Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Kailyn Lowry Shades Jenelle Evans: She"s a TERRIBLE Mom!

Last month, Jenelle Evans’s youngest son Kaiser celebrated his birthday.

Evans posted photos of the big day, but fans took issue with the fact that the bulk of the celebration … at a daycare facility.

Based on the comments on Jenelle’s pic, it seems her followers were spilt on the question of whether or not that’s an acceptable way to celebrate a toddler’s birthday.

Some say it’s perfectly fine — after all, what preschooler doesn’t want to be showered with attention by a couple dozen of his peers?

Others, however, thought the move was Jenelle in a nutshell — a lazy gesture that’s documented for social media in order to give the impression what she’s a doting mom.

“Not a fan of JE, but why on earth are we judging people’s parenting at all, let alone based on b-day parties?”

(Editor’s note: It’s perfectly acceptable to judge Jenelle Evans’ parenting, as she’s awful at in roughly 99.999 percent of the time.)

Anyway, as is usually the case with Jenelle, she had more detractors than supporters, and one of them was none other than her longtime Teen Mom 2 castmate, Kailyn Lowry.

Kailyn celebrated her son Lux’s birthday, and she basically pulled a reverse- Jenelle.

Kail went all out for the party and even posed with Lux’s dad, Chris Lopez, for the trio’s first-ever family photo.

Of course, this is 2018, a time in which everything that everyone does is subjected to intense scrutiny and criticism, so it should come as no surprise that Kail was also roasted online.

Fans accused her of “over-celebrating” for Lux, as she never hosted such a massive shindig for her older sons.

Many fans came to Kail’s defense and that, boys and girls, is how Ms. Lowry once again found herself butting heads with the Carolina Hurricane.

At one point in the discussion, Kail retweeted the following comment:

“There has been a lot of discussion about how @KailynLowry has ‘forgotten’ she has two other kids, or went so extra for Lux’s bday but never did the same for the other boys.

“Guys give her a break, she didn’t pull a JE and take them to daycare with Walmart cupcakes. She’s a good mom.”

Jenelle has yet to respond, but we’re guessing she’s less than thrilled, as is far from the first time that Kail has criticized her parenting.

Following Jenelle’s road rage incident, Kail — like pretty much else who watched the show — remarked that Jenelle is an absolute psychopath for putting her child’s life at risk in such a reckless fashion.

The jury may still be out on Wal-Mart cupcakes, but surely we can all agree that stuff like that makes Jenelle an unfit mom.
