMZ Sports they can finally figure out who’s the baddest lightweight fighter in the world. Poirier — the #4 ranked lightweight…


Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Jenna Jameson Flaunts Astonishing 57 Pound Weight Loss!

Jenna Jameson has been retired from porn for over ten years now, but she’s still one of the handful household names to emerge from the adult industry in the ’90s and early 2000s.

While she raked in a ton of cash during her career, Jameson’s life has deteriorated recently into the sort of cautionary tale that the porn world produces so consistently.

In the past few years, Jameson has been arrested; she’s been involved in multiple unhealthy relationships; and she’s appeared intoxicated and incoherent in numerous relationships.

She’s been both a victim and a perpetrator of awful behavior.

She’s lied; she’s cheated; she’s said horrible, racist things on television and blamed others when she was called out for her comments.

In other words, she’s what 60 million or so Americans would consider presidential material.

But despite the many times Jenna has let us down, we’re still rooting for her.

We’re mostly rooting for her to stop being racist, but maybe a more positive worldview come more naturally now that she’s taking care of herself.

As you can see, Jenna has shed quite a few pounds in recent months — 57 pounds to be exact.

She posted the before-and-after pics above to her Instagram page this week along with a caption describing her process:

“Thought I’d post a #motivationmonday #beforeandafter of my total weight loss,” Jameson wrote.

“On the right I weight 187. On the left I’m a strong 130. I was lethargic and struggled with the easiest of tasks like walking in the beach sand with Batelli.

“I felt slow mentally and physically. I took the pic on the right for a body positive post I was going to do and decided against it because I felt anything but fucking positive,” she added.

“I’m now a little under 4 months on the #ketodiet and it’s not only given me physical results, I feel happier, smarter, and much more confident.”:

Jameson also posted a second before-and-after pic, this time offering 

This has been a strong week for my Keto lifestyle results. I’m no longer really losing fat, I’m tightening,” she wrote.

“I see and feel the biggest difference in my arms and back.

“When I was out of shape, I felt really thick through my core and trap and arm area. That’s finally starting to go.”

Yes, the keto diet is working wonders for lots of people these days.

But until they invent carb-free french fry sandwiches, it simply won’t be for us.

Anyway, congrats to Jenna on her remarkable transformation.

Now, if you’ll excuse us, we’re going to go bury our shame in an avalanche of empty calories.


Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Tyler Baltierra Flaunts WILD Weight Loss in New Thirst Trap!

Teen Mom OG star Tyler Baltierra has shown off his insane weight loss in recent weeks, but he’s been working to do more than just shed some pounds.

He’s working hard to tone his body and regain his abs. And, as you can see below, it is clearly working.

There’s a fine line between sharing your body transformation progress and posting a thirst trap, and Tyler may have just crossed it.

It’s not #TransformationThursday yet, but clearly Tyler Baltierra was happy to share his extraordinary progress with his fans and followers.

“Five months ago, I was 208” pounds, Tyler Baltierra shares in the caption of the photo that he shared with Snapchat followers.

208 can be a lot or a little, depending upon your height and build. At only 5-foot-11, he was feeling a little to large at that size.

“… Today?” he continues. “163! #BOOM.”

That’s a 45 pound weight loss in only 5 months. That’s 9 pounds a month! And just look at the results:

Like we said, he isn’t just walking the line between a fitness pic and a thirst trap. He crossed it.

But why shouldn’t he? He’s really transformed his look this year.

His pecs and abs are looking top notch. His hard work is obviously paying off, and he has every right to flaunt the results to the world.

This is a great reminder that all of this is about more than just shedding some unwanted pounds.

Tyler has detailed his mental health struggles online. He’s also sharing his efforts to improve his physical health.

Beside the side-by-side ab pics below, Tyler writes: “1 month before (LEFT) & after! (RIGHT)”

“Finally making some progress on this goal of mine,” he proudly shares with his fans and followers.

“I think It’s important to document your journey,” Tyler says. “Even if you don’t ever decide to share it.”

For some people pursuing weight loss, the photos at the start of their efforts aren’t the sort that they would ever want to share. That’s fine.

But Tyler explains why it’s important to keep a personal photo journal.

What he’s describing here is what fitness folks refer to as personal accountability photos. Some share them daily.

“Because the days you don’t feel like putting in the work because either you don’t feel like you’re seeing results or you’re just feeling lazy as hell,” Tyler explains. 

He continues, saying that: “those are the days those pics come in handy to motivate & prove to yourself what you are doing & why!”

“40lbs down & only 2 months of consistently working out…BOOM!” he announces.

And that’s up to 45, now.

“For once in my life,” Tyler says. “I’m actually pumped & pretty proud of myself!”

He has a lot of reason to be proud!

Unfortunately, some naysayers are already claiming that all of this body-sculpting is going to lead Tyler Baltierra to leave Catelynn Lowell.

They say that Catelynn might enjoy Tyler’s new body now, but that we’re only a few months away from news of a separation.

Though working out can be a red flag for an affair or an impending breakup, it can also just mean that someone wants to improve their health or self esteem.

And while it’s true that one partner suddenly changing their lifestyle can lead to a split, that doesn’t mean that it always happens.

Tyler and Catelynn have been together since they were twelve years old. It’s hard to imagine that some abs, however nice, are going to break them up.

Besides, as we said, Catelynn really likes what Tyler’s done with himself.


Friday, July 20, 2018

Christian Bale Shows Off Extreme Weight Loss After Dick Cheney Role

Christian Bale’s ditched any vestige of Dick Cheney from his life, and by that we mean roughly 100 lbs … in just a matter of months. CB and his fam — like most of the world, it seems — are on vacay in Italy and, during a Friday morning stroll,…


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Khloe Kardashian Reveals SHOCKING Post-Pregnancy Weight Loss!

It’s only been three years since Khloe Kardashian gave birth to True Thompson, and like her sisters before her, Khloe has kept a relatively low profile since giving birth.

Of course, in her case, the decision to post fewer selfies probably had less to do with self-consciousness about her appearance and more to do with being cheated on by baby daddy Tristan Thompson.

Yes, Khloe basically lived a nightmare before our eyes, learning that the father of her child had been unfaithful just days before giving birth.

Fortunately, the 34-year-old is an expert on turning negatives into positives.

Khloe hosts a show on E! called Revenge Body that’s all about jilted exes using their rage as motivation to work out.

Making your ex jealous might not be the healthiest incentive, but hey — whatever gets you in the gym.

Anyway, much to the chagrin of her family, friends, and fans, Khloe is still with Tristan.

But that doesn’t mean she wasn’t using his betrayal to fire her up when she was working the heavy back these past few months.

Khloe posted the above post-baby pic on her Instagram page this week.

She captioned the photo:

“Moms Home!! Yeezy Season 7”

On her blog, Khloe offered up some specifics on her progress and her views on fitness:

“Here is where I am at currently,” Khloe wrote.

“True turned 3 months old on July 12. I honestly didn’t give myself a number that I wanted to lose by this time, especially since I wasn’t able to work out for the first six weeks. But, since then, I’ve lost 33 pounds! I’m shocked that I lost that much weight that quickly.”

Khloe says she has no time for the idea of a “post-baby body,” and prefers to think of herself as a constant work in progress.

“After I had True, I didn’t put any pressure on myself to lose the baby weight,” Khloe added.

“I just wanted to get back to my regular routine from before I got pregnant, which was working out five to six times a week.”

The new mom also offered some valuable insights about self-image in the age of social media:

“I never compare myself to other women as every woman has their own journey,” she wrote.

“We also all have different priorities in our day-to-day lives. One of mine is having that one hour where I can be selfish and alone in my place of refuge.”

Khloe added:

“Staying healthy and active is something that’s very important to me.

“Exercise is something I’ve always used to maintain my sanity and relieve stress. And, now that I have a baby, I still want to keep something that’s my time, my space, something I’m doing for myself.”

So she’s doing it for herself …

… but we’re sure showing Tristan what he would be missing out on if he f-cks up again is a nice bonus.


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Catelynn Lowell: Open Adoption is a Terrible Weight on My Heart

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra gave up their firstborn for adoption.

But it’s an open adoption, so they still have a small amount of contact with Carly — who is nine years old.

Catelynn is opening up to fans about how challenging it can be to maintain this very limited relationship with the child you brought into the world. See her heartfelt note below:

Catelynn shared a quote to Instagram.

“Open adoption is like a marriage,” the post’s image begins, written tidily in chalk.

If you’re wondering how this simile works, don’t worry, the quote explains it.

The chalk writing says: “It requires hard work, acceptance, patience, forgiveness, respect, trust, understanding, and quality time.”

In contrast, a closed adoption won’t feature any quality time.

“You stay in it not only for the child,” the quote concludes. “But because you genuinely love each other.”

The quote is attributed to Jenna Cooper.

Catelynn Lowell Open Adoption IG Post

Catelynn shared this image, and included a caption with some thoughts of her own.

“Some days adoption is really hard…” Catelynn begins, making liberal use of elipses.

Catelynn gave up her firstborn daughter, Carly, for adoption. Carly is now nine years old.

“I know,” Catelynn continues. “She will understand one day…”

But it can be difficult.

“I don’t regret it at all..” Catelynn makes clear.

Good. She was a teenager and not prepared for motherhood.

Catelynn admits: “Just some days are harder than others”

Catelynn has been brutally honest about her personal struggles before. It makes sense that she’s open and honest about this.

Last month, Catelynn honored Carly on her birthday.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARLY,” Catelynn began in all caps.

Birthdays are a big deal, even in complicated families. Especially in complicated families.

“Today,” Catelynn continued. “You are 9 years old! NINE!!!”

Anyone who remembers when Catelynn was a pregnant teenager didn’t really appreciate the reminder of how old they are.

Catelynn expresses her astonishment, writing: “That is insane to me!!!”

Children really do grow up so unbelievably quickly.

“Today at 10:39am,” Catelynn said. “You took your very first breath and brought so much joy to this world!!!”

So it’s just a universal mom thing that they remind you what time of day you were born.

“We love you so much, “Catelynn concludes. “And will talk with you later.”

(We hope that Carly doesn’t actually have free reign to explore Instagram — there are butts and a lot of lewd text on that app)

Tyler Baltierra, who has clapped back at questions over whether his mental health makes him a bad parent, also gave Carly a shoutout in May for her birthday.

“Happy Birthday to my beautiful first born!” Tyler’s message began. “I can’t believe Carly is 9 years old today.”


“I’m just so blessed,” Tyler admits. “Because I may not have the luxury of seeing her every day.”

That can be so emotionally challenging.

Despite that, he writes: “but I have the peace of mind knowing I will see her one day a year (sometimes 2).”

You cherish the time that you have.

“I have learned a lot throughout this adoption journey,” Tyler admits. “& I have made mistakes in the past regarding that relationship.”

“But I feel like I have grown up & matured through all of that,” Tyler says. “& I now realize that I need to count my blessings.”

“I am proud to say,” Tyler continues. “That I have 9 blessings,”

To be clear, Tyler does not mean that he has nine children.

Tyler explains: “9 years of seeing her grow through visits & pictures, 9 birthday cakes, & ONE child to forever impact my life in so many ways.”

“I love you Carly,” Tyler writes. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Your birth daddy loves you SO MUCH!”

That is so sweet.

It’s good that Tyler and Catelynn feel comfortable opening up about their open adoption with fans.

You know that there are Teen Mom viewers who are going through similarly difficult situations with their own families.

It’s good to see that you’re not alone.


Tuesday, June 26, 2018

TMZ Live: Sarah Huckabee Sanders Weight Shamed

ON TODAY’S SHOW Meek Mill Shut Down By Judge  Terry Crews: Gives Emotional Testimony Before U.S. Senate  Heather Locklear: ‘Overdose’ Meltdown  George Lopez Selling Anti-Melania Jacket


Claudia Jordan Shames Sarah Huckabee Sanders Over Weight Post-Red Hen

Claudia Jordan just took the Red Hen controversy with Sarah Huckabee Sanders to a new level … shaming the woman over her weight as justification for her getting booted. We got the ex-‘RHOA’ star arriving at Catch in WeHo Monday night, where…


Monday, June 18, 2018

June Shannon: I"ve Gained Weight ... But ONLY Because I"m Going Blind!

Earlier this year, we learned that June Shannon is going blind in her one good eye. That is not good. But that’s not the only change in her health.

Recent From Not To Hot clips show that June has regained some of the weight that she so famously lost.

Now, Mama June is opening up about exactly how much she has regained … and how it happened.

Speaking to People, June Shannon reveals exactly what she’s experienced during her new brush with blindness.

“It’s been physically and emotionally draining,” June says.

Any health battle can takes it toll, but in this case, she has needed help from others to perform what were once simple tasks.

June explains: “Losing my independence and having to rely on other people for everything has been crazy.”

You ever get injured and suddenly you need someone’s help just to shower or get dressed? It can be maddening.

“I can’t do anything,” June explains. “And have to lay down most of the time and take care of my vision.”

That would definitely explain why has has regained weight. Obviously, recovering her eyesight has to take priority over her figure.

”I have to worry about that right now,” June emphasizes. “That’s my main concern.”

As for how much weight she’s regained?

25 pounds, she reveals.

That can be hard to lose, but considering that she lost hundreds of pounds, that’s like a drop in the bucket.

June explains that she’s not going to try to re-lose that weight right away, saying: “I’m just focused on getting my vision back.”

As she explained, she needs to rest. Sometimes, exercise can help the healing process — but sometimes, it can actively impede recovery or make things worse. That latter applies when you’re recovering from eye surgeries.

But June is confident that, when the time comes, she can shrink back down.

“I can lose the weight, I know that,” she says.

Good for her.

But she makes it clear that she will avoid gaining too much weight, even while she concentrates on her eye.

“And I know I don’t want to go back over 200 lbs,” she says. “I’m paying attention to it more.”

June is completely blind in her right eye, but she’s accepted that.

Losing vision in her left eye is serious business.

At prsent, June rates her left eye’s vision as “a four out of ten,”

That doesn’t sound great, but she sounds satisfied.

June makes it clear that she has realistic expectations for her eyesight, saying: “Nothing is guaranteed.”

That’s true enough.

“Even if it stays as good as it is now,” June says of her lingering eyesight. “I’ll be happy.”

June and boyfriend Geno Doak have temporarily relocated to North Carolina so that they can be close to Duke hospital, a world-class medical facility where they can monitor and treat her eye.

But while June is focused on recovery and managing her expectations, some of her fans are dismayed that, after all of the work that she did to transform her body, she has regained this weight.

First, this is a special circumstance. Injuries or ailments that impair mobility tend to interrupt regular exercise, from walking around the house to actively working out.

That can really throw you off of your rhythm and cause weight gain.

Second of all, the grim truth is that almost everyone who loses weight eventually regains at least some of it.

Human bodies adapted for survival during times of scarcity, and are very good at storing energy as fat. Not even weight loss surgeries are a guarantee.

June Shannon is a problematic individual with a worrisome history, but we obviously hope that her eyesight makes a full and speedy recovery.

While “grandma’s eyesight isn’t what it used to be” might sound like a normal thing to say, remember that though she is a grandmother, she is only 38 years old.

There’s no good age at which to go blind, but 38 would be a very bad age for it.

Let’s hope that she continues to get the rest that she needs. Exercise can come later.


Thursday, June 14, 2018

Jennifer Lamb: Will Sugar Bear"s Wife Start Her Own Weight Loss Journey?

Recently on From Not To Hot, it’s looked like June Shannon and Geno Doak might get married. June’s ex has already gotten married — to Jennifer Lamb.

The series started with June’s transformation, but now it looks like Jennifer’s about to embark on her own weight loss journey.

There’s just one potential obstacle: Sugar Bear.

In a recent From Not To Hot preview, Sugar Bear and Jennifer Lamb embarked on a “romantic” fishing trip.

During the downhill walk, Jennifer did not seem to be having a good time.

“Walking to the docks really made my chest hurt,” she later admits to the camera. “It was hard to breathe.”

Those are signs of what may be serious health problems.

(Being winded while walking uphill, which is not uncommon, is very different from experiencing genuine chest pains while traveling downhill)

Jennifer confesses: “I really don’t think I could go on like this.”

While there are perfectly healthy people with large bodies and some very unhealthy people who are slender, Jennifer fears that her size is the culprit.

“At this weight, I’m risking my health and my life.”

And she is thinking about doing something about it.

But she is hesitant to undergo weight loss surgery.

Jennifer explains: “It scares me because … I have a lot to lose.”

She’s not making a joke about how many pounds she needs to shed. She’s talking about her love life.

“Mike likes bigger women,” Jennifer explains. “He might not like me if I lose all this weight.”

For Jennifer, her life right now is about finding a balance.

“I wanna get healthy,” she says. “But I don’t want to lose my husband.”

She even reveals that she is unsure of how to even broach the subject with Sugar Bear.

She tells the cameras: “I wish I could go ahead and tell Mike, but I’m really not ready for his reaction.”

The hints that Jennifer may embark on a weight loss journey have been ongoing.

Remember back when Jennifer went to the doctor?

She complained of “chest pains, being dizzy, and just not feeling right.”

She was shocked to learn, as she stepped onto the scale, that she weighed 431 pounds.

(Obviously, different people carry weight differently, but 431 is a lot of pounds for a human body to bear)

“Oh my God, I know that I’ve gained some weight,” she said, still in shock. “But c’mon — that’s a lot of weight.”

At the time, she was fairly adamant about resisting the idea of a total body makeover.

“I don’t believe in having surgery like June did just to lose weight,” she said. “I’ve always said big is beautiful and I will always stand by that.”

She’s expressing second thoughts, now, perhaps because she has realized that this is less about size and more about her health.

“I don’t want to look like June,” she says adamantly. “I never would want to look like June, but if I keep doing what I’m doing now, I’m not guaranteed the next five years.”

“Living with the weight on me could do more damage than having surgery,” she admits.

Surgery has risks, but the risks of allowing her health to continue to decline may be even more severe.

But Jennifer was then and is in more recent clips afraid of losing Sugar Bear’s affections.

“He loves me the way I am,” she says. “So that’s sort of what scares me too.”

We would hope that he loves her for who she is, and not for her body shape.

“One thing I know,” Jennifer insists. “Mike don’t have nothing to do with no one that looks like June.”

Not all weight loss has the same goal, Jennifer. And that’s okay.

“My joints, my knees, my hip,” Jennifer complained. “There’s days I can’t even function because they hurt so bad. I’m having chest pains, where you get out and you start walking and you can’t breathe. At 44 I shouldn’t be doing that.”

That’s not ideal at any age.

Perhaps, in the coming weeks, we’ll learn that Jennifer has taken this major step for her health and her future.
