Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Bekah Martinez Calls Out Arie Luyendyk Jr. for Post-Bachelor DMs

Arie Luyendyk Jr. is getting dragged all over the Internet today, and for a very good reason:

On last night’s three-hour finale of The Bachelor, Arie got down on one knee and proposed to Becca Kurfin…

… only to later dump her on national television because he wanted to get it on instead with runner-up Lauren Burnham.


Talk about a VERY uncool move, one Becca has now said Arie mishandled and one she compared to a “slap in the face [that] I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.”

We feel her pain, that’s for sure.

But that’s actually not what we’re here to drag Arie over.

We’re here to drag him over something else he did to disrespect his fiancee and out himself as one very shady individual.

Shortly after the controversial Bachelor finale aired, Bekah Martinez jumped on Twitter to give fans yet another reason to pile on Arie, sharing a pair of Direct Messages he sent her after filming had concluded.

Martinez, of course, was an Arie suitor who was sent home several weeks ago and who proceeded to tell the world that Luyendyk wasn’t ready to get married.

So she basically called what transpired on Monday evening…

One image posted yesterday by the 23-year old nanny exposes a message Arie sent her about a photo depicting Martinez’s face on a milk carton.

(It’s a long story, but: Earlier that month, it was revealed that Martinez had at one time been on a missing person’s list. Weird stuff, but not relevant at the moment.)

“This may just win the internet today,” Luyendyk wrote in his DM to Bekah. “Such a shame they didn’t use your license photo.”

“Lol! I made that,” Martinez replied at the time. “So there was no way in hell I was using the license photo…hahaha.”

“So good. You seriously crack me up. Hope all is well,” said Arie.

arie dm pic

You can check out this exchange for yourself above.

And then you can see another one between the exes below!

According to Martinez’s screenshots, Arie also messaged her on February 3, referencing the age gap that was often discussed on the show between the pair and writing:

“Just realized you were born the same year as my first 2-on-1.” 

bekah dm

Hurling shade at Arie, while tagging him in her caption, Bekah wrote as a summary of these texts:

“dm’ing your ex is a good look too. @ariejr.”

It’s perhaps worth mentioning here that Arie didn’t ask Bekah out or anything.

There’s nothing overly inappropriate about the content of the messages themselves.

But there is a flirty nature to them, nearly anyone must agree, and there’s certainly something amiss about privately messaging a woman from your season of The Bachelor AFTER you chose someone else — and proposed to that person!

It’s rather obvious Arie regretted his decision to ask for Becca’s hand in marriage almost immediately.

We’ll learn more about his relationship with Lauren on tonight’s After the Rose special.

But Bekah wasn’t interested in giving The Bachelor the benefit of any doubts.

“hahahahahaha @ariejr is the biggest f–king tool I’ve ever seen,” she wrote during the finale last night, adding:

“Becca is a queen. A goddess. Thank the LORD he’s out of her life.”

She later wrote that Kurfin sure “dodged a bullet” when it came to Luyendyk.

Unlike other tidbits and stories and pieces of information we recently learned about The Bachelor (below), this doesn’t appear to be a secret of any kind.

We’re all on to you, Arie.
