Showing posts with label Famewhore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Famewhore. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Patricia Altschul: Ashley Jacobs Is a Gold-Digging Famewhore!

The Southern Charm cast used part two of the reunion special to stage an impromptu intervention over Ashley Jacobs and Thomas Ravenel.

Patricia Altschul wasn"t at the reunion, but she"s more or less everyone"s favorite on the show.

And just because she wasn"t there doesn"t mean that she doesn"t have some serious opinions about Ashley and the horse she rode in on.

Speaking to Entertainment TonightPatricia calls Ashley a famewhore. It is difficult to disagree.

"My new favorite word is ‘famewhore,’” Patricia confesses. 

A famewhore, of course, is someone who wants to milk any opportunity at fame for all that it is worth — to the point of desperation and self-destruction.

Wanting to be famous is fine. Destroying your life and those of others so that you can get your 15 minutes is … not.

“I love to use it whenever possible," Patricia says of her new vocabulary word. "So … famewhore! Famewhore! Famewhore!"

So, remember how Ashley packed up her entire life and moved across the country to be with Thomas after a handful of dates?

Patricia remembers that, too.

"I think it"s hard to fall in love after five dates,” Patricia says. She"s not wrong. 

“Call me a skeptic," Patricia continues. "And the fact that she was so adamant about getting a ring, getting clothes, getting jewelry, getting Vuitton luggage."

"I mean, it seemed a little too obvious to just be love."

Patricia didn"t have a front-row seat to the Hilton Head clash between Ashley Jacobs and Kathryn Dennis. But she did see it on television.

"I was one of the few people that was nice to Ashley over the season,” Patricia reminds fans. 

But she admits: “I never really knew how awful the Hilton Head episode was, until I saw it for myself."

"She did the opposite of everything that I told her to do,” Patricia laments. 

“I would say it hasn"t worked for her," Patricia adds. "She"s kind of the example of what not to do. If you could write a list of what not to do, she would personify that."

That really summarizes Ashley.

Patricia was nice to Ashley initially, but became unnerved by what she perceived as a thirst for fame — or riches — or both.

"I called her a gold digger,” Patricia says. 

“I stand by that, and she told Whitney, which I thought was kind of insulting, ‘If it weren"t for Thomas, you’d be my second choice.’"

Whitney is Patricia"s son. Telling someone that they"re your second choice is … never a good idea.

Patricia admits that she doesn"t know what Ashley and Thomas are up to, as she doesn"t "know anybody on that cast that keeps up with her or him."

That is very interesting, since she watched the reunion special with Kathryn — who of course is Thomas" baby mama.

Patricia wasn"t at the reunion. Thomas, who has been accused of sexual assault by multiple women, was also not there. But Ashley was.

"I guess she went to, to defend Thomas,” Patricia guesses. That is very charitable of her.

That said, Patricia admits that she has “no idea what goes on at the reunion."

Not until it airs, anyway.

"I understand that Ashley blames me for everything,” Patricia reveals. 

“Whatever it is, it"s my fault … if there"s anything that I want to take away from the reunion is," Patricia says. "I didn"t do it!"

Patricia altschul ashley jacobs is a gold digging famewhore