Showing posts with label Thrones'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thrones'. Show all posts

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Donald Trump Evokes Game of Thrones on Twitter, Draws Rebuke from HBO

Donald Trump just ruined Game of Thrones.

No, the President didn’t reveal any final season spoilers, although we’re pretty sure he wouldn’t hesitate to do so if it somehow meant Republicans would keep the House on Tuesday.

But he did go ahead and use the show’s iconic tagline on Twitter today, making sure no one can ever think of it again without also thinking of our racist Commander-in-Chief.

Here’s what we’re talking about:

Game of Thrones arrived on the television scene in the summer of 2011 by warning its viewers that “Winter is Coming.”

This was a nod to the dangerous White Walkers and how they would eventually breach The Wall and kill pretty much every human alive.

(Don’t ask. Just Google or, better yet, go catch up Game of Thrones before it returns in mid-2019 at some point. The show is really good.)

No three words are more associated with the most popular show of its era than these three. Winter is Coming.

So… what did Trump just write on Twitter? In the legendary font of the iconic HBO drama?

Sanctions are Coming.

Donald Trump got

Most folks clued in to the political arena think this is a reference to sanctions against Iraq.

And while many experts on the topic seem to believe this is a terrible idea, we’re not here to get into a complicated political debate.

(Except to say that maybe the President of the United States should not treat such a significant idea/step as a game or a joke.)

We are here, however, to simply say:

Come on, Mr. President!

To paraphrase critics of athletes who bring up social issues, can’t you stick to politics?

HBO agrees with this assessment.

The network has issued a brief statement in response to Trump’s use of its show’s tagline and font. It reads:

We were not aware of this messaging and would prefer our trademark not be misappropriated for political purposes.

It has also Tweeted, hilariously, “How do you say trademark misuse in Dothraki?”

And star Maisie Williams, who plays wildly popular character Arya, also expressed her disdain on social media:

not today

Game of Thrones Season 8 will be comprised of just six episodes.

However, each will be movie-length, around 90 minutes if not more, many sources have confirmed.

But that isn’t the point right now.

The point is that Trump has already made it difficult to enjoy professional football and Twitter and ensured that we’ll never refer to our soccer game carpools as “caravans” ever again.

Did he really need to go ahead and link himself to Game of Thrones as well?


Monday, August 27, 2018

Game of Thrones Season 8 Footage is Finally Here!

First the bad news: Game of Thrones Season 8 is still a long way off.

The good news, however, is that HBO took pity on us last night and offered up about 15 seconds of footage from the series" long-awaited return.

Prior to Sunday night"s season/series finale (one never really knows in this day of limited series becoming actual series) of Sharp Objects, HBO offered up a montage of what viewers can expect from the pricey premium channel in 2019.

And there was much to get excited about:

The return of True Detective, with Mahershela Ali assuming the starring role; a second season of Bill Hader"s beloved Barry; a new Jennifer Garner comedy from Girls co-creator Jennie Konner; even a revival of the cult classic Flight of the Conchords.

But it"s the promise of a final trip to Westeros that really got Twitter talking last night.

Needless to say, there"s not a whole lot that can be gleaned from such brief clips, but the sight of Dany, her dragons, and everyone"s favorite dwarf was enough to overshadow everything else that HBO is offering up next year.

Which, of course, points to a future concern for the network.

No series in HBO history has been even half as popular as GoT.

Execs are doing what they can to maintain that level of excitement with Game of Thrones spinoff series and new big-budget offerings, such as a series adaptation of Alan Moore"s Watchmen.

But a smash hit like GoT might prove to be a once-in-a-generation sort of thing.

So like a bunch of peasants preparing for a decade of frigid temps, HBO can do it"s best to prepare for the hard times ahead.

But there"s no denying that winter is coming.

Anyway, that"s their problem.

All we have to do is count the days until the GoT Season Eight, which sadly, does not yet have a release date.

Game of thrones season 8 footage is finally here

Saturday, August 4, 2018

The Mountain From "Game of Thrones" Becomes KFC Colonel for Fried Feat of Strength

It looks like KFC’s found its next Colonel Sanders — The Mountain from “Game of Thrones” … and he’s in the Colonel’s duds doing something very Mountain-esque. TMZ got video of Hafthor Julius Bjornsson – aka Thor, the 2018 World’s…


Saturday, June 23, 2018

"Game of Thrones" Stars Kit Harington and Rose Leslie Wed in Scotland

The King in the North finally has his Queen … and we’re talking about real life here. Kit Harington, aka Jon Snow from “Game of Thrones,” married Rose Leslie, aka Jon Snow’s former wildling lover Ygritte, in a ceremony Saturday at Kirkton of Rayne…


Sunday, January 7, 2018

Brad Pitt Bids 6-Figures at Auction for "Game of Thrones" Viewing with Emilia Clarke

Brad Pitt is on the verge of becoming single again, so it’s no surprise he’s looking for some companionship.  But really … $ 120,000 for a few hours? Truth is … it was all done in the name of charity.  Brad hit up Sean Penn’s annual…


Saturday, January 6, 2018

"Game of Thrones" Star Kit Harington Drunk and Disorderly During Pool Game

“Game of Thrones” star Kit Harington was into a different kind of game Friday night … pool — but he was so drunk and uncontrollable he was thrown out of the bar. The actor who plays Jon Snow in GOT was at Barfly in NYC and was 3 sheets for…


Sunday, December 10, 2017

The Mountain from "Game of Thrones" has Hot Canadian Girlfriend Half His Size

The real-life giant who plays The Mountain on “Game of Thrones” has something new to brag about … his girlfriend’s a smoke show, and a relatively tiny one at that. Hafthor Julius Bjornsson is dating Kelsey Henson from Canada. We’re told…


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

"Game of Thrones" Star Says He Coulda Killed Conor McGregor In MMA Sesh

The guy who plays “The Mountain” on “Game of Thrones” says he MAJORLY “held back” when he sparred Conor McGregor back in 2015 … because he coulda Prince Oberyn’d the guy for real.  You remember the video … 6’9”, 400-pound Icelandic…


Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Khloe Kardashian & Tristan Thompson Reveal EPIC Game of Thrones Costumes!

Folks, you may not want to hear this, but please listen:

Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson pulled off a pair of pretty epic couples costumes.

The couple and soon-to-be parents aren’t just winning Halloween — they’re winning Game of Thrones.

Khloe Kardashian and her boyfriend (and baby daddy!) Tristan Thompson are known for, you know, reality stardom and for sportsball, respectively.

While it’s no surprise that they’d try out couples costumes, you don’t really expect to be blown away.

But we’re genuinely impressed. No joke.

Khloe and Tristan are serving up some Game of Thrones looks as one of the show’s most iconic couples.

Not quite caught up on this season of Game of Thrones? Still slogging through the quagmire of season 5 and too embarrassed to admit it to your friends?

Don’t worry, folks.

Khloe and Tristan’s costumes harken all the way back to the very first season.

Khloe Kardashian dressed as Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, … and so on, and so on.

It’s not really a surprise to see Khloe dress as the world’s beloved Khaleesi. She’s a very popular character.

Also, how many chances does Khloe get to dress as someone else whose name or title stars with a “Kh,” we wonder?

Not many.

(Maybe next Halloween she’ll dress as khyber crystals, but we somehow doubt that she’s, uh, that deep into Star Wars lore. Maybe we’re wrong and totally underestimating Khloe)

What did surprise us about Khloe’s choice, though, was how well-executed her costume was.

You probably don’t normally think of Khloe looking much like Daenerys, but she really made it work.

Part of the key to Khloe’s success was being coupled up with Tristan and his look.

Yes, Tristan Thompson dressed as Khal Drogo.

The famous Jason Momoa character didn’t survive to the end of Game of Thrones‘ first season (uh, spoiler alert), but remains a powerful fixture in Daenerys’ backstory.

Also, like all Jason Momoa characters, he had a powerful screen presence.

Daenerys and Khal Drogo were what you’d call a problematic pairing, but they grew to truly love and understand each other before Khal Drogo’s death.

Their height difference was very pronounced, which really helps Tristan and Khloe pull off this pair of epic couples costumes.

Because just look at them:

Yes, that’s the two of them with their prize.

We should note that Khloe is dressed in a much more recent outfit of Daenerys’ … and we don’t think that this was an oversight.

Do you know we don’t see?

Khloe Kardashian’s baby bump.

Daenerys’ more recent outfits and their furs can really go a long way towards concealing a pregnancy.

If you’re wondering why Khloe and Tristan didn’t go as Daenerys and Jon Snow, a much more up-to-date couple, our guess is that it might have something to do with Tristan Thompson being really well-suited for a Khal Drogo look.

(Not that he couldn’t pull off Jon Snow)

Also, maybe Khloe’s a little squicked by the incest of it all. Even though it’s, you know, fictional.

To our horror, we know that Rob Kardashian doesn’t feel the same way.


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Lena Headey: Game of Thrones Star Shares Scary Harvey Weinstein Encounter!

Lena Headey says that, at the end, Harvey Weinstein paid for her car and admonished her: “Don’t tell anyone!”

She describes how she sat down and cried.

In the wake of allegations that Harvey Weinstein raped and harassed women in Hollywood for decades, the Game of Thrones star is sharing the story of her own harrowing encounters with him.

In a series of tweets, Lena Headey shared her first, less frightening, encounter.

“The first time I met Harvey Weinstein was at the Venice Film Festival.”

What is it with Harvey Weinstein and film festivals? Actually, let’s not blame the film festival — it sounds like this is just part of who he is, wherever he goes.

The Brothers Grimm was showing there, (during shooting I was subjected to endless bullying by director Terry Gilliam)”

It’s not really a surprise that a guy who directed a film that features a scene where a kitten is kicked into a mechanism that grinds it up isn’t the most pleasant person. (Seriously, who puts that in a movie?!)

“At one point Harvey asked me to take a walk down to the water, I walked with him and he made some suggestive comment, a gesture; I just laughed it off.”

Too many women are forced to laugh off comments like that in professional settings.

“I was genuinely shocked, I remember thinking, it’s got to be a joke, I said something like.. oh come on mate?!?? It’d be like kissing my dad!!”

We’re sure that he loved hearing that.

“Let’s go get a drink, get back to the others. I was never in any other Miramax film.”

Even a polite refusal can apparently have very real consequences.

Unfortunately, the second time — when she thought that she was safe after having rebuffed him — turned out to be much more frightening.

“The next time was in L.A. Years later. I had always carried the thought that he’d never try anything again, not after I’d laughed and said never in a million years. I believed that he respected my boundary and maybe he wanted to talk about potential work.”

We can totally see how that encounter, which sounded like more run-of-the-mill inappropriateness than a dangerous situation, could have given her a sense of security.

false sense of security, as it turns out.

“He asked me to meet for breakfast. We ate breakfast, we talked about films, film making. He asked me a few questions about the state of my love life. I shifted the conversation back to something less personal.”

That coming up in a conversation can be a red flag, but a minor one.

“Then he went to the loo. He came back and said, let’s go up to the room, I want to give you a script.”

As you can imagine, this exchange — which should be perfectly innocuous — is where things take a turn for the worse. And Lena knew it.

“We walked to the lift and the energy shifted, my whole body went into high alert.”

You don’t always know when you’re in danger, but if you get a sensation of peril like that, you should almost always trust it.

“The lift was going up and I said to Harvey, I’m not interested in anything other than work, please don’t think I got in here with you for any other reason, nothing is going to happen I said.”

If you’re having a colleague tell you this, you’ve probably done something wrong — even if you don’t have any inappropriate intentions.

“I don’t know what possessed me to speak out at that moment, only that I had such a strong sense of don’t come near me.”

Now is where this gets very scary.

“He was silent after I spoke, furious.”

That’s not good at all. Plenty of sexual predators would have tried to diffuse the tension by saying “oh gosh, of course.” Which is also what a regular, non-evil person would have said.

“We got out of the lift and his hand was on my back, he was marching me forward, not a word, I felt completely powerless.”

If you’re wondering why she didn’t just scream, try to imagine that there’s no guarantee that anyone would investigate or even hear, and the terror of violent reprisal can keep a lot of women silent.

And then she was very, very fortunate.

“He tried his keycard and it didn’t work, then he got really angry.”

This time, at least, his anger didn’t seem directed at Lena.

“He walked me back to the lift, through the hotel to the valet, by grabbing and holding tightly to the back of my arm, he paid for my car and whispered in my ear.”

This is scary:

“Don’t tell anyone about this, not your manager, not your agent.”

The after effects of a situation like that can include a dramatic emotional release.

“I got into my car and cried.”

She escaped, but … that encounter can leave you traumatized for life. And with good reason.

Part of us wonders if it was really luck that stopped the keycard from working, or if some truly wonderful hotel employee had realized what Weinstein allegedly intended and disabled his card.

We may never know.


Thursday, August 31, 2017

"Game of Thrones" Star Tom Hopper Doesn"t Mind Jon Snow and Daenerys Incest

The guy who played Dickon Tarly on “Game of Thrones” ain’t bothered by Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen’s incest in the finale … ‘cause it was inevitable. We got Tom Hopper at LAX — but before we got to Jon and Dany, we had to know ……


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Game of Thrones Season 7 Finale Draws Record Ratings, Mixed Reviews

Well, it may have been shorter than we would have liked, but Game of Thrones Season 7 certainly delivered the goods in terms of both drama and dragons.

(Some have argued that the season felt a little too jam-packed, but more on that later.)

Of course, of greatest concern for the suits at HBO is the fact that the show came through in the most imporant category of all–the ratings.

Game of Thrones has broken so many ratings records in the past that the possibility of another premium cable series ever coming within shouting distance already seemed unlikely.

Yet somehow, the high-fantasy juggernaut continues to top itself with each new season, and it hit another high water mark with Sunday night’s “The Dragon and the Wolf.”

An estimated 16.5 million viewers watched the show during its first airing on Sunday night.

Streaming services may bring that number to 20 million before the week is out.

Those are impressive stats for any series wrapping up its seventh season.

They’re downright astonishing for a pay-channel show featuring a dense narrative and sprawling cast of characters that make casual fandom virtually impossible.

Of course, GoT isn’t the sort of show that fans are likely to jump ship on, a la Theon Greyjoy, with just a handful of episodes remaining.

So in a way, the massive viewership was something of a foregone conclusion.

But the show’s frenzied seventh season was considerably more popular with viewers than it was with critics, many of whom felt that key scenes felt rushed, the show abandoned many of the rules it had spent seasons painstakingly establishing, and the story occasionally reached eye-roll-inducing levels of absurdity.

For the most part, we were thoroughly riveted, but we have to admit that there were moments that took the necessary suspension of disbelief to absurd levels, even by the standards of a show that features a freakin’ zombie dragon.

The most glaring “oh, come on!” moments came during the season’s penultimate installment, which saw Jon and his motley crew of wight-hunters headed north of the Wall for a mission loaded with deus ex machina moments (Gendry runs awfully fast for someone who’s never seen snow!) and other instances that seriously strain credulity.

(So who among the aqua-phobic White Walkers dove into the water to attach those chains to Viserion?)

But these technical story-telling issues are to be expected from a show that has so many plot strands to tie together in such a short period of time.

We’re less forgiving of the many reunion scenes we’ve been awaiting for several seasons that were given short shrift, instead of being treated as the long-awaited tear-jerkers the audience deserves.

As the above behind-the-scenes featurette reminds us, it’s the cast and the richly-imagined they helped bring to life that we’ll remember more than the special effects (as jaw-dropping as they often are).

Showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss would do well to remember that in the episodes to come.

The show has just six episodes left to wrap up a story of a scale and scope that television has never seen before.

Short of a full-blown Sopranos cut-to-black, it would be nearly impossible for GoT to deliver a wholly unsatisfactory finale.

We just hope the battle for the Iron Throne concludes in a fashion that’s deserving of the richly complex and beautifully realized story that brought us to this point.

Watch Game of Thrones online at TV Fanatic to relive all 67 episodes in time before what’s sure to be a bittersweet curtain call.


Monday, August 28, 2017

Game of Thrones Season 7 Finale Recap: The True Heir to the Iron Throne

Massive Game of Thrones battle scenes are usually a once-a-season affair, but we’ve already had several big-budget blowouts in Season 7, and last night’s finale began with the promise of the most epic throwdown to date.

Bronn and Jaime looked on as thousands of Dothraki and Unsullied took formation at King’s Landing.

But in this feature-length installment, the battle will be fought with words … and the occasional dagger …and maybe the occasional zombie dragon.

Damn, this season ruled.

Anyway, let’s start at the begininning … with a long-awaited meeting.

As Bronn and Jaime discuss the importance of dongs, and Jaime credits his brother Tyrion with being a v woke friend of the oppressed, a fleet of ships arrives.

Jon first lays eyes on King’s Landing (population: 1 million, we learn), and his ship is carrying come dangerous cargo.

Of course, Cersei is less interested in Jon than in the opportunity to off both her chief rival and her hated brother in a single afternoon.

Speaking of penises (as this show often does) we get another reunion when Tyrion comes face-to-face with his well-endowed squire, Pod.

The tense team-building exercise in King’s Landing, as even the Hound and Brienne are making nice.

Bronn and Tyrion’s relationship, of course, is a bit more complex.

Bronn, as always, is looking out for number one, but even he can’t prevent his affection for Tyrion from shining through.

There’s a tense “a little too quiet” moment, where it seems an ambush might be in store, but fortunately for the good guys. Cersei decides to hear them out.

Of course, her entrance is no match for the Mother of Dragons who arrives who breezes in on the back of one of her children/WMDs.

Tyrion begins his “why we’re all here today” speech, but is interrupted by Greyjoy drama.

There’s a brief discussion on the quality of dwarf jokes, with Tyrion and Theon accurately pointing out that Euron’s sucked.

Finally, Jon gets down to brass tacks.

Stirring speeches are made, but even master wordsmith Tyrion is aware that no amount of conversation will secure the truce his side seeks.

For that you need a demonstration featuring one very pissed off wight.

Even the usually unflappable Cersei knows some terrifying sh-t has arrived at her door when the 28 Days Later extra leaps out of its crate.

“This is the only thing I’ve ever seen that’s terrified me”, Euron says before fleeing carrying on the proyd Greyjoy tradition of wussing out (or so we think).

Cersei grants the truce on the condition that Jon keep his nose out of the wars to come.

He could’ve played a game of semantics (He’s no longer King in the North, and he was never really Sed Stark’s son), but instead, he pledges his loyatyl to the Khaleesi … even though she wishes he hadn’t.

Jon gives a speech about the importance of integrity that feels awfully apt in 2017, and Tyrion proves once again that he’s one of the show’s most courageous characters. 

He strides into the lion’s den to meet his sister … and possibly his death.

We’re reminded of the extent of Cersei’s seething hatred for her brother, as Tyrion passionately pleads his case, knowing full well he might be breathing his final words

Bonding over the one thing they have in common other than their last name (wine) and Tyrion makes the realization that Cersei is being spiteful for two these days.

From there, Daenerys delves into her family’s disgraceful history, revealing her belief that dragons are the only thing that gives her an advantage over others.

Just as Jon pronounced the whole endeavor will and truly “f–ked” Cersei delivers the surprising news that she plans to have her army’s join the campaign against the White Walkers.

For some reason, no one is skeptical of her newfound willingness to look at the big picture.

It seems at first that Tyrion really did a number on her.

Hey, maybe the Lannisters aren’t Westeros’ most dysfunctional family anymore!

In fact, the Starks are offering up a challenge in that department these days

Sansa hates Jon for making moves without her consent, and to make matters worse, Littlefinger is all up in her head.

He’s got her thinking Arya wants her dead and Jon wants to marry Daenerys.

It’s worth noting that this is one of the talkiest episodes of the season … and yet it’s full of white-knuckle suspense.

Another reminder that it’s the writing, not the jaw-dropping effects that keep us tuning into Thrones.

Of course, zombie dragons are pretty damn cool, but more on that later.

Theon aptly points out what many already have–that Jon could’ve just effing lied to Cersei.

But unlike the others, he offers his observation as praise.

The disgraced and mutilated Greyjoy becomes the all the more tragic in a surprisingly moving scene in which Jon offers his forgiveness–and guides Theon toward redemption.

Theon resolves to save his sister, but he’s not getting much support from his men

Fortunately, (we guess?) he finds there are advantages to being castrated, as Theon demonstrates in his fight with Random Red Shirt Iron Islands Guy.

Just when we think the Starks are fully self-destructing, we’re reminded that Sansa is savvier than she’s usually given credit for .

She turns on Littlefinger and she and Arya bond in the classic fashion of sisters everywhere–by collaborating on an execution.

It was the season’s least-surprising death, but still pretty damn satisfying.

Speaking of terrible people who can’t be trusted, Cersei is still totally focused on crushing her enemies and has no interest in joining the effort to save the world.

She plans to hire a band of mercenaries known as the Golden Company company to carry on the war effort.

On top of that, Euron is still on board, and Jaime and Cersei are now officially still at odds.

Also, she’s ordered the Mountain to kill him but he walks out anyway?

We’re not totally sure what happened there.

Anyway, Bran pays a surprise visit to Sam and … we won’t even attempt to do justice to these last ten minutes so here’s a breathless rundown of events:

A Stark (Bran) finally learns Jon is a Targaryen.

Jon and Dany enjoy some incestuous sexy time.

Jon’s real name is officially Aegon Targaryen!

Sansa and Arya are cool with one another once again.

Bran says what we’ve all been thinking: Jon. Is. The. Heir. To. The. Iron. Throne.

And just when you think that’s the last big twist of the season … the walls come tumbling down.

Yes, the zombie dragon is back and IT’S SPITTING BLUE FLAMES!!!

It brings down the Wall and a stream of wights passes into Westeros.

Earlier in the episode, Sansa utters the memorable line “the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives.”

But the final shot reminds us that everyone dies … and on GoT it’s usually a violent exit.

Unfortunately, we may have to wait until 2019 to find out if humanity is wiped out.

Hopefully the real world is still standing then, so we can finally get some closure.

In the meantime, watch Game of Thrones online at TV Fanatic to hold you over in the long winter to come.


Friday, August 25, 2017

Game of Thrones Season 7 Finale Photos: Where"s Daenerys?!

We"ve known for quite some time that the final two seasons of Game of Thrones would be truncated affairs, but still, we can"t help feeling that the show"s seventh season finale is upon us far too soon.

Fewer episodes has meant a faster pace, which – though fun in some cases – has resulted in some pretty glaring inconsistencies in others.

(Based on travel times, Westeros is now apparently the size of Providence, Rhode Island.)

Fortunately, the show is in a position to deliver its most explosive season finale to date, which should help placate fans who are feeling slighted.

Check out the first photos from "The Wolf and the Dragon" below, and watch Game of Thrones online at TV Fanatic to get caught up in time for Sunday night"s installment.

1. Tyrion and Jon Look Concerned

Tyrion and jon look concerned

Tyrion Lannister and Jon Snow look worried. Maybe, like everyone else, they’re wondering why the hell the Khaleesi isn’t in any of this week’s promotional photos.

2. Sansa Looks Pissed

Sansa looks pissed

Which has pretty much been her default state all season. Living with a sister who might want you dead can have that effect.

3. Littlefinger Looks Smug

Littlefinger looks smug

He’s probably the reason Sansa looks so pissed. The man has many talents, and irritating the hell out of everyone is certainly one of them.

4. Bran Sees Things

Bran sees things

We’re kind of surprised Team Stark has put Bran to better use this season. Seems like an all-knowing oracle would be a good thing to have around.

5. Cersei Is Pregnant

Cersei is pregnant

And yes, she’ll continue to use that fact to her strategic advantage. She didn’t get to a spot on the Iron Throne by being soft.

6. Theon is Somehow Still Alive

Theon is somehow still alive

If you can call that living. Anyone else involuntarily shudder whenever this poor bastard’s onscreen?

View Slideshow

Monday, August 21, 2017

Game of Thrones Finale Promo: The Gang is All... Where?!?

On Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6, Dany finally learned the truth… the very hard way:

The White Walkers are real. The Night"s King is very real.

And, yes, it is possible to kill a dragon.

How will these revelations impact this Sunday"s Game of Thrones Season 7 finale?

It appears as though Jon Snow and his friends will go through with their non-sensical plan to convince Cersei of these same truths by presenting her with their kidnapped Walker.

In the following trailer, Cersei and Jamie Lannister receive Tyrion, Jon Snow, Gendry, Theon Greyjoy, Jorah Mormont, Davos Seaworth and Brienne of Tarth in the ruins of Dragonpit in King"s Landing.

We don"t see Dany at this meeting, however.

"There"s only one war that matters and it is here," Jon Snow warns Cersei, who previously hinted she could see a benefit from a short-term alliance with those seeking her Throne.

To what end, we do not know.

There"s also a shot of Sansa in the preview, as we"re likely to get a conclusion on the finale to her annoying feud with Aria.

Elsewhere: neither The Hound nor The Mountain appear in the teaser, but fans are speculating that the finale will result in the long-awaited Cleganebowl, a rumored fatal clash between the two hulking siblings.

Weeks ago, in the the second trailer for Season 7, viewers saw The Hound draw his sword in the same Dragonpit seen below.

So there"s one more development to potentially look forward to.

Check out the promo now and ask yourself the obvious question:

Who will die on the finale?

Game of thrones season finale trailer the gang is all where

Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6 Recap: Death Is the Enemy

The opening scene of this week’s Game of Thrones felt like something out of a Hollywood action comedy about a ragtag band of misfits with a plan that’s just crazy enough to work.

But the banter among fellow suicide mission enthusiasts does more than remind us that the members of Jon’s crew are consummate badasses.

(We know, we know … like the rest of the world, you’re probably being haunted by visions of zombie dragons, but we have to start at the beginning.)

The psychological motives behind Jon’s unwillingness to cede power to Daenerys are addressed in an illuminating conversation with Tormund.

A separate exchange reminds us of Gendry’s ample cause to be pissed at the Brothers Without Banners.

The exposition continues with a scene that reminds us of how much Jon and Jorah have in common

There’s a poignant near-transfer of ownership for one of the show’s most vaunted weapons, but in the end, Jorah refuses to accept Longclaw … a decision pays off for Jon in the battle to come.

While it’s the dragon-centric action that’s getting the most attention this season, it’s scenes like this that remind us how deftly GoT has managed its myriad plot strands over the years.

Speaking of rehashing the past, Sansa and Arya go from sharing fond memories of their childhood at Winterfell to butting heads over the death of their father

Littlefinger’s duplicity is paying off in spades, and his campaign to tear the sisters apart is going according to plan.

It’s yet another scene that reminds us of the moral murkiness the show is willing to wade into:

We’re reminded that Sansa betrayed her family, but also that she arguably played a larger role in the recapture of Winterfell than any other individual.

The ante is upped when Arya threatens to expose Sansa, but we think it’s pretty clear this conflict will be resolved with one of the Stark girls burying that incriminating dagger between Lord Baelish’s ribs.

The unlikely comedy continues north of the Wall with a bit of witty repartee between Tromund and the Hound

Shortly thereafter, we shift into heady philosophical territory as Jon and Beric discuss the nature of their battle against death

From there, Tyrion and Daenerys talk strategy and the nature of heroism.

Yet again, Dany is given reason to doubt Tyrion’s loyalty.

It’s a tense scene, but the conflict that’s quickly upstaged by a run-in with an undead bear in the North.

The ever-awesome Thoros of Myr just barely survives, but he’s worse for wear on a quest where the odds of survival were already virtually nil.

Predictably, the insane quest to capture a live wight quickly goes from bonkers to completely batsh-t

The suicide squad is successful in capture their evidence zombie, but they’re soon stranded on an ice floe with a damn Woodstock’s worth of Walkers looking on 

Not surprisingly, the perpetually-dope Thoros doesn’t survive the stand-off (pour out your flasks for a real one, y’all).

Fortunately, Beric is no less bold without his resuscitator, hatching a plan to take down the Night’s King

In the south, the gears of politics continue to grind, as Sansa is summoned to King’s Landing and decides to send Brienne in her stead.

Her situation mirrors Dany’s in a number of interesting ways, as both women 

The Khaleesi who is also defying her advisors, but unlike Sansa, she’s doing it by accepting the invitation to head south.

From there, we get one of the most incredible battle scenes of the season, which is really saying something, as the show has delivered jaw-dropping effects on a number of occasions in its truncated seventh go-round.

Viserion is struck down by a well-aimed ice spear from the Night’s King, 

We briefly think Jon is toast, but he claws his way out of the ice with the help of Longclaw.

(Not much tension there, as we all knew it was still too early in the story for us to lose one of its primary driving forces.)

Jon is rescued by Benjen in yet another poignant reminder of the events of Season One.

After all, it was Benjen who convinced Jon of the virtues of joining the Night’s Watch, setting his entire story arc in motion.

There’s a brief but compelling scene in which it briefly appears that Arya is about to steal her sister’s face, but it winds up as another reminder that that dagger has Littlefinger’s name on it.

Following his rescue, Jon finally bends the knee (as much as one can from a sick bed), and Dany acknowledges that the biggest threat to Westeros is the army of the Night’s King.

And she has no idea how right she is:

Just when you didn’t think they could cram another stunning twist into this episode, it happens …

Zombie. Motherf–king. Dragon.

Viserion is dragged from the ice, now reborn as essentially an undead nuke.

Needless to say, this doesn’t bode well for the citizens south of the wall, who presumably not being incinerated by zombified flying beasts.

Watch Game of Thrones online to get caught up in time for next week’s apocalyptic season finale.


Friday, August 18, 2017

Game of Thrones Photo Preview: Holy Flaming Sword!

If you"re a Game of Thrones fan, you"ve been probably been carefully avoiding spoilers all this week, thanks to the latest installment being leaked online.

We"re not about to hit you with the episode"s big twist (we hear it"s a doozy), but we will show yu the first official photos (i.e. the stuff HBO wanted to release) from "Beyond the Wall."

As usual you can watch Game of Thrones online at TV Fanatic if you need to get caught up.

But don"t go looking for this week"s episode just yet.

We leave the piracy to Euron Greyjoy.

1. Jon and Snow

Jon and snow

Hey, it’s Jon Snow in the snow! They’re not being too subtle with the fire and ice imagery this season, are they?

2. Lightbringer


It’s Beric Dondarrion and his awesome flaming sword. There’s no way he won’t be doing something cool with it.

3. Jon Snow’s Suicide Squad

Jon snows suicide squad

The Jon and company going north of the Wall storyline is kind of ridiculous. But it’s gonna result in so much badassery.

4. Sansa and Brienne Get Down to Business

Sansa and brienne get down to business

Brienne hasn’t killed anyone all season. Maybe Sansa will finally let her loose on Littlefinger.

5. Snow Battle!

Snow battle

Yes, Jon and his crew will be battling White Walkers in a blizzard. If you’re not excited, something may be severely wrong with you.

6. Tormund Is Ready For Battle

Tormund is ready for battle

Actually, that’s sort of redundant. Tormund is always ready for battle.

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Monday, August 14, 2017

Game of Thrones Promo: Winter is HERE!

Death is the enemy. The first enemy and the last. The enemy always wins. And we still need to fight him.

So intones a key character in the following preview for Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6, which will air this Sunday on HBO and which will almost definitely take a major life.

How do we know this for certain?

Or at least close to certain?

First, go ahead and read those bold words at the outset of this post again.

Then, go ahead and watch the following preview.

Finally, think back to past penultimate episodes of various seasons, from Ned Stark"s beheading to The Battle of Blackwater.

It"s typically the second-to-last episode that features a significant character getting killed off (often in gruesome fashion)… and it"s not as though there"s a short list of contenders for this upcoming installment.

Will Jon Snow or someone in his party die while battling the White Walkers?

Will Jamie finally murder Cersei?

Will Arya take out Littlefinger, once she figures out his plot to divide the Stark sisters?

Will Tyrion drink himself to death over what he fears Dany is becoming? 

Okay, probably not on the last one.

But many of our favorites are walking into dangerous territory, with multiple wars being fought and alliances tested.

And you just never know what will happen when this guy is in the picture:

Yeah. YIKES.

Check out the following teaser now and prepare yourselves, readers.

As HBO itself comes right out and says: Winter is, at last. HERE.

Game of thrones season 7 episode 6 promo winter is here