Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Stormy Daniels Dunks on Michael Cohen Following Plea Deal

As you’ve likely heard by now, Tuesday was not exactly a banner day for the Trump administration.

The afternoon saw news that former campaign chair Paul Manafort had been convicted on eight counts of fraud, the most serious of which carry maximum sentences of 30 years in prison.

The second blow came shortly thereafter, with reports that another of the president’s former confidantes might also headed for the slammer.

Attorney Michael Cohen turned on Trump and pled guilty to eight counts of violating federal campaign law.

The president has hinted at pardoning Cohen in the past, but is now attempting to distance himself from his longtime personal lawyer, tweeting:

“If anyone is looking for a good lawyer, I would strongly suggest that you don’t retain the services of Michael Cohen!”

Needless to say, it’s all very distressing if you’re one of the president’s supporters … and rather hilarious if you’re one of his enemies.

Stormy Daniels is at the center of the Cohen situation, and considering the extent to which she’s been attacked and villainized by Trump and his supporters, it should come as no surprise that she decided to indulge in a little light gloating last night.

“How ya like me now?!” Daniels tweeted, adding the hashtag #teamstormy.

She didn’t go into any detail with regard to what she’s referring to — but of course, she didn’t need to.

Daniels’ high-profile attorney, Michael Avenatti, also seized the opportunity to spike the football a bit, tweeting: 

“We. Are. Coming,” Avenatti himself tweeted Wednesday afternoon. “We are going to end this dumpster fire of a presidency one way or another.”

In a statement issued to NBC News Daniels stated that she felt “vindicated”

“Michael [Avenatti] and I are vindicated and we look forward to the apologies from the people who claimed we were wrong,” Daniels said.

It’s worth noting that Cohen never named Trump in court documents, but instead stated that he was acting on the behest of “a candidate for federal office.”

Shortly after news of the plea deal went public, however, Cohen’s lawyer, Lanny Davis, tweeted that his client “stood up and testified under oath that Donald Trump directed him to commit a crime.”

So yeah, we think it’s safe to say “the candidate” wasn’t Jill Stein.

Something tells us Stormy will has a lot more vindication coming her way.
