Showing posts with label Scares. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scares. Show all posts

Thursday, October 25, 2018

MSNBC Contributor Steve Schmidt Says Trump"s to Blame for Bomb Scares

President Trump bears some responsibility for the pipe bombs sent to Democrats, and anyone with ears should know that, says former GOP strategist Steve Schmidt. Steve told us Wednesday the person who actually assembled and sent the bombs is…


Thursday, October 4, 2018

Kris Jenner and Scott Disick: Kim Kardashian Scares the Eff Out of Us!

These days, Scott Disick is keeping an eye on Luka Sabbat and Kourtney Kardashian

On the next Keeping Up With The Kardashians, he"s more worried about one of Kourtney"s sisters.

He and Kris are bonding over the strangest thing: being afraid to even look at Kim. She scares them.

Scott disick dressed down for dinner

Easily one of the strangest things we"ve seen recently on Keeping Up With The Kardashians was the tale of Kanye West needing a band-aid.

A grown man demanded that his wife get him a band-aid. She procured multiple bandages, but none of them were the ones he wanted.

Few people would tolerate those kinds of antics from anyone over the age of 9. Kanye is 41 entire years old.

But in this new sneak peek clip from this upcoming episode, it"s no longer time for viewers to feel sorry for Kim.

Kris Jenner and Scott Disick are commiserating over how Kim treats them. Should fans fear her, too?

Kris jenner smiles on keeping up with the kardashians

"When I had my face done, that was really a hard thing for me to go through. And who was there every step of the way? Sheila"

"It just occurred to me, like, she’s wanted to do this for years, but this is just not something she would do." Kris explains.

Kris says: "I want to do this for her and be there for her like she’s always been there for me."

Scott has his concerns, saying: "Even though it’s really a sweet gesture, are you at all nervous that you could offend her in anyway?"

His worry, he explains, is that Sheila will be insulted: "Is it like, ‘Hey, your face looks old?’"

Scott disick wears a beanie on kuwtk 01

"Just think about it … If you told me that I needed something done, even if maybe I didn’t, I would definitely go stare and look at whatever that was."

"Kim does that to me 24/7," Kris reveals.

"Kim does that to everybody in the world!" Scott exclaims.

"You know," Scott continues. "She catches every …"

He wisely cuts off before he says flaw to Kris Jenner. He is sometimes wiser than he appears.

Kris jenner bonds with scott disick

Kim"s hypercritical gaze is enough that members of her own family are reluctant to even interact with her.

"I don"t even like looking at Kim," Scott admits.

He explains: "Because sometimes she"s like," and his makes his eyes grow large as if he is examining a detail on someone"s face.

"It"s scary, right?" Kris asks. "She"ll stare at us."

Anything that can frighten someone with a constitution like Kris" would send us running for the hills.

Scott disick wears a beanie on kuwtk 02

Scott gives a sample of the sort of thing Kim will say to him.

""Is that a pimple right there?"" he quotes. "And I"m like, "i-I-I don"t know.""

That does sound like a harrowing experience.

Any good friend will point out if there"s something that you can fix right away — like spinach in your teeth or perhaps a pimple.

This is especially important for people who are constantly on camera. 

You don"t want to be embarrassed by a random snap.

Kim kardashian is looking great

But even reality stars have downtime. No one wants to feel like they are under constant scrutiny for their appearance.

Sometimes, people who are hopelessly consumed with their own looks seem to be unable to resist commenting on other people"s.

Maybe it"s a compulsion. Maybe they think that they"re being helpful.

Clearly, Kim needs to dial it down a few notches with her family.

And we really, truly hope that she does not do this to or even in front of her children.

North, Saint, and Chicago don"t need to grow up obsessing over real and perceived flaws.

Kris jenner and scott disick kim kardashian scares the eff out o

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Farrah Abraham SLAMS Bristol Palin: She Scares Me!

The 2018 MTV Video Music Awards were held last night, and as in year’s past, the best and brightest of the music world rubbed elbows with some of the network’s longest-standing stars — who might be a bit less well-known to the show’s mainstream audience.

Among the attendees were Farrah Abraham and Kailyn Lowry, both of whom were asked for their thoughts on MTV’s decision to add Bristol Palin to the cast of Teen Mom OG.

Kail — displaying the warmth and optimism that have made her a fan favorite in recent years — had only good things to say about Bristol:

“I think it could be a great addition to the Teen Mom OG cast,” Lowry told Us Weekly on the red carpet.

“I welcome her to the family!”

Farrah, as expected, was a bit more melodramatic and — what’s the word? — batsh-t crazy in her response to the same question.

“I think I’m watching Girl, Interrupted. She moved to the same place I live,” Farrah said when asked about Bristol.

“I’m actually scared. I want to stay away from that.”

Just about every Farrah quote is unintentionally hilarious, but this one might take the cake.

For starters, we literally have no idea what sort of thought she’s trying to convey.

On top of that, Farrah has either never seen Girl, Interrupted or doesn’t remember it very clearly.

In fact, we’re pretty sure she meant to reference Single White Female, which is just one of the many factors that make this a dark horse candidate for funniest Farrah quote.

Farrah Abraham-Bristol Palin

That said, we’re forced to grudgingly agree with Farrah on one point.

The Palins are scary and anything that lures them away from their Russia-adjacent stomping grounds and into the lower 48 is even scarier.

MTV has unleashed a pox upon the mainland, and those who fear the future are right to.

That doesn’t mean we won’t be watching every cringe-y second of Bristol on TMOG.

We’re just gonna keep in mind that we might be witnessing the beginning of the endtimes.


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Selena Gomez Horror Video Scares the Bejesus Out of Fans

Despite what one moronic designer said recently, Selena Gomez is not ugly.

She is very, very pretty in fact.

This very clear fact said, the singer did just frighten the ever-living heck out of her fans via her appearance… although not for the reason you may think.

Gomez didn’t get a weird haircut or don some unusual ensemble on the red carpet of some event.

Instead, the former Disney Channel star returned to her acting roots by teaming up with her close friend, Canadian artist and director Petra Collins, for a new strange and nightmarish short horror film.

It’s titled “Love Story.” But that appears to be a misnomer.

Rolled out exclusively on Instagram’s new long-form video platform IGTV, the film is filled with disturbing imagery, as teased by a few excerpts Collins shared late yesterday.

In an extended clip, for example, Gomez is totally nude and taking a bath with a prosthetic face in the water.

She wears the eerioe flesh on various parts of her body, including her own face, before it appears as if she leans in to kiss it.

We told you: This is creepy stuff!

gomez eyeball

Oh, and Gomez also sucks on a singular eyeball at one point and lies at the legs of a woman with a face made out of a dismembered fingers.

Later, the ex-Justin Bieber lover just casually scrapes icing off her own leg with a knife — and eats it.

Many fans appear to be legitimately upset by this footage, accusing Gomez of having become someone they don’t recognize and apparently don’t like very much.

“I think you changed Selena. I miss Selena in 2016 and I want in 2016 and I want it back … I’m afraid,” one fan commented in response to the footage, while another added:

“This has a serial killer vibe to it!”

It’s certainly true that Selena has grown up a lot.

She isn’t the innocent Disney star who first burst on the scene as the lead cast member in Wizards of Waverly Place.

But there’s nothing wrong with that. People grow and evolve and change. This ought to be encouraged for the most part.

Collins and Gomez previously worked together on the singer’s 2017 music videos for “Bad Liar” and “Fetish,” the latter of which featured its own fair share of strange imagery (including Gomez flailing around the kitchen, eating lipstick and glass).

The two are very close and have often talked about a collaboration of some kind.

whoa selena

Moreover, Gomez has never been shy about her affection for the horror genre.

“I love The Exorcist and the things that come from inside you, the things that are a little more subtle, and things that you deal with from inwards,” Collins told Vanity Fair last May, adding:

“I feel like it’s something Selena and I both love talking about … that topic is sort of dear to us.”

For her part, the 13 Reasons Why producer opened up about working with Collins in a July 2017 interview with Dazed:

“People don’t know but my personal life ties into the work we do together because [she] knows things about my life that nobody knows and I know a lot about [her] life that nobody knows.

“It comes out, somehow.”

Check out the creepy footage below!


Monday, March 19, 2018

"Breaking Bad" Star Anna Gunn Scares Off Potential Home Burglar

Anna Gunn’s home alarm system came through in a big way by alerting her that a potential thief was lurking outside, and Anna was able to scare the perp off … TMZ has learned. The “Breaking Bad” actress was at her L.A. pad in the Valley Thursday…


Monday, February 12, 2018

Joe Jonas" Home Alarm System Scares Off Wannabe Burglar

Joe Jonas has his security system to thank for warding off a potential thief and keeping his name off the list of celebs who’ve had their homes burglarized … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell us … the DNCE lead singer’s home…


Monday, September 25, 2017

Marshawn Lynch Growls at TMZ Photog, Scares Crap Out Of Him

Marshawn Lynch went full Beast Mode on a TMZ Photog this weekend — GROWLING at our guy … and it was hilarious!!  It all went down on Saturday in D.C. — when our camera guy saw the Oakland Raiders RB and asked him about Donald Trump…


Thursday, July 27, 2017

Enormous Spider Stalks Couple, Scares Bejeebus Out of Internet

A couple in Queensland, Australia is here to frighten us all.

The man and woman have shared a number of photos on Facebook of a huntsman spider and how it recently tried to make its way inside their home.

This type of animal will bite if agitated, so the man and woman were careful in their attempts to shoo it away.

But you need to this thing. It"s huge. It"s enormous. We"re trembling just writing about it.

Scroll down (if you dare!) and learn more about this scary story below…

1. Why, Hello There!

Why hello there

The man and woman were making dinner when they looked out their glass door and saw THIS.

2. Got Room for One More?

Got room for one more

Sorry, but: NOOOOO!

3. Humans vs. Spider

Humans vs spider

Lauren Ansell and her boyfriend told followers they were locked in a vicious stand-off with the frightening creature.

4. This is a Photo of Aragog

This is a photo of aragog

“We nicknamed the spider ‘Aragog’ from Harry Potter,” said Lauren. You can see why above.

5. Scariest. Close. Up. EVER.

Scariest close up ever

Yes, we were trembling when we posted this picture.

6. Scariest. Close. GIF. EVER.

Scariest close gif ever

And now we’re trembling even more.

View Slideshow

Monday, May 22, 2017

YIKES! Sea Lion Yanks Girl Into Water, Scares Ish Out of Internet

In a word? YIKES!

In another word? PHEW!

Footage of a sea lion leaping up out the water and dragging a young girl back down under with it has spread across the Internet, causing many to react in shock and fear over the actions of this unexpectedly aggressive creature.

The video below was filmed in Richmond, British Columbia near the Steveston Fisherman"s Wharf in Canada.

It starts off innocently enough, too, as a group of people are seen throwing tiny bits of food to the animal and commenting on how large it is. We hear someone"s cell phone go off.

It all seems like harmless, normal fun.

But then the sea lion swims close to a docked boat and closer to the dock itself. It sticks its head out from under the water and approaches a squating little girl.

At first, it leaps out of the water toward the girl, almost to give her a kiss on the face.

The girl laughs. So does everyone around her.

From there, however, the girl sits down… turns her head away slightly… and, almost as if it was waiting for its prey to peer in the other direction, the sea lion jumps up and actually bites down on the girl"s dress.

It then yanks her into the water.

Thankfully, a man (believed to be a relative) immediately springs into action, leaping in to save the girl before any physical damage can be done.

Michael Fujiwara, who captured the dramatic footage, told CBC News that the girl’s family “were just in shock” over the terrifying incident.

“They were pretty shaken up,” he said.

According to Andrew Trites, the Director of UBC"s Marine Mammal Research Unit, the sea lion likely thought the girl"s dress was food.

"My first reaction to the video is just how stupid some people can be to not treat wildlife with proper respect," he said, adding:

"This was a male California sea lion. They are huge animals. They are not circus performers. They"re not trained to be next to people."

And Bob Baziuk, the general manager of the Steveston Harbour Authority, explained to CNN how they"ve ben warning visitors not to feed animals for years.

"It"s not Sea World, it"s a place where you buy fish," Baziuk says. "If you feed the animals like this, you"re asking for trouble."

The video has been viewed over 2.2 million times.

See it for yourself:

Sea lion yanks girl into the water in frightening viral video

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Scottie Pippen"s Wife to Cops -- "HE SCARES ME" ... Broke Phone During Argument

Larsa Pippen told police she was “scared” of Scottie Pippen during an Oct. 4th argument at their home — in which the NBA star broke his own cell phone out of frustration … TMZ Sports has learned. We broke the story … cops responded to Pippen’s…


Monday, February 8, 2016

Puppy Monkey Baby Scares the Ish Out of All SB50 Viewers

They say that all publicity is good publicity.

If this is really the case, then Mountain Dew must be feeling very good about itself this morning.

The soda company ran what most consider to have been the strangest commercial of Super Bowl 50, which is saying a lot considering the NFL aired a commercial centered around kids singing about their parents having sex.

But Mountain Dew spent its million of dollars on a spot that introduced the company"s new drink, Kickstart, infusing the nightmares of viewers around the world with the image of a pug… dressed up like a monkey… who is wearing a diaper and who is dressed up like a baby.

We really wish we were making this up.

The drink, which is a combination of Mountain Dew, juice and caffeine, is pretty much the equivalent of Four Loko without the alcohol.

And we suppose we have to hand it to Mountain Dew in some way here:

The brand didn"t try to be especially cute or creative in any way. It simply aimed for shock value and it succeeded.

Heck, everyone is talking about this commercial the day after Peyton Manning and company defeated the Carolina Panthers. So that"s pretty much a win, right?

Not according to Patton Oswalt, however, whose Tweet may have actually won Super Bowl 50:

That puppy monkey baby is already being used in ISIS recruiting videos.

Check out the controversial ad now:

Puppy monkey baby super bowl commercial

Friday, October 9, 2015

Fake Taylor Swift Scares Real Selena Gomez on Ellen

Selena Gomez appeared as a guest on Ellen this week, responding to the host"s question about what it takes to be a member of Taylor Swift"s squad.

"Baking is involved… A lot of wine. Talking about boys," Gomez responds, before turning serious when asked what she likes most about Taylor Swift.

"She pushes me to be more confident. I’ve known her for eight years now and…"

And what?!? We may never know because a man dressed like Swift (in a sparkly jumpsuit and blonde wig) then pops up out of a box alongside Gomez and scares the you-know-what out of her.

Later in the same interview, just when Selena thinks the worst has passed her by, the same man (now also dressed like Elsa from Frozen) sneaks up on her again from behind.

You must see her reaction.

Fake taylor swift scares real selena gomez on ellen

Friday, September 18, 2015

Groom"s Prank Scares You-Know-What Out of Bride

Note to most grooms around the world: You may not want to follow this guy"s example.

But somehow, some way, this brand new husband got away with one of the bolder pranks we"ve ever seen.

During his wedding reception, he hired actors to portray waiters and he brought in a stunt cake… so that when two waiters got into a fight and one waiter dropped the cake, everyone else believed the actual wedding cake had fallen to the ground and been ruined forever.

Watch to see the guests" reaction and ask yourself: How are these two married?!?

He must have given her quite the engagement ring.

Groom pranks scare living you know what out of bride

Monday, September 14, 2015

Ellen DeGeneres Scares The Brit Out Of New U.S. Citizen Emily Blunt! Watch The Hilarious Prank HERE!

Ellen DeGeneres gave Emily Blunt her first lesson in becoming a U.S. citizen — always watch your back!

The Sicario star appeared on Monday’s Ellen and showed off her brand new U.S. citizenship!

After the 32-year-old admitted that she knows “more about the constitution and government than most American citizens,” she was put to the test!

[ Video: Ellen Doing B*tch Better Have My Money Is Why Lip Sync Battle Was Invented! ]

Ellen convinced the actress to “put something patriotic on” and learn patriotic songs for the audience — which was, of course, all an elaborate ruse to scare the British out of Blunt in a classic Ellen scare prank!

Check out the petrifying patriotic moment (below):

[Image via EllenTube.]