Showing posts with label Father's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Father's. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Janet Jackson Not Canceling Essence Fest Gig In Wake Of Father"s Death

Janet Jackson will make her headlining gig at Essence Festival despite the recent death of her father, Joe Jackson … TMZ has learned. There was fan concern that Janet would cancel her performance after Joe passed away last week. As we…


Janet Jackson Not Canceling Essence Fest Gig In Wake Of Father"s Death

Janet Jackson will make her headlining gig at Essence Festival despite the recent death of her father, Joe Jackson … TMZ has learned. There was fan concern that Janet would cancel her performance after Joe passed away last week. As we…


Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Rob Kardashian Thinks Blac Chyna Tried To Sabotage Him on Father"s Day

Rob Kardashian pays Blac Chyna child support, and she flat-out lied on social media just to ruin his Father’s Day … according to sources close to Rob. For those who missed it … Chyna dissed both her baby daddys on her Instagram Story Sunday in a…


Monday, June 18, 2018

Derick Dillard Slammed on Father"s Day: You"re the Worst Kind of Dad!

It’s only Monday, but Jill Duggar is already having quite a week on social media.

First, Jill wore a swimsuit in a photo that was posted on her Instagram page.

In order to appreciate why that’s a big deal, you have to understand that Duggar swimwear usually looks like something a silent film star named Myrtle would rock circa 1923.

And here’s Jill wearing a normal 21st-century one-piece like it’s not big deal. Bold, we say!

So that was a rare win for Jill, whose social media posts are usually just an embarrassment for everyone involved.

Unfortunately, the goodwill Jill earned by passive-aggressively standing up to her domineering dad was squandered when she celebrated Father’s Day by heaping praise on her controversial husband, Derick Dillard

As you may know, Derick holds views that are so controversial that they’ve brought him into conflict with even the most conservative (read: bigoted) Duggar fans.

Derick is one of those Trump supporters who stands by the president even when his policies fly in the face of the Christian values Dillard claims to hold so dear.

So fans took issue when Jill posted the awkward screenshot above, along with a link to a lengthy paean to Derick’s compassionate and godliness:

“Thank you for not always taking the easy path, but following God’s leading in our lives,” Jill wrote on the Dillards’ personal website.

“Thank you for being our protector, both physically and spiritually, as you seek God’s will during your daily devotion time,” she added.

“I see you investing in our children, just like your dad did with you and [Derick’s brother] Dan and it melts my heart!

“He taught you what it means to be a Godly man, and I see you reading the Bible and teaching our children how to pray,” Jill concluded.

Fans were quick to take issue with those sentiments, with many pointing out that Derick has expressed support for the policy of separating children from their families at the US border.

“Just curious why this has to be made public. Can’t you express your gratitude personally?” wrote one follower, adding:

“Think of ALL the children being held in a detention center, separated from their parents. Is that loving? Is it Godly? NOPE!”

Another stated simply, “Any man can be a father but not every man is a dad.”

To her credit, Jill has distanced herself from some of Derick’s most deplorable views, but many fans (and former fans) believe that’s not nearly enough.

“To disagree doesn’t = hate, or judgement … Love doesn’t always = approval,” she once wrote on Instagram, seemingly in reference to Derick.

“Just because I disagree with my child on something doesn’t mean I hate him, and just because I love and forgive him doesn’t mean I approve of everything he does. You can be friends with, love and care for people you don’t agree with 100%.”

In a society that’s as patriarchal as the Duggars’, it took guts for Jill to even imply that she doesn’t always agree with her husband.

But it’s not hard to see why so many feel that she needs to be doing much, much more.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Drake Surprises Father with Sweet Baby Blue Bentley for Father"s Day

Drake just made a giant leap in the Son of the Year award standings … plunking down some serious money to get his dad, Dennis Graham, a baller-ass gift on Father’s Day. Our sources say Dennis was home Sunday and got a call saying…


Audrey Roloff Says ALL the Nice Things About Jeremy on Father"s Day

It doesn’t take a special occasion for Audrey Roloff to say something specil about Jeremy Roloff.

The Little People, Big World star loves almost nothing more than gushing over her husband on Instagram.

She went overboard on Jeremy’s birthday, labeling Jeremy as more than she could have ever imagined, and then jumped on social media once again yesterday to basically reiterate this point.

Yesterday, of course, was Father’s Day.

You likely took note of the many messages posted throughout the day on your Facebook page, right?

For Jeremy and Audrey, this was the former’s very first Father’s Day, courtesy of the latter giving birth to the couple’s daughter back in September.

As a result, Audrey had especially kind things to say about her soulmate on Instagram.

“Happy Father’s Day to you @jeremyroloff!” she wrote to open a caption that accompanied the photo above.

It continued:

“I love watching you play with, teach, and cuddle our daughter. I feel undeserving and honored to be married to a man so eager to become a Godly husband and father.”

Audrey and Jeremy got married on September 20, 2014.

They became first-time parents almost exactly three years later.

Those who watch Little People, Big World online or who follow either of their social media accounts are well aware of how much they adore young Ember Jean.

Audrey, meanwhile, was not finished with her praise.

“You work hard to protect and provide for our family, you lead us in faith and with discernment, you make us laugh, and you pursue the Lord above all else,” wrote the excited wife, concluding:

“I’m excited to watch how fatherhood continues grow you. Thank you especially for all the extra help and patience you’ve had with me this past week. I love you. Ember loves you.”

Roloff tacked on the hashtags #journeyofjerandauj #morethanoils to her caption as well.

Jeremy and Audrey took a brief social media hiatus a few weeks ago because they were completeing the manuscript for their first-ever book.

Yes, we said… book!

Details remain a little fuzzy, but it sounds as if this famous couple will be releasing a memoir that chronicles their life and love story over the years.

“We are spilling never before told tales from our dating journey, and all the ups and downs and ins and outs of our love story,” Audrey wrote at one point about it, elaborating as follows:

“The pages are filling up with our failures and successes, what we learned from dating and long distance, and how we prepared more for our marriage than our wedding.

“We can’t wait to share what we’ve learned from our own dating journey in order to equip our readers to build Godly relationships from their first date to “I do” and beyond.

Consider us intrigued.

We’re extra curious to see what this memoir entails because, forgive the obvious pun, but Audrey and Jeremy’s lives already seem like an open book.

What else could they have to share with us?

We’ll be curiousto find out.

And we wish all the dads out there a very happy Belated Father’s Day as well!


Caitlyn Jenner Honored by Kylie and Kendall for Father"s Day

Sunday was Father’s Day! It’s a day for celebration for some families, a bittersweet or sad day for others. Sometimes, families are complicated.

Quite a few celebrity dads received public posts from their kids.

Caitlyn’s children are all adults now, but both Kylie and Kendall took the time to honor her for Father’s Day. Take a look!

Cait is a woman and a transgender icon, but she is also and will always be the father of her six children.

That includes Kylie and Kendall.

They’re both adults and living their own lives — Kylie even has a family of her own — but she’s still closer with them than some people think.

(She loves all of her kids — even if she couldn’t attend Brody Jenner’s wedding because he got married during the first weekend of Pride Month, whoops)

On Monday, Caitlyn took to Instagram to share that she had enjoyed spending time with them for Father’s Day.

“Table is set!” Caitlyn writes. “Had a great time with my family last night for Father’s Day.”

Of course, we don’t know how many family members that does or does not include.

Is she talking about every single one of her children? Probably not.

She’s certainly not talking about Kris Jenner or the Kardashians — she’s admitted that the Kardashians don’t even speak to her these days.

Some comments were absolutely vicious, from people suggesting that she should “give up’ Father’s Day since she’s a woman to people deliberately misgendering her because they get a little thrill from being hateful online.

We’re guessing that Cait spent time with at least some family members, but didn’t want to call out anyone for not attending.

But while we don’t know whether Kylie or Kendall were there for dinner, they both showed their dad some love on social media.

Kylie decided to let her fans glimpse a sweet throwback of her and Caitlyn when Kylie was so unimaginably little.

In the captions, Kylie writes: “so lucky to have you.”

Comments under Caitlyn Jenner’s post may have included the worst dregs of humanity, but hundreds of Kylie’s commenters just wrote “Lb,” as they do under every post of hers.

Those people are imploring Kylie to “like back.” Those people are devoid of goodness.

It’s sweet of Kylie to share her own throwback post.

Especially when everyone was expecting that she would be focusing on honoring Travis Scott on his very first Father’s Day as an actual father.

(She did, to be fair, write “Happy Father’s Day” with a heart emoji for Travis)

Kendall shared this image in her stories.

“Happy Father’s Day to the soul that raised me,” she wrote above a throwback photo of Cait with her and Kylie.

That is such a sweet pic and message.

Kendall and Cait are especially close. Just earlier this year, we saw Kendall experience an anxiety attack and drive to Caitlyn’s to cool off.

Celebrity parents don’t always show their love and support for their adult children in public, but the good ones do a lot that is behind the scenes.

it’s good that, despite family tensions, Kendall and Kylie have been able to maintain that bond with with their dad.

Caitlyn Jenner waited most of her life before she publicly transitioned into living as her authentic self.

Say what you will about her, but coming out was a courageous act.

And she’s made it easier for so many transgender Americans to have a conversation with their families and coworkers about who they are.

Not all trans women would be comfortable being honored on Father’s Day or for their children to continue calling them “dad.” But Cait is fine with that label from her kids.

She is their dad. Her gender doesn’t change that.


Jon Gosselin; At Least ONE of My Kids Loves Me on Father"s Day!

Jon Gosselin isn’t going to win a Father of the Year award any time soon … unless his teenage daughter Hannah is running the show.

Jon and his daughter Hannah have been spending a lot of time together in the past couple of months, and that valuable bonding time has really paid off.

Just look at the precious Father’s Day tribute that Hannah wrote to and about her dad.

Posting a public Father’s Day post, especially when you’re a kid in a very complicated family, is no simple task.

Hannah’s post begins: “Happy Fathers Day, Dad.”

She’s off to a good start.

“I love you so much,” she writes.

Also a good start.

Hannah continues: “You’re the best dad anyone could ever ask for.”

That is … very sweet of her to say.

Hannah adds a personal note, writing: “I love our late night ice cream runs together.”

Those ice cream runs have been well-documented in Instagram photos.

“You’re the best,” she finishes.

She writes all of that within the captions of this photo of a collage that she assembled online.

Is feeding photos into an online collage generator the most personal touch? No.

But it’s a useful tool. Jon knows how much he means to his daughter, and that’s what matters.

This is a public post, and so it’s very different from what you would write in a card, which in turn is different than what you would say to someone in person.

She’s young, but she’s been a celebrity for, like, a decade. She knows how to honor her dad without getting too personal.

Jon responded in the comments, writing: “Thank you HJ love you!!!!”

Jon and Hannah (and, as you can see in this photo and in a couple of the collage photos, Jon’s girlfriend Colleen Conrad) have been spending so much time together that some fans believe that he may have custody.

In May, Jon shared a video that may have alluded to a change in custody.

“Unfortunately Hannah couldn’t make it to this video,” he said. “But I’d like to thank everyone for the love and support you’ve shown us this week.”

That week featured many photos of father-daughter adventures. Yes, those adventures included trips to get ice cream.

“Obviously you know the situation,” Jon continued.

Well, we all know that he is separated from most of his children, to his ongoing frustration. We also know that Kate Gosselin is suing him.

“If you don’t know the situation,” Jon advises. “You should just get together with a friend or anyone that understands the situation.”

If Jon received custody of Hannah, it very likely means that she requested it.

Perhaps this was an arrangement to which Kate agreed … we all know that Hannah wouldn’t be the first time that Kate has sent away one of her children. Poor Collin.

Or perhaps this was just Hannah’s wish. Generally, courts will take a child’s wishes into account if the child is 13 or older. Hannah is 14.

But does that mean that Hannah’s four remaining sextuplet siblings (four remaining with Kate, that is) all chose to stay with her?

Or is this about money? Because Jon has a job, but he does not have a reality series or much money at all.

He may have enough to make up for lost time with Hannah, but supporting the rest of his children mgiht be more than he could handle, unfortunately.

Jon Gosselin has absolutely made some mistakes, as a parent and as a human being.

But he is clearly bringing new happiness to his daughter’s life.

And he was even able to visit Collin Gosselin at whatever facility currently houses that poor boy.

He’s doing his best as a parent, and that is worth something.

He could clearly be doing much worse.

Just look at Kate.


Jennifer Garner Wishes Ben Affleck a Happy Father"s Day, Is More Mature Than We Are

Jennifer Garner make it very difficult to be a celebrity gossip website.

You see, we specialize in the scandalous; in the bitter break-ups that lead to angry Tweets or unexpected mistresses or, in the ideal scenario, some sort of revenge porn situation.

We’re never sure what to do with a star who possibly gets cheated on, definitely gets snubbed on many occasions…

… and simply responds with kindness and generosity of spirit. 

But this is the situation we’ve often found ourselves in when it comes to Garner and Ben Affleck.

The actress filed for divorce from the actor in April of 2017, well over a year since the celebrities separated amidst talk that Affleck cared more about drinking than about his family.

(Jennifer and Ben are parents to three kids: Samuel, Seraphina and Violet.)

There was even talk at one point that Affleck had been unfaithful to Garner.

Nevertheless, Garner has refused to say anything negative about her ex-husband to the press.

She’s practically gone out of her way in the opposite direction, in fact, praising Affleck as a caring individual and as a dad.

This is what she did again on Sunday.

In honor of an occasion that celebrates men with children, Garner posted a sepia-filtered photo of Affleck on Instagra, along with a very sweet shout-out about his parenting in general.

It reads as follows:

“Our kids are lucky to have a dad who looks at them the way you look at them and loves them the way you love them, @benaffleck. #happyfathersday #threeluckykids #haveagreatday.”

What the heck kind of snarky comment can we make about this nice gesture?

Sheesh, Jennifer!

Last week, Affleck celebrated his 12-year-old daughter’s school graduation at Ivy at the Shore in Santa Monica.

He and Garner are also parents to a 9-year-old daughter and a 6-year-old and have done all they can to shield these kids from the often-dangerous glare of the spotlight.

Because the stars remain so chummy after their split, there’s been endless talk of an eventual Ben and Jen reconciliation.

There have been many tabloid covers and stories such as the one featured below:

But Affleck seems very happy with girlfriend Lindsay Shookus, who he’s actually been with now for over a year.

And his three children seem very happy with him, too.

Affleck marked Father’s Day on social media by sharing an image of the homemade card from his kids that read: “Love you dad! You are my superhero!”

And he wrote as a caption to it:

I can think of three incredible reasons why today is so special.

Happy Father’s Day to all the dads and father figures out there, and to the women that empower them to be the best they can be.

Okay, fine.

Affleck’s back tattoo is a monstrosity.

But perhaps he’s not so bad after all.

We are all so fortunate beyond measure 


Tommy Lee"s Son Rips Him On Father"s Day

Tommy Lee’s post honoring his dad on Father’s Day got shredded to pieces … by his own son. In a clear sign there’s plenty of bad blood still left between them, Brandon eviscerated his father with a blistering comment on Tommy’s…


Sunday, June 17, 2018

Kim Kardashian and Tons of Celebs Honor Dad on Father"s Day

Kim Kardashian and Victoria Beckham were just some of the many celebrities who took to social media to pay tribute to their fathers and hubbies. It’s that time of the year when everyone’s posting pics on social media with or of their…


Sunday, December 31, 2017

Balthazar Getty Says He Won"t See Movie About Father"s Kidnapping, "All the Money in the World"

“All the Money in the World” hits very close to home for Balthazar Getty — the story’s about the 1973 abduction of his father, John Paul Getty III – and for that reason … he says he’s not going to see it. We got the actor at LAX Wednesday…


Friday, September 29, 2017

Hugh Hefner"s Sons Get Together for Dinner to Mourn Father"s Death

Hugh Hefner’s sons were solemn after chowing down … understandably after losing their legendary father. We got Cooper and Marston Hefner Thursday night leaving Katsuya in L.A. They were there with a few family members as they waited for…


Monday, September 11, 2017

Lakers" Jeanie Buss Visits Father"s Grave With Coca-Colas

L.A. Lakers owner Jeanie Buss visited her father Jerry Buss’ grave site this past weekend … and brought along one of his favorite beverages. Jeanie paid tribute to the legendary owner at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in L.A. to honor her dad’s…


Friday, June 30, 2017

Jared Padalecki Pens Touching Letter to Children After Father"s Day

We’ve watched Jared Padalecki grow up on a string of WB/The CW drama series over many years, and we still can’t quite believe he’s a father to three children.

It is crazy how the time flies, right?

Turns out, Jared is embracing fatherhood with open arms and even penned a touching letter to his children after Father’s Day. His wife, Genevieve Cortese shared the letter on her blog, Now & Gen, on Thursday. 

It was titled Post Father’s Day Thoughts and included a whole lot of thoughts that will hit you right in the feels.  He and Genevieve have three children, Thomas, 5, Austin, 3, and Odette, 3 months.

“I realize Father’s Day was supposed to be about … well … ‘fathers’ … praising them and thanking them and making them feel needed and appreciated. But, as the ‘father’ in this relationship, I wanted to change things up a bit,” the actor’s letter began.

“I wanted to take this opportunity, after my fifth Father’s Day (and counting), not to say ‘you’re welcome,’ but to say ‘thank you.’”

In the letter, the star reflects on some funny moments in which his kids turned his trailer into a “jungle gym,” his office into a “secret candy storage bunker,” his bed into a “UFC octagon, and his truck into “a giant garbage and food crumb receptacle.”

“Thank you for making my trailer feel like more than just a ‘place I go to work,’ thank you for our ‘don’t tell mom’ excursions up to my office to have a sweet treat, thank you for testing the mattress springs, thank you for making me clean my truck more often,” he said. 

“Thank you for letting me feel what it’s like to love something more than yourself. I have your back, now and always. You’ve humbled me, you’ve helped me rediscover the joy of discovery. You’re turned my world upside down. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Was that, like, the biggest tearjerker of the century?

Hit the comments, you guys. 


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Kourtney Kardashian to Scott Disick: Unhappy Father"s Day!

Most of Kourtney Kardashian’s recent posts and actions that have come across as directed at Scott Disick have been about Kourtney’s hot body and all that he’s missing.

But this “subtle” dig aims a bit closer to home, we suppose.

Because it looks like Kourtney’s going after Scott’s qualities as a father … or lack thereof.

Obviously, Kourtney didn’t tweet “wow, some people would rather chase after teen tail than be a dad to their kids!”

That kind of unstubtle subtweeting is more Khloe’s style.

Instead, she posted an adorable and endearing throwback of her own father, Robert Kardashian Sr, to Instagram.

You know, for Father’s Day.

And she included a caption.

“Blessed to call him my daddy. I couldn’t have dreamed for any better. Happy Father’s Day.”

That’s so innocuous and sweet that you almost wouldn’t give it a second glance.


Kourtney’s had a tendency to give the father of her children a shout-out on Father’s Day.


But apparently this year, things were just too strained for her to mention him.

It’s worth noting that Kris Jenner’s Father’s Day post included a host of dads within her family, Scott included.

But Kris Jenner’s the grandma and it’s sort of her job to err on the side of being diplomatic.

For Kourtney, this must be raw and painful.

So she not only fails to mention Scott in her post about her dad.

She also talks about how she couldn’t have dreamed of someone better.

As in, no one could be better.

Scott Disick is very clearly part of “no one.”

It’s no secret that Kourtney’s mad at Scott.

His drinking and his following the whims of his meandering penis are old news.

Though the degree of publicity that his attempted dalliance with Bella Thorne and other hot teen girls at Cannes garnered must really rub her the wrong way.

But she must have felt that it would be hypocritical to honor him on Father’s Day.

Especially since she reportedly can’t trust Scott around their children.

Father’s Day isn’t about congratulating somebody for having had live sperm at some point in the past.

It’s supposed to be about actual good parenting, which includes being there for your kids.

And maybe even some sobriety, huh?

Father’s Day is a great reminder that Kourtney, a grown adult, is not the primary victim of Scott’s antics.

Even as much as their parents shelter them from them, its the kids who suffer.

Obviously, some children have way worse situations than Reign, Penelope, and Mason are dealing with.

Abuse, financial sabotage, nasty custody fights — those can all be factors when parents split.

Even without that, children often blame themselves for why their family fell apart.

It’s obviously never their fault, but it can be hard to convince them of that.

Especially since, generally speaking, the better-behaved parent isn’t going to say: “Well, sweetie, your daddy has a drinking problem and also wants to bang teenagers,” or whatever.

The kids are lucky to have Kourtney, at least.


Monday, June 19, 2017

Angelina Jolie: Keeping Kids from Brad Pitt on Father"s Day?!

You know how, for a while there, it seemed like Brad Pitt and Angelina were starting to get along again?

Well, at the very least, they’d stop using lawyers to bash each other.

The case of whatever Brad may or may not have done to their oldest son, Maddox, on that plane was dismissed, and we haven’t heard anything about the custody battle for a while.

Compared to how things were when Angelina first filed for divorce last fall, they’re practically best friends now.

Or at least they were.

According to a new report from Radar Online, Angelina was seen at LAX on Saturday with all the kids in tow, gearing up to set off on a “surprise trip.”

Which would normally be fine, of course, and not worth discussing at all.

But Angelina took the kids off for this trip the day before Father’s Day.

While Brad is said to be hanging out in his L.A. home.

“Brad has been spending more time at the compound getting the outdoor areas, pool and gardens, ready for summer,” a source said.

“After the divorce news broke nobody saw him there for months but his is back and seems more comfortable again — hopefully the kids will visit soon.”

And hopefully they will — but chances are that visit didn’t get to happen for Father’s Day.

Was this surprise trip a vindictive move on Angelina’s part? Did she actively plan to sabotage Father’s Day for Brad by whisking the kids away for the weekend?

It’s hard to say.

But last month in his big tell-all interview, Brad insisted that he and Angelina were intent on making their split amicable for the children.

“It’s just very, very jarring for the kids,” he explained, “to suddenly have their family ripped apart.”

“If anyone can make sense of it, we have to with great care and delicacy, building everything around that. Our focus is that everyone comes out stronger and better people — there is no other outcome.”

He added that he’s seen bad things go down in similar situations — “I see where one spouse literally can’t tell their own part in it, and it’s still competing with the other in some way and wants to destroy them, and needs vindication by destruction.”

“I don’t want to live that way,” he said.

However, in the same interview Brad also said that “I’m an asshole when it comes to this need for justice.”

“I don’t know where it comes from, this hollow quest for justice for some perceived slight. I can drill on that for days and years. It’s done me no good whatsoever.”

So judging from this interview — the only real, intimate discussion of the matter from either of them — Brad could either be handling things really well, or really, really badly.

Meaning that Angelina could be keeping the kids away from him, or her trip with them could have just been some unfortunate timing.

For the sake of the children, we hope it’s that second one.


Brandi Glanville to Eddie Cibrian: Happy Father"s Day, You Suck!

Sometimes when you dislike another person very, very strongly, you’re still able to put aside your feelings on occasion to be the bigger person.

If that’s you, then congrats — but Brandi Glanville is not that person.

Which, honestly, is pretty fair: she actually dislikes two people very, very strongly, and she has good reason for it.

Her ex-husband, Eddie Cibrian, cheated on her with multiple women, and he ended up leaving her for one of them.

That woman, LeAnn Rimes, proceeded to rub her relationship with Eddie in her face at each and every turn, and to this day, they still don’t get along.

Hey, you don’t have to like everyone, and it makes sense that Brandi doesn’t like them.

And if her most recent story is true, she has a good reason for not even pretending.

As Brandi tells it, LeAnn has been stalking her and her boyfriend’s social media accounts, and when she saw that they had plans to go to a specific restaurant, she made sure to bring Eddie along.

She also brought Brandi and Eddie’s two sons, because they were celebrating Stepmother’s Day together.

Eddie says that Brandi’s lying, that they had reservations for days and that they only looked at Brandi’s boyfriend’s Snapchat to see if she’d posted anything embarrassing about them.

But Brandi insists that LeAnn is just trying to still her whole entire life.

Like she has been for the past eight years.

So you see where things are bad for them, right? Possibly the worst it’s ever been

And that’s why Brandi thought it was acceptable to tweet the following message on yesterday, Father’s Day:

“Happy Father’s Day @EddieCibrian you may not have been the best husband but you’re much better father enjoy your day.”

Beautiful, right?

Unfortunately, many of Brandi’s followers didn’t think so.

“Luv u Brandi, but seriously??? Was this necessary? Why even bother then?” one person asked.

Another advised her to “Just be civil and make it all about the kids. That little dig about being a bad husband is uncalled for.”

Others applauded Brandi for even wishing him a happy Father’s Day at all, with the way he’s been treating her lately.

As those people pointed out, Eddie didn’t say a word about her on Mother’s Day, so for her to reach out to him, even with this shady remark, is sweet.

But while he may not have gotten too much love from the woman who made him a father, LeAnn still managed to pump him up on social media.

“Happy Father’s Day to my beautiful husband,” she wrote on Twitter. “I am so proud of you and the father you choose to show up as on a daily basis.”

“Watching you mold their world into a safe haven of joy and providing them with a solid foundation of healthy boundaries and deep connections makes my heart flood with great appreciation and true LovE.”

“I LovE you,” she finished, “WE love you so very much.”

A short message about Father’s Day requires talk of “healthy boundaries?”

Yeah, don’t think we don’t see that Brandi shade, LeAnn.

Eddie and LeAnn’s side of the story is that Brandi is a drunken mess who doesn’t understand boundaries and what’s appropriate in co-parenting, so this is a nice little dig.

Looks like the new chapter in this feud isn’t ending anytime soon.


Tori Roloff to Zach Roloff: Happy First Father"s Day!

Tori Roloff has sent an important message to the man she knows best and to countless men she’s never even met before.

And it goes something like this:


As fans of the Little People, Big World star know by now, Tori and Zach are first-time parents.

The beloved reality stars welcomed a son named Jackson Kyle on May 12, gushing over the monumental life event on social media soon after he entered the world.

“Mom and Dad are so in love with you already,” Tori captioned a photo she shared of the newborn in a hospital bed with Mommy and Daddy just hours after he became… well… a newborn.

In subsequent interviews with People Magazine, Tori and Zach addressed the fact that their son was born with the gene for dwarfism.

“You have to encourage a dwarf child a little more because it will take them five steps to do what others can do in two,” explained Zach Roloff a few weeks ago, adding at the time:

“But I knew, dwarf or not, I was going to parent my child with the mentality that not everyone gets a trophy. You have to earn it.”

Now, just over a month since their precious bundle of joy blessed their lives, Tori has penned a tribute to her husband on Instagram.

“Happy Father’s Day Zachary,” Tori wrote yesterday, adding on the occasion:

“There’s not a single person I’d rather being taking this journey of parenthood with. Seeing you with Baby J makes me fall more and more in love with you.

“Jackson and I love you so much and we can’t wait for many more fathers days ahead! #zandtpartyofthree #storyofzachandtori.”

But Tori wasn’t done.

With Matt Roloff the father of three and Jeremy Roloff set to become a dad in September, Tori also posted the Roloff family photo above and included with it the following caption:

And happy Father’s Day to all the important fathers in my life. Especially that guy on the left. Love you daddy. I wouldn’t be who I am today without you.

You’ve taught me more than you’ll ever know.

Watching you with your grandson melts my heart and makes me appreciate you even more. happy Father’s Day daddy zach matt papa and Jeremy!

Zach and Jeremy’s younger brother, Jacob Roloff, was missing from the snapshot.

He keeps his distance from his loves ones, but he’s acknowledged how cute his nephew is on his own social media account in the past…

… and he did so again over the weekend.

Posting a short and simple video on Instagram of Jackson sucking on his pacifier, Jacob told his followers:

“I LOVE THIS KID. ALOT. Look at those eyes..”

Seriously, look at them!

Just be warned:

Everything else you look at today will be considered ugly by comparison.


Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna Celebrate Father"s Day with Dream at Disneyland

Remember Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna had a kid together? We almost forgot too … until we saw they’d all resurfaced at Disneyland for Father’s Day. Rob and BC worked out their differences to come together Sunday with their…
