Showing posts with label Honor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Honor. Show all posts

Friday, January 4, 2019

Hulk Hogan Returning to WWE Raw To Honor "Mean" Gene Okerlund

Breaking News
Hulkamania is about run wild on ‘Monday Night Raw’ … for the first time in years. 
The WWE legend, Hulk Hogan, will return to ‘Raw’ on Monday to honor his good friend “Mean” Gene Okerlund, who passed away Wednesday morning.
Hulk and Gene ...
Hulk Hogan Returning to WWE Raw To Honor "Mean" Gene Okerlund

Sunday, August 26, 2018

John McCain: Read the Tributes in His Honor

American has lost an icon.

No matter how you felt about John McCain"s politics, it"s impossible to argue with the impact this Vietnam War hero had on his nation.

The Republican nominee for President in 2008 and a Senator from Arizona since 1987, McCain died from brain cancer on Saturday, August 25.

Within minutes, tributes poured forth from past Presidents, current politicians and many others.

McCain was viewed with respect from both sides of the aisle unlike perhaps any politician in the last 50 years.

Read some of the most notable messages below and join us in sending condolences to the entire McCain family…

1. Meghan McCain

Meghan statement

2. Mitch McConnell

Mcconnell statement

3. Barack Obama

Obama statement

4. Sarah Palin

Palin reaction

5. Joe Biden

Biden reaction

6. George W. Bush

George w bush reaction

View Slideshow

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Kim Kardashian and Tons of Celebs Honor Dad on Father"s Day

Kim Kardashian and Victoria Beckham were just some of the many celebrities who took to social media to pay tribute to their fathers and hubbies. It’s that time of the year when everyone’s posting pics on social media with or of their…


Saturday, May 19, 2018

Meghan Markle: How Did She Honor Princess Diana at the Royal Wedding?

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Prince Harry married Meghan Markle in an unforgettable ceremony at Windsor Castle this morning.

At this point, virtually every aspect of the royal wedding has been dissected on social media and in the tabloids.

There have been in-depth discussions about Meghan and Harry’s celebrity guests; the moving ceremony that incorporated elements of the cultures in which both newlyweds were raised; and of course, the fabulous dress worn by the new Duchess of Sussex.

But some of the more subtle details of the ceremony have been largely overlooked.

For example, there’s been little coverage of the moving ways in which Meghan and Harry paid tribute to his late mother, Princess Diana.

The most poignant tribute to the late Princess Di may have been the inclusion of her most beloved flower in Meghan’s 16-foot veil.

“The spring blooms include Forget-Me-Nots which were Diana, Princess of Wales’ favorite flower,” a statement from Kensington Palace read.

“The couple specifically chose them to be included in Ms. Markle’s bouquet to honor the memory of the late Princess on this special day.”

For her second outfit of the day (pictured above) Meghan combined her something borrowed with her something blue by sporting an aquamarine ring from Princess Diana’s private collection.

Meg also kept an unofficial British tradition alive by collaborating with a female British designer to craft the perfect dress, just as Di and Kate Middleton did.

As for Harry, his signals that his mother was on his mind were a bit more subtle but no less potent.

Royal watchers believe Harry’s tendency to bite his lower lip was inherited from Diana:

“This is a micro-expression,” human behavioral expert Susan Constantine tells Good Housekeeping.

“In this deeply personal moment, Harry is trying to conceal his emotions.”

And that’s not the only way in which Harry’s body language spoke volumes, as royal experts noted that he flouted custom by watching Meg walk down the aisle:

“At a British wedding, the groom and his best man (or supporter) will face the altar as the bride walks down the aisle,” says Myka Meira of Beaumont Etiquette.

“He won’t turn to look at her until she is beside him.”

Those Brits, they’re an understated bunch.

Check out more highlights from Harry and Meghan’s big day in the gallery below:


Saturday, March 24, 2018

Jay-Z Hints at Champagne Bottle Named in Honor of Sir & Rumi

Jay-Z’s thinking money when he sees twins … Sorry, Sir and Rumi, but it’s true. Hova’s champagne company, Ace Of Spades, filed docs back in November — and recently obtained by TMZ — to trademark “Les Jumelles d’Armand de Brignac.” The doc lists…


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Sir Ringo Starr Gets Knighted, 2nd and Last of the Beatles to Get the Honor

You can officially put a “Sir” on it – Ringo Starr took a knee Tuesday morning and received his Knighthood, a mere 21 years after Sir Paul McCartney … but no one’s counting, right? The Beatles drummer was dubbed into the club, of royal…


Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Ellen DeGeneres Gifts Jimmy Kimmel a Hospital Room Named in His Son"s Honor

There"s more to Jimmy Kimmel than interviews with Stormy Daniels or with The Bachelor favorite Bekah Martinez. He"s a husband and a father.

He"s opened up on his show about his son Billy"s serious congenital heart problems that require multiple surgeries.

As you"ll see in the sweet video below, Ellen DeGeneres has found a beautiful and meaningful way to honor his son"s health battle.

Jimmy kimmel and ellen 02

Jimmy Kimmel and Ellen DeGeneres affirm their friendship.

The two then discuss Jimmy Kimmel"s young son"s ongoing health battle. He was born with genetic heart disease.

Congenital heart problems can often be serious or even fatal, but Billy has undergone surgeries in an attempt to save his lie.

It"s hard on Jimmy Kimmel and his wife. It"s harder still on Billy.

When Ellen shares that she"s about to spring one of her famous surprises on Jimmy Kimmel, he looks genuinely surprised.

Jimmy kimmel hand pinch

(Here, we see Jimmy Kimmel pinching his hand in an attempt to use acupressure to prevent himself for crying. Ellen tells him that the pressure point is for headaches. He"s so goofy)

As it turns out, the wonderful surprise that Ellen has for Jimmy and his family is that she"s had a hospital room named after Billy.

It is named in honor of him, not in memory — Billy is alive, folks.

It"s a sweet move. Cynical critics might describe it as an "empty gesture," but it"s not like Ellen can just magically heal Jimmy"s son. This is a sweet thing to do.

And Ellen had another surprise for Jimmy Kimmel — she had some of his son"s nurses from the hospital in the audience.

Jimmy kimmel and ellen 01

Jimmy Kimmel has brought his son onto the stage with him as he continues to share Billy"s health battle with audiences.

His candid sharing of that part of his life has made him one of the most vocal supporters of health care reform.

Many point to his moving, tearful monologues when they talk about the need for universal health care — that no one and especially no child should be condemned to die because they aren"t rich.

Jimmy Kimmel of course, is rich enough to afford his son"s treatments.

Any other family would have to try crowdsourcing or bankruptcy in an effort to save their baby"s life.

Jimmy kimmel fights back tears

During his interview with Ellen, Jimmy Kimmel opens up about how emotional he gets.

As we mention, he shares that he sometimes pinches an acupressure point on his hand as an effort to hold back tears.

Ellen corrects him — acupressure points can sometimes have multiple purposes, but the point that he pinches to no avail is supposed to help with headache relief.

So, you know, no wonder that doesn"t work for him.

Also, his teary eyes are a refreshing dose of emotional honesty in a society that tries to tell men that they"re not supposed to cry.

Jimmy kimmel and ellen degeneres

As you can see in the video below, both Jimmy and Ellen are delights.

But you probably already knew that.

(Of course, people who think that Ellen DeGeneres is part of the "deep state" that the US doesn"t have in the first place probably think that Jimmy"s part of the same nonexistent organization)

Watch this sweet video — and hear Jimmy Kimmel"s anecdote of crying at someone else"s wedding when he worked as a DJ.

Ellen degeneres gifts jimmy kimmel a hospital room in his sons h

Thursday, February 22, 2018

MLB Prospect Wearing "58 Strong" Glove to Honor Vegas Shooting Victims

MLB prospect Bubba Derby — who heroically used his body as a human shield during the Las Vegas massacre — has reported to Brewers spring training with a “58 Strong” glove to honor the people who were killed in the shooting.  The 23-year-old…


Thursday, February 15, 2018

Lamar Odom Wants to Play in BIG3 This Year to Honor Rasual Butler

Lamar Odom says his return to the court could happen this summer — telling TMZ Sports he wants to play in Ice Cube’s BIG3 league as a tribute to Rasual Butler. Lamar and the BIG3 have been circling each other for months. We were told Odom spoke…


Saturday, January 20, 2018

Kanye West Throws Private Screening for Damon Dash"s Movie "Honor Up"

Kanye West threw a party in honor of Damon Dash’s new movie — in which Kanye’s an executive producer — and a bunch of celebs were there … but definitely not Jay-Z. Ye held a private screening for “Honor Up” Friday night in Calabasas and…


Monday, January 8, 2018

Ex-UGA Stars Say It"s "An Honor" to Have Trump at Georgia vs. Alabama

A pair of former Georgia football stars are showing Donald Trump some Southern hospitality ahead of Georgia vs. ‘Bama … saying it’s “an honor” to host 45, NOT a distraction. We got QB Aaron Murray and punter Drew Butler outside…


Saturday, December 30, 2017

Joey Bada$$ Commissions Custom Jewelry to Honor Late Friend

Joey Bada$ $  found a way to memorialize his late best friend and still look like a baller. The rapper commissioned a custom piece to honor his boy, Capital STEEZ, who at 19 committed suicide on Christmas Eve 5 years ago. We’re told JB hit up…


Monday, December 18, 2017

Allen Iverson Loves Being Inked on Odell Beckham, "Definitely an Honor"

Allen Iverson says it’s “definitely an honor” making Odell Beckham’s leg sleeve Hall of Fame … and he’s showing love to OBJ for the ink.  ”I thought that was dope,” A.I. told TMZ Sports at the Black Santa Basketball Fundraiser in…


Sunday, December 10, 2017

Terry Crews Reflects on TIME Person of the Year Honor, WME Lawsuit

Terry Crews says he wasn’t expecting to be in TIME’s “Person of the Year” cover story — but thinks the honor only helps his mission … accountability in Hollywood. We got the actor Sunday leaving LAX with his wife, Rebecca, and we asked how it…


Terry Crews Reflects on TIME Person of the Year Honor, WME Lawsuit

Terry Crews says he wasn’t expecting to be in TIME’s “Person of the Year” cover story — but thinks the honor only helps his mission … accountability in Hollywood. We got the actor Sunday leaving LAX with his wife, Rebecca, and we asked how it…


Thursday, November 30, 2017

Dannielynn, Larry Birkhead Honor Anna Nicole in the Bahamas

The world has been very critical of Larry Birkhead"s apparent exploitation of his daughter, Dannielynn, accusing him of Anna Nicole Smith"s life and death for goodwill. And, of course, for cash.

But we"ve seen less of him, lately. The last time he was really on our radar was, what, when he went on Hollywood Medium?

Now he and Dannielynn — who is now 11 years old — are back in a video (below) showing their adventures together as Anna Nicole"s daughter visits the land of her birth: The Bahamas.

Larry birkhead and dannielynn posing

Anna Nicole Smith was a sweet woman who died too young.

After an epic battle in which multiple men claimed paternity of her infant daughter, it was determined that Larry had fathered Dannielynn Hope Marshall Birkhead.

Larry hasn"t always been viewed as the best father. Notably, he signed Dannielynn up for modeling when she was six years old.

(In case you"ve forgotten, Anna Nicole herself was a troubled ex-model, and it"s widely believed that she"d still be alive today if she hadn"t been thrust into the spotlight as she was)

Dannielynn is 11 years old, now. (Anybody else feeling super old?)

And Larry Birkhead decided that it was high time that he take her on a trip to the Bahamas, where she was born. Whether he did it for Dannielynn or to get his face on camera again … well, that"s hard to know.

But the video"s very sweet.

Dannielynn and larry birkhead pose on the beach

In the video, Larry Birkhead does most (nearly all) of the talking to Us Weekly"s cameras as he and Dannielynn explore the Bahamas.

"This trip back for Dannielynn is kind of special because she doesn’t really know a whole lot about the place where she was born."

That sounds like a plausible reason to go.

"When Dannielynn was little and I used to bring her here, the people used to come out screaming, ‘The people’s princess Dannielynn is here,’ cause it was such a big deal about her birth here, and they embrace her and they come up and ask for pictures and stuff all the time."

Well, it"s not Dannielynn"s fault that a rich white child getting called a "princess" within the Caribbean is … awkward. Also, a couple of women did ask for a selfie.

Larry talks about the wonderful things that Anna Nicole did with her wealth.

"She was charitable and she did a lot of things for people that people don’t know."

She was, by all accounts, a total sweetheart.

"I’m still getting these cards from kids that she supported overseas and they didn’t know she was Anna Nicole, but they’d come to have found out later."

That is precious.

He takes Dannielynn to a pastel pink courthouse. The very courthouse where he won his paternity case.

"I remember coming out of this door right here and they said, ‘You can take Dannielynn home to Kentucky or wherever you’re gonna move.’ And I came out, I was so happy."

Larry birkhead and dannielynn wetsuits

Larry Birkhead tells the cameras about Dannielynn.

"She likes scary movies, like her mom. She likes to do roller coasters and fun things like her mom used to."

She also has a beautiful smile.

As for her current interests … they"re very age-appropriate.

"Dannielynn is more interested in wanting to be a YouTuber and make her own videos, so those are the types of things that she’s interested in."

She"s beautiful and young and famous, which describes a lot of YouTubers. (We don"t imagine that she"s a horrifying racist like certain YouTubers have turned out to be)

"I still have to warn her that, you know, your friend might have a YouTube account, but if you have a YouTube account that’s different, because people know who you are."

That is a somewhat clumsily worded version of very good advice.

Honestly, if and when Dannielynn gets her own YouTube channel (what a gift that would be), comments might need to be disabled. There are some real creeps who would love nothing more than to upset a famous tween girl.

Dannielynn and larry birkhead bahamas tour bus

Larry continues describe what it"s like being Dannielynn"s parent.

"Sometimes you feel like a bodyguard, sometimes you feel like a chauffeur."

That"s, well, that"s what parenting is like.

"It depends on what the day is. But my job is dad and I think I’ve done a pretty good job. She’s adjusted to it and she’s just a normal kid."

Dannielynn seems obsessed with her phone, which is relatable and age-appropriate.

Here"s the video in its entirety:

Dannielynn larry birkhead honor anna nicole in the bahamas

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Ohio State FB Honor Terry Glenn with Helmet Decal Against Michigan

The Ohio State football team will honor former college superstar Terry Glenn with custom helmet decals when the Buckeyes face off against big-time rival Michigan this weekend. Glenn — who died in a car accident in Texas on Monday at age 43 –…


Sunday, October 15, 2017

Harvey Weinstein to be Stripped of French Legion of Honor

Harvey Weinstein’s crumbling rep is now an international affair — France plans to strip him of an honor they hand out to stand-up guys … which their Prez says he ain’t anymore. Emmanuel Macron announced Sunday that France was moving to revoke…


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Al Pacino, Jack Nicholson Honor the Late Harry Dean Stanton

Al Pacino, Jack Nicholson and a bunch of other huge celebs were all under one roof to honor the late Harry Dean Stanton. The flock of stars hit up No Name in L.A. Monday night to pay tribute. Warren Beatty, Elliot Mintz, John Savage, Henry…


Thursday, September 28, 2017

Hugh Hefner Getting One Last Playboy Mansion Party in His Honor

Hugh Hefner’s not going out without one more legendary Playboy party … TMZ has learned planning is underway for a celebration of his life at the Mansion. Sources close to Daren Metropoulos – the Pabst heir who bought the mansion last…
