Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Khloe Kardashian Reveals SHOCKING Post-Pregnancy Weight Loss!

It’s only been three years since Khloe Kardashian gave birth to True Thompson, and like her sisters before her, Khloe has kept a relatively low profile since giving birth.

Of course, in her case, the decision to post fewer selfies probably had less to do with self-consciousness about her appearance and more to do with being cheated on by baby daddy Tristan Thompson.

Yes, Khloe basically lived a nightmare before our eyes, learning that the father of her child had been unfaithful just days before giving birth.

Fortunately, the 34-year-old is an expert on turning negatives into positives.

Khloe hosts a show on E! called Revenge Body that’s all about jilted exes using their rage as motivation to work out.

Making your ex jealous might not be the healthiest incentive, but hey — whatever gets you in the gym.

Anyway, much to the chagrin of her family, friends, and fans, Khloe is still with Tristan.

But that doesn’t mean she wasn’t using his betrayal to fire her up when she was working the heavy back these past few months.

Khloe posted the above post-baby pic on her Instagram page this week.

She captioned the photo:

“Moms Home!! Yeezy Season 7”

On her blog, Khloe offered up some specifics on her progress and her views on fitness:

“Here is where I am at currently,” Khloe wrote.

“True turned 3 months old on July 12. I honestly didn’t give myself a number that I wanted to lose by this time, especially since I wasn’t able to work out for the first six weeks. But, since then, I’ve lost 33 pounds! I’m shocked that I lost that much weight that quickly.”

Khloe says she has no time for the idea of a “post-baby body,” and prefers to think of herself as a constant work in progress.

“After I had True, I didn’t put any pressure on myself to lose the baby weight,” Khloe added.

“I just wanted to get back to my regular routine from before I got pregnant, which was working out five to six times a week.”

The new mom also offered some valuable insights about self-image in the age of social media:

“I never compare myself to other women as every woman has their own journey,” she wrote.

“We also all have different priorities in our day-to-day lives. One of mine is having that one hour where I can be selfish and alone in my place of refuge.”

Khloe added:

“Staying healthy and active is something that’s very important to me.

“Exercise is something I’ve always used to maintain my sanity and relieve stress. And, now that I have a baby, I still want to keep something that’s my time, my space, something I’m doing for myself.”

So she’s doing it for herself …

… but we’re sure showing Tristan what he would be missing out on if he f-cks up again is a nice bonus.
