Breaking News
With just days to spare, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are announcing they struck a custody agreement to avoid battling it out in front of a judge.
We broke the story … Angelina and Brad were set to go to trial December 4, and they seemed miles apart on custody demands for ...
Brad & Angelina Custody Trial"s Off ... We Made a Deal
Saturday, December 1, 2018
Brad & Angelina Custody Trial"s Off ... We Made a Deal
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt: Headed to Trial Over Custody?!
The long, ugly, messy custody battle between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie isn’t ending any time soon, folks.
The two have been arguing over Brad’s unpaid child support, and it looks like they’ve given up on resolving this without a judge.
The exes formerly known as Brangelina are going to have a custody trial.
It’s been two years since this once-famously in love couple split.
Apparently, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt haven’t been able to settle custody issues themselves in all of that time.
TMZ reports that these bitter exes are going to have a custody trial.
Brad and Angelina have filed documents with an L.A. Superior Court Judge.
They will have until June of 2019 to work out a custody arrangement for their shared children.
And they will have the help of a private judge.
According to TMZ, the custody trial is scheduled to begin nearly a month from now, on December 4.
Angelina and Brad haven’t been able to reconcile their different views of how custody should be arranged.
It seems doubtful that a few more weeks will give them time to see eye-to-eye.
See, Angelina is seeking sole physical custody of their six children.
In the mean time, Brad wants a fifty-fifty split — joint custody.
Apparently the custody trial itself is expected to last anywhere from two to three weeks.
But that is only part of the process.
The judge will have to pour over the evidence and arguments presented at trial and reach a verdict regarding custody.
It also falls to this judge to handle the couple’s property settlement.
Angelina and Brad did not have a prenup.
Given that they are both intensely wealthy and extremely bitter towards each other, this is one of the worst situations for not having a prenup.
Brad has been seriously bitter and complained that Angelina has denied him access to his own children.
Recently, the court forced Angelina to allow Brad some time with the children.
She was also required to give him their phone numbers and allow them to communicate with him.
If Brad gets his way in court, he’ll get them with him half of the time, and there will be little to nothing that Angelina can do about it.
If Angelina gets her way, it’s unlikely that she’ll be forced to hand over access to the six children.
If you recall the circumstances of their divorce in the first place, it’s no mystery why Angelina is so reluctant to expose her children to Brad.
It was only two years ago that something happened on the couple’s private plane.
Whatever the specifics of the reported altercation between Brad and the couple’s son, Maddox, it led Angelina to file for divorce the next day.
She also reported Brad PItt to the FBi — for child abuse.
Maddox is old enough that this custody ruling is unlikely to impact him.
But it seems likely that, after whatever she witnessed, Angelina is afraid that history will repeat itself. She can’t risk it.
But she may have no choice, depending upon what this judge decides.
Courts tend to err on the side of giving parents access to their children, out of a belief that this is ultimately best for the child.
If Brad convinces the court that he’s probably not a danger to their children, Angelina will be hard pressed to get anything more than joint custody.
Whatever happens, we hope that the court makes the right decision for the safety and well-being of the children.
That, in the end, is all that matters.
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie About to Go to Trial in Custody War
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt will go head-to-head in a full-blown custody trial, which begins early next month … TMZ has learned. Angelina and Brad have filed legal docs asking an L.A. Superior Court Judge to give them until next June to hash out…
Monday, October 1, 2018
Brad Pitt: I"ll Never Love Angelina Jolie Again; She Made My Life Hell!
In court, Angelina Jolie has slammed Brad Pitt for being a deadbeat dad, and clarified publicly that a loan is not child support.
The fighting during their messy divorce has reached a turning point.
Insiders say that Brad is no longer interested in reconciliation with Angelina. He just wants his kids.
“Brad couldn’t care less about Angelina supposedly missing him or regretting filing for divorce,” an insider reveals to HollywoodLife.
“That relationship,” the source continues. “Is well and truly over as far as he’s concerned.”
The rest of us have known that since late 2016, so it’s great to hear that he’s figured it out.
“And,” the insider continues. “Brad has zero desire to revisit it, and give it a second shot.”
That sounds like it’s best for everyone involved — Brad, Angelina, and especially the children.
“The past couple of years have been a living hell for Brad,” the source shares.
“And,” the insider shares. “It’s made him question if he ever actually, truly, knew the real Angelina.”
That is curious, since the upsetting circumstances that led Angelina to file for divorce left many former fans feeling that way about him.
The source explains that it’s because “because he never imagined that the woman he fell in love with and married …”
The insider continues: “… could behave in the way she has toward him.”
“But he’s made his peace with it now,” the source adds.
“And,” the insider continues. “He’s moved on.”
Not just with Neri Oxman, but emotionally.
It sounds like he’s accepted that life is never going back to the way that it was.
Brad apparently has a new priority.
“All that he’s focused on is securing access to his kids,” the source reveals.
It is these children, the insider explains, “who are absolutely everything to Brad.”
We’re sure that Brad, like so many people, wishes that he hadn’t done whatever he did on that plane to get Angelina to report him to the FBI for child abuse.
Curiously, an inside source says that it’s now Angelina who wishes things were a little different.
“The further Angelina gets from their split,” the source claims. “The more she thinks about Brad.”
“And,” the insider continues, Angelina allegedly “misses having him in her life.”
It’s normal to occassionally wax nostalgic about past relationships, even ones that failed spectacularly and which you know you ended for the right reasons.
But this source says that Angelina finds herself thinking these thoughts “on a daily basis.”
This is so worrisome to hear.
“Lately,” the insider claims. “There are times when Angelina feels major regrets over ending things with Brad.”
Even worse, the source says that “there are days she can’t help but question if she made the right choices for her family.”
Those who have gone through difficult divorces know that sometimes, you wonder if it would have been best to just accept and ignore your situation.
“The more her anger at him fades,” the source alleges. “The more she misses him.”
We have to say that we have a hard time accepting the report about Angelina.
Oh, we’re willing to believe that Brad is angry and perhaps bitter and no longer wants to try vainly to rekindle what he and Angelina once had.
But the source claims to know Angelina’s thoughts.
We’re sure that Angelina feels a lot of conflicting emotions about her history with Brad.
But in the end, she probably knows that she did the right thing.
Thursday, September 20, 2018
Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt Fixed Their Relationship In a "Secret Meeting" [Report]
Back in September of 2016, Angelina Jolie filed for divorce from Brad Pitt following an incident aboard an aircraft that remains shrouded in mystery.
The former couple has experienced their share of ups and downs in the years since, but those who know Pitt and Jolie best say there have been more downs than ups.
While they’ve mostly refrained from talking about their situation publicly, it’s common knowledge that Brad and Angelina’s divorce has been a messy one, with both parties taking action make life more difficult for the other.
For most of the past two years, Pitt and Jolie were not even on speaking terms, communicating instead through attorneys and professional mediators.
So the news that Brad and Angelina arranged a secret meeting in order to settle their differences has come as quite a shock to fans:
“Brad and Angelina actually set up a secret meeting at her house,” a source tells E! News.
“It’s the first time they have truly gotten together to make things work since their group therapy with the children. Brad and Angie’s meeting was a success.
“They are going to stay with the plan set forth through the courts.”
The insider adds that it was Jolie who made the decision to attempt a detente with Brad:
“Angelina decided it was time to try to make things work and Brad was relieved and very ready for the offer,” the source continues.
“Brad has been dedicated to making peace throughout the process and now it finally seems like they are at a point where they can create a calmer situation for the kids.”
The timing of the truce is rather odd, as just last month, Jolie filed court documents accusing Brad of failure to pay “meaningful child support.”
The source claims that since that filing, Angelina reached the realization that in deciding to go nuclear against Brad, she was causing collateral damage to her children.
“Angelina created a very difficult situation for Brad and the children and she has finally realized her behavior backfired,” the insider claims.
“Angelina loves her kids very much and it seems like she felt threatened she might lose time with them and, in turn, she went on the attack. Unfortunately, everyone in the family has suffered,” the tipster continues.
“She started to see a change in the kids’ behavior because they missed their dad,” the source adds.
“The kids’ reaction to the divorce actually helped Angie try a different tact.”
While it’s unfortunate that it took Pitt and Jolie years to reach a mutually amicable co-parenting relationship, we applaud them for their efforts.
And much more importantly, we’re sure their kids will thank them.
Saturday, September 8, 2018
Brad Pitt"s Home Building Foundation Sued by New Orleans Residents
Brad Pitt’s Make It Right Foundation is being sued by 2 New Orleans residents who claim the organization built and sold defective homes in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. The plaintiffs live in NOLA’s Lower Ninth Ward, and according to the suit…
Thursday, August 16, 2018
Angelina Jolie is Making it Difficult for Brad to Have Relationship with Kids: Sources
Angelina Jolie is not blocking Brad Pitt from seeing their kids, but sources involved in the case say she continues to drive a wedge between them and Brad. Sources with knowledge of the case claim Angelina continues to exert influence over the…
Monday, August 13, 2018
Angelina Jolie Returns to L.A. With Kids as Brad Gets Custody Time
Angelina Jolie has returned to the U.S. with her kids, and the reason is simple … she was ordered to do so by the judge in her divorce case. Angelina was shopping Sunday in WeHo with 3 of her kids at Whole Foods. According to court docs, obtained…
Friday, August 10, 2018
Angelina Jolie Has Sudden Money Issues in Brad Pitt Divorce
Angelina Jolie is sounding the alarm … all is not well in the money department. TMZ broke the story, Brad Pitt loaned his estranged wife $ 8 million to buy a house … a little weird for for an actress who has raked in millions for years. Sources…
Angelina Jolie Has Sudden Money Issues in Brad Pitt Divorce
Angelina Jolie is sounding the alarm … all is not well in the money department. TMZ broke the story, Brad Pitt loaned his estranged wife $ 8 million to buy a house … a little weird for for an actress who has raked in millions for years. Sources…
Thursday, August 9, 2018
Angelina Jolie Slams Brad Pitt: A Loan is NOT Child Support!!
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have been trying to keep this ugly divorce as private as possible, but now their contentious battle has spilled out into the open.
Angelina can prove that Brad is an unfit father, because he hasn’t paid child support. Brad replied by slamming that as “media manipulation.”
Now, Angelina is firing back … and spilling a whole lot of details about his failings as a father.
Angelina’s attorney, Samantha Bley DeJean, tells People that Angelina’s grievances against Brad Pitt are legit.
She says that Angelina’s court filing “was both legally appropriate and factually accurate in all respects.”
“What has been filed by Brad’s side today is a blatant attempt to obfuscate the truth,” DeJean states.
“And,” DeJean continues, Brad wishes to “distract from the fact that he has not fully met his legal obligations to support the children.”
In other words, she’s saying that Brad doesn’t want the world to know that he’s a deadbeat dad.
So … what’s this business about a loan? As you may recall, Brad countered that he had loaned her $ 8 million to purchase a home.
“Following the incident of September 2016,” DeJean explains. “Angelina and the children needed to move from the family home, which Brad chose to keep, including all of its contents.”
The incident being the one that took place on a plane and led to Brad Pitt being investigated for child-abuse.
If Brad wasn’t going to leave, then Angelina had not real choice but to move out.
This was when, DeJean says, Brad was “asked to assist in the expense of a new home for Angelina.”
Brad offered assistance … after a fashion.
“Instead,” DeJean says. “He loaned Angelina money, for which he is charging her interest on a payment plan.”
Yikes. While interest on $ 8 million is definitely something that Angelina can afford, she might as well have gone to a bank for the loan instead of to the man who claimed the family home for himself.
DeJean affirms that Angelina fully intends to “honor that loa.n”
However, DeJean makes clear: “A loan is not, however, child support and to represent it as such is misleading and inaccurate.”
So it’s not like Angelina is trying to weasel out of paying interest on the loan.
Instead, DeJean says, she “is asking Brad to pay 50% of the children’s expenses.” You know, his job as a parent.
Unfortunately, DeJean says, Brad “has not” been contributing his fair share.
“Angelina has had to shoulder the majority of those without his contribution for the past two years,” DeJean says.
DeJean reminds everyone: “Child support is not optional in California.”
“Typically,” DeJean says. “A father of means would pay these expenses voluntarily”
A good father would, anyway. But we suppose that a good father wouldn’t do whatever Brad did on that plane to end his marriage and get himself investigated by the FBI, either.
DeJean says that a normal father with the cash would already be paying “without the need for a request or court order.”
This might be a good time to mention that, according to the internet, Brad Pitt’s net worth is nearly a quarter of a billion dollars.
DeJean concludes: “We are hopeful that this can be resolved without further delay or posturing.”
Divorces can be messy — especially ones that are triggered by an incident of alleged child-abuse rather than by a marriage slowly succumbing to entropy.
Angelina and Brad have tried to keep the details of their divorce quiet for a host of reasons.
We suppose that it’s no surprise that what’s making them lash out at each other publicly is money.
Just because Angelina is a wealthy woman who can afford to single-handedly provide for all of her children does not mean that she should have to.
We hope that both parties are doing their part for their children, as required by the law and also by basic decency.
Brad Pitt Trying to Maintain Relationship with Kids Amid Angelina Jolie Divorce
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are at war in their divorce case, but the more immediate struggle is the co-parenting situation that even has a judge issuing a warning to cool it … or else. We’re told Brad has been spending the bulk of his Summer in…
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Brad Pitt Fires Back at Angelina Jolie, Accuses Ex of Media Manipulation
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are, objectively, two of the best looking people on the planet.
It is therefore ironic that their divorce proceedings have taken a turn for the very very ugly.
On Tuesday afternoon, Jolie raised the stakes in her legal battle against Pitt by filing court documents that accused the actor of basically stiffing her out of child support payments.
Despite the stars not even having a formal financial arrangement in regard to their six children, an attorney for Jolie said in a two-page brief that Pitt “has paid no meaningful child support since separation.”
She added that her famous client intends to file for the “establishment of a retroactive child support order.”
This is a pretty damning accusation, as it managed to paint Pitt as both a bad father and as a cheapskate.
It’s no surprise, therefore, that Pitt has now fired back.
On Wednesday, Pitt detailed (through his own set of legal papers) how he lent Jolie approximately $ 8 million to help her purchase her current house.
He also says he paid more than $ 1.3 million in bills for the benefit of her and their kids: Maddox, 16, Pax, 14, Zahara, 13, Shiloh, 12, and 10-year-old twins Vivienne and Knox.
In full, Pitt’s response reads as follows:
“There is no need for a Case Management Conference to schedule a hearing or filing deadlines regarding child support.
“[Pitt] adamantly disputes the contention that he has not paid significant child support.
“[Pitt] has previously loaned [Jolie] $ 8 million to assist her in purchasing her current residence and has paid over $ 1.3 million in bills for the benefit of [Jolie] and the minor children.”
Aside from this rundown, however, Pitt’s attorney also said Jolie’s filing is “unnecessary, omits material information and is a thinly-veiled effort to manipulate media coverage.”
Like we said, things have turned very ugly.
And also very personal.
Jolie alleges to have proof that Pitt is an unfit father, but we have yet to see it.
Some have argued for some time now that Jolie is simply trying to make her estranged husband look as terrible as possible in order to win full custody of her kids.
This allegation goes way back to when Pitt was investigated by the FBI for an alleged altercation between himself and his teenage son Maddox right around the time the stars separated in September 2016.
The actor was never found to have acted illegally or inappropriate, not in any official manner.
Jolie filed for divorce from Pitt nearly two years ago, citing irreconcilable differences.
The split seemed relatively calm and amicable for awhile, most notably just this past June when Jolie and Pitt reached a new temporary custody agreement.
It laid out all of the dates during the summer that the actor will have custody of the six kids.
A spokesperson for the actress released a statement shortly afterward which aimed to dispel the notion that Jolie was trying to paint Pitt with a negative brush in the press.
“From the start, Angelina has been focused only on [the kids’] health and needs, which is why it was so important that this last court hearing be conducted privately,” this statement, in regard to leaks, read.
It concluded:
“It’s deplorable that someone, for their own selfish reasons, leaked selective portions of the confidential and sealed court record to create an inaccurate and unfair picture of what is really happening.”
We’re not even trying to take sides here.
We just think it’s very depressing that it has come to this for the couple formerly known as Brangelina, don’t you?
Jennifer Aniston Just Feels SO Bad for Brad Pitt Right Now: Report
As previously reported, Matthew Perry may be on the verge of death.
But while we all hope and pray this report is erroneous, in the interest of a winning segue, we must also add:
You are just gonna die (in the figurative/cute sense, LOL) when you hear what Jennifer Aniston thinks about Brad Pitt.
As also previously reported on The Hollywood Gossip, Pitt’s divorce proceedings with Angelina Jolie have turned ugly because the actress is alleging that Pitt owes her a lot of money in child support.
Via documents filed in court on Tuesday, an attorney for Jolie says that the handsome star “has paid no meaningful child support since separation.”
“Given the informal arrangements around the payment of the children’s expenses have not been regularly sustained by [Pitt] for over a year and a half, [Jolie] intends to file an [courtorder] for the establishment of a retroactive child support order.”
In other words:
Jolie says Pitt has been a bad father because he has not been helping take care of his six children financially.
Heck, Jolie even claims she can prove this.
We’ll be curious to see if that is true, or if this is just another example of Angelina doing all she can to trash her estranged husband in the press because she wants to eventually win primary custody of their children.
While we watch this sad drama unfold from afar, Aniston is reportedly doing the exact same thing…
… and just feeling terribly sorry for Pitt in the process.
“Jen is feeling horrible for the fight Brad is involved in over custody of the kids with Angelina,” an anonymous source who apparently knows all tells Hollywood Life.
This source adds:
“Jen can’t imagine what it must be like to fight with someone as powerful as Angelina over your own kids.
“Knowing Brad as well as she does, Jen is in agony over the pain Brad must be going through fighting with his ex just to be with his own kids.”
This is possible, we guess.
It also seems possible that Aniston is totally and completely over Pitt and hasn’t given his relationship with Jolie a second thought in years.
“Jen thinks it is shameful that Angelina can not be more mature, put the kids needs first and compromise with Brad on this important decision,” Hollywood Life concludes.
It is true that Pitt and Jolie have been battling in court for awhile now over custody of their children.
But this isn’t unusual in a high profile divorce case. Or in any divorce case, really.
We’re not in a position to say who is right and who is wrong here.
Ever since Pitt and Jolie broke up nearly two years ago, there has been chatter that the former couple will get back together.
This chatter only escalated after Aniston’s marriage to Justin Theroux also fell apart.
And it’s getting out of control at this point, considering some outlets are claiming that Aniston is pregnant with Pitt’s next child.
We strongly doubt this is true.
If it is, however, perhaps it will soften the blow if Angelina will her custody battle against Pitt — because he’ll have a new precious bundle of joy to shower with affection at home with Aniston!
How exciting!
Brad Pitt Says He Gave Angelina Jolie $9 Million Since Split
Brad Pitt’s lawyers aren’t mincing words … they say Angelina Jolie is a master manipulator and a liar by essentially claiming he’s a deadbeat dad, because they say he’s forked over more than $ 9 MILLION over the last 2 years. Brad’s lawyers have…
Angelina Jolie: I Can PROVE Brad Pitt Is an Unfit Father!
Currently, Angelina Jolie is in London filming the sequel to Maleficent.
And in keeping with the conniving nature of her poison curse-wielding character, she seems to have some minions doing her bidding back home in LA.

As you may have heard, the Pitt-Jolie children will be living with Brad during Angie’s weeks abroad.
If you know anything about Jolie, you know that she’s not exactly known for her ultra-chill-axed type B personality.
Brad, however, has a reputation for just going with the flow.
The former couple counterbalanced each other quite nicely … until they didn’t.
So perhaps it should come as no surprise that Angie is deeply concerned about Brad’s parenting style, especially now that she won’t be on hand to be the heavy.
Now, Radar Online is reporting that Jolie is so worried about leaving Pitt alone with her kids that she’s hired a private detective to trail Brad and the brood while she’s overseas.
“It’s nearly two years since Angelina filed, and she is still refusing to back down when it comes to finalizing a divorce and custody settlement with Brad,” a source tells the outlet.
“Brad is renowned for his relaxed persona, and Angelina is exactly the opposite – a real perfectionist.”
The insider adds:
“Her latest tactic of recruiting a team of spies to monitor Brad is part of that side to her personality.”
In addition to the PI, Angie has also recruited some of her friends to closely monitor Brad’s activity:
“She has several confidantes who are highly connected in showbiz who are tracking Brad’s every move and reporting back his conversations and plans to her on practically a daily basis,” says the source.
“Angelina told them she wanted them to compile dossiers of information she could use in their divorce and custody settlement.
“She wants to hear what women he’s hanging around with.”
Complete dossiers. Wow.
We think it’s safe to say Angie’s not messing around.
Apparently, the reason for all this surveillance is two-fold:
Angie wants to make sure her kids are safe while she’s overseas, and she wants to build a case that Brad is an unfit father as fodder for the couple’s future custody battle.
Needless to say, this situation is likely to get much uglier before it even begins to improve.
And in case you had any doubts about how serious Jolie is getting — multiple sources have confirmed that her attorney quit due to his disapproval of some of her more nefarious tactics.
Best of luck, Brad!
Angelina Jolie to Brad Pitt: Pay Child Support, You Cheapskate!
It was only a matter of time, we suppose.
Nevertheless, it still make us sad to write the following sentence:
Things between Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are starting to get very ugly.
According to new legal documents filed by the famous actress on Tuesday, her handsome and estranged husband hasn’t paid any “meaningful” child support for a year and a half during their ongoing, and at times contentious, divorce proceedings.
As a result, Jolie says she is planning to seek a court order to force Pitt’s gorgeous hand.
“[Pitt] has a duty to pay child support. As of present, he has paid no meaningful child support since separation,” wrote Jolie’s lawyer, Samantha Bley DeJean, in a two-page brief filed in Los Angeles Superior Court.
The brief was obtained by NBC News and other reliable media outlets.
As has been custom in this divorce case, neither Pitt nor Jolie are on public record with quotes about how the other side is acting.
But various reports over the past several months have indicated that Jolie is growing increasingly frustrated over the direction of the negotiations.
Adds Angelina’s attorney in regard to this child support issue:
“Given the informal arrangements around the payment of the children’s expenses have not been regularly sustained by [Pitt] for over a year and a half, [Jolie] intends to file an RFO for the establishment of a retroactive child support order.”
(Note: An RFO is a request for a court order.)
(Second Note: The court filing did not define what is “meaningful” support. We do not know the amounts being discussed here.)
Speaking as always these days through spokespersons, Jolie explains that the purpose of her latest court filing “is to provide closure to the marriage in a way that clears a path toward the next stage of their lives and allows her and Brad to recommit as devoted co-parents to their children.”
Pitt counters that he has “fulfilled his commitments.”
The stars got married in 2014 (over a decade since they got together) and broke up in September of 2016.
They have six kids – Maddox, 16, Pax, 14, Zahara, 13, Shiloh, 12, and 10-year-old twins Vivienne and Knox – and, until now, the main source of tension in their split has been custody of these kids.
Not payment for the kids’ expenses.
Insider tells TMZ, meanwhile, that this new filing is yet another attempt by Jolie to trash Pitt in the press.
These insiders allege that Pitt and Jolie have an informal child support agreement and that Pitt has gone above and beyond what it entails; he has supposedly handed his ex-wife millions of dollars for this purpose.
In June, after the actor and actrss failed to reach a private agreement on custody, a judge established a detailed schedule for Pitt to spend time with the children (except Maddox, who according to the court, is old enough to decide for himself how much time he wants to spend with his dad).
This arrangement remains temporary, however.
And questions remain over whether Jolie is trying to punish Pitt by limiting his visits with the kids…
… or if she actually believe he’s a bad influence on them.
How did we ever get here, right, Brangelina fans?
Last year, lawyers sought to seal records pertaining to the couple’s six minor children in the ongoing divorce and child custody case.
Still, though, information continues to leak out.
The children are residing in London with Jolie right now as she filming Maleficent 2, yet normally live in Los Angeles, where Pitt also lives.
Pitt’s legal team has alleged in court documents that Jolie and her legal team have compromised the children’s privacy through court filings in a bid to undercut Pitt in the couple’s custody battle.
As we said: it’s all turned very ugly.
Let’s just hope it reaches an amicable conclusion soon.
"OITNB" Star Brad Henke"s Restraining Order Case with Ex-Fiancee Tossed
‘OITNB’ star Brad Henke doesn’t legally have to stay away from his ex-fiancee anymore, ‘cause her temporary restraining order against him was thrown out by a judge. According to court docs — obtained by TMZ — neither Henke nor his ex,…
"OITNB" Star Brad Henke"s Restraining Order Case with Ex-Fiancee Tossed
‘OITNB’ star Brad Henke doesn’t legally have to stay away from his ex-fiancee anymore, ‘cause her temporary restraining order against him was thrown out by a judge. According to court docs — obtained by TMZ — neither Henke nor his ex,…