Showing posts with label Monkey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monkey. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

FL Gov. Candidate Ron DeSantis Says "Monkey This Up" in Reference to Black Opponent

Florida’s gubernatorial race got seriously racial when Republican candidate Ron DeSantis dropped a “monkey” comment while talking about his Democratic opponent … who is black. DeSantis is fresh off winning the Republican primary, and while on Fox…


GOP Candidate for Governor Basically Calls Opponent a "Monkey"

Florida Man has struck again, folks.

However, this particular Florida man is different than most of the stories we write about the generic Florida Man.

Here is what we mean…

On Tuesday night, Ron DeSantis won the Republican primary for the Governorship of The Sunshine State.

On the opposite end of the political spectrum, Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum won the Democratic primary for this same position.

The two candidates will square off in the general election this November, as voters are asked to choose between a very progressive, anti-Donald Trump candidate…

… and DeSantis, who earned an endorsement from the infamous Commander-in-Chief.

During an appearance on Fox News a few hours after his victory, DeSantis was talking about the upcoming race and made a remark that nearly everyone is interpreting as a reference to Gillum"s race.

Around the 34-second mark of the video featured here, DeSantis warns Floridians that “the last thing we need to do is monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda."

DeSantis is on one hand telling folks that they"d be stuck with an agenda backed by Democrats such as Bernie Sanders if Gillum is elected.

On the other hand, he"s… ummm… being totally racist?

Aside from simply inventing a phrase (people "muck" things up, yes, but no one says anyone "monkeys" anything up) that uses an insult that"s been hurled at African-Americans for centuries, DeSantis is being accused of employing offensive “dog whistles” in this interview.

Take note of when he says Gillum is an “articulate” speaker who “performed better” at the debates than his rivals.

DeSantis’ camp has said, in response to this controversy, that the candidate “was obviously talking about Florida not making the wrong decision to embrace the socialist policies that Andrew Gillum espouses.

"To characterize it as anything else is absurd.

"Florida’s economy has been on the move for the last eight years and the last thing we need is a far-left democrat trying to stop our success."


Just ignore that one racist word he used, okay?!? Unless, of course, it helps to emphasize the important differences between the candidates for you and will prompt you to vote for DeSantis.  

Watch the remark here and judge its intent for yourself.

Ron desantis republican candidate for governor basically calls b

Friday, February 23, 2018

Olympics Invaded By Fat Streaker with Monkey Penis Pouch

Ever seen a fat guy in a tutu try to streak the Olympics with his wiener tucked firmly in a monkey penis holder? Well, good news …  That’s how it went down at the Men’s 1,000m Speed Skating event in Pyeongchang early Friday morning — and it…


Friday, January 12, 2018

Chris Brown Could Be Prosecuted Over Exotic Monkey

Chris Brown got himself a pet monkey — but never got a permit to keep her — so now he’s sans monkey and could face criminal charges … TMZ has learned. As we reported … CB took heat last month after posting a pic of his 3-year-old daughter…


Monday, January 8, 2018

H&M Blasted for Black Kid Wearing "Coolest Monkey in the Jungle" Hoodie

It’s early, but H&M just grabbed the title for MOST OUT OF TOUCH company of 2018 … after this racist ad popped up on its UK website. The clothing store was put on blast after this ad showed an African-American child wearing a hoodie with…


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Chris Brown"s Daughter Didn"t Get the Monkey, It"s His Pet

Chris Brown knows better than to give Royalty a pet monkey … which is why he didn’t. Sources close to CB tell TMZ … the baby capuchin monkey everyone saw his 3-year-old daughter cradling actually belongs to Chris. We’re told he bought…


Friday, December 8, 2017

Chris Brown Buys His Daughter Royalty a Pet Monkey

Chris Brown could’ve done a puppy or kitten, but instead he went exotic for Royalty’s early Christmas gift, and hooked her up with … a brand new monkey!!! Chris’ daughter got cozy with her gift, cradling what looks like a baby capuchin…


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

"Little Women: Couples Retreat" Premiere Kicks Off with "Monkey Ass" Racial Slur

Tempers are flaring on the set of ‘Little Women: Couples Retreat’ after a white cast member called a black cast member a “monkey ass.” TMZ got this clip of Lifetime’s “Little Women: LA” spin-off where Lila is basically asking to get dropped…


"Little Women: Couples Retreat" Premiere Kicks Off with "Monkey Ass" Racial Slur

Tempers are flaring on the set of ‘Little Women: Couples Retreat’ after a white cast member called a black cast member a “monkey ass.” TMZ got this clip of Lifetime’s “Little Women: LA” spin-off where Lila is basically asking to get dropped…


Saturday, June 10, 2017

Bill Maher Apologizes for N-Word ... "Comedians are a Special Kind of Monkey!" (VIDEO)

Bill Maher gave an earnest apology for his joke last week — that he was a “house n*****” — but at one point he may have chosen the wrong word to explain himself. Bill was back live on “Real Time with Bill Maher” Friday night where he had a hard…


Sunday, November 27, 2016

Ace of Diamonds Strip Club -- County Gave Us a Monkey Spanking Thanks to Mally Mall

WARNING STRIP CLUB BALLERS: Another Mally Mall-like stunt could mean curtains for your favorite Ace of Diamonds dancers. The L.A. County Dept. of Public Health tells TMZ it issued an official warning to the popular strip joint to never…


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Mally Mall"s Halloween -- Monkey Tricks and Strip Club Treats (VIDEO + PHOTO GALLERY)

Normally, yelling “Would you like to pet my monkey?” … in a strip club would get you immediately tossed out, but Mally Mall changed the game at Ace of Diamonds. The ‘Love and Hip Hop’ star brought his little friend — a capuchin monkey — to…


Sunday, October 16, 2016

Bob Saget -- My Favorite "Home Video" Ever ... Gross Monkey Business (VIDEO)

Bob Saget’s definitive all-time favorite clip from his time hosting “America’s Funniest Home Videos” is highly controversial … although not by today’s standards. Bob was inside the Loews Hotel in Hollywood when he confessed to being a sucker for…


Monday, February 8, 2016

Puppy Monkey Baby Scares the Ish Out of All SB50 Viewers

They say that all publicity is good publicity.

If this is really the case, then Mountain Dew must be feeling very good about itself this morning.

The soda company ran what most consider to have been the strangest commercial of Super Bowl 50, which is saying a lot considering the NFL aired a commercial centered around kids singing about their parents having sex.

But Mountain Dew spent its million of dollars on a spot that introduced the company"s new drink, Kickstart, infusing the nightmares of viewers around the world with the image of a pug… dressed up like a monkey… who is wearing a diaper and who is dressed up like a baby.

We really wish we were making this up.

The drink, which is a combination of Mountain Dew, juice and caffeine, is pretty much the equivalent of Four Loko without the alcohol.

And we suppose we have to hand it to Mountain Dew in some way here:

The brand didn"t try to be especially cute or creative in any way. It simply aimed for shock value and it succeeded.

Heck, everyone is talking about this commercial the day after Peyton Manning and company defeated the Carolina Panthers. So that"s pretty much a win, right?

Not according to Patton Oswalt, however, whose Tweet may have actually won Super Bowl 50:

That puppy monkey baby is already being used in ISIS recruiting videos.

Check out the controversial ad now:

Puppy monkey baby super bowl commercial

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Flash Season 2 Episode 7 Recap: Monkey Means Business

Talk about some hairy monkey business, huh?!?

Sorry. But that terrible, obvious pun does sum up The Flash Season 2 Episode 7, which featured the entertaining return of Grood.

Fortunately, Barry didn’t need much time to recover from his broken back this week (ah, to be super. And a hero.).

But chose to announce that he’s going back to Earth-Two in order to deal with Zoom while Barry was temporarily on the sideline.

Luckily, Caitlin intervened and convinced the doctor that to make such as attempt by himself would essentially amount to a suicide mission; it would not do Jesse any good, that’s for certain.

However, if Wells stuck around, Team Flash could help him defeat Zoom, thereby saving Jesse on their home field, so to speak.

Wells agreed – and it was a good thing, too.

With Grood back not he scenes, compelling residents to steal serums and everything, he could be of significant use to the squad.

Grood even set his sights Caitlin, bringing her up to his bell tower hideout and asking for a reminder on how he became the way he is.

She told him all about the particle accelerator explosion and then mentioned how the chemicals he swiped could possibly recreate the effect.

But she was understandably taken aback upon realizing that what he wants to do is making more Grodds. GULP.

Meanwhile, Barry was literally stumbling around in his rehab, telling Joe that he doesn’t even deserve the key to the city because he’s been exposed by Zoom as unworthy.

Who can get through to him? Henry, of course, who shows up later at S.T.A.R Labs. He imparts wisdom on his son, such as telling him that it’s important to slow down if you want to “get back to where you want to be” and also to believe in yourself.

He should know, too. He was once charged with killing his wife in front of his son.

As for how to take down Grood?

The plan is to have Harry pose as Grood’s father by wearing the Reverse-Flash suit. He nearly pulls it off, too, until he gets called out by Grood for asking that Caitlin be permitted to leave. Father never ask, Grood yells. Father take!

Wells does manage to escape, however, after sticking Grood with a bunch of drugs.

Team Flash then decides that instead of killing Grodd, they can lure him into a breach and send him to Earth-Two.

To make this work, Barry is coaxed back into his supersuit.

And, after getting over flashbacks of his Zoom smackdown, he bounces back and punches Grodd into the portal, where on the other side the animal lands in… Gorilla City?!?

Wait, WHAT? HUH? You’re gonna need to watch The Flash online in order to try and make sense of this development.