Showing posts with label Shades. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shades. Show all posts

Monday, January 21, 2019

LAPD Shades New Orleans ... You Were Robbed?!?

Breaking News
How’s the LAPD celebrating that Rams victory over the Saints? THEY’RE TALKING TRASH!!!
Right after that controversial ending in the NFC championship game, the LAPD reached out to their Nawlins counterparts on social media with some epic smack talk over that non-pass...
LAPD Shades New Orleans ... You Were Robbed?!?

Friday, January 18, 2019

Gladys Knight Shades Kaepernick I"ve Done This a Lot Longer Than You

Breaking News
Gladys Knight says she not only disagrees with Colin Kaepernick using the national anthem as a protest, but she also says she’s been in the game a lot longer than him when it comes to the fight for social justice.
Gladys doubled down on her decision to sing the anthem at the...
Gladys Knight Shades Kaepernick I"ve Done This a Lot Longer Than You

Friday, December 7, 2018

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Friday, November 9, 2018

Patricia Altschul: Southern Charm Star SHADES Ashley Jacobs in Scathing Tweet

Despite some fan speculation, viewers won’t see Ashley Jacobs return to Southern Charm next season.

Ashley confirmed that on social media, claiming that it was her choice.

Patricia Altschul isn’t letting that claim stand unchallenged, and mocked Ashley’s post. Did she go too far?

“After a lot of prayerful consideration,” Ashley announced on Instagram. “I have decided not to return to Southern Charm next season.”

There was more to her announcement, and we’ll get to that.

But right now, let’s look at what one of the reigning Southern Charm stars has to say.

The absolute legend that is Patricia Altschul saw Ashley’s announcement and decided to parody it with an announcement of her own.

“After prayerful consideration,” Patricia tweeted. “I’ve decided to decline the Nobel Peace Prize and the swimsuit cover of Sports Illustrated.

Patricia Altschul shades Ashley Jacobs in tweet

Patricia Altschul is a delight.

It is clear by the implication of her tweet that, as far as she is concerned, Ashley was never considered for an invitation to return to the show.

That’s not so surprising — Ashley was never a real cast member, and was only paid for her appearance at the reunion special.

She was Thomas Ravenel’s girlfriend, and Thomas is never returning to Bravo.

(Thomas will, in fact, stand trial for sexual assault based upon the chilling allegations made by his children’s former nanny)

Patricia received a lot of cheering after her shady tweet.

Others, however, felt that she was taking things too hard.

“Quit being a bully,” demanded one Twitter denizen. “Move on.”

“You’re too old to continue these shenanigans,” the tweeter told Patricia.

(Poking at Patricia Altschul’s age isn’t just rude — it also makes your words about bullying sound a little hollow)

Patricia dismissed that particular tweet as sour grapes — possibly from Ashley herself under a fake social media account.

Despite the implication that Ashley never had the option of returning to Southern Charm, her Instagram post explained her reasoning.

“I’ve been blessed with an amazing career, family, & friends,” she wrote.

“And,” Ashley continued. “I don’t want to put those things in jeopardy for a reality tv show.”

“Honestly,” she shared. “I considered filming again because I desperately want to tell my side of the story.”

“But after experiencing how unfair the editing process can be,” she explained. “I don’t think I’ll ever have a fair shot.”

“I appreciate you all following me throughout this journey,” Ashley concluded.

We’re glad that Ashley seems to have found some peace.

Given the damage to her image as well as the visibly detrimental effects that stardom exacted upon her health, maybe it’s best that Ashley not return.

(Not everyone should be a reality star, and that is perfectly okay — Ashley is a registered nurse)

There are conflicting reports over who made this call.

Ashley and some sources say that she was offered the chance to return to the show and try to work her way into the inner circle.

Other sources — and Patricia Altschul —  say that she was never considered, because she was never really a star.

As you can see, the other ladies of Southern Charm are getting on just fine without Ashley.

But we don’t think that it’s fair to call Patricia’s words “bullying.”

It’s a shady tweet from a reality star to her former co-star.

If it were racist or homophobic or misogynistic or something along those lines, maybe.

Instead, it was one woman who appeared on a reality show mocking another. That goes with the territory.

Also, it’s worth noting that Patricia was overtly friendly to Ashley when she first joined the show.

It was Ashley’s behavior during her brief stint on Southern Charm that made Patricia feel repulsed.


Friday, November 2, 2018

Olivia Culpo Shades Danny Amendola, I"m Keeping Your $12,000 Birthday Rolex

What’d NFL star Danny Amendola get for his 33rd birthday Friday?? NOT A DOPE NEW ROLEX WATCH!!!!! At least … not from his ex-GF, Olivia Culpo, anyway — ‘cause the smokin’ hot model says she’s keepin’ the $ 12,000 ROLEX she presumably…


Thursday, October 25, 2018

Amy Duggar Shades Family Members for Having Kids Too Soon

The last time we wrote about Amy Duggar, we said that her famous family members had just recently allowed her back into their lives.

Such a re-entrance may have been short-lived, however.

Why do we say this?

Because Amy has come out with some serious fire for her supposed loved ones!

Often considered the black sheep of her strict and conservative family, Amy once posed nude on Twitter.

Even worse in the eyes of her cousins, aunts and uncles, Amy has been married for three years — and she has no kids!

Zero. Zilch. None at all.

While this may seem impossible to believe for anyone with the last name Duggar, Amy tells Radar Online that she has a simple explanation for why she and husband Dillon have decided to wait.

“I didn’t want to limit myself by just getting pregnant right off the bat and not exploring the rest of what my life could be,” Duggar says simply.

At least it sounds simple to us.

Plenty of husbands and wives want to travel a bit or just enjoy each other’s company for awhile before their world gets taken over by children.

It’s a reasonable position for anyone to take. Anyone not named Duggar, that is.

As regular Hollywood Gossip readers surely know well, Jinger Duggar, Joy-Anna Duggar and Kendra Duggar ALL gave birth to their first child in 2018.

They each got pregnant basically as soon as they tied the knot and were permitted, per family rules, to engage in intercourse with their significant others.

Duggar females basically exist simply to get married and then to procreate as often as possible.

But Amy is focused on her new clothing boutique at the moment and isn’t desperate to become a mother.

It will almost definitely happen at some point; she just doesn’t understand the immediacy.

“Babies are on our brain for sure,” Amy says of her and her husband.

But she wants to make sure her professional life is in order first and that she is as ready as one can be to take the journey to motherhood before actually doing so.

What a crazy concept, right?!?

“I want to be settled. I think it’s boutique, and then a baby,” said the former reality star, explaining how she wants to successfully launch her business before dedicating herself to a tiny human being.

She also wants to make sure her relationship can handle it.

Having a baby is a really big deal!

It can destroy a marriage if two people are not on the same page.

“I want to have this really great foundation with my husband so that when my baby turns 18 years old, I’m not learning how to love my husband all over again,” says Amy.

We hate to break it to you, Amy, but such logic likely just got you kicked out of the family again.

We’re guessing you’re cool with that, though.


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Cassie Ventura Shades Diddy on Social Media After Breakup

The on-again, off-again romance between Cassie Ventura and Diddy seemed like it would never end. 

Now, however, it seems that they’re off-again for good (for now). 

And Cassie has something to say about it — in the form of a cryptic message that she posted to Instagram.

Cassie and Diddy used to break up all of the time.

One time their breakup resulted in the police being called after Diddy ran off to snoop through Cassie’s phone, but they got back together.

Now, though, it looks like they’re on the outs.

In fact, Diddy is dating again.

He was reportedly spotted with model Jocelyn Chew at Drake and Migos’ concert in Los Angeles less than two weeks ago.

It appears that Cassie doesn’t care for that at all.

Cassie Ventura ig f these hoes censored

Taking to Instagram, she shared a message that many perceived to be a jab at Diddy.

Or, more precisely, it may be a jab at any woman who might appear on his arm or flock to try to date him after this final split.

“F–k these hoes,” Cassie shared.

Of course, it may be that she was just sharing a post directed at no one in particular, or very vaguely at people she doesn’t like.

(Like when any Millennail or Gen Z person participates in that “it’s over for you hoes” meme)

Naturally, a lot of her fans and followers connected her words with Diddy and their still recent split.

Cassie and Diddy have been romantically linked since 2007, but went public with their romance in 2012.

Either way, that is a very long time to be entangled.

According to a report by People, this split didn’t leave the two of them on bad terms.

“The decision was amicable and they remain friends,” the insider says.

Remaining friends is well and good, but sometimes those bitter feelings rise up when the other party moves on.

“Cassie is going to focus on her music and acting career,” the source reports.

Reports say that, all appearances to the contrary, Diddy is still single.

We don’t expect either Cassie or Diddy to directly comment on this.

They were famously reluctant to speak on their relationship while they were together, so we don’t expect that to change post-split.

But there are little signs that may indicate that there’s more animosity than sources are willing to disclose.

For example, Cassie has unfollowed Diddy on Instagram.

That could point to bad blood … or to her disinterest in seeing her famous ex’s face pop up on her social media.

So far, all that we really know is that their breakup is confirmed. That’s it.

But consider that Cassie gave Diddy the best years of her life — she is believed to have dated him from her early twenties and she is now 32.

With that in mind, it is easy to imagine that there may be some resentments, even if they are never voiced publicly.

In the mean time, fans and followers are going to read into every little move that either of them make — in real life and on social media.

We think that Cassie probably knows that.


Sunday, September 16, 2018

Carl Lewis Shades Usain Bolt, You Gotta Beat My Paper Now!

Carl Lewis tells TMZ Sports now that he and Usain Bolt are retired … it’s all about chasing a different kind of gold — saying Bolt’s gotta catch him in dimes, not times now. “We’re both retired, man,” Carl told us when we asked who’d win in…


Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Jim Gray Shades Oscar De La Hoya, You Ain"t Running For President!

Oscar De La Hoya has zero intentions to run for president and is only claiming he’s serious about a campaign to try to drum up interest in his GGG-Canelo fight … so says Jim Gray. We broke the story … ODLH told us he’s really exploring the idea…


Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Maci Bookout Poses with Co-Stars, Shades Farrah Abraham

Maci Bookout is ready to move forward.

But not before she takes a quick look back.

Shortly after the first promo for Teen Mom OG Season 8 went viral, the long-time MTV personality spent a night out in New York City with her old and new co-stars.

As you can see below, Bookout clearly had an enjoyable time with Catelynn Lowell, Amber Portwood, Cheyenne Floyd and Bristol Palin.

What about Farrah Abraham?

She is no longer a part of the case, due to her affiliation with amateur pornography, and Maci couldn"t help but get a small shot in at her frenemy prior to moving on with these new ladies.

See what we mean right here and now…

1. Here They Are!

Teen moms in nyc

Here is a photo of the new quintet out and about; with ex-The Challenge participant Floyd now part of the crew, along Sarah Palin’s controversial daughter, Bristol Palin.

2. Fare Thee Well, Farrah?

2 over 1

Or not, Maci basically said in her caption to this photo, which reads: “awesome day working with these beauties #tmogfamily #twoisbetterthanone.”

3. Did You Catch It?

Mace and farrah

#twoisbetterthanone. We don’t see any way to interpret that hashtag aside from Maci saying that these TWO new additions far outweigh the ONE cast member who is now gone. And that would be Farrah.

4. This Wasn’t Maci’s First Dig at Farrah’s Expense

Farrah abraham for mtv

Appearing on Kailyn Lowry’s podcast in August, Maci was asked about Bristol joining Teen Mom OG. Simply put, “anyone is better than Farrah,” Bookout replied.

5. Farrah Claps Back

Farrah abraham in a sports bra

A little, at least. After learning that Maci would appear on the show Naked and Afraid, in the wake of Abraham getting fired for being naked on Web cams, Abraham said of Bookout: “The irony of this is hilarious. Hopefully she has fun on her pornographic show; [it] sounds tragic.”

6. What About Bristol and Cheyenne?

Maci bookout and bentley edwards

Maci doesn’t have anything negative to say about them, only about the way producers went about hiring these newbies and informing the other cast members.

View Slideshow

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Brandon Marshall Shades NFL"s Other Brandon Marshall, I"m Gunnin" for You!

Brandon Marshall vs. Brandon Marshall — who wins??? According to Brandon Marshall, it’s gonna be Brandon Marshall.  Here’s the deal … the two NFL studs with the same name will actually be going up against each other on Sunday when the…


Thursday, August 23, 2018

Jennifer Lopez Auctioning "Shades of Blue" Wardrobe for Puerto Rico Relief

Jennifer Lopez’s TV turn as dirty cop Harlee Santos might technically be over, but she’s about to do a lot of good in the real world … particularly for Puerto Rico. J Lo is partnering up with the Hispanic Federation and the UNIDOS Disaster Relief…


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Darryl Strawberry Shades Pedro Martinez for Ripping Yankees

The Yankees, Red Sox rivalry continues … this time, Darryl Strawberry thinks Pedro Martinez was out of line when talking about the Baby Bronx Bombers.  It’s all over a tweet Pedro posted on Tuesday, saying, “The Yankees don’t seem to…


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

"Vanderpump Rules" Star Jax Taylor Shades Kourtney"s Ex Younes Bendjima

“Vanderpump Rules” star Jax Taylor took glee in watching Younes Bendjima slum it like all the normies after Kourtney Kardashian dumped his ass. Jax posted this photo Monday night at an L.A. gym, as…


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Kailyn Lowry Shades Jenelle Evans: She"s a TERRIBLE Mom!

Last month, Jenelle Evans’s youngest son Kaiser celebrated his birthday.

Evans posted photos of the big day, but fans took issue with the fact that the bulk of the celebration … at a daycare facility.

Based on the comments on Jenelle’s pic, it seems her followers were spilt on the question of whether or not that’s an acceptable way to celebrate a toddler’s birthday.

Some say it’s perfectly fine — after all, what preschooler doesn’t want to be showered with attention by a couple dozen of his peers?

Others, however, thought the move was Jenelle in a nutshell — a lazy gesture that’s documented for social media in order to give the impression what she’s a doting mom.

“Not a fan of JE, but why on earth are we judging people’s parenting at all, let alone based on b-day parties?”

(Editor’s note: It’s perfectly acceptable to judge Jenelle Evans’ parenting, as she’s awful at in roughly 99.999 percent of the time.)

Anyway, as is usually the case with Jenelle, she had more detractors than supporters, and one of them was none other than her longtime Teen Mom 2 castmate, Kailyn Lowry.

Kailyn celebrated her son Lux’s birthday, and she basically pulled a reverse- Jenelle.

Kail went all out for the party and even posed with Lux’s dad, Chris Lopez, for the trio’s first-ever family photo.

Of course, this is 2018, a time in which everything that everyone does is subjected to intense scrutiny and criticism, so it should come as no surprise that Kail was also roasted online.

Fans accused her of “over-celebrating” for Lux, as she never hosted such a massive shindig for her older sons.

Many fans came to Kail’s defense and that, boys and girls, is how Ms. Lowry once again found herself butting heads with the Carolina Hurricane.

At one point in the discussion, Kail retweeted the following comment:

“There has been a lot of discussion about how @KailynLowry has ‘forgotten’ she has two other kids, or went so extra for Lux’s bday but never did the same for the other boys.

“Guys give her a break, she didn’t pull a JE and take them to daycare with Walmart cupcakes. She’s a good mom.”

Jenelle has yet to respond, but we’re guessing she’s less than thrilled, as is far from the first time that Kail has criticized her parenting.

Following Jenelle’s road rage incident, Kail — like pretty much else who watched the show — remarked that Jenelle is an absolute psychopath for putting her child’s life at risk in such a reckless fashion.

The jury may still be out on Wal-Mart cupcakes, but surely we can all agree that stuff like that makes Jenelle an unfit mom.


Kim Kardashian Shades Younes Bendjima, Totally Has Sister"s Back

Family first.

This basically serves as the Kardashian motto, as evidenced at the moment by the responses of Kim Kardashian and Khloe Kardashian to the break-up of Younes Bendjima and their older sister.

They are NOT about to take any crap from the well-sculpted model.

As reported on Tuesday afternoon, Kourtney Kardashian and Bendjima have broken up.

The news went viral just a few days after photos of Bendjima hanging out in Mexico with another woman (Jordan Ozuna, actually!)  also went viral.

Elsewhere, as previously reported, and depicted on Sunday night’s season premiere of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Kim and Kourtney are engaged in a major argument.

The insults flew fast and furiously between the sisters on this episode, as you can see here:

Still, like we noted above, family comes first for these two.

Therefore, with Bendjima defending himself online and sort of throwing shade at Kourtney and her loved ones, Kim has come out swinging in relative’s defense.

“once again you guys failed. I’m not attached to this ‘life’ so you can’t touch me,” Bendjima wrote on his Instagram Story yesterday, mere hours after the model claimed he was simply having “fun with [his] friends” in Mexico.

He then added:

“I know who i am where i’m from and where i’m going and that bothers you. only one opinion matter The one of my Lord. Have a wonderful day.”

Cue Kim’s response to what she deemed a steaming pile of nonsense…

“Nice pics from your ‘boys trip,’” Kim wrote in the Comments section of Bendjima account (per The Shade Room), adding a Pinocchio-inspired emoji that features a long nose.

It’s rather clear that Kim thinks Younes cheated on Kourtney.

And Khloe feels the same way.

In responseto Bendjima’s claim that he was just chilling with “friends” down south over the weekend, Khloe wrote on Instagram:

“Alexa play ‘heard it all before’ by Sunshine Anderson.”

Sadly, as we all know by now, Khloe knows a thing or two dozen about dishonest men and their wandering penises.

Bendjima and Kardashian surprised nearly all celebrity gossip fans by remaining together for close to two years.

Most folks assumed this would be a fling back word spread that Kourtney and Younes had hooked up in Paris in late 2016.

But they managed to last for a long time, even taking vacations with Kardashian’s three kids (the latest taking place in July).

However, it became clear just a couple weeks ago that tension existed after Bendjima slammed Kourtney as being desperate for attention she shared a picture of herself in a thing.

As for what led to their split?

“They decided to take time apart, but ultimately it led to a split,” a source has told with E! News, adding:

“Kourtney is upset but she is trying to focus her energy on other things and stay busy.

“Kourtney doesn’t plan on calling attention to it publicly and wants everything to blow over.”

Fair enough. We respect her privacy and really just want her to be happy.

Unless this means a reconciliation with Scott Disick.


Friday, August 3, 2018

Kris Jenner Shades Tyson Beckford Over Kim Kardashian West Feud

Kris Jenner took a page out of Kylie’s cosmetics’ playbook, ‘cause she sure knows how to shade. Kris broke bread with Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi Thursday night in WeHo at Craig’s, and on her way out our photog asked about Kim’s feud with…


Thursday, July 19, 2018

Danny Amendola Shades Bill Belichick, He Was Like A Principal

Seems Danny Amendola hated playing for Bill Belichick … ‘cause he called the Patriots coach a “principal” with a “principal’s office” — and even insinuated he didn’t want to play hard for him. It all went down on the Barstool Sports’…


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

90 Day Fiance: Anfisa Reveals Her Boob Job Details, Shades Castmates

In last year’s 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? Tell-All special, Jorge Nava claimed that his wife Anfisa got mean after her paid for her boob job.

Jorge and Anfisa are one of the show’s most controversial couples — with good reason — but Anfisa (reluctantly) opened up to fans on social media.

And one of her answers in the Q&A spilled all of the details about her boob job.

Anfisa has been known to troll her followers from time to time, but her impromptu Q&A on Instagram was the real deal.

She hit some of these answers out of the park, and we’ll get to that list, but let’s start with the most important part: the boobs.

Specifically, Anfisa was asked for details on her boob job by a fan who (allegedly) wants to get hers done to match. Which sounds a litlte Single White Female, but sure.

“Anfisa please tell me what size implants,” a commenter implored her. “They’re perfect and we are the same size and shape. I want to get mine done…”

Anfisa actually answered this very personal question.

“400 cc anatomically shaped moderate projection Natrelle style 410,” Anfisa replied. “Got them done in Russia so sharing dr is pointless. I hope we are done with boobs questions.”

Q: “Do you regret being on the show? Not necessarily being with Jorge, but having you life public?”

A: “No. I don’t regret anything I’ve done in my life. I believe that everything happens for the best.”

Q: “How do you deal with all the negative comments? So many people are so harsh to you.”

A: “Same way I deal with dogs barking at me. Just move on with my life.”

Q: “How old is Monkey? Did you get him as kitten or like an adult cat? Do you want more cats?”

A: “Monkey is a little over 2 years old now, I got him when he was 2 months old.”

Anfisa’s answer continues: “Yes I want more cats but not right now, when I am completely settled down and have my own house I want to have more cats and dogs and parrots.”

Q: “Do you have stretch marks? What treatment do you use?”

A: “Yes I do and I don’t use anything. They don’t bother me”

Q: “Does Jorge speak Spanish to you?”

A: “Si. Lol”

Q: “Do you mostly shop online or in stores?”

A: “Online. Sometimes I go into a store to try something on and then order it online because I like the feel of a brand new thing that nobody tried on before. Is it weird.”

That’s pretty standard. Plus, when you order something, you get a sense of anticipation.

One of Anfisa’s best answers came when she was asked about having children.

Q: “Are you and Jorge planning on starting a family?”

A: “We started it 2 years ago. We are husband and wife. That’s a family.”

Great answer! And hey, at least that person didn’t mention Jorge’s alleged lovechild.

Q: “How did you end up on the show? Like how did that come to be?”

A: “When Jorge and I decided to apply for a fiancé visa we were looking up info about the whole process and came across a casting call for the show. We decided to apply and got chosen.”

That offers some insight into how other couples may have joined the franchise.

Q: “Paola and Lauren were really mean to you in the final episode, even racist, but you didn’t react, were you mad?”

A: “Honestly I was more disappointed because I thought we all should support each other as fellow cast members and we are all in the same boat. Maybe them drinking behind the scenes made them that way, I don’t know.”


Finally someone asked about Anfisa’s academic career.

Q: “Which classes do you enjoy the most and the least?”

A: “I like everything math and hate writing.”

Well, not everyone can relate to that (I emphatically cannot) but, you know what? Good for her.
