Showing posts with label McCain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label McCain. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

NFL"s Chris McCain Strikes Plea Deal, Avoids Jail In Battered Woman Case

NFL player Chris McCain just dodged a bullet … striking a plea deal that’ll keep him outta jail after he was accused of spitting and grabbing a woman by the neck. TMZ Sports has learned Chris McCain — a 26 year old NFL free agent…


Monday, September 3, 2018

John McCain Once Challenged Hillary Clinton to Vodka Shots Contest

John McCain and Hillary Clinton didn’t need a recount when he challenged her to a vodka shots contest … just ask former Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe. We got McAuliffe at Fort Ward in Alexandria, VA and asked him how Bill…


Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Sen. Lindsey Graham Emotional Over Losing John McCain, Vows to Do Better

Sen. Lindsey Graham can’t hide his pain over losing John McCain, but says there can be a silver lining … if politicians, including himself, lead more like his friend did. Senator Graham was clearly emotional about Sen. McCain’s death when we…


Senator Debbie Stabenow Pulling Double Duty For Aretha Franklin, John McCain Services

Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow has one busy — and bittersweet — weekend ahead of her. Debbie plans to attend services for Aretha Franklin in Detroit AND John McCain in Washington D.C. — all in about 48 hours. The Senator tells us it’s going to…


Monday, August 27, 2018

Donald Trump Refuses to Answer McCain Questions In White House

More John McCain disrespect from Donald Trump — who refused to even acknowledge the late senator in front of reporters Monday at the White House.  POTUS held a meeting in the Oval Office — sitting with Melania — when ABC News reporter…


Donald Trump Refuses to Answer McCain Questions In White House

More John McCain disrespect from Donald Trump — who refused to even acknowledge the late senator in front of reporters Monday at the White House.  POTUS held a meeting in the Oval Office — sitting with Melania — when ABC News reporter…


John McCain Takes Final Jab at Donald Trump from the Grave

On Saturday afternoon, over a year since he was diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer, John McCain died at the age of 81.

In the wake of his passing, notes of sorrow, admiration and consolation poured in from across the political spectrum, as perhaps no Senator has ever been more widely respected than McCain, a former prisoner of war.

But there was one person who was noticably absent from this wave of heartelt mourning…

… President Donald Trump.

The Commander-in-Chief reportedly nixed a proposal by The White House to issue a lengthy statement after McCain’s death, one that ran through his impressive list of accomplishments and referred to him as a “hero.”

(Trump has famously quipped on more than one occasion that McCain is not a hero because he was got captured in battle.)

Instead, the President simply Tweeted the following:

“My deepest sympathies and respect go out to the family of Senator John McCain. Our hearts and prayers are with you!”

Some might say this was enough; others might say Trump didn’t mention a single word about the man himself.

Donald J. Trump

At various times throughout the campaign trail over the past several months, Trump had also taken shots at McCain for casting the vote last summer that denied Republicans the chance to repeal Obamacare.

He encouraged crowds to boo a veteran and a politician who was dying of cancer.

On Monday morning, however, McCain got the final word in when it comes to this ongoing feud with the President.

In a moving tribute to America and its citizens, which was read to the public close friend Rick Davis, McCain pretty clearly took a number of jabs at everything Trump stands for.

Take this section, for instance:

We weaken [America] when we hide behind walls, rather than tear them down, when we doubt the power of our ideals rather than trust them to be the great force for change they have always been

Or this section:

We weaken our greatness when we confuse our patriotism with tribal rivalries that have sown resentment and hatred and violence in all the corners of the globe.

These seems like obvious statements, we know.

It says something about Trump and his administration that nearly EVERYone who had read these excerpts interpret them as a direct rebuke of the White House.

Davis foughts back tears as he read the final words of McCain.

And, out of respect for the late Senator and all he accomplished, we are simply going to transcribe them below.

mccain states

May John McCain rest in peace.

My fellow Americans, whom I have gratefully served for sixty years, and especially my fellow Arizonans

Thank you for the privilege of serving you and for the rewarding life that service in uniform and in public office has allowed me to lead. I have tried to serve our country honorably. I have made mistakes, but I hope my love for America will be weighed favorably against them.

I have often observed that I am the luckiest person on earth. I feel that way even now as I prepare for the end of my life. I have loved my life, all of it. I have had experiences, adventures and friendships enough for ten satisfying lives, and I am so thankful.

Like most people, I have regrets. But I would not trade a day of my life, in good or bad times, for the best day of anyone else’s.

I owe that satisfaction to the love of my family. No man ever had a more loving wife or children he was prouder of than I am of mine. And I owe it to America.

To be connected to America’s causes — liberty, equal justice, respect for the dignity of all people — brings happiness more sublime than life’s fleeting pleasures.

Our identities and sense of worth are not circumscribed but enlarged by serving good causes bigger than ourselves.

‘Fellow Americans’ — that association has meant more to me than any other. I lived and died a proud American. We are citizens of the world’s greatest republic, a nation of ideals, not blood and soil.

We are blessed and are a blessing to humanity when we uphold and advance those ideals at home and in the world. We have helped liberate more people from tyranny and poverty than ever before in history.

We have acquired great wealth and power in the process.

We weaken our greatness when we confuse our patriotism with tribal rivalries that have sown resentment and hatred and violence in all the corners of the globe.

We weaken it when we hide behind walls, rather than tear them down, when we doubt the power of our ideals, rather than trust them to be the great force for change they have always been

We are three-hundred-and-twenty-five million opinionated, vociferous individuals. We argue and compete and sometimes even vilify each other in our raucous public debates.

But we have always had so much more in common with each other than in disagreement. If only we remember that and give each other the benefit of the presumption that we all love our country we will get through these challenging times.

We will come through them stronger than before. We always do.

Ten years ago, I had the privilege to concede defeat in the election for president. I want to end my farewell to you with the heartfelt faith in Americans that I felt so powerfully that evening.

I feel it powerfully still.

Do not despair of our present difficulties but believe always in the promise and greatness of America, because nothing is inevitable here. Americans never quit.

We never surrender. We never hide from history. We make history.

Farewell, fellow Americans. God bless you, and God bless America.


Sunday, August 26, 2018

John McCain: Read the Tributes in His Honor

American has lost an icon.

No matter how you felt about John McCain"s politics, it"s impossible to argue with the impact this Vietnam War hero had on his nation.

The Republican nominee for President in 2008 and a Senator from Arizona since 1987, McCain died from brain cancer on Saturday, August 25.

Within minutes, tributes poured forth from past Presidents, current politicians and many others.

McCain was viewed with respect from both sides of the aisle unlike perhaps any politician in the last 50 years.

Read some of the most notable messages below and join us in sending condolences to the entire McCain family…

1. Meghan McCain

Meghan statement

2. Mitch McConnell

Mcconnell statement

3. Barack Obama

Obama statement

4. Sarah Palin

Palin reaction

5. Joe Biden

Biden reaction

6. George W. Bush

George w bush reaction

View Slideshow

John McCain Dies; War Hero, U.S. Senator Was 81

John McCain, a Vietnam war hero who served as a U.S. Senator for over 20 years, died Saturday at his home in Arizona, his office has confirmed.

He was 81 years old.

This is what the statement from his office read:

“With the Senator when he passed were his wife Cindy and their family. At his death, he had served the United States of America faithfully for sixty years.”

The politician proudly referred to himself often as a “maverick” over his long and impressive career, as McCain was known over the years as a Republican who was unafraid to work with Democrats and/or to speak his mind.

A graduate of the United States Naval Academy in 1958, McCain was shot down while on a bombing mission over Hanoi in 1967.

He famously refused to be let go by his captors until all other American soldiers also apprehended were released and ended up serving as a prisoner of war for five years.

McCain was tortured for the duration of his captivity.

He retired from the Navy as a captain in 1981 and moved to Arizona, where he entered politics.

(UPDATE: Cindy McCain has said the following in a Tweet:

My heart is broken. I am so lucky to have lived the adventure of loving this incredible man for 38 years.

He passed the way he lived, on his own terms, surrounded by the people he loved, in the the place he loved best.)

In 1982, McCain was elected to the United States House of Representatives, where he served two terms.

He then entered the U.S. Senate in 1987 and easily won reelection five times, most recently in 2016.

McCain’s passing comes over a year since he announced to the world from a rare type of brain cancer known as glioblastoma.

As soon as he revealed this awful news in July of 2017, it was sadly assumed that he would not have very much longer to live.

But McCain once again defied the odds.

Not only did he survive for over a year, he played a significant political role during this period, even casting a deciding vote on healthcare reform in 2017.

He passed away days after wife Cindy announced that her husband had chosen to “discontinue medical care.”

“I love my husband with all of my heart. God bless everyone who has cared for my husband along this journey,” she wrote as a caption to the following message on August 24:

John McCain stattement

Our family is immensely grateful for the support and kindness of all his caregivers over the last year, and for the continuing outpouring of concern and affection from John’s many friends and associates, and the many thousands of people who are keeping him in their prayers, reads the message, concluding:

God bless and thank you all.

McCain ran for President in 2000, losing in the Republican primary to George W. Bush.

He also ran for President in 2008, earning the Republican nomination and losing in the general electionto Barack Obama.

A maverick up until the very end of his run in the Senate, McCain voted against the Republican-led effort to repeal Obamacare last year…

… and has spoken out strongly against President Donald Trump’s relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

After being diagnosed in 2017, McCain returned to the Senate floor and gave a rousing speech about politics and public service.

He implored his fellow politicians to vote with their conscience and to remember why they were voted into office by the citizens of their state and country.

Having lamented the polarization and decline of civility in our political system for years, he urged his colleagues to rise above party affiliation.

“Our responsibilities are important, vitally important, to the continued success of our republic,” he said at the time.

“And our arcane rules and customs are deliberately intended to require broad cooperation to function well at all.

“The most revered members of this institution accepted the necessity of compromise in order to make incremental progress on solving America’s problems and defend her from her adversaries.”

Expect plenty of tributes to pour forth from those who knew McCain and those whose lives were touched by McCain in the hours, days and weeks to come.

May this great American rest in peace.

UPDATE: Senator Mitch McConnell has released a statement in light of this news.

It reads as follows:

mcconnell statement

And this is what Barack Obama and Michele Obama have said:

Few of us have been tested the way John once was, or required to show the kind of courage that he did.

But all of us can aspire to the courage to put the greater good above our own.

There’s also this from Melania Trump:

Our thoughts, prayers and deepest sympathy to the McCain Family. Thank you Senator McCain for your service to the nation.

And this from Meghan McCain, on her dad:

meghan statement


Senator John McCain Dead at 81

John McCain – a former Vietnam prisoner of war, 6-term U.S. Senator from Arizona and 2008 GOP Presidential nominee who battled an aggressive form of brain cancer in the latter part of his storied career — has died … according to various…


Senator John McCain Dead at 81

John McCain – a former Vietnam prisoner of war, 6-term U.S. Senator from Arizona and 2008 GOP Presidential nominee who battled an aggressive form of brain cancer in the latter part of his storied career — has died … according to various…


Tuesday, June 5, 2018

NFL"s Chris McCain Charged with Battering Woman

Another NFL player is accused of attacking a woman — this time, it’s Indianapolis Colts defensive end Chris McCain … who’s being charged with battery stemming from a January incident.  According to official documents obtained by TMZ Sports…


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Rudy Giuliani Dodges Trump"s Failure to Apologize to McCain

Rudy Giuliani stonewalled our photog who had a simple question … shouldn’t Trump apologize for the despicable remark one of his employees made about Senator John McCain? Giuliani arrived at Reagan National Airport Tuesday and our guy — like…


Monday, May 14, 2018

Kumail Nanjiani Bends the Knee to Meghan McCain In Fight Over Her Dad

Meghan McCain UNLOADED on “Silicon Valley” star Kumail Nanjiani Monday morning for essentially saying her father, John McCain, didn’t do enough to stand up for victims of bigotry.  So, how did Kumail respond? With one of the nicest…


Sunday, May 13, 2018

Larry King Talks Torture, McCain in the Middle of a Freak Show

Larry King wanted to talk about some serious stuff, but the convo got jacked by a woman dressed as the Statue of Liberty and a dude calling himself Sexy Vegan who’s running for Prez in 2020. We got the talk show king Saturday night in WeHo outside…


Friday, May 11, 2018

Bill Clinton Reacts to White House Comment John McCain is "Dying Anyway"

Former President Bill Clinton embraced John McCain in a big way, clearly throwing shade on the White House staffer who dismissed the Arizona Senator as a guy whose opinion doesn’t matter because “he’s dying anyway.” We got Clinton leaving The…


Monday, May 7, 2018

John McCain: Please Keep Donald Trump Away From My Funeral

About 10 months ago, Senator John McCain revealed his brain cancer diagnosis. It is grim news for the season politician’s loved ones and his many admirers.

McCain reportedly has a final request that is turning heads.

Whenever his funeral may be, he does not want Donald Trump to attend.

John McCain doesn’t know how much longer his extraordinary life will last.

Final requests are a tradition for those who know that their end may be near. Whenever reasonable, they should be respected.

McCain’s final wish … is bound to ruffle some political favors.

Friends and loved ones have been visiting him at his home in Arizona.

Multiple outlets, including The New York Times, have reported that John McCain doesn’t want Trump at his funeral.

Some have seen this as McCain disliking Trump so much that he doesn’t even want him around his remains.

McCain has often voted along with Trump’s agenda. Though he tends to speak out when he disagrees with his party’s efforts and policies, he usually votes along party lines.

But, dating back to before Trump dissed McCain’s military service saying that he prefers soldiers who weren’t captured, there has been no love lost between the two.

So, is this request meant to be “McCain throwing shade” at Trump?

It seems more likely that McCain is thinking of his family and other loved ones. His wife and daughters should not have to deal with the attention-grabbing maelstrom that is Trump, especially on such a solemn day.

Especially since McCain has apparently asked that Mike Pence be sent in Trump’s stead.

That, many feel, speaks more to a man hoping for an uneventful funeral than it does to a man sending a political middle finger.

McCain has reportedly been receiving visitors. Longtime friends and loved ones have come to see him in recent months.

Despite his prognosis — and things do look grim — visitors are apparently not telling him “goodbye” just yet.

McCain is apparently not a fan of what he considers excessive sentimentality.

Some of us may find that shocking, but McCain is a War Hero who survived years of captivity and torture.

He’s tough.

Besides, we think that it is safe to say that the “goodbye” is understood.

McCain’s critics would like to remind people that he is not blameless in the current political crisis.

In 2008, McCain’s team picked Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate, hoping to capitalize on her charismatic appeal to the Republican base in a way that would compete with then-Senator Obama’s “star power.”

Palin, who quickly demonstrated that she was woefully unprepared to be President if needed and lacked a great deal of policy knowledge as well as what some consider to be basic information, changed the political landscape.

She “went rogue” repeatedly during the McCain campaign.

It is not difficult to see the easy parallels between Palin’s lack of preparation, impulsive statements that are contrary to fact, and galavanizing effect on the GOP base with Trump’s campaign.

Many say that, had McCain made a wiser choice in 2008, the Trump Presidency would never have happened.

Many have brought up McCain’s voting record.

Satirical news source The Onion published a headline:

“Lindsey Graham Vows To Uphold John McCain’s Legacy By Blindly Supporting GOP Agenda After Grumbling For A  Few Minutes”

Some consider that headline to be harsh. Others say that it’s a fair assessment. It’s arguably both.

Whatever one thinks of McCain’s political career, voting history, or status as an alleged “maverick” in D.C. … this is a man who has led an extraordinary life of public service to the United States.

His family and loved ones will miss him, as will countless colleagues. Even those who knew him from across the aisle.

And we can all agree that most people would probably prefer that Trump not attend their funerals, either.

Let’s hope that McCain outlives Trump’s political career.


Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Meghan McCain to Stormy Daniels: You Just Want Attention!

It"s looking more and more as though Stormy Daniels is a name that will appear in future history books.

No matter how you feel about adult film star-turned-whistleblower, there"s no denying that she"s had a tremendous impact on the most scandal-plagued administration in U.S. history.

In fact, there are many who believe Daniels might be the one to succeed where so many others have failed by bringing down the presidency of Donald Trump.

There was a time when that sentence would have seemed patently absurd (and no doubt to many, it still does).

But following the FBI raid of Michael Cohen"s office and allegations that Cohen paid Daniels to keep quiet about her affair with Trump, it"s looking more and more like Stormy won"t be going away anytime soon.

And apparently, Meghan McCain is not pleased with the continued Storminess of the current media landscape.

Daniels appeared on The View this morning, and while most of the co-hosts seemed happy to allow Daniels to tell her story, Meghan was more interested in low-key slut-shaming.

"It seemed a little like you were just trying to get attention," McCain said.

"I understand you"re being sued by our president, but it does seem like you"re benefiting a lot."

McCain went on to verbalize one of the funniest phrases ever to be heard on daytime television:

"I mean, you"ve gone on your Make America Horny Again tour," McCain said with a straight face.

"I"m sure you"re making a lot of money, no disrespect. I hadn"t heard your name until all of this had happened, and now you"re literally live on "The View" giving an entire interview with us, so it has been beneficial for your career."

Meghan is a sad casualty of the times, as she was formerly a level-headed conservative who is now increasingly in the tank with the Breitbart lot.

The situation has apparently gotten so bad that she"s willing to defend a man who mocked her father"s military service.

Thankfully, Daniels ably defended herself pointing out that the extra publicity has not been worth the threats to her life and her family"s safety.

"Yes, there"s a lot of publicity, but I didn"t do it for that, because this isn"t what I want to be known for," Daniels said.

As for her presence during Cohen"s hearing, Daniels had this to say:

"I just wanted to make my presence known and make sure that people knew that I was taking it serious.

"I know there was flack because he didn"t show up to court on Friday, and I wasn"t sure they were gonna discuss anything particularly relating to papers in my case, and I just wanted to be prepared and get all the facts."

Check out Daniels" full interview below:

Meghan mccain to stormy daniels you just want attention

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Meghan McCain Accused of Hypocrisy for David Hogg Criticisms

Over the weekend, millions of teens and others who dislike the constant threat of mass shootings poured out to attend rallies and protests to push for gun control.

March For Our Lives had a number of critics. For example, Rick Santorum says that teens should take CPR classes instead of asking for the government to protect them and their peers.

As you"ll see in the video below, Meghan McCain is also criticizing the movement … because she disapproves of the language being used.

Meghan mccain speaks on the view

We don"t want to just write anyone"s words out of context, so the video of her comments is below, but Meghan McCain said this of Parkland survivor David Hogg"s speech:

"One thing I will say is that you don’t move the narrative when you use language like this."

That line in particular came back to haunt her, but we"ll get to that in a moment.

"He said, ‘It just makes me think what sick blankers out there want to continue to sell more guns, murder our children and honestly just get reelected. What type of blanking person does that?""

She continues to quote him, saying:

""They could have blood from children splattered all over their faces and they don’t take action because all they see are dollar signs.’"

She ends her quote with her final criticism.

"I wish we could have it where the rhetoric isn’t that any of us could ‘have blood splattered on our faces and your life perspective wouldn’t be changed.’ I don’t think it’s productive."

David hogg march for our lives

David Hogg was one of multiple Parkland shooting survivors who gave a speech at the March For Our Lives protest.

Millions came out in support of gun control in an effort to prevent more terrible mass shootings.

The Onion titled one of their satirical articles: "Teens Spend Wild Spring Break in D.C. Begging Lawmakers for Their Lives," which is … pretty accurate, unfortunately.

At the protest, David Hogg spoke up, saying:

"When politicians send their thoughts and prayers with no action, we say, ‘No more.""

He continues, issuing a warning to politicians who continue to drag their feet against the growing demands for gun control.

“And to those politicians supported by the NRA, that allow the continued slaughter of our children and our future, I say, get your resumes ready."

Like many 17-year-olds, Hogg will soon be able to vote.

David hogg and emma gonzalez

David Hogg, seen here with fellow survivor Emma Gonzalez, was not on The View to defend his words to Meghan McCain.

But Whoopi Goldberg spoke up in his defense.

"Well, here’s the thing. These kids are not going to take it."

People who have heard their friends die aren"t going to mince words when they appeal for sensible regulations that have been proven to prevent mass shootings in other Western nations.

"They are sick of waiting for the adults to do it. They are letting you know."

And Whoopi points out that his language choice is really not a problem.

"Whether they’re cussing you out or speaking beautifully. It doesn’t matter."

David hogg selfie

Viewers of The View spoke up on Twitter in opposition to Meghan McCain"s words.

"Come on. These kids want to go to school and have a decent chance to grow up. They"re scared. Do something to help instead of crticize."

"Oh please! Get your priorities straight. Some people only listen when you shock the hell out of them. This fine young man is PASSIONATE. Kids have been blown away & gunned down. You need to focus on the issue. Stop distracting the good these kids R doing."

"Once again @MeghanMcCain misses the point. The words of @davidhogg111 aren’t effective because he cursed? The boy watched his friends die and he’s not allowed to swear? Please."

"You"re wrong Meghan. Own it."

We mentioned that Meghan"s comment about language would come back to bite her.

Her own profile includes the tag "F–kCancer," a reference to her father"s current health battle.

Tweeters did point out that if she feels that "bad" words are acceptable for a cause about which she feels passionate, she shouldn"t hold David Hogg to different standards.

Meghan mccain on the view

We will say, to be fair, that Meghan McCain wasn"t necessarily as focused on David Hogg"s use of "bad" words as many have assumed.

It sounds like she felt that his rhetoric wasn"t really designed to change any hearts and minds. And she"s right.

Hogg"s speech was designed to inspire people who are already big believers in gun control. He wants them to vote out politicians who won"t budge over guns.

Meghan is a conservative, but she"s a moderate conservative, and she and many who feel as she does feel like changing people"s minds should be the goal of speeches like that.

Others — perhaps Hogg included — might counter that anyone who is still opposed to gun control after countless mass shootings, including the one in Parkland, is probably not going to be swayed by Hogg"s words or by anyone else"s.

Here are her comments:

Meghan mccain accused of hypocrisy for david hogg criticisms

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Meghan McCain vs. Ana Navarro: It Got Ugly on The View!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

It was very much on Monday between Meghan McCain and Ana Navarro, as the latter made a guest appearance on The View and the former disagreed with her vehemently on the topic of immigration.

Without getting too deeply into the political weeds, this is a subject on the minds of many Americans these days.

In March, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program is set to expire, which would leave 800,000 immigrants open to deportation.

These immigrants came here legally as children and have essentially known no other native country except for the United States.

They are documented and they pay taxes and lawmakers on both side of the aisle have said they wish to extend the program in order to protect the status of DACA recipients.

Alas, no legislation to do so has been passed.

And the Senate just approved a government funding bill that did NOT address this pressing matter.

That’s the backdrop for the heated argument that took place yesterday between McCain and Navarro.

Following a three-day shutdown, McCain argued that the Democrats were in the wrong for trying attach a DACA bill to a funding bill.

“It is not intellectually honest to say this is completely [Donald] Trump’s fault,” she said, explaining her side as follows:

“Democrats are playing partisan politics in the exact same way. DACA is a very emotional issue, I agree with you Ana, this should be an easy layup on both sides because of how popular it is.

But to sit here and say that this government shutdown has anything to do with my or the Republican party’s love for the troops is just intellectually dishonest.”

The panelists had previously gone back and forth about how military would not be paid for work during the shutdown.

“You have another month to figure out DACA in March,” McCain continued, attacking Navarro for referring to herself as a Republican.

And it was this remark that really set Navarro off.

“I’m a Hispanic immigrant Latina,” she said, elaborating on why this issue is so personal to her.

“I was brought to this country when I was 8 years old. My parents fled communism and it was not my decision to come here.

“Had my parents not had visas, had my parents not had the resources to hire lawyers, I would be a Dreamer kid too. That’s why it’s personal.”

view twitter

As you can see above, Twitter users were watching the exchange play out in real time.

And they had plenty to say about it.

McCain, however, mostly just said the same thing.

She wants to see the DACA recipients stay in America, she just believes that issue is unrelated to any funding of the government.

“It is attached to a spending bill. We have another month to figure this out,” she emphasized, adding:

“It is partisan politics and government obstructionism at the very worst.

“By the way, my father and Lindsey Graham, also your very good friends, have been at the forefront of DACA.

“Please don’t insinuate to me that I’m not on the side of DACA!”

view takes

With that, the program went to commercial.

When it returned, McCain remained nearly silent for two full segments.

And opinion on social media really did seem divided over just who won this debate.

On the pro-McCain side:

#TheView Meghan McCain is a good addition to The View. Her perspective as a conservative is very much needed for a healthy debate. She’s very serious & committed to her beliefs & references facts when she makes statements.

On the pro-Navarro side:

Ana is brilliant – the way she took down Meghan was superb – producers need to make Ana permanent and also fire Meghan because she’s so so unlikable and just rude #TheView.

And so here is the question: On whose side do YOU fall?
