Showing posts with label Maher. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maher. Show all posts

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Bill Maher Trashes Stan Lee, He Made Adults Stupid and Is Responsible for Trump

Bill Maher thinks Stan Lee is partly to blame for the dumbing down of America. Bill wrote an essay on his blog, saying he has nothing against comic books, but they’re for kids … and when you grow up you should “move on to big-boy books without…


Thursday, January 4, 2018

Bill Maher and Bob Saget Mock Al Franken Groping Photo

Bill Maher couldn’t contain himself, or his hands, and decided to mock Al Franken’s infamous mid-air groping photo. LOL? Maher was flying private with Bob Saget when he snapped the shot reaching out for Saget’s man boobs. No doubt he nailed the…


Bill Maher and Bob Saget Mock Al Franken Groping Photo

Bill Maher couldn’t contain himself, or his hands, and decided to mock Al Franken’s infamous mid-air groping photo. LOL? Maher was flying private with Bob Saget when he snapped the shot reaching out for Saget’s man boobs. No doubt he nailed the…


Saturday, June 10, 2017

Bill Maher Apologizes for N-Word ... "Comedians are a Special Kind of Monkey!" (VIDEO)

Bill Maher gave an earnest apology for his joke last week — that he was a “house n*****” — but at one point he may have chosen the wrong word to explain himself. Bill was back live on “Real Time with Bill Maher” Friday night where he had a hard…


Thursday, June 8, 2017

Bill Maher Will Never Get the N-Word Issue, Says Actress Anne-Marie Johnson (VIDEO)

Bill Maher has history with the n-word, but doesn’t understand the history behind the word … according to Anne-Marie Johnson. The actress tells us she wasn’t surprised when Maher got blasted for saying the n-word on ‘Real Time’ … because she…


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

TMZ Live: Ice Cube: Takes On Bill Maher

HERE’S THE RUNDOWN Jerry Seinfeld Brutally Disses Kesha Delta Airlines: Support Dog Attacks Passenger David Spade: Burglars Make Off W/ Safe Kendrick Lamar: Be Humble!


Al Sharpton Says Bill Maher Was "Disgraceful" Using N-word, Punishment in Order (VIDEO)

Al Sharpton is outraged at Bill Maher, saying he’s disgraceful and clearly believes the comedian should be punished for joking that he’s a “house n*****.” Al laid into Bill, saying he seemed “comfortable” using the word which is only meant to…


Ice Cube Will Take On Bill Maher Over "House N*****" Remark

Ice Cube isn’t about to let Bill Maher’s “house n****r” crack stop him from appearing on ‘Real Time’ … in fact, Cube’s ready to mix it up with Bill over the n-word. Bill’s n-word comment won’t go ignored either. Sources close to Cube tell us he…


Monday, June 5, 2017

Killer Mike Would"ve Punched Bill Maher If He Used N-Word in Front of Him, But He"s Not Pissed (VIDEO)

Bill Maher would have taken one to the body had he dropped the n-word while Killer Mike was the guest on his show. Mike told us Monday … he agrees Bill shouldn’t lose his job over his controversial joke on ‘Real Time.’ He’s a firm…


Killer Mike Would"ve Punched Bill Maher If He Used N-Word in Front of Him, But He"s Not Pissed (VIDEO)

Bill Maher would have taken one to the body had he dropped the n-word while Killer Mike was the guest on his show. Mike told us Monday … he agrees Bill shouldn’t lose his job over his controversial joke on ‘Real Time.’ He’s a firm…


Senator Al Franken Cancels Bill Maher Appearance After N-Word Remark

Bill Maher is out one big guest for his next live show on HBO this Friday – Senator Al Franken just canceled his appearance. Franken announced Monday he won’t be appearing alongside Maher for Friday’s episode. A spokesperson for Franken said…


No Bill Maher Tour Dates Canceled After N-Word Remark (PHOTO)

Bill Maher has dodged the bullet that annihilated Kathy Griffin — NONE of his upcoming tour dates have been canceled … despite his use of the n-word on HBO. Bill’s smack in the middle of a comedy tour, with a ton of Summer tour…


Bill Maher Back on the Air, HBO Has No Plan to Fire Him

Bill Maher will not be benched for his comment about “house n*****” … TMZ has learned. Sources familiar with the situation tell us, HBO will not yank Bill from the air or fire him for the comment he made to Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse on last…


Bill Maher Back on the Air, HBO Has No Plan to Fire Him

Bill Maher will not be benched for his comment about “house n*****” … TMZ has learned. Sources familiar with the situation tell us, HBO will not yank Bill from the air or fire him for the comment he made to Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse on last…


TMZ Live: Bill Maher: N-Word Controversy

HERE’S THE RUNDOWN Justin Bieber: Scooter Braun Runs For Office? Brandy: Kardashians To The Rescue! Bill Cosby: Rudy’s Got My Back! Kathy Griffin Gets Advice From Frasier


Bill Maher Apologizes for Racial Slur; Should He Be Fired?

Bill Maher has a few words to say about his use of a racial epithet last week.

But will HBO have the final say when it comes to this comedian’s future with the company?

On Friday’s edition of Real Time, Maher was conducting an interview with Nebraska Senator Bill Sasse when the politician invited the talk show host to visit Nebraska at some point in the future.

“We’d love to have you work in the fields with us,” Sasse said to Maher, a comment that prompted the following response from Maher:

“Work in the fields? Senator, I’m a house n-gger.”

Many members of the crowd immediately groaned and expressed their discomfort with the remark, which led Maher to basically tell everyone to calm down because it was merely a “joke.”

But Twitter users and many celebrities joined in the chorus of those who believed the word usage was way out of line.

Not long after the episode aired, HBO released a statement that condemned the comedian’s quip.

“Bill Maher’s comment last night was completely inexcusable and tasteless,” said the network, adding:

We are removing his deeply offensive comment from any subsequent airings of the show.”

Sasse then Tweeted his take on the exchange, which included regret that he didn’t bring up the epithet as soon as it left Maher’s mouth.

“Am walking off a redeye from LAX. 3 reflections on @billmaher,” wrote the Republican senator, expounding as follows:

“I’m a 1st Amendment absolutist. Comedians get latitude to cross hard lines. But free speech comes with a responsibility to speak up when folks use that word. Me just cringing last night wasn’t good enough…

“Here’s what I wish I’d been quick enough to say in the moment:

‘Hold up, why would you think it’s OK to use that word? The history of the n-word is an attack on universal human dignity. It’s therefore an attack on the American Creed.

“Don’t use it.”

Now, with the backlash continuing to spread around the Internet, Maher has come out and issued an apology.

“Friday nights are always my worst night of sleep because I’m up reflecting on the things I should or shouldn’t have said on my live show,” he said on Saturday.

“Last night was a particularly long night as I regret the word I used in the banter of a live moment.

“The word was offensive and I regret saying it and am very sorry.”

Maher may very well be sorry, but this isn’t the first time he’s perhaps taken a so-called joke too far.

Just a few weeks ago, Maher cracked wise about Ivanka Trump, making an incest reference to her and her famous father.

And remember the time he compared Zayn Malik to a terrorist? Ouch.

“There are no exceptions that make this acceptable,” Reverend Al Sharpton said on Sunday of Maher’s N-Word dropping, making it clear that this isn’t a partisan issue.

“He doesn’t get a pass because we’re friends. What Bill Maher did was normalize a word that is anything but normal.”

Podcast host and activist DeRay McKesson, along with Chance the Rapper, are among those who have called for Maher to be fired by HBO.

Do you think this is warranted?

VOTE below and express your opinion: Should Bill Maher lose his job over this distasteful joke?


Saturday, June 3, 2017

Bill Maher Apologizes for Using N-Word During "Real Time" Interview

Bill Maher has apologized for using the n-word on his show Friday night … claiming he’s lost a lot of sleep over it. Maher just released a statement saying … “Friday nights are always my worst night of sleep because I’m up reflecting on the…


Bill Maher Uses N-Word on His Show; Twitter Explodes

Why is Bill Maher the worst?

Serious question.

He insists on making outrageous, offensive statements because … well, we don’t know why, exactly. We just know that it never, ever seems to stop.

Just last month Bill made an incest joke about Donald and Ivanka Trump, saying “When he’s about to nuke Finland or something, she’s gonna walk into the bedroom and — ‘Daddy, Daddy. Don’t do it, Daddy."”

He then made a gesture indicating that she’d grab his penis to calm him down.

He also once compared Zayn Malik to Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, which, you know, isn’t great.

The point is that he’s known for pushing boundaries at each and every opportunity.

And apparently he thought last night’s episode of Real Time with Bill Maher was a great chance to be a jackass.

His guest last night was Nebraska Senator Bill Sasse, and at one point, Sasse invited Bill to visit Nebraska.

“We’d love to have you work in the fields with us,” he told him, smiling.

Bill, in his strange little mind, felt the appropriate response was to say “Work in the fielnds? Senator, I’m a house n—–.”

His audience had some mixed responses, and understandably so, but Bill was quick to assure them that it was a joke.

But Twitter wasn’t convinced.

“I for one am shocked that giant racist Bill Maher is in fact a giant racist,” one person tweeted.

Another wrote “Bill Maher said the N-word? Wow this totally changes my previously high opinion of that smug Islamophobic misogynistic attention-whore.”

One person theorized that “Bill Maher seems way too comfortable using the n-word. I mean, that came naturally to him. That… says a lot. And none of it is good.”

And, for the obligatory “hold my beer” joke, someone tweeted “‘Nobody can screw up a career better than me’ Tiger Woods ‘Hold my beer’ Kathy Griffin ‘No, both of you hold my latte’ Bill Maher.”

Meanwhile, Ben Sasse himself took to Twitter to discuss the controversy.

“I’m a 1st Amendment absolutist,” he began. “Comedians get latitude to cross hard lines.”

“But free speech comes with a responsibility to speak up when folks use that word. Me just cringing last night wasn’t good enough.”

He wrote that he wished he’d been able to gather his thoughts enough in the moment to say “Hold up, why would you think it’s OK to use that word?”

“The history of the n-word is an attack on universal human dignity. It’s therefore an attack on the American Creed. Don’t use it.”

Too little, too late, or an appropriate response?

It’s hard to know when everything is such a great big awful mess.


Bill Maher Hurls N-Word During Interview with Senator on "Real Time" (VIDEO)

Bill Maher jokingly used a racial slur during an interview on his TV show, but as expected — lots of people aren’t laughing. But really, @BillMaher has got to go. There are no explanations that make this acceptable.…


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Bill Maher SLAMMED for Ivanka Trump Incest Joke

Bill Maher is never afraid to say what’s on his mind.

Remember when he compared Zayn Malik to a terrorist?

But has the comedian finally gone too far? Due to the joke he makes about Ivanka Trump in the following video, some people think so…

Speaking to New York Magazine’s Gabriel Sherman during a segment on his HBO series, Maher engaged his guest in a conversation about The First Daughter.

Prior to her father’s inauguration, those who opposed Donald Trump held out hope that Ivanka could maybe get through to him on certain progressive issues; that perhaps she could reel in his more immature and bitter tendencies.

But Ivanka has done little to change her dad’s mind when it comes to women’s issues or international issues.

“What do you make of Ivanka and her efforts to sort of humanize her father?” Trump asks Sherman in the clip above, adding:

“A lot of us thought, Ivanka is gonna be our saving grace. When he’s about to nuke Finland or something, she’s gonna walk into the bedroom and – ‘Daddy, Daddy. Don’t do it, Daddy."”

Upon saying these words, Maher made a crude gesture that implied Ivanka would be jerking off her father while trying to make her case.

“Is that how you see Ivanka?” Maher asked Sherman, who replied with a “no.”

Trump himself has made a few very strange and inappropriate remarks about his own daughter.

Back in October, for example, he told Wendy Williams that the main thing he has in common with Ivanka is sex.

He also once agreed that Ivanka is a fine piece of ass.

Those who have rushed to Maher’s defense in light of this new controversy are citing Trump’s past references. To wit:

defending maher

Others, however, still think Maher crossed a line.

This is still the President of the United States he’s talking about, they argue, and that is still a wildly inappropriate gesture to make and act to imply.

Here’s a sampling of what critics have said on Twitter:

maher joke

Ivanka Trump, meanwhile, has been the subject of plenty of other sexual references in the recent past.

Late last month, for instance, Fox News reporter Jesse Waters cracked a crude joke about “the way [Ivanka] was speaking into that microphone” after airing a clip of her speaking at a women’s summit in Berlin.

This was a quip about oral sex, in case it wasn’t obvious.

See for yourself:

And then last week, Stephen Colbert was criticized for making a homophobic joke about the the President and Vladimir Putin.

It even prompted the hashtag #FireColbert to trend on Twitter, to which The Late Late Show host replied:

“I have jokes, he has the launch codes, so it’s a fair fight.”

What do YOU think of Bill Maher’s Ivanka crack?

Just an example of a comedian trying to be funny? Has the President opened his family up to these kinds of attacks with the attacks he so often engages in himself online?

Or does Maher owe The First Family an apology?
