Showing posts with label 'All. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 'All. Show all posts

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Russell Wilson Seems to Respond to Future"s Diss ... Here"s "All That Matters"

Russell Wilson appears to be responding to Future calling him a whipped man by taking the high road … or issuing a low blow, depending on how you look at it.
The Seahawks quarterback posted a photo Saturday that might very well be in direct response to an interview Future did on Friday, ...
Russell Wilson Seems to Respond to Future"s Diss ... Here"s "All That Matters"

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

"All That" Stage Manager is All for Nickelodeon Rebooting Show

A Nickelodeon exec recently expressed interest in rebooting “All That” … and a former (adult) cast member thinks the idea is brilliant for more reasons than just nostalgia. Kevin Kopelow — who used to play the stage manager on Nickelodeon’s…


Tuesday, July 31, 2018

"Bachelorette" Star Jean Blanc Demands Colton Apologize After "Tell All" Feud

The guy who said Colton Underwood was “acting like a pussy” despite never being in one on ‘The Bachelorette: Men Tell All’ says an apology is warranted … FROM Colton! We spoke to Jean Blanc — one of Becca Kufrin’s suitors this season…


Thursday, June 7, 2018

Lisa Leslie Rips Trump, "He"s Not About Equality At All"

Lisa Leslie wants to see more equality when it comes to the way women are paid in pro sports — but she’s adamant Trump is NOT the guy to help make that happen. “I don’t think 45 is the person I want to meet for equality,” the WNBA legend told us…


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Ronda Rousey: Floyd Mayweather Fighting MMA Is "All Talk," He"d Get Crushed!

Ronda Rousey says Floyd Mayweather taking an MMA fight is NEVER gonna happen … ‘cause he’d get his ass handed to him inside the Octagon! Ronda straight laughed off Floyd’s apparent interest in fighting for the UFC on “Golic and Wingo”…


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Mark Wahlberg Denies Using Steroids, Claims He"s "All Natural"

Mark Wahlberg denies being a steroid user … saying his yolked bod is “all natural” and a result of “hard work.” We got Mark Monday in L.A. and asked about allegations that he, Josh Duhamel and WWE star Roman Reigns were clients of a now-jailed…


Thursday, January 11, 2018

Mark Wahlberg and Michelle Williams Agents Defend Pay Disparity for "All the Money in the World"

Michelle Williams was not betrayed by anyone when she agreed to do reshoots for free when her male counterpart raked in $ 1.5 million … so claims sources connected to her own agent. As we reported, when producers asked Michelle to do reshoots for…


Mark Wahlberg"s Rep told "All the Money in the World" Financiers He Doesn"t Work for Free

Mark Wahlberg had producers of “All the Money in the World” “over a barrel” when he demanded $ 1.5 million to reshoot scenes from the movie last month, and director Ridley Scott is furious he was left in the dark and “hung out to dry” … this…


Sunday, December 31, 2017

Balthazar Getty Says He Won"t See Movie About Father"s Kidnapping, "All the Money in the World"

“All the Money in the World” hits very close to home for Balthazar Getty — the story’s about the 1973 abduction of his father, John Paul Getty III – and for that reason … he says he’s not going to see it. We got the actor at LAX Wednesday…


Monday, December 18, 2017

Ice Cube: Kobe Bryant Over LeBron James "All Day," Here"s Why

The Kobe vs. LeBron debate ain’t as close as you think — so says Ice Cube, who told us why it’s Bryant “all day” on the eve of his double-jersey retirement. “Just because of his tenacity — nobody has the killer instinct like Kobe,” Cube told…


Monday, December 11, 2017

Christopher Plummer Nabs Golden Globe Nomination for "All the Money in the World"

Christopher Plummer’s gotta be saying … that was easy! The veteran actor earned a Golden Globe nomination for Best Supporting Actor Monday just weeks after he replaced Kevin Spacey in “All the Money in the World.” As we reported ……


Friday, December 1, 2017

Russell Simmons" Staff and Crew at "All Def Comedy Live" Have His Back

Russell Simmons production company held an emergency meeting hours after he stepped down amid sexual assault allegations, because his move came at the worst possible time. Sources at Simmons’ All Def Digital tell us staffers were called…


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Christopher Plummer Re-Shooting Kevin Spacey Scenes in "All the Money in the World"

Christopher Plummer is officially J. Paul Getty … at least in the movies. Plummer is on set for the re-do of the scenes Kevin Spacey already shot for the movie “All the Money in the World.” As you know, producers decided to re-cast the role in the…


Monday, November 13, 2017

Conor McGregor Tells Haters "F**k Yous All" in Response to Ref Incident

Conor McGregor is explaining why he “lost it” at an MMA fight in Dublin on Friday — saying the ref had no business trying to throw him out of the cage. He also offered up a “f**k yous” to all of his critics. You remember the incident…


Christopher Plummer Addresses Replacing Kevin Spacey in "All the Money in the World"

The guy replacing Kevin Spacey in a movie that’s supposed to be released in about a month is surprisingly at ease about pulling off a unprecedented cinematic move. We got Christopher Plummer Sunday in NYC where he was attending the premiere of one…


Wednesday, November 8, 2017

"All My Children" Star Shane McDermott Busted for Drunk in Public

“All My Children” star Shane McDermott was on the run from cops — literally — but they were gonna let him go, until he demanded they arrest him. Brilliant! Cops in Galveston, TX tell us … Shane was drinking early Sunday morning at a bar and…


"All My Children" Star Shane McDermott Busted for Drunk in Public

“All My Children” star Shane McDermott was on the run from cops — literally — but they were gonna let him go, until he demanded they arrest him. Brilliant! Cops in Galveston, TX tell us … Shane was drinking early Sunday morning at a bar and…


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Senator Elizabeth Warren Makes Emotional "Medicare for All" Plea

Senator Elizabeth Warren nearly broke into tears while explaining why there SHOULD be bipartisan support for the revised healthcare bill. Whether there will be … is a whole other Oprah. We got the Massachusetts Senator on Capitol Hill…


Monday, August 21, 2017

Game of Thrones Finale Promo: The Gang is All... Where?!?

On Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6, Dany finally learned the truth… the very hard way:

The White Walkers are real. The Night"s King is very real.

And, yes, it is possible to kill a dragon.

How will these revelations impact this Sunday"s Game of Thrones Season 7 finale?

It appears as though Jon Snow and his friends will go through with their non-sensical plan to convince Cersei of these same truths by presenting her with their kidnapped Walker.

In the following trailer, Cersei and Jamie Lannister receive Tyrion, Jon Snow, Gendry, Theon Greyjoy, Jorah Mormont, Davos Seaworth and Brienne of Tarth in the ruins of Dragonpit in King"s Landing.

We don"t see Dany at this meeting, however.

"There"s only one war that matters and it is here," Jon Snow warns Cersei, who previously hinted she could see a benefit from a short-term alliance with those seeking her Throne.

To what end, we do not know.

There"s also a shot of Sansa in the preview, as we"re likely to get a conclusion on the finale to her annoying feud with Aria.

Elsewhere: neither The Hound nor The Mountain appear in the teaser, but fans are speculating that the finale will result in the long-awaited Cleganebowl, a rumored fatal clash between the two hulking siblings.

Weeks ago, in the the second trailer for Season 7, viewers saw The Hound draw his sword in the same Dragonpit seen below.

So there"s one more development to potentially look forward to.

Check out the promo now and ask yourself the obvious question:

Who will die on the finale?

Game of thrones season finale trailer the gang is all where

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

"The Bachelorette" Whaboom Guy Pissed His Song Got Cut from "Men Tell All" Episode

“The Bachelorette” did not allow the “Whaboom” guy to go out with a bang … and he thinks everyone is worse off for it. Lucas “Whaboom” Yancey tells TMZ … he put a lot of work into a performance for the ‘Men Tell All’ episode Monday night, and…
