Showing posts with label Patricia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Patricia. Show all posts

Friday, November 9, 2018

Patricia Altschul: Southern Charm Star SHADES Ashley Jacobs in Scathing Tweet

Despite some fan speculation, viewers won’t see Ashley Jacobs return to Southern Charm next season.

Ashley confirmed that on social media, claiming that it was her choice.

Patricia Altschul isn’t letting that claim stand unchallenged, and mocked Ashley’s post. Did she go too far?

“After a lot of prayerful consideration,” Ashley announced on Instagram. “I have decided not to return to Southern Charm next season.”

There was more to her announcement, and we’ll get to that.

But right now, let’s look at what one of the reigning Southern Charm stars has to say.

The absolute legend that is Patricia Altschul saw Ashley’s announcement and decided to parody it with an announcement of her own.

“After prayerful consideration,” Patricia tweeted. “I’ve decided to decline the Nobel Peace Prize and the swimsuit cover of Sports Illustrated.

Patricia Altschul shades Ashley Jacobs in tweet

Patricia Altschul is a delight.

It is clear by the implication of her tweet that, as far as she is concerned, Ashley was never considered for an invitation to return to the show.

That’s not so surprising — Ashley was never a real cast member, and was only paid for her appearance at the reunion special.

She was Thomas Ravenel’s girlfriend, and Thomas is never returning to Bravo.

(Thomas will, in fact, stand trial for sexual assault based upon the chilling allegations made by his children’s former nanny)

Patricia received a lot of cheering after her shady tweet.

Others, however, felt that she was taking things too hard.

“Quit being a bully,” demanded one Twitter denizen. “Move on.”

“You’re too old to continue these shenanigans,” the tweeter told Patricia.

(Poking at Patricia Altschul’s age isn’t just rude — it also makes your words about bullying sound a little hollow)

Patricia dismissed that particular tweet as sour grapes — possibly from Ashley herself under a fake social media account.

Despite the implication that Ashley never had the option of returning to Southern Charm, her Instagram post explained her reasoning.

“I’ve been blessed with an amazing career, family, & friends,” she wrote.

“And,” Ashley continued. “I don’t want to put those things in jeopardy for a reality tv show.”

“Honestly,” she shared. “I considered filming again because I desperately want to tell my side of the story.”

“But after experiencing how unfair the editing process can be,” she explained. “I don’t think I’ll ever have a fair shot.”

“I appreciate you all following me throughout this journey,” Ashley concluded.

We’re glad that Ashley seems to have found some peace.

Given the damage to her image as well as the visibly detrimental effects that stardom exacted upon her health, maybe it’s best that Ashley not return.

(Not everyone should be a reality star, and that is perfectly okay — Ashley is a registered nurse)

There are conflicting reports over who made this call.

Ashley and some sources say that she was offered the chance to return to the show and try to work her way into the inner circle.

Other sources — and Patricia Altschul —  say that she was never considered, because she was never really a star.

As you can see, the other ladies of Southern Charm are getting on just fine without Ashley.

But we don’t think that it’s fair to call Patricia’s words “bullying.”

It’s a shady tweet from a reality star to her former co-star.

If it were racist or homophobic or misogynistic or something along those lines, maybe.

Instead, it was one woman who appeared on a reality show mocking another. That goes with the territory.

Also, it’s worth noting that Patricia was overtly friendly to Ashley when she first joined the show.

It was Ashley’s behavior during her brief stint on Southern Charm that made Patricia feel repulsed.


Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Patricia Altschul: Ashley Jacobs Is a Gold-Digging Famewhore!

The Southern Charm cast used part two of the reunion special to stage an impromptu intervention over Ashley Jacobs and Thomas Ravenel.

Patricia Altschul wasn"t at the reunion, but she"s more or less everyone"s favorite on the show.

And just because she wasn"t there doesn"t mean that she doesn"t have some serious opinions about Ashley and the horse she rode in on.

Speaking to Entertainment TonightPatricia calls Ashley a famewhore. It is difficult to disagree.

"My new favorite word is ‘famewhore,’” Patricia confesses. 

A famewhore, of course, is someone who wants to milk any opportunity at fame for all that it is worth — to the point of desperation and self-destruction.

Wanting to be famous is fine. Destroying your life and those of others so that you can get your 15 minutes is … not.

“I love to use it whenever possible," Patricia says of her new vocabulary word. "So … famewhore! Famewhore! Famewhore!"

So, remember how Ashley packed up her entire life and moved across the country to be with Thomas after a handful of dates?

Patricia remembers that, too.

"I think it"s hard to fall in love after five dates,” Patricia says. She"s not wrong. 

“Call me a skeptic," Patricia continues. "And the fact that she was so adamant about getting a ring, getting clothes, getting jewelry, getting Vuitton luggage."

"I mean, it seemed a little too obvious to just be love."

Patricia didn"t have a front-row seat to the Hilton Head clash between Ashley Jacobs and Kathryn Dennis. But she did see it on television.

"I was one of the few people that was nice to Ashley over the season,” Patricia reminds fans. 

But she admits: “I never really knew how awful the Hilton Head episode was, until I saw it for myself."

"She did the opposite of everything that I told her to do,” Patricia laments. 

“I would say it hasn"t worked for her," Patricia adds. "She"s kind of the example of what not to do. If you could write a list of what not to do, she would personify that."

That really summarizes Ashley.

Patricia was nice to Ashley initially, but became unnerved by what she perceived as a thirst for fame — or riches — or both.

"I called her a gold digger,” Patricia says. 

“I stand by that, and she told Whitney, which I thought was kind of insulting, ‘If it weren"t for Thomas, you’d be my second choice.’"

Whitney is Patricia"s son. Telling someone that they"re your second choice is … never a good idea.

Patricia admits that she doesn"t know what Ashley and Thomas are up to, as she doesn"t "know anybody on that cast that keeps up with her or him."

That is very interesting, since she watched the reunion special with Kathryn — who of course is Thomas" baby mama.

Patricia wasn"t at the reunion. Thomas, who has been accused of sexual assault by multiple women, was also not there. But Ashley was.

"I guess she went to, to defend Thomas,” Patricia guesses. That is very charitable of her.

That said, Patricia admits that she has “no idea what goes on at the reunion."

Not until it airs, anyway.

"I understand that Ashley blames me for everything,” Patricia reveals. 

“Whatever it is, it"s my fault … if there"s anything that I want to take away from the reunion is," Patricia says. "I didn"t do it!"

Patricia altschul ashley jacobs is a gold digging famewhore

Friday, May 11, 2018

Matt Patricia Coached at Alma Mater During Rape Investigation

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Detroit Lions Coach Matt Patricia Denies Raping Woman In 1996

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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

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Friday, February 24, 2017

Patricia Arquette to Donald Trump: We"re in the U.S., Not Moscow!! (VIDEO)

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