Showing posts with label Evokes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Evokes. Show all posts

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Donald Trump Evokes Game of Thrones on Twitter, Draws Rebuke from HBO

Donald Trump just ruined Game of Thrones.

No, the President didn’t reveal any final season spoilers, although we’re pretty sure he wouldn’t hesitate to do so if it somehow meant Republicans would keep the House on Tuesday.

But he did go ahead and use the show’s iconic tagline on Twitter today, making sure no one can ever think of it again without also thinking of our racist Commander-in-Chief.

Here’s what we’re talking about:

Game of Thrones arrived on the television scene in the summer of 2011 by warning its viewers that “Winter is Coming.”

This was a nod to the dangerous White Walkers and how they would eventually breach The Wall and kill pretty much every human alive.

(Don’t ask. Just Google or, better yet, go catch up Game of Thrones before it returns in mid-2019 at some point. The show is really good.)

No three words are more associated with the most popular show of its era than these three. Winter is Coming.

So… what did Trump just write on Twitter? In the legendary font of the iconic HBO drama?

Sanctions are Coming.

Donald Trump got

Most folks clued in to the political arena think this is a reference to sanctions against Iraq.

And while many experts on the topic seem to believe this is a terrible idea, we’re not here to get into a complicated political debate.

(Except to say that maybe the President of the United States should not treat such a significant idea/step as a game or a joke.)

We are here, however, to simply say:

Come on, Mr. President!

To paraphrase critics of athletes who bring up social issues, can’t you stick to politics?

HBO agrees with this assessment.

The network has issued a brief statement in response to Trump’s use of its show’s tagline and font. It reads:

We were not aware of this messaging and would prefer our trademark not be misappropriated for political purposes.

It has also Tweeted, hilariously, “How do you say trademark misuse in Dothraki?”

And star Maisie Williams, who plays wildly popular character Arya, also expressed her disdain on social media:

not today

Game of Thrones Season 8 will be comprised of just six episodes.

However, each will be movie-length, around 90 minutes if not more, many sources have confirmed.

But that isn’t the point right now.

The point is that Trump has already made it difficult to enjoy professional football and Twitter and ensured that we’ll never refer to our soccer game carpools as “caravans” ever again.

Did he really need to go ahead and link himself to Game of Thrones as well?


Friday, October 12, 2018

Joe Giudice Deportation Evokes Empathy, Tears from Real Housewives

The Real Housewives of New Jersey fans received grim news about the Giudice family this week. Joe Giudice will be deported after he leaves prison.

Though he has a chance to appeal, many are already fearing for how this will impact his family — especially his children.

A number of Housewives are weighing in on this looming reality.

E! spoke to multiple Housewives to get their take on Joe’s imminent ejection from America.

Caroline Manzo starred on The Real Housewives of New Jersey from Season 1 through Season 5.

“Wow, this makes me sad,” Manzo reflects.

She openly acknowledges: “Joe has made mistakes.”

But Manzo also notes that he has, importantly, “taken responsibility for his actions and has served his time.”

Like everyone, her biggest concern is the four Giudice daughters.

“He has four beautiful girls that need their father in their lives,” Manzo says. “And my heart hurts for them.”

Manzo points out that letting him remain with his family would be harmless, because: “He’s not a violent person, or a threat to society.”

“He has a good heart,” she notes, and has “lived his entire life in this country.”

Joe came to the United States when he was one year old. He is Italian by birth and ancestry, but he is absolutely an American.

“I’m not quite sure how his mistakes warrant such harsh punishment,” Manzo concludes.

Amber Marchese was only on The Real Housewives of New Jersey for a short time, but she definitely knows enough to weigh in.

“I think everyone feels for the kids,” Marchese says.

She’s right. No matter what you think of Joe, Teresa, or their alleged fraud, their children are innocents and do not deserve to have their worlds rocked like this.

As Marchese says, “they are far too young to live such instability.”

“And most importantly,” Marchese says, they are far too young to live “without a father.”

The youngest of the Giudice girls is only 9.

Marchese does then pivot to look on the bright side — as she hopes that the Giudice family will be able to do.

“Listen, it might not be ideal,” Marchese says, noting that it will be “totally life altering, and it will definitely be a major adjustment.”

“But,” she notes. “In the whole grande scheme of ‘sucky news’ that someone can receive, this is not all that bad!”

That can be difficult to hear, but sometimes people benefit from a little perspective.

“He isn’t banished to the pits of hell,” Marchese points out. “This is beautiful Italy we are talking about here.”

Marchese then attempts to diffuse the situation with humor.

“The question is, is Italy ready to take on one of our own crazy ‘Jersey house husbands’ full time?” she jokes.

She then returns to giving the subject of deporting a man from the only country he’s ever known the gravity it deserves.

“In all seriousness,” Marchese acknowledges. “They have been through hard times.”

“I know they will turn this around,” she expresses. “And make these sour grapes into amazing Italian wine.”

Siggy Flicker, who starred in Season 7 and Season 8 of RHONJ, told Us Weekly that she did not see this deportation coming.

“I never thought in a million years that this was going to happen,” Flicker admits.

She then shares that she is grief-stricken.

“I am so soggy right now,” Flicker adds. “Crying for those precious girls and that entire family.”

“It’s just not right to take a father away from his family,” Flicker laments.

A prison sentence is one thing. Banishing a man from where his children live over fraud seems like a big much.

(Though we all know that countless innocents have been deported for less, leaving behind children in far worse circumstances)

“I wish we could have done more than what we have done so far,” Flicker shares.

She concludes: “which was let the judge know how important it was that Joe Guidice stay here with his entire family.”

We somehow doubt that the judge who ordered his deportation would have been swayed.
