Showing posts with label Plea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Plea. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Robert Kraft Offered Plea Deal In Prostitution Case ... Includes STD Testing

Breaking News
It’s time for Robert Kraft to play “Let’s Make a Deal” … Asian Spa prostitute edition! 
The Patriots owner has been offered a plea deal in his rub-and-tug case … TMZ Sports has confirmed. We’re told prosecutors are willing to drop the ...
Robert Kraft Offered Plea Deal In Prostitution Case ... Includes STD Testing

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Ex-"Bachelor" Chris Soules Strikes Plea Deal in Fatal Car Crash

Former ‘Bachelor’ Chris Soules just copped an incredibly sweet plea in his fatal car crash, and it means he’s no longer facing a felony … but he could still end up doing time. Soules entered a guilty plea Tuesday in Iowa’s Buchanan County to one…


Chief Keef Strikes Plea Deal in DUI Case

Chief Keef just caught a huge break in his DUI case … getting a pretty sweet plea deal that will keep the rapper out of jail.  According to legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Chief got his felony DUI charge reduced by pleading no contest to a…


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

NFL"s Chris McCain Strikes Plea Deal, Avoids Jail In Battered Woman Case

NFL player Chris McCain just dodged a bullet … striking a plea deal that’ll keep him outta jail after he was accused of spitting and grabbing a woman by the neck. TMZ Sports has learned Chris McCain — a 26 year old NFL free agent…


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Joe Giudice Deportation: Daughter Milania Shares Heartbroken Plea

Last week, we learned the heartbreaking news that Joe Giudice will be deported to Italy after his release from prison.

Eldest daughter Gia Giudice is rallying support for her father in the hope that he can win his appeal.

And now, so is his younger daughter, 12-year-old Milania. You can read her impassioned plea below.

Milania Giudice took to Instagram and shared a pair of throwback photos that she took with her father before his incarceration.

“My dad,” Milania begins her captions.

She describes Joe Giudice as someone “who is the best dad in the world.”

That more or less how you’d expect a man’s 12-year-old daughter to describe him.

Milania then writes that he “needs to come home.”

Milania’s captions continue as she vows that their family isn’t going to let the court’s deportation order go unchallenged,

“We aren’t done fighting, dad,” Milania promises.

Joe has 30 days (fewer than that, now) to appeal the court’s ruling.

“I can’t believe this is happening,” she admits.

As someone who is not even a teenager, Milania was totally unprepared for the horrors that our world has in store for so many families.

Joe has already been away from his family for long enough — serving his time for fraud.

Until last week, Teresa and her daughters had been looking forward to his release in 2019. 

It was like the light at the end of the tunnel, when their family would be reunited.

Milania admits that she can’t wrap her head around him being away from his family for even longer — this time separated by an ocean instead of bars.

“I can’t imagine another day without you,” she writes.

Milania vows that the whole family is working to see him returned home when he finishes his stint.

“We are gonna do everything we can to fight this daddy!!” she promises.

She gushes: “I love you with all my heart buddy.”

A few years in prison might seem like a short time for adults, but it’s a huge chunk of Milania’s life that she’s now enduring without her father.

This deportation order could make a bad situation even worse.

Milania concludes her message with a simple, sad tag.

“#heartbroken,” she writes.

We can imagine so.

While Milania is fortunate to have two parents who love her and to live a privileged existence, she still wants her father in her life.

And so do her sisters.

As we mentioned, Gia Giudice also sent out a call for support in preventing her father’s deportation.

Where Milania speaks from the heart, Gia’s passionate words come with a list of compelling arguments.

Significantly, she mentions that Joe was brought to the United States at the age of one by his parents.

Deporting him to Italy is deporting him from the only country and only home that he has ever known.

Italy is a beautiful country, but that doesn’t mean that a person being shipped there upon release from prison would be the same as sending them home.

But Milania makes a very important point — deporting him would fracture his family.


Friday, October 12, 2018

Gia Giudice Makes Desperate Plea to Inmate Father

We often mock Teresa Giudice and members of her family.

It’s typically for good reason, too.

Teresa is just so self-centered and spoiled and she lacks any semblance of self-awareness and she broke the law awhile back by lying about her finances and has never really shown a hint of remorse.

This is all true.

But it can all be true and we can still feel very badly for her kids.

Earlier this week, it was revealed that Joe Giudice really will face deportation after he completes his current prison sentence.

This had been rumored ever since Joe entered jail on tax evasion charges, but a judge dropped the deportation hammer once and for all in immigration court on Wednesday morning.

“Based upon the law, I find you deportable and ineligible for any kind of relief,” the judge said at the hearing, according to various sources, adding:

“Mr. Giudice, no matter how this turns out, I wish you the best. I decided this case as a matter of law.”

This is obviously quite a blow to Teresa and her four kids.

Joe is due for release next year, at which time, unless something significant changes, he will be sent back to his native country of Italy.

While various members of The Real Housewives community have reacted in sadness to this development, 17-year old daughter Gia Giudice is now here to speak out for the first time since the decision was handed down.

The oldest child of Joe and Teresa, Gia has shared a video created by a man named Fred Rubino.

In this footage, he called for an appeal of Joe’s impending deportation, alleging that the ruling on Giudice’s case was “racist” and “political” because Joe is Italian. 

That seems like quite the unverified leap, but Gia appears to concur.

“Spread the word, could’ve said it better myself.” Gia wrote in the caption. “I love you daddy, let’s fight this! @fredrubino.”

The despondent and angry teenager also shared a throwback photo on her Instagram Story of herself as a little girl holding onto Joe’s shoulders, and wrote on the image:

“New post!!!! Spread the word, let’s fight.”

It’s quite the image, that much is certain:

gia throwback

For whatever it’s worth, Teresa was not in the courtroom Wednesday when the judge made his ruling.

Joe now has 30 days to file an appeal; which we’d have to imagine he will do.

For those wondering…

Yes, Giudice has lived in America since he was a child.

However, he never obtained American citizenship, and immigrants can be deported from the United States if they are convicted of “a crime of moral turpitude” or an “aggravated felony,” according to U.S. law.

Does that seem unfair? Not to Donald Trump, probably.

Although Teresa has thus far remained silent on the ruling, a source told People Magazine that she “never imaged Joe would really get deported.”

Adds this insider:

“This is going to break her. She always knew that this was a possibility, but she put it out of her head. That’s the only way she could go on living day to day.”

In this one instance, we actually do feel badly for her.


Thursday, October 11, 2018

Hollywood"s Political Donations for Democrats Strong Even Before Taylor Swift"s Plea

Taylor Swift certainly talked a big game by endorsing 2 candidates in Tennessee, but a bunch of other celebs are doing more than talking — they’re paying to support their fave Democrats.  We did some digging into 2018 Federal Election…


Thursday, September 20, 2018

Suge Knight Striking Plea Deal in Murder Case

Suge Knight is striking a plea deal in his murder case … TMZ has learned.    Several court sources tell us the former Death Row Records exec will be in court Thursday afternoon to enter a plea in the murder of Terry Carter. Knight…


Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Tekashi69 Begs Judge for Mercy, Says He"s Obeyed Child Sex Plea Deal

Tekashi69’s throwing a Hail Mary in hopes of avoiding prison time in his child sex case … TMZ has learned. Tekashi filed a letter with the judge in the case, explaining why he thinks he should get off with probation. You’ll recall, prosecutors…


Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Luann de Lesseps Gets Judge"s Approval on Drunk Arrest Plea Deal

Luann de Lesseps is no longer facing hard time … because a judge just put the ol’ stamp of approval on the plea deal in her drunken arrest case. The ‘Real Housewives of New York’ star dodged a felony charge and will stay out of jail. We broke the…


Luann de Lesseps Gets Judge"s Approval on Drunk Arrest Plea Deal

Luann de Lesseps is no longer facing hard time … because a judge just put the ol’ stamp of approval on the plea deal in her drunken arrest case. The ‘Real Housewives of New York’ star dodged a felony charge and will stay out of jail. We broke the…


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Stormy Daniels Dunks on Michael Cohen Following Plea Deal

As you’ve likely heard by now, Tuesday was not exactly a banner day for the Trump administration.

The afternoon saw news that former campaign chair Paul Manafort had been convicted on eight counts of fraud, the most serious of which carry maximum sentences of 30 years in prison.

The second blow came shortly thereafter, with reports that another of the president’s former confidantes might also headed for the slammer.

Attorney Michael Cohen turned on Trump and pled guilty to eight counts of violating federal campaign law.

The president has hinted at pardoning Cohen in the past, but is now attempting to distance himself from his longtime personal lawyer, tweeting:

“If anyone is looking for a good lawyer, I would strongly suggest that you don’t retain the services of Michael Cohen!”

Needless to say, it’s all very distressing if you’re one of the president’s supporters … and rather hilarious if you’re one of his enemies.

Stormy Daniels is at the center of the Cohen situation, and considering the extent to which she’s been attacked and villainized by Trump and his supporters, it should come as no surprise that she decided to indulge in a little light gloating last night.

“How ya like me now?!” Daniels tweeted, adding the hashtag #teamstormy.

She didn’t go into any detail with regard to what she’s referring to — but of course, she didn’t need to.

Daniels’ high-profile attorney, Michael Avenatti, also seized the opportunity to spike the football a bit, tweeting: 

“We. Are. Coming,” Avenatti himself tweeted Wednesday afternoon. “We are going to end this dumpster fire of a presidency one way or another.”

In a statement issued to NBC News Daniels stated that she felt “vindicated”

“Michael [Avenatti] and I are vindicated and we look forward to the apologies from the people who claimed we were wrong,” Daniels said.

It’s worth noting that Cohen never named Trump in court documents, but instead stated that he was acting on the behest of “a candidate for federal office.”

Shortly after news of the plea deal went public, however, Cohen’s lawyer, Lanny Davis, tweeted that his client “stood up and testified under oath that Donald Trump directed him to commit a crime.”

So yeah, we think it’s safe to say “the candidate” wasn’t Jill Stein.

Something tells us Stormy will has a lot more vindication coming her way.


Michael Cohen Will be Disbarred in New York Soon Due to Guilty Plea

If Donald Trump ever wants to retain the legal services of Michael Cohen again for some reason, he’s going to have to wait several years … TMZ has learned. Trump’s former lawyer is on a fast track to being disbarred in New York following his…


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Trump"s Ex-Lawyer Michael Cohen Enters Plea Deal for Bank, Tax Fraud Charges

Donald Trump’s former lawyer has surrendered to the FBI and reached a plea deal with federal prosecutors … so get ready for a tweetstorm from the Prez for the ages. Michael Cohen has just agreed to plead guilty to bank and tax fraud, as well as…


Monday, August 13, 2018

Farrah Abraham Refuses Plea Deal on Assault Case: I"M NOT GUILTY!

So hey, remember that time that Farrah Abraham was staying at a hotel in Beverly Hills and then started arguing with other guests at the hotel?

And then when a security guard came to escort her away from those poor guests, she flipped out and assaulted him?

You remember!

According to the security guard and several witnesses, Farrah hit the poor man with her forearm and grabbed his face and shook it.

Then, when police arrived, she told them to “f-ck off” several times, which, you know, isn’t great.

She was taken to jail and stayed there for a good long while until she was released, and a few weeks later, she was officially charged with battery and resisting arrest.

Pretty much from the very moment she was released from jail, she’s been telling anyone and everyone that she’s not guilty.

She’s said that she was set up because she’s famous, that she’s being bullied by everyone who claims she’s guilty … you know, just classic Farrah denial.

But the fact remains that several witnesses, including police officers, saw what actually happened, and they all agree that Farrah broke the law.

So, famous or not, she’s facing jail time.

When she was officially charged, the word was that she could spend a maximum of 18 months in jail for her crimes (the ones she committed that night at the hotel, not the ones she’s committed against humanity over the years).

Also when she was officially charged, her first court date was set for today.

So what happened?!

According to a new report from Radar Online, Farrah was offered a plea deal.

If she agreed to the deal, then the battery charge would be dropped and instead, she’d be charged with trespassing, a misdemeanor.

She wouldn’t go to jail at all, but she’d be on probation for three years, and she’d be required to take 26 anger management classes and do some community service.

As part of the agreement, she’d also stay away from the hotel where this whole nightmare went down.

It sounds like a pretty great deal, right?

You have to imagine that there were cameras at the hotel that perhaps caught some of Farrah’s fit, but even if there wasn’t, police officers probably make pretty convincing witnesses in court.

Besides, Farrah is a single mother. Wouldn’t she want to take this deal if it means avoiding jail time, just so she could be there for her daughter?

If she had the slightest bit of common sense, she’d agree to the plea deal and be done with it.

But, as we all know, she does not have the slightest bit of common sense.

And so when she was offered the deal in court today, she did not take it.

As her attorney explained, Farrah isn’t into the idea of pleading guilty to trespassing because “She was clearly allowed and permitted into the hotel so there is no reason to agree to that.”

But as Farrah herself told the site, “I’m not accepting the offer because I’m not guilty.”

“I have gone through a lot of counseling and therapy,” she claimed. “I am also very mentally stable and I have no aggressive issues.”

“I can literally submit that to my lawyer, show that to the judge and it would still override this fake offer.”

How funny is it that she actually siad “I am very mentally stable and I have no aggressive issues”?

There aren’t any official rules on it or anything, but it seems like people with no aggressive issues wouldn’t cause such a ruckus in a hotel that they’d be escorted out by a security guard.

And non-aggressive people certainly wouldn’t tell police to go f-ck themselves.

As for the “very mentally stable” part, well, there are hours upon hours of Teen Mom footage to prove that wrong, not to mention footage from her other reality shows, plus her social media accounts.

But sure, girl, whatever you say.

Farrah also said “I clearly had a valet and I was not trespassing. I didn’t batter someone.”

“This is just, to me, another form of, again, ‘No celebrity face, there would be no case."”

Does she honestly think she’s so famous that all these people would make up some story about her assaulting a security guard?

And even if she was, why would that happen? What does anyone stand to benefit from her going to jail over this?

Farrah is due back in court on September 21st, so we’ll have to wait until then to see how everything plays out.


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

"Last Chance U" Star Isaiah Wright"s Murder Charge Dropped In Plea Deal

Isaiah Wright — the talented running back featured on the Netflix docu-series “Last Chance U” — is being released from jail after cutting a plea deal in his murder case … TMZ Sports has learned.  Wright was arrested back in Sept. 2017 on 1…


Monday, July 23, 2018

Luann de Lesseps Strikes Plea Deal to Avoid Jail in Drunk Arrest Case

Luann de Lesseps is now pleading guilty to 3 charges in her drunken arrest case, but she’s dodging the felony charge — as part of a plea deal — which would keep her out of jail.  The troubled ‘RHONY’ star agreed to plead guilty to…


Saturday, July 21, 2018

Conor McGregor to Dodge Jail and Deportation in Plea Deal

Conor McGregor is one lucky scofflaw … because TMZ Sports has learned he’s on the verge of striking a deal in his New York City criminal case that will keep him in the U.S. and out of jail. We’ve learned Conor’s lawyer is in the final stages of…


Monday, May 21, 2018

Kelly Clarkson Makes Emotional Plea for Gun Control

Kelly Clarkson seemed like an unusual choice at first to host the 2018 Billboard Music Awards.

She"s a singer, after all, not a comedian or even an especially notable performer.

Only a few minutes into her monologue, however, it quickly became clear on Sunday night that Clarkson was the right woman for the job.

Not because Clarkson told jokes and not even because she sang an impressive medley of hits, even though she later did exactly this.

But because the original American Idol is a Texas native and was therefore the ideal celebrity to stand up and talk about last week"s tragic school shooting in Santa Fe.

"I’m a Texas girl and my home state has had so much heartbreak over this past year.

"Once again, y’all, we’re grieving more kids that have died for absolutely no reason at all,” Clarkson said as the MGM Grand venue was lit black at the start of this awards ceremony.

On Friday, 10 people were shot and killed at a high school in Texas, while 13 others were wounded.

“Tonight they wanted me to say that obviously, we want to pray for all the victims and families," Clarkson continued.

"They also wanted me to do a moment of silence and I’m so sick of moments of silence. It’s not working, obviously.”

Instead, therefore, Clarkson chose to be loud when it comes to this topic, not quiet.

"Why don’t we stop moments of silence and do a moment of action? Why don’t we do a moment of change? Change what’s happening, because it’s horrible.

"Mommas and daddies should be able to send their kids to school, to church, to movie theaters, to clubs. You should be able to live your life without that fear."

Clarkson is a mother of four young kids, two to whom she gave birth and two she took under her care upon marrying Brandon Blackstock.

She went on:

"We are failing our children, we’re failing our communities. We’re failing their families. I have four children.

"I can’t imagine getting that phone call or knock on the door. So instead of a moment of silence, I want to respect them and honor them with tonight y’all in your community, where you live, your friends, everybody.

"Let’s have a moment of action, let’s have a moment of change."

Clarkson"s speech will no doube engender controversy.

Plenty of viewers out there were probably standing and applauding, while others were probably wishing a music awards ceremony would stick to handing out music awards.

Prior to moving on and joking about how she isn"t qualified to host anything, Clarkson concluded:

"I hate talking about it but you have to talk about it or no change is going to happen."

Amen, right?

Watch the opening remarks below:

Kelly clarkson makes emotional plea for gun control to open bill

Monday, May 14, 2018

Nikki Bella Blows Off John Cena"s "Today" Show Plea

Sorry, John Cena … your pouring-your-heart-out move on the “Today” show to win back Nikki Bella didn’t work.  In fact, the WWE star looked downright unimpressed when “Extra” asked her about Cena’s emotional segment with Hoda and Kathie Lee…
