Friday, March 30, 2018

Prince Harry: Caught Cheating on Meghan Markle! (Ridiculous Tabloid Claims)

We’re just weeks away from the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, and just as expected, the rumor mill has kicked into high gear, and the tabloid media is going all-in with some truly hilarious headlines.

At this point, it’s like they’re just throwing darts at a list of old ledes and plugging Meghan’s name in like it’s Mad Libs.

Naturally, there have been reports of nude photos of Meghan making their way around social media.

And of course, there have been claims that Meghan is already pregnant with Harry’s baby.

But no list of bonkers fake scandals would be complete without a rumor that Meghan has called off the wedding after catching Harry cheating on her with his ex.

Yes, that’s the claim being made by Star magazine in the tabloid’s latest issue.

A “source” (who almost certainly doesn’t exist outside of the author’s head) claims that Harry has been “spending a lot of time” with ex-girlfriend Cressida Bonas.

Interestingly, even Star stops short of claiming that a full-blown affair took place behind Meghan’s back.

But the magazine does maintain that the exes have remained “very close” and Cressida was invited to the wedding against Meghan’s wishes.

“Meghan would rather Cressida not be there, but the invitations are already out,” a fabricated insider tells Star.

“Harry didn’t realize it would upset Meghan, he wouldn’t want to do anything to wound the woman he loves. He promised he’ll be on his best behavior, and Meghan has accepted that… for now.”

Most of the rumors about Harry and Meghan will die down after the wedding, but you’ll probably be hearing fraudulent reports about Harry’s cheating for years to come.

The British press in particular loves a good royal infidelity claim.

There have even been reports of Prince William cheating on Kate Middleton, even though William looks like William.

Harry has long had a reputation as a ladies man, and before settling down with Meg, he was considered one of the world’s most eligible bachelors.

So the cheating rumors aren’t going away, even if Harry remains on his best behavior.

Of course, Meghan likely knew this was the sort of thing she was signing on for.
