Showing posts with label Battered. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Battered. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Jenelle Evans Looks Bruised, Battered in This Disturbing Video

Jenelle Evans swears she is in a happy and healthy marriage.

The veteran Teen Mom 2 star has denied all allegations of abuse against her husband, David Eason.

Evans has even recorded a video in which she lays out a passionate defense of Eason as a man who would never hurt her or harm her.

But scenes from a different video may tell a different story.

A few weeks since Evans was rushed to the hospital after some sort of confrontation with Eason, the MTV personality shared a video of her; her husband; and her kids at a pumpkin patch.

"Butterflies in our tummies!" Evans wrote as a caption to the footage, which featured her and her loved ones bumping along in some kind of train-like ride.

However, astute social media users have slowed down this video and studied Jenelle"s neck area, taking note of where Eason allegedly hit or shoved her earlier this month.

There DOES appear to be significant bruising there.

Scroll down below to see what we mean….

1. When Did The Rumors of Abuse Begin?

Go ahead and hate us

Police responded to reports of a domestic disturbance on David and Jenelle’s property on Saturday, October 13. At the time of the initial reporting, there weren’t many details available to the public.

2. Did Eason Assault Evans in Some Way?

David and jenelle eason photo

This was the prevailing assumption, considering the couple’s contentious history and Eason’s very clear problem with anger.

3. Then, There was the 911 Call…

Jenelle dave eason

This seemed to be the most damning evidence to date of Eason’s abusive nature. “My husband, he just assaulted me,” Evans tells the operator, through years, in this upsetting call.

4. What Else Did She Detail?

Jenelle evans with david and ensley

“He pinned me down on the ground in the yard, and I think I heard my f–king collarbone crack and I can’t move my arms,” Jenelle added to the dispatcher.

5. What Caused the Confrontation?

Jenelle and david on a date

There’s no excuse for laying a hand on a woman, of course, but Evans said David “got violent because he was drinking.” Not exactly a shocker, right?

6. Listen to the Call Here:

Jenelle evans 911 call

Click Play on the video above to hear Jenelle’s story for herself. It sounds pretty straightforward and altogether awful.

View Slideshow

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

NFL"s Chris McCain Strikes Plea Deal, Avoids Jail In Battered Woman Case

NFL player Chris McCain just dodged a bullet … striking a plea deal that’ll keep him outta jail after he was accused of spitting and grabbing a woman by the neck. TMZ Sports has learned Chris McCain — a 26 year old NFL free agent…


Thursday, December 7, 2017

Steven Tyler Opens Janie"s House for Battered, Broken Girls

Steven Tyler wants to pay it forward, and he did so in a big way Wednesday when he opened Janie’s House for abused and troubled girls. Steven was on hand for the ribbon-cutting ceremony just outside of Atlanta and his heart was busting with…
