Showing posts with label Enters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Enters. Show all posts

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Kareem Hunt Reportedly Enters Anger Management ... & Alcohol Counseling

Kareem Hunt is reportedly tackling his issues by heading to counseling for alcohol and anger management in the wake of his surveillance video scandal.
Citing sources familiar with the situation, reported Sunday that the former Chiefs running back entered counseling this week. The...
Kareem Hunt Reportedly Enters Anger Management ... & Alcohol Counseling

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Trump"s Ex-Lawyer Michael Cohen Enters Plea Deal for Bank, Tax Fraud Charges

Donald Trump’s former lawyer has surrendered to the FBI and reached a plea deal with federal prosecutors … so get ready for a tweetstorm from the Prez for the ages. Michael Cohen has just agreed to plead guilty to bank and tax fraud, as well as…


Thursday, May 10, 2018

Amber Baltierra: Tyler Baltierra"s Sister Enters Rehab for 3 Months

Teen Mom OG viewers will recognize Amber Baltierra, the sister of Tyler Baltierra.

While Tyler has recently discussed the fact that he is bipolar, Amber has her own troubles. Hers, it seems, have been getting worse.

And now it is revealed that she will be checking herself in to a 90-day stint in rehab. But why?

Amber tells fans that she is going away by sharing a couple of (filtered) photos of her children, writing on Instagram:

“These two. They are my rock. My motivation. My inspiration.”

That’s exactly what we want to hear from any parent.

“The reason I breathe and wake up every day.”

At times, her message slips from being about her children to being directed at her children.

“Mommy loves you [two] more than you guys may know right now.”

She says that she is doing this for them.

“You both deserve nothing but the best and I will give that to you.”

In talking about how much she will miss her kids, she reveals how long she will be away.

“I’m gonna miss you these 90 days.”

That’s a very long time. But she knows that they will be okay.

“I know dad and everyone else will keep you busy this summer.”

Her thoughts will always be with her children.

“Just know I love you both with every fiber in me.”

This step, which she is taking for herself, will also help her to be their parent.

“When mom gets home she’s gonna be the best woman I can be and an even better mom.”

Teen Mom fans already understand that Catelynn Lowell’s mental illness does not make her a bad mom. So surely they can understand that Amber’s troubles don’t meant hat she loves her kids any less.

She does not explain why she is entering rehab, but she does write:

“I’ll pray for your comfort and happiness everyday I’m not with you.”

That is so sweet.

“Show the world [you’re] my babies and you guys are strong and can get through anything.”

And she shares some words of inspiration with them:

“Because well, you got Baltierra blood and it don’t get stronger than that”

Her estranged husband, Billy Wade Elkins Jr., tells RadarOnline that Amber Baltierra will undergo treatment at a Texas rehab facility. And she’s leaving very soon.

“She’s going to Texas. She leaves Friday.”

Her father, Butch Baltierra, had already confirmed that she would be doing a stint in rehab.

Though Amber did not specify why she is entering rehab, it is reported that this may be for relationship issues as well as alleged drug use.

We hope that this experience helps her.

(Also, check out this throwback that she shared of her and Tyler)

One insider claims to RadarOnline that, in their opinion, Amber is going to rehab as a sort of … vacation?

“I think it’s an excuse to ditch her responsibility as an adult.”

They say that she is no genuinely trying to change.

“Not to really get any help.”

This source does not expect to be overwhelmed by the results of Amber’s 90 days away.

“I’d be very surprised if she came out changed for the better.”

This insider also thinks that it may be some sort of stunt.

“Amber in my opinion is only going to therapy for attention and what it does for the show.”

Overall, this person clearly does not think highly of Amber.

“She’s just irresponsible, immature, so maybe it’ll get her act together.” Yikes.

We wish Amber Baltierra the best of luck during her rehab stint.

We can only imagine how much she will miss her children. She’s planning to be gone until August, folks.

And while we’re sure that Tyler understands, Catelynn Lowell only returned from rehab last February. Now, his sister is entering a facility.

It’s good that they’re getting help, but he has to be missing these important figures in his life while they’re away.


Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Heather Locklear Enters Rehab Following Domestic Violence Arrest

To the horror of fans and everyone else, Heather Locklear has been arrested for domestic violence and for allegedly assaulting a police officer.

While this isn’t the first time that Locklear’s been in trouble with the law, this sounds serious and deeply alarming.

Fans will be relieved to know that she’s taking this seriously. She is reportedly checking in to a rehab facility.

On Sunday night, Heather Locklear was arrested on suspicion of both domestic violence and assaulting a police officer. 

Authorities received a disturbance call, which apparently made by Locklear’s own brother, and responded.

Upon arrival, officers noticed visible marks on the face of Locklear’s boyfriend, Chris Heisser, that they interpreted as signs of battery.

But apparently Locklear lashed out, flailing and kicking and successfully striking three officers before she was finally cuffed and carted away.

The one charge of domestic violence is a felony.

She is also facing three charges of battery of emergency responders, which are misdemeanors.

She’s been bailed out since, however.

RadarOnline reports that the 56-year-old actress has now, with the support of her boyfriend, entered a treatment facility north of Los Angeles.

This was apparently a voluntary decision that she made after being bailed out of prison.

Cynically, one could look at this move as an attempt to cover for her alleged misdeeds that happened on February 25th. Entering rehab of your own accord will look better in court.

Optimistically, maybe she’s just as horrified by her alleged actions towards her boyfriend and towards police and wants to make sure that she never does anything of the sort at any time in the future.

Notably, this is reportedly her seventh stint in rehab — at least.

Reportedly, she went to rehab over the holidays following a different domestic incident.

Police conducted a search of Locklear’s home on Tuesday.

The reason for the search is that the actress allegedly threatened to shoot them if they ever again entered her home.

No matter what her state of mind was at the time when she made that horrifying threat, that’s the sort of thing that law enforcement must take seriously.

Imagine if, the next time that something horrible like this happens at her home, officers respond to find that she makes good on her threat.

Unlikely, one hopes, but the police want to make sure that they aren’t sending officers into the jaws of death. 

While hopefully it was just Locklear’s “uncooperative” and “combative” mood talking, police were unable to locate the firearm that Locklear has registered in her name.

As we mentioned, this is not Heather Locklear’s first run-in with the law. Not by a long shot, unfortunately.

In September of 2008, she was pulled over for a DUI (there’s a long story there, including it having been reported by a former gossip magazine editor who also photographed her and sold the pictures for a tidy sum).

This led to Locklear pleading no contest in 2009. It’s important to note that, thankfully, no one was injured in that case.

Also in 2008, someone who claimed to be Locklear’s doctor made a phone call claiming that the actress was attempting to commit suicide.

Though things seemed fine when responders arrived at Locklear’s home, she did end up checking into a facility for psychological issues, including anxiety and depression.

In 2012, Locklear’s sister called emergency services and reported that Locklear was taking prescription drugs and alcohol and that she feared for her sister’s life. The next day, however, Locklear appeared to be out of the woods.

Many believe that Locklear has multiple issues that haven’t been resolved or properly treated, including psychological struggles — and we doubt that she herself would disagree with that assessment at the moment.

That said … does that excuse alleged domestic battery?

Her alleged violent blow-ups have led to hospitalizations and drama before.

Some are seriously questioning whether it’s safe for anyone to be in a relationship with her at this time.

Everyone hopes that she makes a recovery and comes out of rehab with a sound mind and a commitment to being a better person.


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Dennis Rodman Enters Rehab After DUI Arrest

Dennis Rodman has checked into rehab … again … in the wake of a drunk driving arrest, his rep confirms.  TMZ Sports broke the story … Rodman was busted in Newport Beach, CA over the weekend — after cops say he was swerving all over the…


Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Mark Salling Officially Enters Guilty Plea in Child Porn Case

Mark Salling made good on his plea deal by marching into court Monday and pleading guilty to possession of child pornography involving a prepubescent minor.  Salling was in the L.A. courthouse and, as we expected since he struck the deal…


Saturday, November 18, 2017

Catelynn Lowell Enters Rehab with Support of Tyler Baltierra

In a surprising, heartbreaking turn of events, Catelynn Lowell announced to fans that she"d be seeking treatment after having some suicidal thoughts yesterday.

This isn"t the first time she"s experienced big issues with her mental health — far from it.

But the fact that we"ve seen her go through this before doesn"t make it any easier to see this time around.

See why Catelynn felt the need to get help again, and what led her to this place, below …

1. The Beginning

Tyler baltierra and catelynn lowell photo

Catelynn has dealt with depression and anxiety for as long as she’s been famous — which makes sense, given her childhood. Her mother, April, was an emotionally abusive addict, and when Catelynn made the difficult decision to place her baby for adoption, she received nothing but criticism and ridicule from nearly everyone in her life.

2. Moving Forward

Catelynn lowell and tyler baltierra picture

In the years after giving birth that first time around, Catelynn tried to improve herself, but again, her mother was just unbelievably horrible towards her. Like, remember when she went shopping for her prom dress and her mom told her she looked ugly and called her a bitch? Things like that leave scars, no joke.

3. A NEW Beginning

Catelynn lowell baby bump

After several years together, Catelynn and Tyler welcomed their daughter, adorable little Nova, in January of 2015. It was a beautiful time, since they’d obviously struggled so much with the decision to place Carly for adoption.

4. Postpartum Depression

Catelynn lowell and baby

Unfortunately, Catelynn developed a particularly devastating case of postpartum depression after having Nova — and as we saw on Teen Mom OG, it nearly destroyed her.

5. Hard Times

Catelynn lowell on teen mom

It took over a year for Catelynn to seek help with her depression. In that time, we saw her barely able to get out of bed or get off the couch, and it seemed like her relationship with Tyler suffered for it.

6. Rehab, Take One

Catelynn lowell instagram photo

In March of 2016, she checked into rehab to treat her depression. She spent nearly three weeks away at a treatment center, but of course it wasn’t an immediate fix.

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Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Bill Cosby Enters Court with Former Co-Star Sheila Frazier For Day 3 of Trial (PHOTO)

Bill Cosby got another show of support from a former co-star as he entered the courthouse for day 3 of his criminal sexual assault trial. Cosby walked hand-in-hand with actress Sheila Frazier, who shared the screen with the famous defendant in the…


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

"Bachelor" Chris Soules Enters Not Guilty Plea in Fatal Car Crash

Chris Soules might have just saved himself from showing his face in court for a while — he entered a plea of not guilty on paper, instead of in person. Chris filed a written plea Tuesday, waiving his right to an arraignment in open court. He…


Friday, May 13, 2016

Hayden Panettiere Enters Rehab for Postpartum Depression

Hayden Panettiere is seeking treatment once again for her longstanding struggle with postpartum depression.

On Thursday, the actress took to Twitter to inform fans that she’ll be taking time off to deal with the issue.

“The postpartum depression I have been experiencing has impacted every aspect of my life,” she wrote.

“Rather than stay stuck due to unhealthy coping mechanisms I have chosen to take time to reflect holistically on my health and life. Wish me luck!”

Sources told Us Weekly the Nashville star is seeking treatment in Utah.

Panettiere welcomed daughter Kaya with fiance Wladimir Klitschko in December 2014 and suffered from depression in the months following.

Last October, she sought help at an inpatient treatment center and her condition improved for a time, but as is common with depression, she relapsed.

She has been open about her battle with postpartum, hoping to destigmatize the disorder that affects so many women.

“You don’t realize how broad of a spectrum you can really experience that on,” Hayden said during an interview on Live! With Kelly & Michael.

“It’s something that needs to be talked about,” she continued.

“Women need to know that they’re not alone, and that it does heal.”  

In March, Panettiere shared a sweet photo of her fiance with her daughter on the beach:

“The loves of my life,” she tweeted, along with a red heart emoji.

We’re sending Hayden and her family good vibes in her journey toward recovery.

Hayden Panettiere Enters Rehab for Postpartum Depression

Hayden Panettiere is seeking treatment once again for her longstanding struggle with postpartum depression.

On Thursday, the actress took to Twitter to inform fans that she’ll be taking time off to deal with the issue.

“The postpartum depression I have been experiencing has impacted every aspect of my life,” she wrote.

“Rather than stay stuck due to unhealthy coping mechanisms I have chosen to take time to reflect holistically on my health and life. Wish me luck!”

Sources told Us Weekly the Nashville star is seeking treatment in Utah.

Panettiere welcomed daughter Kaya with fiance Wladimir Klitschko in December 2014 and suffered from depression in the months following.

Last October, she sought help at an inpatient treatment center and her condition improved for a time, but as is common with depression, she relapsed.

She has been open about her battle with postpartum, hoping to destigmatize the disorder that affects so many women.

“You don’t realize how broad of a spectrum you can really experience that on,” Hayden said during an interview on Live! With Kelly & Michael.

“It’s something that needs to be talked about,” she continued.

“Women need to know that they’re not alone, and that it does heal.”  

In March, Panettiere shared a sweet photo of her fiance with her daughter on the beach:

“The loves of my life,” she tweeted, along with a red heart emoji.

We’re sending Hayden and her family good vibes in her journey toward recovery.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Kim Richards: Family Fears She"ll Relapse as Ex-Husband Enters Final Days

Last month, Kim Richards celebrated 60 days of sobriety.

Kim’s battle with addiction has been anything but easy, and her family fears that an upcoming challenge may derail months of progress for the former reality star.

Kim’s ex-husband Monty Brinson is suffering from stage four lung cancer, and doctors have reportedly informed him that the time has come to make his final arrangements.

Obviously, that’s sad news under any circumstances, but Monty’s passing will be made all the more tragic if it triggers a relapse for Kim.

“Kim has been by Monty’s side since he was diagnosed and when he passes she is going to be devastated,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online

“Everyone is worried that his death will compromise her sobriety, since she is just so newly sober.”

According to social media updates from Brinson’s other ex-wife, Terri Doss, the supermarket heir is “not of sound mind,” having recently suffered a stroke that has “affected his decision making” and altered his personality.

Kim moved back in with Brinson last summer, but sources say their relationship remained purely platonic.

It’s not known if the ex-couple is currently still living together, but insiders say Kim still considers Monty the love of her life. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Hayden Panettiere Enters Treatment for Postpartum Depression

Back in December Hayden Panettiere welcomed a baby girl.

It was the first child for both Hayden and her boxer fiance, Wladimir Klitschko, and the couple gushed with pride as they shared the first photos of baby Kaya

Unfortunately, it now seems that Hayden;s well-publicized struggles with postpartum depression have shown no sign of relenting, and sources confirm she recently decided to check into an in-patient therapy center to receive treatment.

“Hayden Panettiere is voluntarily seeking professional help at a treatment center as she is currently battling postpartum depression,” says a statement issued by reps for the actress.

“She asks that the media respect her privacy during this time.”

Hayden has been remarkably candid about the emotional difficulties she endured in the months following her daughter’s birth:

“You don’t realize how broad of a spectrum you can really experience that on,” Hayden said during a recent appearance on Live! With Kelly & Michael. “It’s something that needs to be talked about. Women need to know that they’re not alone, and that it does heal.”

In recent weeks, it looked as though Panetierre was beginning to overcome her depression, as she frequently posted upbeat tweets, such as, “I feel like I’m finally coming into my own body!”

Sadly, as anyone who’s life has been touched by depression knows, and upswing can be followed by an abrupt downturn.

Interestingly, Hayden’s character on the ABC series Nashville also suffers from postpartum depression. Panettiere has stated that she drew from personal experience in depicting her characters emotional struggles.