Showing posts with label Martinez. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Martinez. Show all posts

Saturday, November 3, 2018

"DWTS" Champ J.R. Martinez Says "Better Call Saul" Lying Amputee Deserves 2nd Chance

The “Better Call Saul” actor who made headlines this week for falsely presenting himself as a war vet, deserves a chance to make good in Hollywood … according to real Army vet and actor J.R. Martinez. J.R. — who won “Dancing With the Stars”…


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Darryl Strawberry Shades Pedro Martinez for Ripping Yankees

The Yankees, Red Sox rivalry continues … this time, Darryl Strawberry thinks Pedro Martinez was out of line when talking about the Baby Bronx Bombers.  It’s all over a tweet Pedro posted on Tuesday, saying, “The Yankees don’t seem to…


Monday, April 16, 2018

"The Crossing" Star Natalie Martinez Cashes in, Gets Out of L.A

Natalie Martinez, from ABC’s new show “The Crossing”, is tapping out of L.A. but she’s making a small bundle on her way out … by selling her house. Natalie bought her 4 bedroom, 3 bath crib in the San Fernando Valley back in 2015 for just…


Thursday, March 29, 2018

Bekah Martinez: See This Bachelor Nation Fan Favorite"s Hottest Looks

In the end, Bekah Martinez didn"t win Arie"s heart on The Bachelor. And it"s Becca Kufrin, she of the two Cs, who was selected to become the next Bachelorette.

But Bekah won over the viewers, the Bachelor Nation, as an easy fan favorite.

It doesn"t take an insider to predict that we"ll be seeing more of Bekah, her cute dimples, and her outspoken opinions in the future.

And speaking of seeing more of Bekah …

This absolutely gorgeous young woman is social media savvy, and she"s not camera shy. Her Instagram feed is a real treat.

She"s even going topless, pushing the boundaries of what is even allowed on that platform.

Take a look at some of her most salacious photos.

1. Bekah is young, fun, and … did we mention, young?

Bekah from the bachelor

Bekah caught a lot of attention for her youth as she competed for Arie’s heart.

2. Here’s her official photo

Bekah martinez for abc

When it comes to The Bachelor, official photos can be hit-and-miss. Hers is good, but it doesn’t compare to her own pics.

3. She has some opinions

Bekah martinez casting photo

Like most viewers, Bekah was hoping that Season 22 of The Bachelor would be all about Peter Kraus. And she wasn’t afraid to flaunt some sideboob if it meant getting a piece of that action.

4. She’s just so cute

Bekah martinez on instagram

Fans don’t have to thirst after Bekah — though plenty do — in order to be taken in by her charm. She’s just darling.

5. Sure, Bekah’s young, but she’s not a child

Bekah martinez drinks champagne

She’s old enough to drink, which is what she’s doing in this photo. It’s champagne, folks.

6. She always keeps in touch with her friends

Bekah martinez on facetime

Except for that one time when she was out of contact with her mom for a few days and her mom … reported her as a missing person. Whoops.

View Slideshow

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Bekah Martinez: I Sent This Thirst Trap to Win Over Peter Kraus

Bekah Martinez resonated with the Bachelor Nation because she’s young, beautiful, funny, and oh-so relatable. And what could be more relatable than wishing that Peter Kraus were the Bachelor?

Bekah did, and she’s posting her The Bachelor casting photo to show just how far she was willing to go to get cast.

Her casting photo was a thirst trap … and also reveals just how thirsty she was for Peter.

The Bachelor Nation has spent months wondering why Peter Kraus wasn’t the leading man on this last season of The Bachelor.

At first, it was just disappointment, because Peter was a fan favorite and a lot of people wanted to see more of him.

(More of his face on television, we mean; simmer down)

Then it was surprise, both that he was not the Bachelor and that producers had made the seemingly random choice of Arie Luyendyk Jr.

After the world watched Arie’s brutal breakup with Becca and engagement to Lauren — they’re in Iceland and probably planning their TV wedding, by the way — many fans are more stunned than ever with the choices that producers made.

Bekah Martinez, this season’s breakout star, was more surprised than anyone when producers didn’t select Peter.

For proof, one need look no further than her casting photo.

Bekah shared this photo a week after the shocking finale, hearkening back to a more optimistic time.

In her captions, she roasted herself over her sideboob-sporting bid to be a contestant.


That line is followed by three emojis that wail tearfully, lamenting Peter’s absence from the role of leading man.

“#Blindsided #DidntKnowWhatWasComing”

The now 23-year-old (she was 22 until last month)

“(This isn’t me hitting on ol’ Pete. He’s too busy cuddling with his dog and doing pull-ups or something)”

She might not be flirting with him, but it’s clear that she’s been checking out his Instagram page.

With good reason.

So … no one really questions why Bekah had hoped that she’d be vying for Peter’s heart.

When Bekah explained to Jimmy Kimmel exactly how she became a missing persons case, she also admitted that she had hoped that the leading man would be Peter.

She has also been outspoken, sharing with the world that, even though he’s way older, she doesn’t think that Arie is mature enough to get married because he’s indecisive about what he really wants, and seems to reject women who voice their own opinions.

(Lauren Burnham is notoriously quiet, at least when she’s on camera)

Just a week or so ago, Bekah called out Arie for DMing her after the series ended, and exposed his private messages to the world.

DMing your ex is not a great look for a guy who just publicly broke up with one woman to go back to his most recent ex.

Though Bekah is a fan favorite, her newly revealed casting photo received some hateful messages, and this one … we just had to share.

“Thanks used prove to me Tia is right you weren’t in this for anything but peter!”

“Why would you continue to go on this show & and play with a man’s affections you’re 22 years old and I have a feeling that’s the reason why YOU left the age blank.”

This commenter seems particularly fixated on Bekah’s age.

“I’ve never seen the producers do that in all these years!”

What follows is a barely-coherent run-on sentence that we’ve broken into two chunks to make it slightly easier to read.

“You were a favorite of mine and I think you were a favorite of a lot of people until we seen how you backstabbed Arie he made a mistake he owned up to it he was there to find true love he found it now you belittle him for it.”

That same run-on sentence continues here:

“You can see on your face you were mad when you got sent home I think this is all in anger too bad I think they need to have a 25 age limit.”

An age limit of 25 is absurd. Not only would the Bachelor Nation have been deprived of its new sweetheart, but not every leading man is as old as Arie.

If Dean Unglert — who fell from grace in the eyes of fans but more or less redeemed himself on The Bachelor: Winter Games — were to star on The Bachelor, an age limit of 25 would make him one of the youngest people on the show.

(Deanie Babies was born in 1991, and will turn 27 next month)

No, this is just ageism. As we’ve seen, Bekah may be young, but she seems to have a good head on her shoulders.

After what we saw with Becca Kufrin’s heartbreak, it looks like Bekah’s much more willing to commit than Arie is.


Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Bekah Martinez Calls Out Arie Luyendyk Jr. for Post-Bachelor DMs

Arie Luyendyk Jr. is getting dragged all over the Internet today, and for a very good reason:

On last night’s three-hour finale of The Bachelor, Arie got down on one knee and proposed to Becca Kurfin…

… only to later dump her on national television because he wanted to get it on instead with runner-up Lauren Burnham.


Talk about a VERY uncool move, one Becca has now said Arie mishandled and one she compared to a “slap in the face [that] I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.”

We feel her pain, that’s for sure.

But that’s actually not what we’re here to drag Arie over.

We’re here to drag him over something else he did to disrespect his fiancee and out himself as one very shady individual.

Shortly after the controversial Bachelor finale aired, Bekah Martinez jumped on Twitter to give fans yet another reason to pile on Arie, sharing a pair of Direct Messages he sent her after filming had concluded.

Martinez, of course, was an Arie suitor who was sent home several weeks ago and who proceeded to tell the world that Luyendyk wasn’t ready to get married.

So she basically called what transpired on Monday evening…

One image posted yesterday by the 23-year old nanny exposes a message Arie sent her about a photo depicting Martinez’s face on a milk carton.

(It’s a long story, but: Earlier that month, it was revealed that Martinez had at one time been on a missing person’s list. Weird stuff, but not relevant at the moment.)

“This may just win the internet today,” Luyendyk wrote in his DM to Bekah. “Such a shame they didn’t use your license photo.”

“Lol! I made that,” Martinez replied at the time. “So there was no way in hell I was using the license photo…hahaha.”

“So good. You seriously crack me up. Hope all is well,” said Arie.

arie dm pic

You can check out this exchange for yourself above.

And then you can see another one between the exes below!

According to Martinez’s screenshots, Arie also messaged her on February 3, referencing the age gap that was often discussed on the show between the pair and writing:

“Just realized you were born the same year as my first 2-on-1.” 

bekah dm

Hurling shade at Arie, while tagging him in her caption, Bekah wrote as a summary of these texts:

“dm’ing your ex is a good look too. @ariejr.”

It’s perhaps worth mentioning here that Arie didn’t ask Bekah out or anything.

There’s nothing overly inappropriate about the content of the messages themselves.

But there is a flirty nature to them, nearly anyone must agree, and there’s certainly something amiss about privately messaging a woman from your season of The Bachelor AFTER you chose someone else — and proposed to that person!

It’s rather obvious Arie regretted his decision to ask for Becca’s hand in marriage almost immediately.

We’ll learn more about his relationship with Lauren on tonight’s After the Rose special.

But Bekah wasn’t interested in giving The Bachelor the benefit of any doubts.

“hahahahahaha @ariejr is the biggest f–king tool I’ve ever seen,” she wrote during the finale last night, adding:

“Becca is a queen. A goddess. Thank the LORD he’s out of her life.”

She later wrote that Kurfin sure “dodged a bullet” when it came to Luyendyk.

Unlike other tidbits and stories and pieces of information we recently learned about The Bachelor (below), this doesn’t appear to be a secret of any kind.

We’re all on to you, Arie.


Monday, March 5, 2018

Bekah Martinez: Arie Luyendyk Jr Isn"t Ready to Get Married

Are you ready for The Bachelor"s finale? One of the contestants thinks that Arie Luyendyk Jr. wasn"t ready to film it. Not in his heart, anyway.

Bekah Martinez isn"t divulging any The Bachelor Spoilers, exactly, but it"s clear that she knows how things end.

In the video below, she isn"t mincing words when she tells the world exactly what Arie is really like. She doesn"t paint a pretty picture.

Bekah and arie

As we all saw in the preview for The Bachelor"s epic finale, Arie Luyendyk Jr. feels like a monster. He says so himself.

It turns out that Bekah Martinez, the notoriously young contestant who was also very briefly a "missing person," has a similar view of the man whose heart she once vied to win.

She doesn"t quite use the word "monster," but she describes a man who isn"t being honest — with the world or with himself — about what he really wants.

Bekah is forthright and charming, but even so, some might be tempted to dismiss her words as sour grapes from a woman who cried literal black tears when she was sent home.

But … listen to her words and decide their merit for yourself.

Bekah martinez tells all

Bekah isn"t revealing any spoilers about the woman Arie chooses, but she has a prediction.

"I don"t see him being with this person for the rest of his life."

Well, the world"s known for a while that Arie changes his mind after the finale and goes back to the runner-up, so … she"s not wrong.

But more to the point, she says that he"s not actually ready for marriage.

"I don"t. I just don"t think that"s what he wants right now, if he"s being honest with himself and honest with the world. I think it"s odd [that he would worry about choosing the wrong person]."

She goes on to point out that Arie"s outspoken indecisiveness is a sign that he"s not cut out for marriage just yet.

"I think that if you fear yourself making a wrong decision that much, you"re probably not very in touch with yourself."

Bekah from the bachelor

As fans await the finale, Bekah teases that it"s going to defy expectations.

"I genuinely think this is going to be the most dramatic season ever."

The most dramatic finale, at any rate. And one of the most divisive.

"I"m not just being Chris Harrison on that. I think it"s going to be very dramatic and very shocking. And I think people will have very strong emotions about the way that this season ends. That"s for sure."

She thinks that Arie"s fans are going to have some strong, potentially negative opinions about things.

Keep in mind that she has the inside scoop.

"I saw everything play out behind the scenes. You know, you are friends with the people [on the show], so you have people calling you, telling you what"s going on, and it"s rough."

Bekah martinez eliminated

Bekah is still in touch with most of the women from her season, and she says that her first response to hearing what went on after she left was … disbelief.

"At first, I was just like, "Oh, my gosh, this cannot actually be happening." And then, honestly, my reaction after was like, "Oh, well, that kind of makes sense.""

She"s such a tease, but she has to be — she is contractually prohibited from dropping the spoilers that the Bachelor Nation craves.

"I think Arie has a conflict between how he wants to present himself and what kind of woman he thinks he should be with, and what kind of woman he knows he should be with."

Plenty of guys are in that position — even plenty of guys as old as Arie. But not all of those guys star on The Bachelor.

"And then what he really wants. I mean, you just don"t change dating patterns you had for years and years at the drop of a hat because you"re on a TV show. That doesn"t just change overnight."

Basically, Bekah thinks that Arie likes to be in charge in his relationships and that he"s not prepared to be honest about that or to get married.

Is she right?

Arie luyendyk jr and his final two

She says that these last five hours (yes, it"s a two-day, five-hour finale) could change the way that Arie"s fans feel about him.

"Arie doesn"t have a huge fan base as it is, and I think the small fan base will be affected negatively [by the finale]."

So he"s not doing his brand any favors.

That said, she doesn"t think that he"s a bad person.

"He may be a misguided person, perhaps, but I think he"s a good person, and a fun person."

Honestly, Bekah might be the breakout star of this season of The Bachelor. She"s such a delight.

Watch her interview for yourself. This girl needs to be back on everybody"s televisions. Forever.

Bekah martinez arie luyendyk jr isnt ready to get married

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Bekah Martinez Reveals How She Became a Missing Persons Case

If you follow The Bachelor Spoilers, Bekah M"s elimination probably wasn"t a huge shock.

But you know what was weird for everyone? Reports that Bekah M"s mother reported her missing while she was on The Bachelor

As you"ll see in the video below, Bekah herself is now explaining everything to Jimmy Kimmel.

Bekah martinez eliminated

If you read our The Bachelor recap or watched the episode, you know that Bekah Martinez — the famously young contestant — was finally eliminated from the competition.

Tia, in her desperation to win Arie, sabotaged Bekah M by telling Arie that the 22-year-old isn"t ready for marriage.

And then Bekah got eliminated, though Tia didn"t really do herself any favors, either.

All of this comes on top of the story of how Bekah came to be reported missing to the police.

As the story goes, Bekah Martinez"s mother didn"t know where Bekah was while she was on The Bachelor, vying for Arie Lyendyk Jr"s heart. And so her mother ended up reporting her missing.

Bekah martinez 3

As you"ll see in the video below, Bekah — though she was definitely reported missing — wants to clear the air, which is why she spoke to Jimmy Kimmel.

"I wanted to set the record straight. See, a lot of people thought I lied to my mother, saying that I was on a farm when I was actually on The Bachelor."

Very specifically, a marijuana farm in Northern California. Police note that some such farms are still unlicensed, and any illegal business can be dangerous. Particularly for a young woman.

"But no, I had already been eliminated from the show."

Which, of course, happened under the cover of secrecy. But she did head out of town for a while.

"And I just decided to go up to the mountains for a couple of weeks."

Bekah martinez 2

She describes how her mother came to worry.

"And I was there for six or seven days without phone service, [and] I thought that I was going to have phone service. And I"d told my mother that I would."

Some parents are fine with that (again, Bekah is an adult). Others, well, start to panic. And apparently Bekah realized that she"d been out of touch for too long.

"And you know, I just had this weird feeling on like the sixth or seventh day, I was like "I need to go home now.""

But it was a little too late.

"So I got in my car, drove to where I had service, called my parents. And, yeah, come to find out, only twelve hours before, my mother called the Humboldt Sheriff’s Department saying that I was missing."

Bekah martinez 1

Bekah does clarify that yes, this was a marijuana farm, though she clearly prefers to characterize the place as "the mountains."

"I’m not a weed farmer. I’m still a nanny in L.A."

Obviously, folks, she doesn"t want to get a reputation. See, her friend has a marijuana farm.

Bekah was just there visiting in the aftermath of what must have been a bizarre and high-pressure experience filming The Bachelor.

Also, it"s great that she and so many of her fellow contenders keep in touch.

Bekah martinez 4

Our favorite part of that interview might be when Bekah confesses that she"d have preferred if the leading man had been Peter.

You and the viewers both, girl. The Bachelor Nation has not been subtle about how they feel about Peter or about Arie.

And speaking of Arie"s reputation with fans, it was speculated before this season got started that Arie was on the show to build up his brand.

Bekah is 22. Arie wouldn"t endear himself to anyone by sending her home in the first episode, but his glaring age gap would have made him seem creepy if he"d taken her too close to the end. For this reason, a lot of fans were not surprised to see Bekah go.

But a lot of folks were sorry to see her leave. She was such a treat.

Bekah m reveals how she became a missing persons case

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Bekah Martinez: The Bachelor Contestant Listed on Missing Persons Report, Found on Show

Sometimes we see The Bachelor spoilers coming ahead of time. Other times not so much, such as in the bizarre case of Bekah Martinez.

No, we’re not talking about her age (so damn young!) but the fact that she was on a Missing Persons List prior to being found …

… on The Bachelor.

Yes, she was just removed from a missing persons list in California after someone recognized her from the hit show, according to reports.

The strange saga unfolded after the North Coast Journal asked if readers knew any of 35 people declared missing in Humboldt County.

One did.

Acting on a tip from a member of Bachelor Nation, the publication compared Martinez’s Instagram photos to her missing person’s photo.

At that point, they reached out to the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office, where officials reached out to her using her phone number on file.

It worked. After speaking to Bekah Martinez, officials confirmed that she was indeed not missing, and she was removed from the list.

According to the sheriff’s office, the now-infamous Martinez was reported missing by her mother at about 1:06 a.m. on November 18.

The mom hadn’t heard from her since November 12; Martinez last told her she was planning on working at a marijuana farm in the area.

Martinez’s mother told deputies she she asked Bekah to come home; Bekah refused, and said she would see her in 7-8 days.

At the time, Martinez told her mom that she was near Eureka, Calif., an area about 45 minutes from any known marijuana farm.

The Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office attempted to contact Martinez and others associated with her, receiving no response.

The case went to the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigations Division, where a deputy contacted Martinez’s mother.

According to Martinez’s mother, Bekah had contacted her late in the afternoon on November 18, stating that she was headed home.

As of December 12, no one had heard from her, and deputies were not able to make direct contact with Martinez after that point.

Thus, she was entered into the Missing and Unidentified Persons System and not removed until The Bachelor fan’s sighting.

Bekah may have left her mom hanging, but she’s been active on Twitter and Instagram throughout the time she’s been missing.

On September 17, long before she disappeared, she posted that she was “giving up” her phone and social media for weeks.

This was for The Bachelor.

She resumed posting November 23 after she finished filming (incidentally, if you want to know who will win The Bachelor, follow the link). 

Bekah addressed her Missing Persons status on Twitter: “MOM. how many times do I have to tell you I don’t get cell service on The Bachelor??”

“Honestly the scariest thing about this story is that my efforts to conceal The Worst Drivers License Photo Of All Time have been thwarted.”

Clearly she’s not taking this too seriously.

As for the marijuana farm component of this story, Northern California has long been known as fertile ground for the product.

Now that it’s legal, gigs on the farms are seen as a good way to make money, but often times are in remote places with no cell service.

Bekah Tweets

According to officials, many of the farms don’t have permits and are still illegal, and many who go to work on them don’t come back.

“It’s something that we’ve been battling with for years,” said one local official to People. “It’s actually a huge problem here.”

“I’m sure that her mother had a legitimate concern … women can be held against their will, or forced to do things they don’t want to do.”

Sounds even worse than being on The Bachelor.


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Melanie Martinez, Former The Voice Contestant, Accused of Rape

Melanie Martinez is the first woman to be ensnared in the ongoing Hollywood sex scandal.

A contestant on Season 3 of The Voice, Martinez has been accused by fellow musician Timothy Heller of committing sexual assault.

In a four-part tweet on Monday evening, Heller detailed a night during which she “repeatedly said no” to Martinez’s sexual advances.

However, Heller says Martinez ignored her very clear requests.

She says Martinez proceeded to forcefully penetrate her with a sex toy, among other disturbing acts.

(Based on a deep dive into their respective social media pages, we can deduce that Martinez and Heller have been friends since 2015.)

In the first of her Tweets last night, Heller comes right out and says “my best friend raped me.”

“She took me in, which I was so grateful for. I felt like I owed her my life,” Heller writes, referring to Martinez as “perfect” and “different,” in a positive way at first.

The artist goes on to allege, however, that Martinez soon gained an unhealthy “power” and “control” over her.

For example, “I had to apologize for having an extreme panic attack… because it ruined her night.”

It was a “codependent” relationship, Heller Tweeted.

martinez accuse

“One night during a sleepover, she became increasingly interested in my sexual preferences,” Heller says, after admitting she had a difficult time “saying no” to this person.

Heller says she had previously been assailed and found the topic awkward, but the friend persisted.

“She began asking me while in bed if I would have sex with her… I repeatedly said no.”

The next night, after smoking marijuana, Heller said she hoped she’d be able to just fall asleep. But this friend brought up the sex question again, over and over and over again, even though Heller “said every form of no I could think of.”

The friend kept asking things such as “Can I just touch your boobs,” even “begging” to do so, in Heller’s recounting.

Finally, exhausted, Heller allowed for this one act. But “this led to her touching the rest of me,” as she “used her power over me and broke down.”

Heller insists she kept saying NO.

heller twete

“Just so there is no confusion,” she emphasized on Twitter. “I was molested by my best friend.”

She goes on to say she was later “penetrated by a sex toy without being asked” and that this individual performed oral sex on her.

Heller and the friend never discussed what happened after the night in question and Heller ended up in a kind of denial, her head “messed up” and confused over what transpired.

Due to “recent event,” a clear reference to many Hollywood stars being exposed these days as sexual predators, Heller hopes people will believe her story. But she’s “terrified” about the response.

But she does want everyone to know the following:

“Girls can rape girls. Best friends can rape best friends.”

Heller never names the friends in her array of Tweets, but then wrote the following after posting her troubling tale:

“When I wrote this story about my assault, I initially wasn’t going to make the abuser. But I think it’s important for you all to know this is about Melanie Martinez.”

In turn, the singer, who rose to fame on The Voice Season 3, has responded.

Seemingly admitting to a sexual interaction between the pair, Martinez Tweeted late Monday:

“I am horrified and saddened by the statements and story told by Timothy Heller.

“What she and I shared was a close friendship … We tried to help each other. We both had pain in dealing with our individual demons…

“She never said no to what we chose to do together. And although we parted ways, I am sending her love and light always.”

We’ll update this story with further details if/when news breaks.


Sunday, September 10, 2017

Big Brother Spoilers: Is Josh Martinez Ready To Evict Paul Abrahamian?

Three people have been dominating the game inside the Big Brother house and all three have made it to the final five, but does that mean they are ready to turn on each other?

This week alone, Josh realized that Paul is flawlessly managing all the jury members on their way out the door in order to secure their votes if he makes it to final two. 

You may recall that Paul made it to the end last season with Nicole and that he lost out to her in a 5-4 vote. Any way you look at it, Paul should have won that season based on his moves at the end. 

He played a loyal game, but this season, he’s only loyal to Christmas and Josh, and while that’s okay, his fellow ally, Josh is on to him. 

Christmas has been trying to keep the peace in the alliance because she feels that if they turn on each other now, they will not get to the final three together. 

Here’s the thing: Christmas is probably more scared that if they don’t stay together, she will not make it much further into the competition. 

Through no fault of her own, she has been dragged further into the game and has grown stronger in the process. She has struck up some solid relationships along the way. 

With Josh in power, Christmas and Paul revealed that it was time to get rid of Alex. Josh has been cam talking over the last few days and confirmed that it may be time to get rid of Paul. 

His conversations with Alex is the thing that irks him the most. Paul is playing the victim card and acting like Christmas and Josh could have blindsided him. 

Over the last few days, Josh has been an emotional wreck. It’s clear he’s not cut out for the game, and is struggling to make decisions. 

It shows that out of the house he’s probably a loyal and nice guy. Alex has been using his emotions to her advantage and started wailing when he put her on the block with Kevin. 

She told him she may not be able to be his friend, and that she has went out of her way to save him on multiple occasions so he should be the one to save her this week. 

She made a big blunder by telling Paul that she can cry on cue and that she was playing Josh. Paul took great pleasure in running back to his minions and reporting that little nugget of truth. 

This only made Christmas more anti-Alex as she came to the conclusion that Alex is growing more dangerous by the day. It would be awesome if Josh clipped Paul at this big hurdle. 

But considering the veto competition has already taken place, we already know the results. 

Paul won the veto!

This certainly makes things interesting as we approach tomorrow’s ceremony because Alex is under the impression she is being saved. 

That will not be the case and she will be sent to the jury house to apologize to Jason for putting way too much trust in Paul. 

The good thing about this move is that Alex will try to turn the jury against Paul, and she and Jason will have a convincing argument for them. 

We have two evictions coming up this week, with one airing on Wednesday and an additional one airing on Thursday night, so that should be fun. 

After the coming week, we will have our final three and then it will be down to the wire to see who the jury chooses to win it all. 

What do you think of the latest spoilers? Is it time for Josh to cut Paul off and play his own game?

Hit the comments!


Friday, August 11, 2017

Big Brother Recap: Who Body-Shamed Josh Martinez?

The pots and pans came out in full force on the latest episode of Big Brother, and Josh was served a nice little dose of his own medicine. 

We picked up relatively quickly after the veto meeting in what seemed to be a much-need reprieve for Cody. 

The error in Cody’s game was attempting to back door Paul all the way back in week one. He had an alliance agreeing with everything he said, and his blatant feud with Paul saw him turning his back on his alliance. 

In turn, he never regained trust with them, and that’s why he was swiftly voted out of the game. But, in true Big Brother fashion, there were some twists thrown in that allowed him to return and canoodle with Jessica. 

With Jessica gearing up to be evicted from the game, she worried about what Cody would do next, and an offer from Kevin appeared out of nowhere. 

Kevin thought it would be a good move to ask Jessica about the potential of Cody working with him, Jason, Paul, and Alex. 

Jessica seemed like she was glad he would have someone to work with, but Cody was adamant to Jess that the rest of his time in the house would consist of preventing every one of the other houseguests from winning a dime. 

Kevin kicked his plan into high gear and approached Cody with Jason by his side, and Cody made it clear the showmances were high on his hit list. 

This was music to Kevin’s ears, but Jason was taken aback by how pushy Kevin was about the whole thing and turned to Alex and Paul to spill the goodies. 

Both Alex and Paul have never liked Cody and part of the reason for that is because of his unpredictability. They know Cody would turn on them the first chance he gets, so they are not about to join an alliance with him. 

They did not need to worry about calling the alliance off because Jessica had one last fight in her with Josh. In the kitchen, she asked him to spell “Drought.”

He passes the challenge and chants that he has a business degree and his own business. So, he was irate at being challenged by Jessica. She went outside with Cody to enjoy her final rays from the garden of the summer. 

Paul then gave Josh a comeback to go and taunt Jessica with. Paul tells him to ask her to spell “Evicted.”

Cody flips the eff out at his woman being put on the spot and calls Josh a fat-ass. Josh stands his ground and says there’s no need to make it all personal. 

Cody continues his tirade of terror, and Josh retreats to the HOH room in tears. For those of you who do not watch the live feeds, the CBS edits of the episode seem to make Josh look like a saint. 

On the feeds, he has been taunting Jess and Cody for a long time, and the rest of the house is just as bad. They’ve been egging him on like little school children. 

The best example was when the fight was kicking off, Alex was in the kitchen jumping with joy that another fight was going to take place. If it’s a fight that involves her, she gets all defensive and ends it. 

That side of the house is using Josh to rattle their targets, and it’s coming across as playground bullying. 

In the speeches, Jessica claimed Cody did not ruin her game and that everyone should go after Paul because he’s winning the whole thing if he stays in much longer. 

  • Alex votes to evict…Jessica 

  • Christmas votes to evict…Jessica

  • Cody votes to evict…Raven

  • Kevin votes to evict…Jessica

  • Paul votes to evict…Jessica 

  • Mark votes to evict…Jessica

  • Matt votes to evict…Jessica

  • Jason votes to evict…Jessica

Jessica was evicted by a vote of 7-1-0, with Elena being the only person on the block to not have any votes against her. 

Josh immediately mocks Jessica and breaks into song as Cody carries his Princess to the door of the house.

While Jessica is on her way out the door, Christmas made a timely comment that everyone had made it to the jury. 

Jessica definitely heard, but it didn’t faze her. She was done with the game, and she was leaving with a boyfriend. 

Julie pushed to find out why Jessica stopped fighting to stay. She revealed that she had been lied to through the whole process and it was not worth her time. 

She could not get a solid answer out of anyone, and was always the last to hear the facts. 

The next Head of Household competition found the houseguests watching a magic show, before answering true or false to the questions. 

  • Question 1: Everyone is right. 

  • Question 2: Mark, Kevin, Jason, and Paul are out. 

  • Question 3: Everyone is right.

  • Question 4: Christmas is out. 

  • Question 5: Cody, Elena, and Matt are out.

  • Question 6: Raven is out  

That means Alex is the new HOH, and Paul is essentially in power for another week. Sigh. 

Julie confirmed to the houseguests that the jury would not include a battle back, so when people are out this time, it’s the end of the game for them. 

She then opened up to the audience about next week including a double eviction and a special Friday episode. 

Okay, so we’re in for another week of Mark, Elena, and Cody on the block unless one of them wins the temptation challenge. 

Hopefully, the double eviction amps up the drama because things are getting rather predictable. 

What do you think of all the events?

Sound off below!


Thursday, December 29, 2016

Halle Berry, Olivier Martinez Divorce Final

Halle Berry and Olivier Martinez are officially single … and he agreed to let her say, “I left you!” Halle and Olivier filed for divorce at almost the exact same moment back in October 2015 … she filed as the petitioner and he also filed as the…


Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Halle Berry and Olivier Martinez: Is The Divorce Off?

After filing for divorce back in October 2015, estranged couple Halle Berry and Olivier Martinez look to be giving their marriage another try.

A courthouse clerk has notified both parties that if they don’t make a move with proceedings, their case will be thrown out, according to TMZ.

Friends of both actors say they’re in “no rush” to divorce, and are “fine with staying married.”

Berry reportedly isn’t convinced that she and Martinez shouldn’t be together, despite the French star’s obvious anger management issues.

Martinez was sued for $ 5 million in 2015 after video footage revealed that he shoved LAX employee Ronaldo Owens to the ground with a car seat.

“At the time of the incident Ronaldo was employed at LAX and was lawfully in the area,” lawsuit documents obtained by People Magazine at the time read.

“Thereafter, and without any provocation or justification Martinez abruptly turned towards Ronaldo, and brutally and intentionally charged at Ronaldo using an empty child’s car seat he held in his hands as a weapon, striking Ronaldo to the ground with the seat, and causing Ronaldo humiliation and injury.”

Berry was accused of doing nothing to stop the attack.

Right now it seems that Berry and Martinez are “getting along great,” and while they are just friends and co-parents at this point to Maceo, 3, and Nahla, 8 (dad is Berry’s ex-boyfriend, Gabriel Aubry), there is a chance that they’ll get back together.

After filing, a source close to the couple said at the time that they “spent a lot of time working on their marriage,” which has been “a roller coaster from the start.”

Martinez “loved being married,” a source close to him pointed out.  “A divorce was never in the plan.”

Earlier this year, another source told People that things were going well.

“Lately, Halle and Olivier are getting along much better,” the source said in March.

“They both came to their senses and are doing what’s best for the kids. They are enjoying spring break in [Mexico].

The divorce is still being finalized, and there is no change for now.

“But there seems there might be a slim chance that they decide to stay married. There is still a lot of love between them.”