Showing posts with label Fraud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fraud. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Cristiano Ronaldo Fined $21 Mil for Tax Fraud ... Avoids Prison

Breaking News
Cristiano Ronaldo was ordered to pay a $ 21 MILLION fine as punishment in his tax fraud case — but the good news for the soccer superstar, he won’t have to serve a 23-month prison sentence. 
And, for a guy who reportedly earns around $ 90 MILLION per year, ...
Cristiano Ronaldo Fined $21 Mil for Tax Fraud ... Avoids Prison

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Fyre Festival Organizer Billy McFarland Sentenced to 6 Years in Wire Fraud Case

The fire is officially snuffed out on Billy McFarland’s freedom — the guy behind that disastrous Fyre Festival is going to federal prison for a long time. Thursday morning in NYC, a federal judge sentenced McFarland to 6 years in…


Monday, October 8, 2018

Rose McGowan: The #MeToo Movement is a Useless Fraud!

If you see everyone around you as your enemy, pretty soon, your perception will become reality.

That is what Rose McGowen is experiencing right now. As Rose lashes out at “fake” Hollywood activism, she is now taking aim at the #MeToo movement.

She’s skewering friends and allies and saying that #MeToo is just a bunch of lies.

In a no-holds-barred interview with The Sunday Times, Rose McGowan puts #MeToo on blast. And she doesn’t mince words about her “friends,” either.

“It’s all bulls–t,” Rose says dismissively.

When it comes to Hollywood’s activism against the pervasive issue of sexual assault, she says: “It’s a lie.”

“They’re not champions” of anything, Rose claims.

As Rose sees the #MeToo movement, “It’s a Band-Aid lie to make them feel better.”

“I know these people,” Rose reminds readers.

“I know they’re lily-livered,” Rose continues. “And as long as it looks good on the surface, to them, that’s enough.”

(Not to distract from this very serious topic and her criticisms, but … we haven’t heard anyone in real life unironically say lily-livered since … ever)

Rose continues to disparage the most outspoken voices of #MeToo and #TimesUp.

“I just think they’re losers,” Rose says.

Rose McGowan was one of the first to come forward, publicly, about Harvey Weinstein.

Even before that, she told the world that she had been sexually assaulted by a then-unnamed Hollywood executive.

Rose also accused others of having known, even though public figures such as Meryl Streep assured her that she didn’t know about Weinstein.

Well, Rose isn’t buying Meryl’s denial.

Rose claims that it is “literally impossible” for Meryl to have not known about Weinstein’s crimes.

That sounds a little hypocritical from the woman who’s just recently tried to distance herself from Asia Argento.

Not everyone knows what their friends are up to.

Rose even sides with Trump supporters, of all people, on one issue — Hollywood.

“They hate Hollywood for being faux liberals,” Rose says. “And they’re 100 percent right about that.”

(Just a quick point of order — we somehow doubt that Trump’s crowd has issues with Hollywood being inauthentic liberals)

“It’s a bunch of faux liberals,” Rose continues. “It’s crap, and they know it is deep down.”

“But they’re living an empty life, and to me that’s their punishment,” Rose says. “They get to live the lives they live.”

Plenty of people would happily trade authenticity for glamor and millions.

Rose also discussed Alyssa Milano in a Nightline interview.

Once upon a time, the two of them were co-stars on Charmed. And Alyssa has been an outspoken participant in #MeToo and #TimesUp.

“I don’t like her,” Rose said simply.

She explains — sort of — why she’s eager to throw her former co-star and fellow activist under the proverbial bus.

Rose explained: “Because I think she’s a lie.”

“Do you think I don’t know these people?” Rose said. “Do the math.”

She is referring to Alyssa’s husband, Hollywood agent David Bugliari. 

“Who’s behind Time’s Up? CAA,” Rose said. “Where do they meet? CAA?”

“Who needs good PR? CAA,” Rose continued. “Who are part of the pimp problem? CAA.”

She seems to be portraying Alyssa’s activism — perhaps everyone’s activism — as a front to avoid truly addressing the issues.

Alyssa Milano responded to Rose’s hurtful words.

“I am and always have been completely supportive of Rose and admire her bravery and speaking out about her experiences,” Alyssa said.

“My goal throughout the past few months with both #MeToo and the TimesUp movement,” she explained. “Has been to use my platform to give others a voice.”

Alyssa concluded that she does this “so we can all work together to stamp out sexual harassment and sexual assault.”

Rose McGowan is such a complicated person. You feel sympathy for the horrors that she endured, but she sometimes seems to find unfair targets in her zeal.

We don’t mean that she falsely accuses people of sexual assault — but that some perceive her as being too quick to point the finger at alleged conspirators.

As we said about Meryl and about Rose herself where Asia Argento is concerned, not everyone knows what their friends are up to.

The #MeToo movement has made tremendous strides in changing the culture in America from one that automatically blames victims of sexual assault.

Many people — especially privileged men — have had their eyes opened by hearing about the horrors that go on that they never personally experience.

It’s Rose’s right to think that it’s not enough. But it may be unfair to question the motives of the courageous women who are leading the charge.


Thursday, October 4, 2018

Mike Sorrentino Prays For Leniency Ahead of Tax Fraud Sentencing

Tonight, millions of Americans will tune in to see their favorite gang of guidos return to their original stomping ground as Jersey Shore Family Vacation relocates to Seaside Heights.

And tomorrow morning, one of those hard-partying fist-pumpers will go before a judge and learn his fate.

Yes, as you may recall, Mike Sorrentino pled guilty to tax fraud back in January.

Under the terms of his plea deal, the Situation faces five years in prison and up to $ 250,000 in fines.

Sorrentino is due to be sentenced at 11:30 on Friday morning.

Legal experts who have followed the case say it’s unlikely that he’ll receive the full five year maximum — but he’ll almost certainly do some jail time.

Back in February of 2014, Mike and his brother Marc were indicted for failing to pay taxes on $ 8.9 million in earnings.

They were accused of covering up their crimes by filing false tax returns in connection to Mike’s business ventures.

Mike was hit with additional charges of tax evasion and structuring funds to avoid currency transaction reports in April of 2017.

He pled guilty to one such charge as part of his plea deal, with the understanding that doing so would likely land him behind bars.

Needless to say, Sorrentino has quite a bit working against him.

But there’s also a lot that might help him in the eyes of a sentencing judge.

Mike entered rehab and got sober back in 2015, and he got engaged to Lauren Pesce in April.

The Sitch has been on his best behavior on the current season of Shore, and you can bet his lawyers will remind the judge of the many ways in which he’s turned his life around.

In the days leading up to his sentencing Mike, has celebrated his sobriety and prayed for a beneficial resolution to his legal woes.

“God grant me the serenity to stop beating myself up for not doing things perfectly,” Sorrentino tweeted this week.

Sorrentino is due to marry Pesce in November, but no matter what happens tomorrow, he won’t immediately be taken into custody, so prison shouldn’t interfere with those plans.

Our thoughts go out to Mike and his family during this intensely stressful time.


Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Cheyenne Floyd: Teen Mom Fans Will Love Me Even Though I"m a Fraud!

Cheyenne Floyd is just weeks away from turning 26, which puts her on par with a number of Teen Mom OG stars.

Unlike her new co-stars, however, Cheyenne did not actually become a mother as a teenager. She became a mother when she was … 23.

Now, she is addressing the backlash about that, and explaining why fans will agree that Cheyenne belongs on the show.

Speaking to Us Weekly, Cheyenne Floyd says that part of the reason that people are bristling at her casting is simple semantics.

“I think that a lot of people are stuck on the word,” Cheyenne laments.

That word, of course, being teen. She’s a grown woman who was never a teenage parent who is now getting paid a lot of money to appear on Teen Mom OG.

Cheyenne admits that, but says: “and at the end of the day I’m still young mom.”

“I still have the same struggles,” Cheyenne explains. “And I’m still learning just like everyone else.”

“I don’t think 23 is the ideal age to have a baby,” Cheyenne points out.

It very rarely is. Your body might be at its healthiest, but even if you’re mega-rich, you’re still young and living your life. Also, your brain isn’t quite done maturing.

“She was unplanned,” Cheyenne says of her young daughter. “So in other ways, other than me not being a teen, I have different things that you can relate.”

Most viewers of Teen Mom OG are not, themselves, teenage mothers and never were.

“So instead of me screaming all day long that I’m not a teen mom,” Cheyenne concludes. “I’d rather just talk about things that I am.”

Cheyenne shares that fans and viewers can expect to learn a lot about her and her baby daddy, Cory Wharton.

“Prior to doing Teen Mom, we kept everything to ourselves as far as what happened,” Cheyenne says. “So it’s going to be really interesting to see what the viewers think after they find out.”

That … will depend upon what viewers find out, we suppose.

“We’re good,” Cheyenne says of their relationship as co-parents. “We’re best friends.”

“We work together with everything and put everything into Ryder,” she adds. “So we have a good relationship.”

“They have a different kind review about Cory,” she says of doubtful fans.

“And,” Cheyenne continues. “They haven’t seen me on TV since I did The Challenge and I literally had the baby right after.”

Cheyenne is definitely not overexposed, that’s true.

“So it will be interesting to see what they think about is his parents,” she says.

“And,” Cheyenne concludes. “We’re excited to show our healthy coparenting relationship.”

Cheyenne is controversial for more than just that. See, people accused her of racism due to some old tweets that resurfaced when her casting news broke.

Tweets attributed to Cheyenne expressed a desire to kill white people and particularly to kill white babies, and also said something about being a nazi.

While anti-white sentiments aren’t necessarily racism (in that they’re not systemic and function as empty words, which is not true for genuine racism), those tweets were disturbing.

Cheyenne promises that she’s not racist and says that she shared the Twitter account with others. More importantly, the heinous tweets were made years ago.

Will she be able to overcome this baggage and endear herself to fans? We’ll find out in October.


Saturday, September 15, 2018

Jenna Cooper to Jordan Kimball: Stand By Me! I"m the Victim of Fraud!

Jenna Cooper is not going down without a fight.

Amidst accusations that she went down on another man while she was getting close and very cozy with Jordan Kimball on Bachelor in Paradise this summer, the maligned reality star has sent a message to her ex-fiance.

And also her family members, friends and loved ones.

This is how Cooper’s desperate plea to Jordan opens:

To Jordan, our families, friends, and supporters: please stand by as I prepare to provide the true facts that will demonstrate the fraud perpetrated by terrible individuals.

Please be patient as this takes time. In the interim, I appreciate all the continued love and support I have received. 

I am presently back home with my family trying to heal from this heartbreak.

As a refresher:

Jordan proposed to Jenna on Tuesday night, concluding their love story on the Season 5 finale in grand and romantic fashion.

He even got down on one knee, as you can see here:

But just before this proposal aired on ABC, Bachelor know-it-all Reality Steve published three separate text messages exchanges that Jordan supposedly had with an unnamed male over the past several weeks.

In these exchanges, Jordan teased giving the man oral sex and also said her relationship with Jordan was faked for the cameras.

The man said he went public with her exchanges, and with their dalliance, because he believed Jenna was simply “manipulating” both he and Kimball.

These messages (below) are pretty damning:

But Jenna insists they are fake.

She has maintained her innocence ever since this scandal broke, while hiring an attorney to pursue a defamation case and/or to help her get to the bottom of what has sullied her allegedly good name.

“To Jordan, I am sorry that horrible people have used fabricated, hateful efforts to come between us,” she continues in this latest Instagram post, adding:

“I promise you that the truth will be set free in the coming weeks, and it will unquestionably be to your satisfaction.”

From there, Cooper directly addressed the man who claims he’s been sleeping with her behind Jordan’s back, writing:

“To the persons that did this to Jordan, myself, our relationship, the show, our families, and our fans, Justice is coming to you.”

Kimball has said the engagement, and the relationship as a whole, is over.

He has also been adamant in defending the legitimacy of his romance, insisting to all doubters that he fell very much in love with Cooper and he’s very hurt by any insinuation to the contrary.

It’s all been real to Jordan.

As for Jenner, this is how she ended her emotional message on Saturning morning:

To anyone who has had people callously, maliciously and falsely attempt to destroy all that you Love, this is for you too.

I look forward to returning to a place of happiness, joy, moving forward with Jordan, and life..knowing that everyone knows the truth.

Are you buying what Jenna is trying to sell here?

Do you think Jordan should take her back?

Want to hear your opinion!


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Paul Manafort Found Guilty on Felony Tax Fraud and Other Crimes, Faces Up to 80 Years

Paul Manafort had a bad day … a jury found him guilty of 8 counts — 5 tax fraud charges, 1 charge of hiding foreign bank accounts and 2 counts of bank fraud — which could land him up to 80 years behind bars. He was not acquitted on a single…


Trump"s Ex-Lawyer Michael Cohen Enters Plea Deal for Bank, Tax Fraud Charges

Donald Trump’s former lawyer has surrendered to the FBI and reached a plea deal with federal prosecutors … so get ready for a tweetstorm from the Prez for the ages. Michael Cohen has just agreed to plead guilty to bank and tax fraud, as well as…


Tom Brady Helps BIG3 Take Down "Fraud" Hoops League

Tom Brady and Jimmy Kimmel got Ice Cube’s back in a big way — helping the BIG3 co-founder smash another basketball league in a nasty legal war … TMZ Sports has learned.  The BIG3 had been sued by Champions League — which promoted…


Monday, August 13, 2018

90 Day Fiance Fraud: Did Jon and Rachel Secretly Meet Before Filming?

We’ve only just met the 90 Day Fiance: Before The 90 Days Season 2 couples, but one couple is already stirring up some controversy.

Jon and Rachel seem like a simple romance with only a few complications. They’re even both age-appropriate for each other — all too rare on this show.

But … are they trying to pull the wool over the eyes of producers and viewers with a massive fraud?

For original recipe 90 Day Fiance, the premise is that the couple is spending time together in America for the first time — which means that they have a time limit.

90 Day Fiance: Before The 90 Days does not take place in America. Viewers often get to see the first time that a long-distance couple meets in person.

That is what they supposedly got with Jon Walters, who comes from Cornwall, England, and Rachel Bear, who comes from Albuquerque, New Mexico.

But a number of fan sleuths and conspiracy theorists suspect that Jon and Rachel may have secretly met before the show ever filmed.

They also believe that they were already engaged for a while.

The whole tagline on Jon and Rachel’s shared Instagram, @followourfairytale, is “Our first meeting will be on TLC’s #BeforeThe90Days.”

But, once upon a time, the two of them appear to have had a second Instagram account, titled @supportthefairytale.

That Instagram may not be around anymore, but it looks like they were using it to raise funds from people who supported their long-distance relationship.

Why does it look that way?

Well, because of this GoFundMe that they apparently used to raise funds.

Jon and Rachel gofundme

Even if we somehow believed that this was just a GoFundMe set up by two lookalikes who happen to have the same names, we can’t accept that any other couple could take selfies as poorly as these two.

Their financial goal was apparently met, and they raked in $ 1,872.

These funds would presumably be used either for Rachel to fly out to visit Jon or for him to fly out to visit her.

That said, there is no official date, so they could have been raising money for fare for Rachel to fly out for the show.

But the GoFundMe isn’t all that has people wondering if these two met in person before filming ever began.

Then, there are little things — little pieces of phrasing.

The couple celebrated their anniversary on September 1, 2017.

Rachel and Jon wrote on Instagram: “Over a year together before we first met in the flesh.”

They wrote met, in the past tense. Maybe a typo, maybe just their eagerness talking … or maybe they let something slip.

Rachel also shared a photo of her standing with two passports on August 3, 2017.

That was months before filming began (as you may have noticed, they began filming with Rachel some time around the winter holiday season).

Some fans wondered if she was just preparing, or if she rushed to meet Jon before the cameras began rolling.

There’s also this line: “I want to kiss your lips, touch your skin and finally say ‘I do.’ I love you, Jon Walters. I’ll be there soon.”

This was months before filming began.

We know that Rachel and Jon are already married, and tied the knot even before this season began airing, so it’s believable that they had met and were engaged before they were ever on camera.

That said … maybe they were just eager and wanted to line up their money and passports in advance. And maybe they’re just that crazy about each other.


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Ex-NFLer T.J. Houshmandzadeh Sues Weed Dispensary Owners for Fraud

Former Cincinnati Bengals star T.J. Houshmandzadeh claims he got bamboozled into fronting hundreds of thousands of dollars for a bogus weed business. The retired WR filed suit against two men — Damien Marzett and John Wiegman — for…


Ex-NFLer T.J. Houshmandzadeh Sues Weed Dispensary Owners for Fraud

Former Cincinnati Bengals star T.J. Houshmandzadeh claims he got bamboozled into fronting hundreds of thousands of dollars for a bogus weed business. The retired WR filed suit against two men — Damien Marzett and John Wiegman — for…


Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Fyre Festival Organizer Billy McFarland Pleads Guilty to Wire Fraud

The guy behind the disastrous Fyre Festival concert is most likely headed to prison … TMZ has learned. Billy McFarland, who organized the 2017 festival in the Bahamas, agreed to plead guilty to 2 counts of wire fraud, connected to funds he got…


Friday, March 2, 2018

Armie Hammer"s Wife Sues Impersonator Over Oscar Fraud

Armie Hammer’s wife is enraged that someone is using her name to get invites to the best party of the weekend — the Vanity Fair shindig. Elizabeth Chambers claims in a new lawsuit — obtained by TMZ — Diana Roque Ellis used an email address making…


Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Donald Trump"s Nobel Peace Prize Nomination Investigated for Fraud

Donald Trump’s been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, the second consecutive year that’s happened, but there’s a problem — his nominator might not be on the up and up. The Prez reportedly got the nom from an anonymous American for his “ideology of…


Monday, January 22, 2018

The Situation Pleads Guilty to Tax Fraud, Braces For Prison

Last week, we learned that Jersey Shore star Mike Sorrentino’s tax fraud case has turned into quite the situation.

(Sorry, but one of the many downsides of giving yourself a dumb nickname in your twenties is that people will throw it in your face for the remainder of your days.) 

We’ve known for several months that The Situation might be facing jail time in connection with trying to hide approximately $ 9 million in earnings from the IRS.

But now, things are really coming to a head, as Sorrentino has pled guilty to charges that could land him behind bars for up to 15 years.

As The Ashley’s Reality Roundup reports, Mike was in court on Friday entering his plea.

His attorney issued a statement in which he pled for clemency from the judge:

“The plea terms call for a balance between punishing the wrong committed and conditions that facilitate Mike living a productive, law-abiding life moving forward,” the statement reads.

“Following through on this plea agreement, Michael intends to pay restitution before sentencing.”

We’re not sure what the taxes on $ 9 million in earnings are like, but we’re guessing it amounts to a hell of a lot more than the freakin’ Situation is able to come up with on short notice.

Mike’s situation scenario is dire, but it could be a lot worse.

For example, his brother, who allegedly masterminded the tax evasion is facing a whopping 25 years in the slammer!

And don’t worry Shore fanatics–Mike has obtained permission to temporarily relocate to Miami in order to participate in the show’s reunion, which is currently filming.

We don’t know about you, but this story is causing us some seriously mixed emotions.

On the one hand, the fact that The Sitch earned so much money that he thought he’d be able to hide $ 9 million makes us want to bang our heads into the wall until we stop feeling feelings.

On the other hand, his effort to bilk Uncle Sam proved woefully unsuccessful, which kind of reaffirms our faith in both the justice system and karma.

(Dude was often on colossal d-bag on Shore.)

On the … third hand (?) Mike has provided us with hours of entertainment over the years, and the thought of dude spending a decade and a half behind bars is undeniably a bummer.

This is real human drama here, folks.

Frankly, we’re starting to think MTV should Jersey Shore: Family Vacation on hold so they can start production on an 18-hour docu-drama about the story of the Sitch.


Friday, January 19, 2018

Mike "The Situation" Pleads Guilty to Tax Fraud, Judge OKs trip to Florida for "Jersey Shore"

Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino just entered a guilty plea in his tax evasion case … but this situation ain’t ALL bad news. The “Jersey Shore” star — flanked by his girlfriend Lauren Pesce — entered his plea in federal court Friday in…


Thursday, January 18, 2018

Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino Pleads Guilty to Tax Fraud, Faces 15 Years Behind Bars

We’ve got quite a situation here, folks.

Just as the Jersey Shore cast is reuniting for a second shot at reality TV stardom, one of the show’s most infamous figures may be headed to jail for a very long time.

But hey, at least he’ll have plenty of time to work on those famous abs.

Back in April of 2017, Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino was charged with tax fraud alongside his brother and business partner, Marc Sorrentino.

According to court documents obtained by Page Six, The Sitch has pled guilty “not paying all federal income tax owed on approximately $ 8.9 million … earned between 2010 and 2012.”

And it seems that Mike didn’t simply forget to dot the I’s and cross the T’s on his 1040:

“They also stand accused of commingling their business and personal bank accounts so that they could get away with spending the money on ‘high-end luxury vehicles and clothing,’” a source close to the case claims.

Mike also stands accused of making “multiple cash deposits on the same day in amounts less than $ 10,000, into different bank accounts that he controlled” in an effort to avoid reporting his earnings to the IRS.

Mike and Marc were first offered the plea deal on December 19 but rejected it due to the lengthy amount of time they might spend behind bars.

It seems Mike is facing 15 years in prison, while his brother might be put away for a whopping 25 years.

Legal experts say it’s unlikely that they’ll receive the maximum sentence, but note that some jail time seems inevitable.

Last year, the Sorrentinos appeared on Marriage Boot Camp (they really need to fix that title), where they discussed the charges against them and admitted to being fearful of going to prison.

Interestingly, Mike is not the first Garden State-based reality star to be convicted of tax fraud in recent years.

Real Housewives of New Jersey regular Teresa Giudice served 15 months in prison on similar charges back in 2015.

Her husband, Joe Giudice, is currently serving 4 years behind bars.

There’s no word yet on whether or not Mike will be able to appear in the upcoming Jersey Shore: Family Vacation.

Which is a shame, because it certainly sounds like he could use the cash!


Thursday, December 21, 2017

Oprah Warns Fans of Fraud Instagram Account

Someone’s out there pretending to be Oprah – soliciting money from her fans and followers — and the real O ain’t happy about it. The real deal Oprah went straight to her real deal IG account to warn fans about the impostor account.…


Friday, December 8, 2017

Steve Harvey Sued for Alleged Fraud Involving Charity and Blames Oprah, Tyler Perry

Steve Harvey is being sued by a guy who claims he was hired by the TV mogul to raise $ 20 million for the Steve and Marjorie Foundation as well as other ventures and got royally stiffed. Vincent Dimmock claims he struck a deal with Harvey in April to…
