Showing posts with label Evict. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Evict. Show all posts

Friday, September 15, 2017

Big Brother Recap: Who Did Christmas Abbott Evict?

It was the second eviction episode of the week, and it was, of course, the best one. 

The reason? We got to catch up with the jury house, and it proved that Raven Walton was the deluded chick we already thought she was. 

When we picked up with the jury house, Mark and Elena seemed closer than ever, while Paul questioned whether he could “bust out” because he was sick of it. 

Enter Matt, who was left on the block with Raven a few weeks back and decided to throw his game to her because of the multitude of crap she’s been through in her life. 

He may go down as the dumbest person to ever walk the halls of the Big Brother house, but his girlfriend will go down as the most deluded person to play the game. 

Jason followed Matt in the door, and he was livid with Alex. He watched the eviction video back and trashed his former ride-or-die, noting that she played him. 

Then, Raven appeared and revealed Alex knew nothing and that she, herself, was in an alliance with Paul and that they were the most powerful people in the game. 

Everyone laughed at her because the whole house had a deal with Paul, so the very notion that she had any power was too much to handle for the players. 

When Alex entered the house, Jason asked Alex if Raven had any power and that set off one of the biggest fights of the entire series. 

Raven kept trying to say she was one of few with power, and the rest of the players essentially laughed at her. Yes, Raven is going to find herself in some hot water when she gets out. 

Back in the main house, Paul nominated Josh and Kevin for eviction. Kevin asked Paul if he was safe and Paul continued to play him. 

When it came to the veto, Paul secured another win and kept the nominations the same. That meant Christmas was the one to decide who would make it to final three with her and Paul. 

Christmas decided to keep her word and sent Kevin out of the game, meaning she, Paul and Josh had made it all the way to the end. 

Kevin had a classy exit and noted that they were all still welcome at his home for Thanksgiving, so at least there were no hard feelings. 

What did you think of the developments?

Sound off below!


Sunday, September 10, 2017

Big Brother Spoilers: Is Josh Martinez Ready To Evict Paul Abrahamian?

Three people have been dominating the game inside the Big Brother house and all three have made it to the final five, but does that mean they are ready to turn on each other?

This week alone, Josh realized that Paul is flawlessly managing all the jury members on their way out the door in order to secure their votes if he makes it to final two. 

You may recall that Paul made it to the end last season with Nicole and that he lost out to her in a 5-4 vote. Any way you look at it, Paul should have won that season based on his moves at the end. 

He played a loyal game, but this season, he’s only loyal to Christmas and Josh, and while that’s okay, his fellow ally, Josh is on to him. 

Christmas has been trying to keep the peace in the alliance because she feels that if they turn on each other now, they will not get to the final three together. 

Here’s the thing: Christmas is probably more scared that if they don’t stay together, she will not make it much further into the competition. 

Through no fault of her own, she has been dragged further into the game and has grown stronger in the process. She has struck up some solid relationships along the way. 

With Josh in power, Christmas and Paul revealed that it was time to get rid of Alex. Josh has been cam talking over the last few days and confirmed that it may be time to get rid of Paul. 

His conversations with Alex is the thing that irks him the most. Paul is playing the victim card and acting like Christmas and Josh could have blindsided him. 

Over the last few days, Josh has been an emotional wreck. It’s clear he’s not cut out for the game, and is struggling to make decisions. 

It shows that out of the house he’s probably a loyal and nice guy. Alex has been using his emotions to her advantage and started wailing when he put her on the block with Kevin. 

She told him she may not be able to be his friend, and that she has went out of her way to save him on multiple occasions so he should be the one to save her this week. 

She made a big blunder by telling Paul that she can cry on cue and that she was playing Josh. Paul took great pleasure in running back to his minions and reporting that little nugget of truth. 

This only made Christmas more anti-Alex as she came to the conclusion that Alex is growing more dangerous by the day. It would be awesome if Josh clipped Paul at this big hurdle. 

But considering the veto competition has already taken place, we already know the results. 

Paul won the veto!

This certainly makes things interesting as we approach tomorrow’s ceremony because Alex is under the impression she is being saved. 

That will not be the case and she will be sent to the jury house to apologize to Jason for putting way too much trust in Paul. 

The good thing about this move is that Alex will try to turn the jury against Paul, and she and Jason will have a convincing argument for them. 

We have two evictions coming up this week, with one airing on Wednesday and an additional one airing on Thursday night, so that should be fun. 

After the coming week, we will have our final three and then it will be down to the wire to see who the jury chooses to win it all. 

What do you think of the latest spoilers? Is it time for Josh to cut Paul off and play his own game?

Hit the comments!
