Showing posts with label Ashley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ashley. Show all posts

Monday, January 14, 2019

"90 Day Fiance" Star Ashley Martson Hospitalized ... For Kidney Failure

Ashley Martson of “90 Day Fiance” says she was taken to the hospital for kidney failure … due to complications stemming from lupus. 
The reality TV star posted a shocking photo of herself Sunday which shows her passed out in a hospital bed with IVs running through her arms. S...
"90 Day Fiance" Star Ashley Martson Hospitalized ... For Kidney Failure

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Ashley Judd Judge Throws Out Sexual Harassment Claim ... Against Harvey Weinstein

Harvey Weinstein just won a big victory … a court just dismissed Ashley Judd‘s sexual harassment claims against him.
Ashley claimed Weinstein shut her out of “Lord of the Rings” after she turned down his sexual demands. She says he blacklisted her from movie...
Ashley Judd Judge Throws Out Sexual Harassment Claim ... Against Harvey Weinstein

Monday, November 12, 2018

Ashley Jacobs: Kathryn Dennis is LYING About Being Sober!

One woman’s redemption arc is another woman’s villain origin story — but is everything as it appears?

Former Southern Charm villain Ashley Jacobs says that she never wanted to be Kathryn Dennis’ enemy.

But Ashley also says that Kathryn isn’t sober and has never been sober, and that her trip to rehab was a publicity stunt.

Ashley Jacobs took to Instagram to chat with fans … and she began by sharing that she was asked to return to Southern Charm.

(Others, including Patricia Altschul, have suggested that Ashley was never invited back)

“They wanted me to film with Eliza Limehouse and one other cast member,” Ashley claims.

Ashley even furnishes additional details, writing: “They asked us to film while getting our nails done.”

“Kathryn and Eliza do not get along,” Ashley shares. “So it felt like a setup.”

Ashley and Kathryn’s feud was a major storyline last season.

Ashley Jacobs exposes Kathryn Dennis on IG 01

“My intent is not to hurt her,” Ashley says.

Contrary to how it has appeared, Ashley writes: “I have no animosity towards her.”

You know how sometimes a discussion seems settled, and then someone texts I just think it’s funny that

That’s what Ashley does here.

“But I think it’s wrong to pretend you are sober and to use it as a platform if it’s not true,” Ashley writes.

Ashley explains that she objects to Kathryn’s alleged lies because they’re an insult to real sober folks.

“There are people that are truly trying to turn their lives around,” Ashley says.

She insists that: “It’s not something you lie about.”

Ashley, we should probably note, is a registered nurse.

People in the medical profession can be particularly sensitive to what addiction can do to people.

“Considering [Kathryn]was seen at [Vintage Lounge] and several [other] bars on Saturday night drinking… I think it’s pretty clear,” Ashley concludes.

Ashley Jacobs exposes Kathryn Dennis on IG 02

Ashley then doubles down on her insistence that Ashley is not and has not been sober.

“She was never sober,” Ashley insists. “Rehab was paid for by Bravo.”

“She didn’t complete the program,” Ashley claims. “It was a publicity stunt.”

“As soon as she came back to Charleston she was seen drinking at Halls, Vintage, Deco, Republic… the list goes on,” Ashley reports.

“She doesn’t try to hide it,” Ashley adds.

“In Charleston everyone is aware,” she says to explain that she’s not starting this rumor. “I’m not broadcasting it.”

“In Charleston everyone knows,” Ashley repeats. “She just hides it well on social media.”

Ashley Jacobs exposes Kathryn Dennis on IG 03

Despite having just put Kathryn on blast and accusing her of being a lying hypocrite as well as an addict, Ashley laments that they’re not friends.

“The interesting thing is,” Ashley points out. “She was painted as the villain for several seasons.”

Yep. And then, very notably, Kathryn became a much more chill person.

“I know she understands what I am going through,” Ashley says.

“I wish we could have used the common ground as a foundation for a positive relationship,” Ashley says.

Ashley Jacobs exposes Kathryn Dennis on IG 04

If Ashley really did hope to become friends with Kathryn, these comments are not the way to do it.

Perhaps she just figures that it’s too late anyway.

We have to say that dating Kathryn’s ex who is also her baby daddy was probably not the best way to make a good first impression.

Also, no amount of “editing” could make their on-camera interactions last season seem anything but hostile.

We know that Ashley has admitted that she did not respond well to being on a realtiy show.

(We are also fully aware of the way that Thomas would bait her into getting upset, as was pointed out by the other stars)

But ultimately, Ashley chose to have an adversarial relationship with Kathryn.

As for Ashley’s accusation against Kathryn … we obviously can’t vouch for them.

We can confirm that Ashley tested positive for marijuana (who cares) and cocaine (okay that one’s not ideal) in her system.

It was because of that drug test that Thomas got custody of their children. Only this summer did Kathryn start fighting back.

While Kathryn has spoken about her sobriety, that word can mean different things to different people.

Some people get sober from hard drugs but continue to use marijuana, often as a medicine.

Others might do the same but continue to drink alcohol, especially socially.

That said, we’re not saying that this is what Kathryn is doing.

We’re inclined to take Ashley’s statements with a grain of salt.


Friday, November 9, 2018

90 Day Fiance Star Ashley Was Kidnapped at 19

Ashley and Jay are one of this season’s new 90 Day Fiance couples, and so far they’ve been fun to watch.

Unfortunately, Ashley’s life has known real pain and real horror, as she took to social media to reveal.

When she was 19 years old, Ashley was kidnapped by a stranger.

Ashley Martson took to Instagram to share an important, personal story with her followers.

“As most of you know,” Ashley writes. “An old friend decided to send the tabloids a very personal story about me.”

“Yes,” Ashley continues. “When I was 19 I was kidnapped, raped, and almost killed by a stranger.”

That is absolutely horrific.

“Many outlets were reaching out to me for comment,” Ashley shares.

“I reached out to @johnyates327 who was also sent the story,” Ashley says. “And asked him to leak it first”

Ashley says that she knew that the report would come out anywya.

She then writes that she asked for it to be leaked “because I wasn’t sure how the other tabloids would portray me.”

That is a very fair concern.

“I knew he would post it with the with dignity and respect,” Ashley says. “With the understanding that this is a very sensitive subject.”

“People are disgusting,” Ashley says.


“Sending this story to tabloids shows how s–tty people really are,” Ashley expresses.

“Everyone take it easy on @johnyates327,” she asks. “He has my permission.”

Ashley is known now for her sweet (if dramatic) romance with Jay.

We can understand her nervousness about fans reading up on her backstory.

Her case involves some truly horrific details.

In 2005, when she was 19, she was on her way to her job when a man, Sean Patrick Gallagher, tried to rob her.

He pressed a box cutter to her throat.

When she told him that she did not have any money, he forced her into the back of her own car and bound her hands with zip ties.

He then drove her car to a small athletic field where he terrorized and sexually assaulted her.

Police testified at Gallagher’s trial that he had bound her hands so tightly that they turned blue.

He never let her go — she had to escape.

Though Ashley was only 19 at the time, she mustered the incredible courage to fight back.

She struck him with her bag and used her own teeth to chew through the zip ties that bound her.

Gallagher was identified by DNA evidence.

It took the jury only 90 minutes to hand down the conviction.

Ashley was right to be nervous about how she would be portrayed and how she would be perceived.

Unfortunately, even after the dawn of #MeToo, too many women are second-guessed or even blamed after surviving harrowing attacks.

And now that Ashley has seen ugly responses from fans and viewers, she has to be on her guard about any stories about her.

(It wasn’t so long ago that a fan tried to portray her fiance, Jay, as some sort of sexual predator, using clearly fake texts to make it look like he’d flirted with a 16-year-old)

The world can be so unkind, even to people who have been through unspeakable experiences.


Patricia Altschul: Southern Charm Star SHADES Ashley Jacobs in Scathing Tweet

Despite some fan speculation, viewers won’t see Ashley Jacobs return to Southern Charm next season.

Ashley confirmed that on social media, claiming that it was her choice.

Patricia Altschul isn’t letting that claim stand unchallenged, and mocked Ashley’s post. Did she go too far?

“After a lot of prayerful consideration,” Ashley announced on Instagram. “I have decided not to return to Southern Charm next season.”

There was more to her announcement, and we’ll get to that.

But right now, let’s look at what one of the reigning Southern Charm stars has to say.

The absolute legend that is Patricia Altschul saw Ashley’s announcement and decided to parody it with an announcement of her own.

“After prayerful consideration,” Patricia tweeted. “I’ve decided to decline the Nobel Peace Prize and the swimsuit cover of Sports Illustrated.

Patricia Altschul shades Ashley Jacobs in tweet

Patricia Altschul is a delight.

It is clear by the implication of her tweet that, as far as she is concerned, Ashley was never considered for an invitation to return to the show.

That’s not so surprising — Ashley was never a real cast member, and was only paid for her appearance at the reunion special.

She was Thomas Ravenel’s girlfriend, and Thomas is never returning to Bravo.

(Thomas will, in fact, stand trial for sexual assault based upon the chilling allegations made by his children’s former nanny)

Patricia received a lot of cheering after her shady tweet.

Others, however, felt that she was taking things too hard.

“Quit being a bully,” demanded one Twitter denizen. “Move on.”

“You’re too old to continue these shenanigans,” the tweeter told Patricia.

(Poking at Patricia Altschul’s age isn’t just rude — it also makes your words about bullying sound a little hollow)

Patricia dismissed that particular tweet as sour grapes — possibly from Ashley herself under a fake social media account.

Despite the implication that Ashley never had the option of returning to Southern Charm, her Instagram post explained her reasoning.

“I’ve been blessed with an amazing career, family, & friends,” she wrote.

“And,” Ashley continued. “I don’t want to put those things in jeopardy for a reality tv show.”

“Honestly,” she shared. “I considered filming again because I desperately want to tell my side of the story.”

“But after experiencing how unfair the editing process can be,” she explained. “I don’t think I’ll ever have a fair shot.”

“I appreciate you all following me throughout this journey,” Ashley concluded.

We’re glad that Ashley seems to have found some peace.

Given the damage to her image as well as the visibly detrimental effects that stardom exacted upon her health, maybe it’s best that Ashley not return.

(Not everyone should be a reality star, and that is perfectly okay — Ashley is a registered nurse)

There are conflicting reports over who made this call.

Ashley and some sources say that she was offered the chance to return to the show and try to work her way into the inner circle.

Other sources — and Patricia Altschul —  say that she was never considered, because she was never really a star.

As you can see, the other ladies of Southern Charm are getting on just fine without Ashley.

But we don’t think that it’s fair to call Patricia’s words “bullying.”

It’s a shady tweet from a reality star to her former co-star.

If it were racist or homophobic or misogynistic or something along those lines, maybe.

Instead, it was one woman who appeared on a reality show mocking another. That goes with the territory.

Also, it’s worth noting that Patricia was overtly friendly to Ashley when she first joined the show.

It was Ashley’s behavior during her brief stint on Southern Charm that made Patricia feel repulsed.


Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Ashley Jacobs: Returning to Southern Charm Without Thomas Ravenel?

Southern Charm is getting a bit of a casting shakeup, since Thomas Ravenel will stand trial for sexual assault.

But what will become of Ashley Jacobs, who was a big enough player last season to be invited to the reunion without Thomas?

She says that she’s reached a decision.

Ashley Jacobs took to Instagram to share some news with her fans and followers.

“After a lot of prayerful consideration, I have decided not to return to Southern Charm next season,” Ashley announced.

That’s a bit of a disappointment — but probably the smart decision.

“Honestly,” she reveals. “I considered filming again.”

Ashley then shares that she thought about it “because I desperately want to tell my side of the story.”

That could mean everything from her behavior last season to why she allegedly kept hanging out with Thomas long after he was accused of sexual assault.

Ashley points the finger at one factor in particular that prevents her from returning to the show.

“But after experiencing how unfair the editing process can be,” Ashley said. “I don’t think I’ll ever have a fair shot.”

It is not uncommon for reality stars to say that bad editing shows them in an unfavorable light.

That is even the excuse that Thomas himself used to explain his departure from the show.

(Bravo has confirmed that they won’t have him back; they were investigating the same allegations that led to Thomas’ arrest)

Ashley thanked her fans: “I appreciate you all following me throughout this journey.”

But RadarOnline‘s source says that Ashley returning to the series was never even an option.

“Ashley was not a cast member,” the insider points out.

She was always there as Thomas’ girlfriend.

Reports said that she wasn’t paid for appearing on the show — except for her role on the reunion special.

“So,” the source explains. “There would be no conversation of her returning or not.”

Another insider accused: “She is not telling the truth.”

As we previously reported, Us Weekly‘s source said something very different.

According to that tabloid, there was absolutely talk of bringing back Ashley.

“They weren’t specific about what her role would be,” the insider said. “Since she doesn’t have a lot of people to film with.”

“They wanted Ashley to work her way back into the friend circle,” the source explained.

The insider admitted: “but there was just no guarantee that that would happen.”

“Of course everyone wants to see Ashley talk to Kathryn,” the source acknowledged.

The source said: “Ashley was in talks with Bravo and the producers.”

That flies in the face of RadarOnline‘s report. Curiously, both tabloids belong to the same parent company.

“But,” the insider said, Ashley “didn’t feel like she could represent herself well enough with the way it was being presented to her.”

That seems to match up with her statement about being concerned about editing.

So, it’s difficult to say whose production source is right or wrong.

However, it may be for the best that Ashley is saying goodbye to the series.

Not only was her relationship with Thomas deeply toxic, but being a reality star did not sit well with her.

Ashley famously lost weight and admitted that she was a nervous wreck from being on television.

Self-care is important, folks. Fame isn’t worth losing your health.


Friday, October 12, 2018

Ashley Jacobs Keeps Hanging Out with Alleged Rapist Thomas Ravenel

According to a couple of disturbing recent reports, Thomas Ravenel does not know how to take “NO” for an answer.

Similarly, it now seems as if Ashley Jacobs simply can’t bring herself to say “NO” to Thomas Ravenel.

Allow us to explain…

As loyal Southern Charm fans know well, Jacobs and Ravenel dated throughout most of Season 5.

They were a very serious couple for several months, but the relationship seemingly came to an end in mid-August.

Jacobs didn’t get into specifics upon confirming this news, but she did say the following on social media:

“I don’t want to comment but there are just some things I’m trying to handle privately.

“Before I say too much, I love Thomas and I’ll always love Thomas. I’ll always care about him.”

So at least Jacobs was up front about her feelings, even when it appeared as if the romance was over for good.

For whatever reason, however, Jacobs has been unable to quit Ravenel.

Just a month after the aforementioned break-up, sources wrote that the reality stars had gotten back together, having hunkered down for an entire weekend in the middle of Hurricane Florence.

We guess natural disasters can lead to unexpected developments in many different ways.

But it’s worth mentioning at this point that Ravenel has straight up been accused of rape by two different women.

A former nanny is on record as saying Ravenel threw her on a bed and forced himself upon her (while his infant daughter slept in the next room); while the daughter of a woman with whom Ravenel went on a date in 2015 has said the same thing about her mom.

The accusations are damning.

Ravenel has denied each allegation, but he was actually arrested on a charge of assault and battery in relation to the nanny’s charge just last month.

Still, none of this seems to matter to Jacobs.

This past weekend, onlookers spotted Jacobs and Ravenel at dinner at Obstinate Daughter on Sullivan Island in Charleston, South Carolina.

Does this mean the pair is gettng it back on for certain? No.

However, reports indicate that Ravenel put his arm around his ex while they sat with another couple at the bar.

That makes things sound fairly romantic, no?

As for the time before this when Jacobs and Ravenel were seen together in a similar setting, a source told People Magazine:

“They looked like they were having a great time. If they are still split, you never would have known, but at the same time they weren’t showing any PDA or anything.

“They looked friendly, like friends having a good time out together.”

Ravenel, meanwhile, was granted a $ 20,000 personal recognizance bond after her arrest and was ordered to turn in his passport, avoid contact with the victim and not leave South Carolina.

Following the news, Bravo confirmed that Ravenel will not be returning as a cast member for season 6.

But he had previously beaten the network to that punch, playing the victim on Twitter and writing:

I’m not doing the show anymore.

In the contract they have the right to fictionalize your story.

They took advantage of me. I decided I’ve got too much to lose and informed them I’m not coming back.


Sunday, October 7, 2018

Ashley Parker Angel Asks for Child Support Decrease Due to Back Injury

Former O-Town member Ashley Parker Angel says he suffered an injury that kept him from making big bucks on Broadway, so he’s asking a judge for a break … according to new legal docs. Angel claims he severely hurt his back in May while working…


Monday, October 1, 2018

Ashley Darby: My Husband Didn"t Grope that Man! It"s All Lies!

Ashley Darby is speaking out now that her husband Michael Darby has been accused of sexual assault.

Not only is the The Real Housewives of Potomac star standing by her man, she’s claiming that charges have not even been filed.

She also announces that her husband has not been suspended by Bravo. Is she telling the truth?

Ashley Darby took to her Instagram Story on Saturday to affirm her support her embattled husband.

“No charges filed,” she writes. “No arrest made.”

“No Bravo suspension,” she continues. “No worries.”

She then promises fans: “We’ll keep you posted.”

That is very interesting … considering that two of those claims are in conflict with reports.

TMZ‘s report, which we are inclined to believe, says that Darby has been charged with felony assault.

(He has also been charged with misdemeanor improper sexual contact)

He has also been suspended by Truly Original, the production company behind The Real Housewives of Potomac.

And he has been suspended by Bravo, who say that they have procedures to follow when allegations of this nature are made.

It is curious that Ashley would make an announcement that is contrary to what we’ve heard.

As you may recall, these allegations — reported to police within days of the October 1 incident — were made by a cameraman, Orville Palmer.

According to his accusation, Michael Darby began by giving him what he perceived to be a flirtatious look.

On its own, that’s a pretty subjective perception, and almost never a crime.

He says that Darby then grabbed and groped his butt.

He says that he put down the camera and demanded that Darby stop touching his butt.

There was another alleged incident, days before, in which Michael Darby is said to have kicked him in the butt.

Kicking someone’s butt is not necessarily sexual in nature, but consider this:

One: you should not be touching anyone’s posterior without permission.

Two: kicking a butt might not be inherently sexual, but it’s inherently assault. Stop it.

As we mentioned, Palmer filed charges just days after the October 1 incident.

Some may feel a surge of anger towards Ashley for standing by her husband when these allegations have been made.

We should remember that blame for misdeeds — alleged or proven — should not be misplaced to a person’s family or loved ones.

Ashley, like so many people who are close to those who are accused of predatory behavior, is struggling to reconcile the man she knows with what she has now heard.

She may believe that this is over a vendetta against her husband, or somehow a ploy to make money.

Be angry with her for her claims that are contrary to reports, if you like, but not every wife is likely to file for divorce when allegations surface.

What makes this story a little complicated is that this alleged sexual assault case is that this is a married man who is accused of groping another man.

Obviously, not all sex crimes are about attraction, but a lot of people find that surprising and even difficult to accept.

There have been other famous man-on-man assault stories. The most famous among them are probably Brendan Fraiser and Terry Crews.

No one has the right to touch another person without their consent.

It is neither “gay” nor “homophobic” to report a sexual assault committed by one man upon another. Crimes are crimes.


Friday, September 21, 2018

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Thomas Ravenel Hastily Retracts Ashley Jacobs Cheating Claims!

Over the weekend, Thomas Ravenel accused Ashley Jacobs of having cheated on him during their relationship. He didn’t provide any details — he just made the claim.

Ashley denied cheating in a public statement, essentially saying that Thomas was just upset and wanted to lash out.

Now, Thomas is walking back his words — with very good reason.

Taking to Twitter on Wednesday, Thomas writes: “I have no information that Ashley Jacobs ever cheated on me.”

“In fact as far as I know she has always been true and faithful,” Thomas affirms.

Thomas adds that this was true “especially during the really dark times.”

One assumes that he is referring to the multiple accusations of sexual assault that he is facing.

Thomas admits: “She didn’t deserve my insinuations to the contrary.”

RadarOnline reports that Ashley Jacobs threatened legal action over Thomas’ accusatory tweets.

“Ashley was so upset that Thomas accused her of cheating,” an insider tells the tabloid.

It’s true that he didn’t spell out his accusations, but the source says that “even if it wasn’t by name, everyone knows it was about her.”


In fact, it’s difficult to read his words as anything else but an accusations that Ashley was screwing around with other dudes during their relationship.

The insider says that “she called his attorney super upset about what he wrote.”

We would imagine so. Ashley’s had enough trouble dating after Thomas as it is.

(To be fair, that’s probably because a lot of people saw her vicious verbal attacks on Southern Charm and don’t want that in their lives)

It’s not clear what she said to the attorney, but apparently it worked, “and Thomas quickly put up the new statement.”

Well, at least that is taken care of.

In case you’ve forgotten Thomas’ words from the weekend, here are his insinuations:

“Today, my personal life just took a huge upward turn,” he wrote. “I finally have more than enough information to move forward without any doubt or hesitation and I’ll never look back.”

On its own, that’s super vague. Unfortunately, he elaborated.

“After 30 years,” Thomas continued. “I finally understand the lyrics from that wonderful Chicago tune:”

He reminds followers of the lyrics: “If she would have been faithful / if she could have been true / then I would have been cheated / I would have never known real love.”

We can’t confirm the report that Ashley made a call to Thomas’ attorney, so it’s always possible that Thomas simply decided to retract those words on his own.

According to a number of his fellow Southern Charm stars, Thomas behaves like a decent guy most of the time.

They — and others — have said that his gentlemanly behavior can sometimes give way and reveal someone with an unkind or even frightening temperament 

The relationship between Ashley and Thomas was unnerving to a number of people, who despite Ashley’s extremely hostile behavior found themselves worried that she was in a toxic relationship.

Hopefully, she can move ahead, work on her behavior, and, in time, leave this chapter of her life behind her.


Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Ashley Jacobs Whines, Wonder: Who Will Date Me Now?!?

Ashley Jacobs is here to set the record straight.

She knows what Thomas Ravenel has been saying about her and she knows what the Internet has been writing about her.

Did she really cheat on the shady ex-Southern Charm lead?

Is she really dating other men already, mere days after tearfully breaking up with Ravenel?

The answer is no to the first question, Jacobs has already said, dismissing Ravenel’s accusations of infidelity as Thomas just being jealous that she was hanging out with friends and then going on a “toxic Tweet storm.”

But what about that dude spotted whose butt she was spotted grabbing?

Is Jacobs back on the market already, samping various handsome dishes and re-igniting her love life now that she’s single?

Not exactly, she explains to Us Weekly.

“I need to be strong enough to be alone right now and I guess I thought by talking to someone else, it was sort of a distraction to get over him,” Jacobs tells the tabloid, detailing why she has been seen with at least one other guy of late.

“Not necessarily to be with this other guy, but … I think every woman or person for their ego wants to know that they’re still desired, like I haven’t lost my groove.

“And just because I dated Thomas Ravenel, [my fear] was that no one in this town would still date me.”

That may be true.

But it wouldn’t be any reflection on Jacobs.

It would simply be because Ravenel has been accused of rape. We really can’t emphasize that enough.

Elaborating on why it looks like she’s moved on so quickly, Jacobs says:

“That was my fear because people will be like, ‘What were you doing?’

“So I think it felt good, like I was flattered, but I think I should have stayed clear and then I think no one would have been hurt in the process of it.”

Without naming his ex-girlfriend by name, Ravenel said on Twitter over the weekend that he now has “more than enough information” to prove Jacobs was disloyal.

But Ashley – who dated Ravenel for well over a year and who clashed with his multiple-time baby mama, Kathryn Dennis, for most of Southern Charm Season 5 – says Thomas was simply upset when he saw footage of her talking to other men.

She says the two were not “exclusive” during this period and that Ravenel also got angry after looking at her phone and seeing how frequently she texted with one of these men.

“I should have been more upfront that this guy texts me more than I led him on to believe, but it was all harmless and I told this other guy,” she says now to Us.

“I said, ‘Thomas and I, we’re in a very complicated relationship.’”

Has Jacobs learned anything from this experience?

Would she do anything differently?

How does she feel now that the romance is dead and over, for good finally?

“I wish I could do things over, but I can’t. Sometimes you show a tough exterior, but deep down you can’t help but be hard on yourself and tough on yourself and be disappointed in yourself,” Jacobs says, concluding:

“Or just say, ‘How did I get myself to this place? I’m better than this.’

“And I made so many mistakes, on camera, rookie mistakes, but I definitely learned a lot, but I appreciate people who lift my spirits because I don’t get a whole lot of that and I think that’s what keeps me tied to Tom – he’s the only one who really knows what I’m going through in terms of being on the show.”

He also may be a rapist, Ashley.

Ravenel has already said he will not return for Southern Charm Season 6.

It’s unclear right now whether Jacobs will be invited back when the show airs new episodes in 2019.

Would you want to see her as a cast member again?


Monday, August 27, 2018

Thomas Ravenel Basically Accuses Ashley Jacobs of Cheating

Thomas Ravenel does not want your pity.

But, if you’re a woman, he very much does want you to give him a call.

The veteran Southern Charm star took to Twitter over the weekend in order to make one accusation and one offer.

First, the accusation:

Ravenel – who quit the aforementioned Bravo series this month amidst allegations of rape by two women – wrote on his personal account that he’s totally fine with Ashley Jacobs ending their relationship a couple weeks ago.

For what reason?

Because Ravenel hints strongly that Jacobs cheated on him.

Today, my personal life just took a huge upward turn,” Thomas Tweeted on Saturday, explaining why as follows:

“I finally have more than enough information to move forward without any doubt or hesitation and I’ll never look back.”

TR Tweets

How ominous sounding, right?

The assumption around the Internet is that Ravenel is confirming that he has gathered the necessary intel to prve that Jacobs was sleeping with other men behind his back.

That’s why he can finally “move forward” confidently and that’s why he replied to a follower asking if he were single by writing:

“And ready to mingle!”

Ravenel also sent a second Tweet that cited the Chicago song “If She Would Have Been Faithful,” suggesting that Jacobs had been untrue, writing:

“After 30 years I finally understand the lyrics from that wonderful Chicago tune:

“If she would have been faithful, if she could have been true, then I would have been cheated, I would have never known real love.”

Jacobs – who dated Ravenel for two years and whose feud with his two-time baby mama, Kathryn Dennis, drove much of Season 5 – broke the break-up news to her own social media followers back in mid-August.

Fighting off tears in a video, Jacobs said “I love Thomas and I’ll always love Thomas. I’ll always care about him.”

That’s sweet and all, but as we noted above:


A former housekeeper and a woman with whom Ravenel went on a date in 2015 have both said he assaulted them sexually.

This does not mean he’s guilty, we know.

But it’s worth emphasizing.

The very rich Charleston resident has denied these accusation, while resigning from Souther Charm and blaming his portrayal on that series for his sullied reputation.

“I’m not doing the show anymore,” Ravenel said upon announcing his departure, adding:

“In the contract they have the right to fictionalize your story. They took advantage of me. I decided I’ve got too much to lose and informed them I’m not coming back.”

As for Jacobs?

“I hope the best for her … I do feel a bit sad now,” he Tweeted over the weekend.

“But now I know that just around the corner, down the street, around the block, something magical is going to happen … perhaps real love.”


Or maybe jail time for those aforementioned rape allegations.

Ravenel said he is now seeking “a woman with whom the trust, faith, respect and love is immovable,” adding that he felt he never got that from Jacobs.

Will Ashley return to Southern Charm for Season 6? It remains unclear.

But she attempted to make amends with Dennis via a lengthy Instagram apology last week.

Might she next write one to Thomas?


Thursday, August 23, 2018

Kathryn Dennis Reacts in Shock to Ashley Jacobs Apology

Earlier this week, Southern Charm star Ashley Jacobs took most of the Internet by surprise when she issued an apology to Kathryn Dennis.

The Bravo stars had gone back and forth for most of this show’s fifth season, with their feud mostly based on the fact that both had slept with awful lead cast member Thomas Ravenel.

Dennis is actually the mother of Ravenel’s two young children, atlhough she was only his “egg donor,” according to one of Jacobs’ insults from this last batch of new episodes.

Ashley has also accused Dennis in the past of being on drugs and of being a terrible mother whose kids see more of their father’s girlfriend (Jacobs, at that time) than they do of their own mom.

Pretty heinous stuff all around.

So… how did Dennis respond after when Jacobs penned a lengthy Instagram mea culpa that said she owes all Southern Charms fans, but especially “Kathryn in particular” an apology?

By basically laughing in her rival’s face, that’s how.

oh geez

In a video shared to her Instagram Story page, fellow Southern Charm star Danni Bird gave followers a look at Dennis’ response today.

You can see in the footage that Denis is shocked by Ashley’s post, reading out loud, for instance, how Jacobs claimed she “learned a tremendous lesson” and responding:

“This lesson? That’s a tremendous word for you!”

Dennis also reacted to Jacobs’ conclusion of the apology, which read:

“I can’t rightfully describe how sorry I am, but I’d never forgive myself if I didn’t at least try. Yours Truly, Ashley.”

“Yours Truly?!?” Dennis says. “She’s writing this to nobody.”

That’s not exactly a very personal way to sign something, it’s true.

But Jacobs does go on in detail about how out of line she was to call out a parent for, well, anything.

It’s a role to which the child-less Ashley cannot relate.

“After many chats with my friends and family with children, I never understood the unbreakable bond a parent has with their child,” the 33-year-old wrote in her message, adding:

“I can listen and learn and be more respectful in the future but until I’m blessed with a child, I can never truly understand the sacrifices a parent makes on behalf of their children.”

This could be a load of BS.

But it’s some fairly well written BS.

insta apology

The letter, however, is addressed to Ashley’s fans, not to Dennis herself, prompting another priceless response from Kathryn:

“Are you kidding me?”

Jacobs, meanwhile, broke up with Ravenel last week, perhaps finally seeing the light after he had been accused of rape by two women.

This split came a day after Ravenel quit Southern Charm, taking no responsibility at all for his actions in the process.

“I crossed a line and hurt people who don’t deserve it,” Jacobs said in her apology, seemingly coming across as serious.

But not to the main person who she was trying to appease.

“Do you think somewhere a village is missing its idiot?” Bird replied while reading Jacobs’ note, eliciting a laugh from Dennis.

Kathryn also re-shared a still from Bird’s video and captioned it “@dannibird for real?” with laughing emojis.

Yeah. We somehow doubt she and Jacobs will be meeting for coffee any time soon.
