Showing posts with label Humanity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Humanity. Show all posts

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Malik Yusef Says Kanye"s Big Announcement Involves Chicago, Humanity

Kanye West’s friend and G.O.O.D. Music affiliate, Malik Yusef, says the rapper’s upcoming announcement Friday is going to be huge … like, humanity huge. We talked to Malik about Kanye’s big news — which Yusef says is coming tomorrow — and he…


Friday, December 29, 2017

Target Apologizes, Pulls Anti-Semetic Cards Against Humanity Game

Target has apologized and vows to remove an anti-Semetic expansion pack of the popular game Cards Against Humanity from its shelves. A customer on Twitter discovered his local store selling the CAH “Chosen People Pack” … which featured cards with…


Sunday, May 14, 2017

Cards Against Humanity Sues Rival for Jacking "72 Virgins" Card for Trump & Hillary Games! (PHOTO)

Cards Against Humanity, “the party game for horrible people,” says another game is ripping off its raunchy cards for politically themed decks based on the 2016 election. CAH is suing SCS Direct, which has been selling Humanity Hates Trump and…


Friday, December 16, 2016

Tim Tebow Prays for Humanity and Home Runs!!! (VIDEO)

Tim Tebow is an awesome dude … he prays for everyone, but sometimes he talks sports with God. Tim was flying out of LAX when our photog asked a great question … whether he sometimes asks the Almighty for a connection — with his bat. He might…


Friday, July 15, 2016

Animal Shelter Dreams Up Pokemon Go Idea, Restores Faith In Humanity

Perhaps this game isn’t a complete waste of time, after all.

After reading that Pokemon go characters were located at places like Auschwitz and Arlington National Cemetery, it’s refreshing to learn that some people are putting the game to good use.

The Muncie Animal Shelter in Muncie, Indiana came up with the idea to enlist players to help walk dogs while they chase after gas-burping purple creatures and the like.

And so, every Tuesday Morning volunteers can take part in “Pokemon Dogs.”

The shelter’s director, Phil Peckinpaugh, told ABC News that he came up with the idea after watching his 6-year-old daughter, Ruthie and his 7-year-old nephew play the popular game.

“I started playing with Ruthie, and it was actually pretty fun,” Peckinpaugh said.

“Then the other day, while on my way to work, I noticed droves of young people walking around playing this game. I thought, ‘Wouldn’t it be great if all those people were walking with our dogs?"”

Peckinpaugh designed a flyer incorporating characters from the game and posted it to the shelter’s Facebook page.

Muncie Animal Shelter Pokemon Go

So far, the ad has received over 27,000 shares and over 1,000 comments.

“There’s been an incredible response, and it’s just kind of taken off,” Peckinpaugh said. “We even had to go and buy more leashes this morning.”

Those who left comments on the Facebook post encouraged their local shelters to do the same.

“Wow! Very impressed with this idea!” One person wrote.  “What a great way to combine good fun with good citizenship!”

“IM DOING THIS ON FRIDAY” another wrote enthusiastically.

The hope, obviously, is that some of these volunteers will want to recruit the dogs as their Pokemon Go teammate/forever fur child.

“Maybe you even fall in love and come back and adopt that dog one day,” Peckinpaugh said.

Animal Shelter Dreams Up Pokemon Go Idea, Restores Faith In Humanity

Perhaps this game isn’t a complete waste of time, after all.

After reading that Pokemon go characters were located at places like Auschwitz and Arlington National Cemetery, it’s refreshing to learn that some people are putting the game to good use.

The Muncie Animal Shelter in Muncie, Indiana came up with the idea to enlist players to help walk dogs while they chase after gas-burping purple creatures and the like.

And so, every Tuesday Morning volunteers can take part in “Pokemon Dogs.”

The shelter’s director, Phil Peckinpaugh, told ABC News that he came up with the idea after watching his 6-year-old daughter, Ruthie and his 7-year-old nephew play the popular game.

“I started playing with Ruthie, and it was actually pretty fun,” Peckinpaugh said.

“Then the other day, while on my way to work, I noticed droves of young people walking around playing this game. I thought, ‘Wouldn’t it be great if all those people were walking with our dogs?"”

Peckinpaugh designed a flyer incorporating characters from the game and posted it to the shelter’s Facebook page.

Muncie Animal Shelter Pokemon Go

So far, the ad has received over 27,000 shares and over 1,000 comments.

“There’s been an incredible response, and it’s just kind of taken off,” Peckinpaugh said. “We even had to go and buy more leashes this morning.”

Those who left comments on the Facebook post encouraged their local shelters to do the same.

“Wow! Very impressed with this idea!” One person wrote.  “What a great way to combine good fun with good citizenship!”

“IM DOING THIS ON FRIDAY” another wrote enthusiastically.

The hope, obviously, is that some of these volunteers will want to recruit the dogs as their Pokemon Go teammate/forever fur child.

“Maybe you even fall in love and come back and adopt that dog one day,” Peckinpaugh said.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Pokemon Go Leads Players To Auschwitz, Humanity Is Doomed

Come on, guys.  

The new Pokemon Go game may be great at getting people to enjoy the great outdoors, but it also makes them act like total idiots.

According to New York Magazine, someone reported “a presence” of the mobile app in Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland.

Fearing that the grounds would be a new PokeStop, a spokesperson for the Auschwitz Memorial had to issue a statement asking everyone not to take part.

The presence of the game at the former camp was ‘absolutely inappropriate,” the statement read.

“Allowing such games to be active on the site of Auschwitz Memorial is disrespectful to the memory of the victims of the German Nazi concentration and extermination camp on many levels.”

The organizers had asked the app’s creators to “not to allow the site of Auschwitz Memorial and other similar sites to be included in the game.”

It gets even better.

Another player claimed that there was a PokeStop at the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C.


Andy Hollinger, director of communications at the museum, stated that he and his team are “attempting to have the museum removed from the game.

“Technology can be an important learning tool, but this game falls far outside of our educational and memorial mission.” 

Wait, it gets worse.

The character found in the museum “excretes noxious gas,” which is…no.

The game, already available in Australia and the US, will soon be released in Europe.  

Considering that, many memorial organizations are already in touch with the app creators in order to avoid such shiteous things from happening go forward.

“After we were made aware that a number of historical markers on the grounds of former concentration camps in Germany had been added, we determined that they did not meet the spirit of our guidelines and began the process of removing them in Germany and elsewhere in Europe,” the company said in a statement.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

This Video Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity

Ready to have your faith in humanity restored?

The photo of a 21-year old student in Canada named Godfrey Cuotto has gone viral… for all the right reasons.

It features Cuotto sitting alongside a special needs passenger on a bus, someone later identified as Robert, a man who suffers from Cerebral Palsy‎.

Robert grew overwhelmed by the crowd on the bus and reached out to shake Cuotto"s hand. 

And when Robert wouldn"t let go, even placing his head on Cuotto"s shoulder, the young man just let it be.

"I just allowed it, like what am I going to do?" Cuotto told HuffPost Canada. "Sometimes you just have to be selfless and put someone else"s needs above yours."

Amen, right?

This photo is reminiscent of the one from late 2013 in which a stranger allowed a man to fall asleep on his shoulder while riding the subway.

Stranger holds hand of special needs passenger restores our fait