Showing posts with label Prays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prays. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Kim Kardashian Prays for Her Photographer Injured in Serious Car Crash

Mom-shamers like to slam Kim Kardashian for posing nude, but she poses with a purpose, and usually with a professional photographer.

Tragically, Kim’s photographer, Marcus Hyde, has been in a truly horrific car accident.

Kim shared the news and is asking fans to pray for his recovery.

On Tuesday, Kim Kardashian tweeted out the news about Marcus Hyde’s terrible accident.

“Please pray for my friend @MarcusHyde,” Kim tweeted.

She also included an image, appearing to show the two of them, with words imposed over it.

“I’m trying to find the perfect picture but I don’t want to share them,” Kim writes.

Kim explains her reluctance: “We were saving these for our book.”

Clearly, she doesn’t want to signal that there’s no hope by sharing the photo. She’d rather believe he’ll recover.

Kim Kardashian tweets about Marcus Hyde, asks for prayers

Her comments go on, now directly addressing Marcus.

“Angels are surrounding you,” Kim writes.

She continues: “I’m praying so hard for you.”

“Please be ok,” she begs.

Kim’s message concludes: “Please come back @marcushyde.”

This is truly heartbreaking.

Marcus Hyde is a photographer known for his work with tasteful, artistic nudity.

He is especially famous for his work with Kim Kardashian and her sisters, including Khloe and Kendall.

TMZ reports that Marcus’ terrible accident took place Monday morning, October 29.

He was on the Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu when he apparently lost control of his vehicle.

Marcus went over an embankment.

From the looks of things, the Mercedes AMG CLS that he was driving has been totaled.

He himself was airlifted to the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center.

He had a female passenger in the vehicle at the time.

TMZ reports that, per their sources, this unidentified woman was also hospitalized.

We don’t know Marcus’ exact condition — but he reportedly suffered a critical head injury.

Sources also say that Marcus Hyde was suffering seizures as a result of the crash and the head injury.

That is devastatingly serious.

Marcus has traveled the globe with Kim and with Kanye.

He has been the man behind the camera for some of her most famous photos.

He was also the photographer for the Kardashian (and Jenner) Calvin Klein photos late last year.

This man’s artistic vision has been a part of Kim’s brand for a long time.

Kim is clearly reeling from this news. It’s no wonder that she’s asking fans for prayers.

As we mentioned, the fact that she’s unwilling to release photos of the two of them means that she’s clinging to hope.

She wants Marcus to survive, recover, and then release that book with her.

If she were to release a photo now, it would feel like she was giving up on him.

We absolutely understand the way that she is thinking.

We here at THG sincerely hope that Marcus Hyde and his passenger make a full and speedy recovery from this horrific ordeal.

We also hope that his friends and loved ones — Kim included — can find comfort and hope while they wait for news.


Thursday, October 4, 2018

Mike Sorrentino Prays For Leniency Ahead of Tax Fraud Sentencing

Tonight, millions of Americans will tune in to see their favorite gang of guidos return to their original stomping ground as Jersey Shore Family Vacation relocates to Seaside Heights.

And tomorrow morning, one of those hard-partying fist-pumpers will go before a judge and learn his fate.

Yes, as you may recall, Mike Sorrentino pled guilty to tax fraud back in January.

Under the terms of his plea deal, the Situation faces five years in prison and up to $ 250,000 in fines.

Sorrentino is due to be sentenced at 11:30 on Friday morning.

Legal experts who have followed the case say it’s unlikely that he’ll receive the full five year maximum — but he’ll almost certainly do some jail time.

Back in February of 2014, Mike and his brother Marc were indicted for failing to pay taxes on $ 8.9 million in earnings.

They were accused of covering up their crimes by filing false tax returns in connection to Mike’s business ventures.

Mike was hit with additional charges of tax evasion and structuring funds to avoid currency transaction reports in April of 2017.

He pled guilty to one such charge as part of his plea deal, with the understanding that doing so would likely land him behind bars.

Needless to say, Sorrentino has quite a bit working against him.

But there’s also a lot that might help him in the eyes of a sentencing judge.

Mike entered rehab and got sober back in 2015, and he got engaged to Lauren Pesce in April.

The Sitch has been on his best behavior on the current season of Shore, and you can bet his lawyers will remind the judge of the many ways in which he’s turned his life around.

In the days leading up to his sentencing Mike, has celebrated his sobriety and prayed for a beneficial resolution to his legal woes.

“God grant me the serenity to stop beating myself up for not doing things perfectly,” Sorrentino tweeted this week.

Sorrentino is due to marry Pesce in November, but no matter what happens tomorrow, he won’t immediately be taken into custody, so prison shouldn’t interfere with those plans.

Our thoughts go out to Mike and his family during this intensely stressful time.


Sunday, August 13, 2017

Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson: The Couple That Prays Together ...

Can you believe we’re coming up on the one year anniversary of Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson?!

It seems like it was just yesterday when we saw their Halloween makeout session and thought “huh, another basketball player, really?”

But it’s true: it was early last September when we first heard that Khloe and Tristan were dating, which means that August of 2016 was when the magic happened.

And, according to all the gushing Khloe did in a new interview with the Daily Mail, it looks like all that magic is still happening.

“My boyfriend is very protective of me,” she says of Tristan. “Feeling loved and validated and secure is a huge thing.”

She adds that he’s also “protective of my entire family,” which she thinks is “beautiful.’

“And I love that everything we do is as a union,” she continues. “When he speaks, it’s ‘us’ and ‘we,’ and that’s important because it shows that you’re sharing life.”

“The best thing is that we’re able to communicate about anything, and I think a lot of relationships don’t flourish because people are afraid to voice their opinion, not wanting to rock the boat.”

Sounds like she’s really, truly in love, huh?

And we’ve barely even gotten started yet!

In relationships, Khloe says, “It’s good to find someone who has the same belief system and morals as you because it makes things easy.”

“Tristan and I are both Christians; we go to church, we pray, we’re vocal about God and spirituality.”

Didn’t see that one coming, did you?

“A lot of my girlfriends get pregnant without talking about things such as religion with their significant others and then find out they have different belief systems to them,” she says.

Speaking of getting pregnant, Khloe explains that she “definitely” wants to have kids, “but I don’t feel any pressure.”

“Tristan is a great dad and he definitely wants more children, but we both feel that it will happen when the time is right.”

“We’re still in a new relationship and I love us having time together,” she smartly says. “Once you have kids you can’t get back your non-kid years.”

We’d advise Khloe to consider getting back on birth control if she wants to have a few more non-kid years — pregnancy can sneak up on you otherwise.

But she says that she understands that children are a lifelong commitment, and that “you worry about your children for the rest of your life,” not just until they turn 18 and become adults.

“The concern I have is raising little human beings in a world that’s filled with such hate and terror,” she adds. “That seems very scary.”

Yeah, girl, it really, really is.

But thankfully, she says that she’s “in the best relationship I’ve ever been in,” and she adds that “it doesn’t take a ring for me to feel that way.”

“I believe in marriage and I want to be married again one day but I don’t have a time frame.”

“Why do people think that marriage equates to happiness?” she asks. “There are a lot of people in unhealthy marriages.”

And honestly, with the heartbreaking way things ended between Khloe and Lamar Odom, we’d say she knows that better than most.

Really though, she does seem very, very happy with Tristan — happier than she’s been since the early days with Lamar.

Nothing but the best of wishes to this adorable couple!


Thursday, February 23, 2017

Janelle Monae Prays Hollywood"s Finally Waking Up (VIDEO)

Janelle Monae’s giving Hollywood props … for belatedly listening. The “Moonlight” and “Hidden Figures” star arrived at LAX Wednesday and we asked if the Oscars were on the mark this year. Check it out … Janelle — who played major roles in both…


Friday, December 16, 2016

Tim Tebow Prays for Humanity and Home Runs!!! (VIDEO)

Tim Tebow is an awesome dude … he prays for everyone, but sometimes he talks sports with God. Tim was flying out of LAX when our photog asked a great question … whether he sometimes asks the Almighty for a connection — with his bat. He might…


Monday, December 21, 2015

Jill and Jessa Counting On Recap: Anna Duggar Prays For Her Marriage

In the second installment of Jill and Jessa: Counting On, Anna Duggar opened up about her personal hardship like never before.

That we expected. Some of the details and quotes? Not so much …

For instance, Anna has been living with her in-laws, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, while Josh has been away in sex addiction rehab.

So much for Anna leaving Josh Duggar and moving to Florida.

Despite living with Josh’s family, she hasn’t tipped her hand or acknowledged how she feels about the future of her marriage going forward.

“It felt like a bad dream,” said Anna. “It’s such a betrayal for a spouse for through what we’re walking through and it was hard.”

Hard? That would be the understatement of all time.

Anna deserves a fresh start, and while she did admit Josh betrayed her and all Christians with his cheating, her vows are sacred. 

Which is how it’s supposed to be, but Josh clearly didn’t see it that way, as demonstrated by his actions. Should she forgive him?

Said Anna last night to the TLC cameras:

“In my heart, when I got married, I vowed to God first and then to Joshua, ‘For better or for worse. ‘Til death do we part…"”

“I pray that through all of this that I would be an extension of God’s love to Joshua, that I would love him and forgive him.”

Anna continued to describe what she prays for, ideally:

“That I would wait patiently and allow God to work through our hearts. My prayer and my heart’s desire is for our marriage to be restored.”

The Duggar family, meanwhile, LOVES her to no end.

Jinger Duggar praised her as amazing, while younger sister Joy-Anna talked about her sister-in-law’s enduring strength, saying: 

“I’m really amazed by the strength that God has given Anna and just how she’s going through all of this and having a good attitude.”

“Even though it’s so hard and you know it hurts really bad.”

Being strong is great, yes, but we worry that it’s a sign of Anna not fully realizing she’s her own person whose needs can come first.

Oh, and the rest of Sunday’s episode was spent on sister Jessa Duggar’s baby shower and Jill Duggar’s move to Central America.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Dog Prays, Reads and Tucks Tiny Owner In to Bed

There are few more precious pieces of footage on the Internet than videos that depict the relationship between a very small human being and his or her pet.

Consider this look at a dog barking and a baby laughing uproariously.

Or these photos of a dog and his small owner taking a nap together.

But, trust us, you"ve never seen anything like what we"ve discovered below.

It"s a video of a toddler named Alexander and his German Shepherd named Baron.

According to the video"s description, what we see here takes place every night… and what we see here is truly remarkable.

First, Baron helps Alexander clean up his toys.

Then, Alexander and Baron both say a few prayers.

Then, Baron gives Alexander some kisses and tucks him in to bed. He makes sure his best friend in the entire world is all snug and comfortable.

Then, Baron leaves the room, but not before turning off the lights so the little guy can sleep. Seriously! For real! We are not making this up.

Alexander’s mom, Linda Gonzalez, is the founder and owner of Hill County K-9, a pet training service in Oceanside, California.

This helps explain Baron"s incredible training to some extent, but some of it has to do with his sweet nature and overall feelings for Alexander. How can it not?!?

"He"s pretty smart,” Gonzalez told The Huffington Post in April of Baron.

That may very well be the Understatement of the Century.

You"ll feel the same after viewing this bedtime routine. It"s amazing.

Toddler and german shepherds bedtime routine will blow you away