Monday, June 18, 2018

Jon Gosselin; At Least ONE of My Kids Loves Me on Father"s Day!

Jon Gosselin isn’t going to win a Father of the Year award any time soon … unless his teenage daughter Hannah is running the show.

Jon and his daughter Hannah have been spending a lot of time together in the past couple of months, and that valuable bonding time has really paid off.

Just look at the precious Father’s Day tribute that Hannah wrote to and about her dad.

Posting a public Father’s Day post, especially when you’re a kid in a very complicated family, is no simple task.

Hannah’s post begins: “Happy Fathers Day, Dad.”

She’s off to a good start.

“I love you so much,” she writes.

Also a good start.

Hannah continues: “You’re the best dad anyone could ever ask for.”

That is … very sweet of her to say.

Hannah adds a personal note, writing: “I love our late night ice cream runs together.”

Those ice cream runs have been well-documented in Instagram photos.

“You’re the best,” she finishes.

She writes all of that within the captions of this photo of a collage that she assembled online.

Is feeding photos into an online collage generator the most personal touch? No.

But it’s a useful tool. Jon knows how much he means to his daughter, and that’s what matters.

This is a public post, and so it’s very different from what you would write in a card, which in turn is different than what you would say to someone in person.

She’s young, but she’s been a celebrity for, like, a decade. She knows how to honor her dad without getting too personal.

Jon responded in the comments, writing: “Thank you HJ love you!!!!”

Jon and Hannah (and, as you can see in this photo and in a couple of the collage photos, Jon’s girlfriend Colleen Conrad) have been spending so much time together that some fans believe that he may have custody.

In May, Jon shared a video that may have alluded to a change in custody.

“Unfortunately Hannah couldn’t make it to this video,” he said. “But I’d like to thank everyone for the love and support you’ve shown us this week.”

That week featured many photos of father-daughter adventures. Yes, those adventures included trips to get ice cream.

“Obviously you know the situation,” Jon continued.

Well, we all know that he is separated from most of his children, to his ongoing frustration. We also know that Kate Gosselin is suing him.

“If you don’t know the situation,” Jon advises. “You should just get together with a friend or anyone that understands the situation.”

If Jon received custody of Hannah, it very likely means that she requested it.

Perhaps this was an arrangement to which Kate agreed … we all know that Hannah wouldn’t be the first time that Kate has sent away one of her children. Poor Collin.

Or perhaps this was just Hannah’s wish. Generally, courts will take a child’s wishes into account if the child is 13 or older. Hannah is 14.

But does that mean that Hannah’s four remaining sextuplet siblings (four remaining with Kate, that is) all chose to stay with her?

Or is this about money? Because Jon has a job, but he does not have a reality series or much money at all.

He may have enough to make up for lost time with Hannah, but supporting the rest of his children mgiht be more than he could handle, unfortunately.

Jon Gosselin has absolutely made some mistakes, as a parent and as a human being.

But he is clearly bringing new happiness to his daughter’s life.

And he was even able to visit Collin Gosselin at whatever facility currently houses that poor boy.

He’s doing his best as a parent, and that is worth something.

He could clearly be doing much worse.

Just look at Kate.
