Showing posts with label Incest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Incest. Show all posts

Monday, October 15, 2018

Ex-College Football Star Justin Crawford Arrested for Incest, Sodomy

Justin Crawford — the former West Virginia star running back — has been arrested in Georgia on some pretty disgusting charges, TMZ Sports has learned.  Officials confirm … the 23-year-old is facing charges of incest, sodomy and enticing a…


Friday, March 16, 2018

Indiana Couple Arrested for Incest, Sleeping with Own Kids

A man and woman from Indiana were arrested this week and charged with multiple counts of incident.

According to a local news outlet, Keylin Johnson and Sheila Johnson were taken into custody after the couple’s 19-year old son told a friend that his parents had been having sex with him and his two siblings.

gross parents

Based on court records, an investigation was opened by the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office after it received a report about these allegations on February 25.

A woman reportedly told a police officer that the couple’s two oldest children had come to visit and talked with her about “possible sexual abuse.”

Authorities then spoke that same day with the oldest, unnamed child… who said his dad had explained to him that “incest was a normal way of life” and “the best way to build a family bond was to have sex with your parents, particularly your mother.”

The legal documents also state that Johnson “advised it was safer to have sex with people in your own family, rather than strangers.”

It doesn’t get much sicker than this.

Until one consider’s another snippet from this document, which reads:

The oldest child “also indicated that his mother was involved in sexual relations with the family dog.”

According to this report, the youngest child was taken out from the family’s home in Montgomery County the day after police were told about what was allegedly going on at home.

Investigators then seized cellphones and computers from the home that same day as well.

Authorities are on record as quoting this youngest girl as saying “both of her parents would do gross things in the home,” with court documents elaborating;

“She was shown sexual videos and pornography and that her aunt used to bring adult things to a residence in Mooresville and she observed the adults would do sexual things.”

This is so very disgusting.

In an interview with police, Sheila Johnson (pictured below) confessed to multiple acts of child abuse, along with incest with two of her children and an attempt at bestiality with a dog.

She said her husband “would always want to role play and suggested mother-son sex scenarios.”

As for Keylin Johnson?

He told cops that “I am guilty of internet porn and other stuff.”

He described himself as being addicted to adult entertainment, according to these court documents and confessed to cops he had downloaded and saved images of one of his kids nude from the child’s cellphone.

As a result of these heinous acts, Keylin Johnson faces 18 charges, including multiple counts of child molesting and incest and one count of possession of child pornography.

Sheila Johnson faces 17 charges, including multiple counts of child molesting and incest and one count of bestiality.

The family has lived in homes in Crawfordsville, Ladoga, New Market and Waveland since 2012.

As of Tuesday afternoon of this week, the couple remained in custody at Montgomery County Jail on $ 50,000 bond each.

A jury trial is set for Sheila Johnson on July 31 and for Keylin Johnson on August 14.

We’ll update this incomprehensible story as more news breaks.


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Ted Cruz "Likes" Incest Porn on Twitter; Internet Has a Field Day

If you’ve followed the career of Ted Cruz, you know that the Texas senator is a hard-line conservative who might also be the Zodiac Killer.

Cruz is nothing if not passionate about his work, but legislating away the right of poor people to exist and sending encoded descriptions of your latest murder to Bay Area media outlets can take a toll on even the most dilligent weasel demon.

So it’s not surprising that the Cruz Man decided to unwind with a little bizarrely specific fetish porn last night.

It is surprising, however, that he felt the need to broadcast his preferences on Twitter.

Yes, Ted pulled a Weiner in more ways than one, unintentionally (we hope) sharing a very NSFW video clip with his 3 million followers.

Cruz “liked” the clip late Monday night, and it was gone by Tuesday morning, but not before spending a surprisingly long period of time at the top Senator Cruz’s timeline.

Obviously, it’s possible the clip was shared by a Cruz staff member, but of course we prefer to think that the senator personally enjoyed the two-minute depiction of an incestuous threesome so much that he simply had to share his rave review with the world.

If you’ve spent any time amongst the more quick-witted denizens of Twitter, then you won’t be surprised to learn that the jokes flew fast and furious in the minutes after the world learned more than it ever wanted to know about Ted Cruz’s spank material.

But there’s one man who wasn’t the least bit surprised by the news that Texas Teddy enjoys manipulating his pole.

Craig Mazin was Cruz’s roommate at Princeton, and the screenwriter was mining his former bunk buddy’s masturbatory habits for comedic gold long before the rest of us were forced to imagine Ted “handling his delegates.”

“Now imagine Ted Cruz is doing this four feet below you in the bottom bunk bed. Yes, my misery very much appreciates your company,” Mazin tweeted last night.

Having waited for this day for nearly thirty years, Mazin obviously didn’t stop there:

“Sadly, the fact that Ted Cruz jacks off to mediocre porn spam is the most human thing we can say about him. This is actually his high point,” he added.

With no fear of putting too fine a point on it, Mazin continued:

“I never wanted this for any of you. I thought maybe I’d feel better if two or three people knew. Not six billion. That said? I FEEL BETTER.”

Hopefully, someone in Cruz’s office is coating the senator in a healing salve to soothe his savage burns … and hopefully Ted’s not getting off on it.

We live in an age in which the media cycle operates at such a breakneck speed that a man who boasted of grabbing women “by the p-ssy” was elected president just a few weeks after his admission of sexual assault went public.

So in all likelihood, this will all be forgotten by the time Cruz launches his inevitable 2020 presidential campaign.

But don’t worry – Ted will inevitavly trip over his own dong many times between now and then.

It’s important to remember that this isn’t the first Ted Cruz sex scandal.

Hell, it’s not even the second Ted Cruz sex scandal.

This is a guy so prone to self-sabotage that he maintained his connection to Josh Duggar after the world learned Duggar had molested four of his sisters.

And don’t get us started on all those grisly murders Cruz committed in San Francisco in the ’70s!


Thursday, August 31, 2017

"Game of Thrones" Star Tom Hopper Doesn"t Mind Jon Snow and Daenerys Incest

The guy who played Dickon Tarly on “Game of Thrones” ain’t bothered by Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen’s incest in the finale … ‘cause it was inevitable. We got Tom Hopper at LAX — but before we got to Jon and Dany, we had to know ……


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Bill Maher SLAMMED for Ivanka Trump Incest Joke

Bill Maher is never afraid to say what’s on his mind.

Remember when he compared Zayn Malik to a terrorist?

But has the comedian finally gone too far? Due to the joke he makes about Ivanka Trump in the following video, some people think so…

Speaking to New York Magazine’s Gabriel Sherman during a segment on his HBO series, Maher engaged his guest in a conversation about The First Daughter.

Prior to her father’s inauguration, those who opposed Donald Trump held out hope that Ivanka could maybe get through to him on certain progressive issues; that perhaps she could reel in his more immature and bitter tendencies.

But Ivanka has done little to change her dad’s mind when it comes to women’s issues or international issues.

“What do you make of Ivanka and her efforts to sort of humanize her father?” Trump asks Sherman in the clip above, adding:

“A lot of us thought, Ivanka is gonna be our saving grace. When he’s about to nuke Finland or something, she’s gonna walk into the bedroom and – ‘Daddy, Daddy. Don’t do it, Daddy."”

Upon saying these words, Maher made a crude gesture that implied Ivanka would be jerking off her father while trying to make her case.

“Is that how you see Ivanka?” Maher asked Sherman, who replied with a “no.”

Trump himself has made a few very strange and inappropriate remarks about his own daughter.

Back in October, for example, he told Wendy Williams that the main thing he has in common with Ivanka is sex.

He also once agreed that Ivanka is a fine piece of ass.

Those who have rushed to Maher’s defense in light of this new controversy are citing Trump’s past references. To wit:

defending maher

Others, however, still think Maher crossed a line.

This is still the President of the United States he’s talking about, they argue, and that is still a wildly inappropriate gesture to make and act to imply.

Here’s a sampling of what critics have said on Twitter:

maher joke

Ivanka Trump, meanwhile, has been the subject of plenty of other sexual references in the recent past.

Late last month, for instance, Fox News reporter Jesse Waters cracked a crude joke about “the way [Ivanka] was speaking into that microphone” after airing a clip of her speaking at a women’s summit in Berlin.

This was a quip about oral sex, in case it wasn’t obvious.

See for yourself:

And then last week, Stephen Colbert was criticized for making a homophobic joke about the the President and Vladimir Putin.

It even prompted the hashtag #FireColbert to trend on Twitter, to which The Late Late Show host replied:

“I have jokes, he has the launch codes, so it’s a fair fight.”

What do YOU think of Bill Maher’s Ivanka crack?

Just an example of a comedian trying to be funny? Has the President opened his family up to these kinds of attacks with the attacks he so often engages in himself online?

Or does Maher owe The First Family an apology?


Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Heidi Montag"s Dad: I"m Not Guilty of Incest and Sexual Assault!

Cripes o Rama.

Heidi Montag’s dad, William, 68, was charged earlier this year with both “aggravated incest” and “sexual assault on a child by one in a position of trust,” according to Radar Online.

William denies the charges, which took place over fifteen years ago, and claims he’s innocent.

“Allegations were brought forward by a woman, who is now an adult, who had alleged a sexual assault a little more than 15 years ago during a period of time when she was between 14 and 17,” Arapahoe County, CO Capt. Larry Etheridge said.

Several sources confirm that neither Heidi nor her older sister, Holly were victims of these crimes.

There were allegedly 50 separate incidents between 1996 and 1998 “involving oral sex and sex toys,” according to Radar.

“His life is in ruins now — even if he’s proven innocent that dark cloud will still loom over him,” a family friend told the Mail Online of William at the time.

William was released on $ 50,000 bail after the arrest.