Monday, August 27, 2018

Game of Thrones Season 8 Footage is Finally Here!

First the bad news: Game of Thrones Season 8 is still a long way off.

The good news, however, is that HBO took pity on us last night and offered up about 15 seconds of footage from the series" long-awaited return.

Prior to Sunday night"s season/series finale (one never really knows in this day of limited series becoming actual series) of Sharp Objects, HBO offered up a montage of what viewers can expect from the pricey premium channel in 2019.

And there was much to get excited about:

The return of True Detective, with Mahershela Ali assuming the starring role; a second season of Bill Hader"s beloved Barry; a new Jennifer Garner comedy from Girls co-creator Jennie Konner; even a revival of the cult classic Flight of the Conchords.

But it"s the promise of a final trip to Westeros that really got Twitter talking last night.

Needless to say, there"s not a whole lot that can be gleaned from such brief clips, but the sight of Dany, her dragons, and everyone"s favorite dwarf was enough to overshadow everything else that HBO is offering up next year.

Which, of course, points to a future concern for the network.

No series in HBO history has been even half as popular as GoT.

Execs are doing what they can to maintain that level of excitement with Game of Thrones spinoff series and new big-budget offerings, such as a series adaptation of Alan Moore"s Watchmen.

But a smash hit like GoT might prove to be a once-in-a-generation sort of thing.

So like a bunch of peasants preparing for a decade of frigid temps, HBO can do it"s best to prepare for the hard times ahead.

But there"s no denying that winter is coming.

Anyway, that"s their problem.

All we have to do is count the days until the GoT Season Eight, which sadly, does not yet have a release date.

Game of thrones season 8 footage is finally here