Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Ashley Jacobs: Returning to Southern Charm Without Thomas Ravenel?

Southern Charm is getting a bit of a casting shakeup, since Thomas Ravenel will stand trial for sexual assault.

But what will become of Ashley Jacobs, who was a big enough player last season to be invited to the reunion without Thomas?

She says that she’s reached a decision.

Ashley Jacobs took to Instagram to share some news with her fans and followers.

“After a lot of prayerful consideration, I have decided not to return to Southern Charm next season,” Ashley announced.

That’s a bit of a disappointment — but probably the smart decision.

“Honestly,” she reveals. “I considered filming again.”

Ashley then shares that she thought about it “because I desperately want to tell my side of the story.”

That could mean everything from her behavior last season to why she allegedly kept hanging out with Thomas long after he was accused of sexual assault.

Ashley points the finger at one factor in particular that prevents her from returning to the show.

“But after experiencing how unfair the editing process can be,” Ashley said. “I don’t think I’ll ever have a fair shot.”

It is not uncommon for reality stars to say that bad editing shows them in an unfavorable light.

That is even the excuse that Thomas himself used to explain his departure from the show.

(Bravo has confirmed that they won’t have him back; they were investigating the same allegations that led to Thomas’ arrest)

Ashley thanked her fans: “I appreciate you all following me throughout this journey.”

But RadarOnline‘s source says that Ashley returning to the series was never even an option.

“Ashley was not a cast member,” the insider points out.

She was always there as Thomas’ girlfriend.

Reports said that she wasn’t paid for appearing on the show — except for her role on the reunion special.

“So,” the source explains. “There would be no conversation of her returning or not.”

Another insider accused: “She is not telling the truth.”

As we previously reported, Us Weekly‘s source said something very different.

According to that tabloid, there was absolutely talk of bringing back Ashley.

“They weren’t specific about what her role would be,” the insider said. “Since she doesn’t have a lot of people to film with.”

“They wanted Ashley to work her way back into the friend circle,” the source explained.

The insider admitted: “but there was just no guarantee that that would happen.”

“Of course everyone wants to see Ashley talk to Kathryn,” the source acknowledged.

The source said: “Ashley was in talks with Bravo and the producers.”

That flies in the face of RadarOnline‘s report. Curiously, both tabloids belong to the same parent company.

“But,” the insider said, Ashley “didn’t feel like she could represent herself well enough with the way it was being presented to her.”

That seems to match up with her statement about being concerned about editing.

So, it’s difficult to say whose production source is right or wrong.

However, it may be for the best that Ashley is saying goodbye to the series.

Not only was her relationship with Thomas deeply toxic, but being a reality star did not sit well with her.

Ashley famously lost weight and admitted that she was a nervous wreck from being on television.

Self-care is important, folks. Fame isn’t worth losing your health.
