Showing posts with label DOOMED. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DOOMED. Show all posts

Thursday, November 8, 2018

American Horror Story Recap: Is The Coven Doomed?

The body count continued to rise on Wednesday’s penultimate installment of American Horror Story: Apocalypse. 

Before we get to the batch of deaths, let’s speak about The Cooperative aka the elusive company we’ve heard so much about throughout the current season. 

In an unsurprising twist, we learned that the company had 100 people who were controlling the world and that they would shut the whole thing down if they got the order. 

Vladimir Putin, Warren Buffet and Bill Clinton were just some of the names supposedly attached, and we also learned that it was all a mere code name for the Illuminati. 

But how did we get to that ludicrous revelation? 

The episode kicked off with Dinah Stevens doing the work of the devil to get her talk show picked up for 13 episodes. 

The lengths voodoo witches will go to in order to get their voices heard is pretty darn crazy. In any case, Michael and Mead made their way into Miss Robichaux’s Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies and wasted no time in killing the witches. 

Cordelia, Myrtle, Mallory, Madison, and Dinah all escaped unscathed, but both Queenie, Zoe, and some other unidentified witches perished. 

They met up in Misty’s shack determined to find a way to bring their sisters back from the dead. But Cordelia was blindsided when she tried to save her girls and learned that they had been wiped from existence. 

Remember Madison learned Michael had that ability during her trip to the Murder House? Well, she only told her Supreme about it after  Michael obliterated the coven. 

In all honesty, Cordelia’s reaction by slapping Madison was ridiculous. What else would the witches have done to stop all of this? 

They’re fighting a losing battle, and Mallory might be the key to finding a way to save the world and everyone who is still alive. 

Mallory used her abilities to return to Siberia in 1918 with the aim of changing time and saving the Romanoff family from being murdered. 

Anastasia was a witch and tried to build a wall to save her family from being murdered, but she got sidetracked and couldn’t complete the spell in time. 

Mallory showed up to try and reverse what happened, but the power of the two was not strong enough to save the family. 

So Mallory returned to the land of the living without being able to complete the mission. The witches are seriously getting their asses whooped right about now. 

The episode closed with Michael confirming to The Cooperative that he was the Antichrist and that they would be following his order from that point on. 

Okay then. 

What are your thoughts on the latest installment? 

Hit the comments below. 

American Horror Story: Apocalypse concludes next Wednesday on FX. 


Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Danielle Staub: My Marriage Was Doomed From the Start ...

Though The Real Housewives of New Jersey star Danielle Staub was granted a restraining order against her ex, that relationship continues to haunt her.

In this clip, she is speaking out about the difficult split.

As she tells Wendy Williams, her husband"s alcohol use played a major role in their breakup.

Danielle staub on wendy williams

Danielle, who has been engaged twenty entire times, is opening up about the hard lessons that this marriage has taught her.

"It’s funny how I saw certain things happening," Staub admits about her husband, Marty Caffrey.

She says that she saw these red flags when they were just dating, but unfortunately ignored them.

"But you just believe, especially with the perception around us, getting engaged would make it better," she explains.

She says that social messages gave her the impression that "getting married would make it better."

Marty caffrey and danielle staub

"It doesn’t get better, ladies," she cautions Wendy Williams" audience.

"If it’s falling apart," Staub admits. "It’s broken."

She is absolutely right.

If anything, the honeymoon phase of a relationship should have the least problems.

Those struggles aren"t likely to evaporate just because you put a ring on it.

Danielle staub husband

As she explains, Caffrey"s drinking played a huge role in their split.

"He does hit cocktail hour a little bit heavily," she says. "And it does change things."

"I think all of us it changes," Staub acknowledges.

People don"t change into a new person when they drink, but other sides of them come out when alcohol is involved.

Not all of those sides are pleasant.

"I just don’t think it changes him for the better," Staub says. "Or his ability to maneuver through what’s going on."

Danielle staub smiles

Staub doesn"t place all of the blame for their split at his feet, however.

She is the first to admit that she is "not the easiest person to live with."

Caffrey accused Staub of emotional and verbal abuse during their marriage.

"I’m to blame for it as well," Staub explains.

"But," she says. "I feel like I’m always the person who wants to fix people and it’s not fixable."

If a person has a substance abuse problem, they"re the only ones who can fix it.

Danielle staub all business

Wendy then asks her if she thinks that she and Caffrey might ever get back together.

"I don’t have a crystal ball," Staub says cautiously.

"But," Staub continues. "You can’t go into the public and be tweeting and Instagraming about your wife or your spouse."

"You just don’t do that," she says simply.

When your relationship troubles are spilling over onto social media, that is a huge warning sign that things may end soon.

It is usually a sign that things should end soon.

Danielle staub on et

Staub"s role on the Real Housewives franchise was apparently a huge source of appeal for Caffrey.

Wendy asks: "So he really liked being a ‘House husband?""

"I think that that was what I’m most disappointed about,” Staub admits.

Staub was saddened by “His want for this attention."

Well, half of all marriages end in divorce. We"re just sorry that some life lessons are so painful to learn.

Perhaps others can learn from Danielle Staub"s experience.

Danielle staub my marriage was doomed from the start

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

The Bachelorette: Are Becca and (Spoiler) Already Doomed?

Many a season has been telegraphed by The Bachelorette spoilers beforehand, but this one feels a whole lot different for several reasons.

Thanks to the nature of the Internet and the (purported) winner himself, we may be witnessing a relationship that was over before it began.

If you dig hard enough, Bachelorette spoilers are out there every year, and not that hard to find … but only if you’re so inclined.

You typically have to at least go out of your way to visit one of the notable celebrity gossip sites that post this inside information.

Not this season.

Thanks, ironically, to the show’s increasing popularity with age on social media, keeping secrets a lot is harder for producers.

As such, numerous celebrity news sites – including perhaps the biggest of them all in TMZ – revealed the ending very early.

Not just rumor-style “spoilers” either. We’re talking about photos that reveal the final rose recipient as none other than (spoiler) …

Garrett Yrigoyen.

Okay, so what’s the problem? Don’t we often watch the show for the drama and all the twists and turns, even if we know the outcome?

Yes, but again, this season is a bit different, because … well, Garrett Yrigoyen has been under intense scrutiny since day one.

If you missed the controversy surrounding Garrett’s Instagram activity, the guy “liked” a whole bunch of things that are pretty offensive.

We’re talking anti-immigration, fat-shaming, and transphobic memes, and pics suggesting Parkland student David Hogg is a “crisis actor.”

Those posts originated from a conservative Instagram account titled MericaSupplyCo, not Garrett, but dude hit the heart icon often.

AGAIN, hasn’t this happened before? Aren’t off-screen social media scandals involving contestants almost an annual thing?

Yes. But …

As was the case last year with Lee Garrett’s racist tweets surfacing before Rachel Lindsay’s season, ABC had to know about it.

In Lee’s case, he might have even been cast because of it, knowing it would inflame racial tensions before be was dispatched.

Pretty bad if you think about it, but at least the point was for him to be dispatched, be labeled a racist, then beg for forgiveness.

In Garrett Yrigoyen’s case, his cringe-worthy likes are a much bigger issue because … he’s not here to get kicked off the show.

He received Becca’s first impression rose on the season premiere, a distinction that often goes to eventual final rose winners.

Garrett Yrigoyen is also being given very positive, go-the-distance style treatment from the editors in general. Cringe-worthy.

After reports of Yrigoyen’s Instagram activity went viral this spring, he went into damage control mode and posted an apology.

According to Garrett, he didn’t realize “the power of a mindless double tap,” and said this is “not a true reflection of me and my morals.”

Becca, too, came to his defense.

Kufrin said all the right things, encouraging the audience to be “open” to every contestant, despite all the noise on social media.

She cleverly mentioned that filming the show was great in that it let her get to know the guys “without any added fodder or any distraction.”

Sticking to the script, Becca swears she fell in love with two men and people need to watch The Bachelorette to see it all play out.

She promises she got to know the “real” Garrett, but seamlessly pivots to the rest of the men and the “journey” as a whole.

All of which rings hollow.

Becca’s attempts to shield Garrett from backlash – and distance herself from him – are as obvious and desperate as it gets.

Will it work in the end?

That remains to be seen. Will Bachelor Nation accept this man as her true love, rather than a closeted bigot and misogynist?

Can Becca herself reconcile her undoubtedly strong feelings for Garrett with the fact that he’s a racist conspiracy theorist?

You can’t base your life around what others think, but when everyone thinks your fiance thinks David Hogg is a crisis actor …

Even more broadly, can the show still be successful if we know who wins from the onset and that person is reprehensible?

Needless to say, B&G already faced an uphill battle when it comes to making this work in the real world, and it’s about to get steeper.


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The Voice Recap: Is Adam Levine Doomed?

The Blind Auditions continued last night on The Voice, and that meant there was another batch of sub-par performers given the opportunity to advance to the next stage of the competition. 

Granted, most of the dull performances hailed from Team Adam. 

Also odd: ABC aired American Idol opposite The Voice. Do we really need these two shows fighting it out for more viewers than the other?

Let’s break down the performances!

Stephanie Skipper – “Piece by Piece” 

Stephanie plucked up the courage to perform a Kelly Clarkson number in front of Kelly herself, and it was a robust performance that was different enough from the original to set herself apart. 

Kelly did not seem impressed and didn’t turn her chair around. Luckily, Adam snapped the Nashville native up for his team. 

Tish Haynes Keys – “Chain of Fools” 

Tish opened up about falling pregnant at just 14 years old, and she claimed that it changed her life. Her performance was solid, but not spectacular. 

“You just killed Aretha Franklin!” said a shocked Kelly. Alas, she joined Team Adam. 

Bransen Ireland – “Tulsa Time” 

The first big miss of the night came in the form of Bransen. His vocals were most certainly not up there as the best, but he seemed like a natural fit for Team Blake.

The troubling thing about it was that Blake failed to turn around initially, and it took him some time to get on board with all of it. 

Teana Boston – “Unfaithful” 

Teana could have fooled us if she hit the stage and said she was a guest performer. She was polished and had a significant stage presence. 

She should make it far into the competition, but this show has been known to cut acts in their prime. Maybe Team Kelly will serve her well. 

Miya Bass – “Issues” 

While Miya Bass may have charisma for days, her song choice was way off for her audition. There was nothing about it that made her seem like a marketable artist. 

Adam’s team is beginning to look like the go-to place for the contestants who are just not great at performing. 

Jordan Kirkdorffer – “In Case You Didn’t Know”

This was another one of those middle of the road performances. We’re sure there must have been better contestants than Jordan to put through. 

We’re sure if he performed a pop song, he would not have joined Team Kelly … or any of the other coaches for that matter. 

Shana Halligan – “Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)”

After a string of downright dreadful performances, Shana appeared and reignited my interest in the show. Her vocals tugged at the heart because they were so beautiful. 

Team Alicia is the perfect place for her. 

Gary Edwards – “What’s Going On” 

Gary was ready to graduate from the church stage to the bigger stages that would propel him to stardom. His voice matched up, and he proved he has what it takes to become a professional singer. 

At least Adam finally got someone on his team who could make it far. 

Hannah Goebel – “If I Ain’t Got You”

In true The Voice fashion, the show left the best for last. Hannah scaled a lot of vocal heights throughout. We may very well have a finalist right here, you guys!

What did you think of the latest performances?

Sound off below. 


Monday, February 19, 2018

Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux: THIS is Why They Were Doomed to Fail

For most people out there, it’s shocking but it’s true: 

Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux are headed for a divorce.

The stars did not drop this D-Word upon announcing their separation last week, but it seems inevitable that their separation will soon lead to a legal break-up.

Like we said above, most celebrity gossip followers are surprised by this development.

But at least one individual saw it coming from the very beginning.

Her name is Heidi Bivens and she’s a designer who dated Theroux for 14 years, splitting from him not long before the actor got with Aniston in 2012.

According to The Sun, Bivens actually got in touch with the world famous former Friend in order to give her a heads-up.

She allegedly tried to tell Aniston not to get her hopes too high for a bright, long future with Theroux — because Bivens knew the romance was doomed to end in heartbreak.

“Heidi warned Jen and said, ‘Don’t believe you will have him for good,” a friend of of Heather’s told the British publication, describing Justin at the time to Jennifer as a “free spirit.”

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, of course.

But The Sun source went on to explain that Theorux “hated Hollywood” and believed it to be “vacuous,” quoting Bivens, who had said years ago that her ex would never want to “settle” in Tinseltown.

This actually jibes with reports that a major reason why Aniston and Theroux broke up was due not just to distance, but their contrasting feelings for each coast.

One insider has said that Aniston wanted to spend most of her time in Los Angeles, while Theroux preferred New York.

This isn’t too imply that Theroux didn’t enjoy acting/

He actually may have loved it TOO much, in a weird way.

“Justin would get immersed in his parts and ‘become’ the characters,” this same friend of Heather’s told The Sun, adding:

“You wouldn’t know where the real Justin was when he was into a role and it would be the case for months on end.

“Heidi found that difficult to deal with and it did cause tension between them.”

Could method acting really be the cause of a break-up? We’ve never dated an actor. So we can’t say for certain.

But Theroux did just spend the last couple of years portraying the main character on HBO’s The Leftovers.

And, without giving anything away about that series, let’s just say it’s quite dark and, at times, quite disturbing.

If Justin really did sink himself into the role as much as the above quote states he may have, it would be easy to see how difficult he may have been to live with.

Upon confirming their marriage was over a few days ago, Aniston and Theroux said the following:

Normally we would do this privately, but given that the gossip industry cannot resist an opportunity to speculate and invent, we wanted to convey the truth directly.

Whatever else is printed about us that is not directly from us, is someone else’s fictional narrative.

Above all, we are determined to maintain the deep respect and love that we have for one another.


Friday, December 1, 2017

Michelle Rodriguez Says the World"s Doomed Without a Woman"s Voice

Michelle Rodriguez channeled her inner James Brown to explain why powerful men are falling like dominoes, and the world feels like it’s in collapse — we’re missing the feminine spirit. We got Michelle outside El Rey Theatre Thursday…


Monday, May 8, 2017

Big Boi Calls BS on Claims He Pocketed $40k for Doomed Concert

Big Boi ran off with $ 40k after blowing off a Georgia concert, according to the promoter … but the rapper’s camp insists the concert is worth waiting for and it will come sooner rather than later. James Griffin tells TMZ he booked the Outkast…


Friday, December 9, 2016

Robbie Keane Says LA Galaxy Are DOOMED "Cause He"s Leaving (VIDEO)

Bad news for LA Galaxy fans, it’s all over for your soccer franchise … that’s according to departing superstar Robbie Keane who says the Galaxy are SCREWED now that he’s leaving. Keane’s been an absolute badass for the squad since he came over in…


Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Pokemon Go Leads Players To Auschwitz, Humanity Is Doomed

Come on, guys.  

The new Pokemon Go game may be great at getting people to enjoy the great outdoors, but it also makes them act like total idiots.

According to New York Magazine, someone reported “a presence” of the mobile app in Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland.

Fearing that the grounds would be a new PokeStop, a spokesperson for the Auschwitz Memorial had to issue a statement asking everyone not to take part.

The presence of the game at the former camp was ‘absolutely inappropriate,” the statement read.

“Allowing such games to be active on the site of Auschwitz Memorial is disrespectful to the memory of the victims of the German Nazi concentration and extermination camp on many levels.”

The organizers had asked the app’s creators to “not to allow the site of Auschwitz Memorial and other similar sites to be included in the game.”

It gets even better.

Another player claimed that there was a PokeStop at the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C.


Andy Hollinger, director of communications at the museum, stated that he and his team are “attempting to have the museum removed from the game.

“Technology can be an important learning tool, but this game falls far outside of our educational and memorial mission.” 

Wait, it gets worse.

The character found in the museum “excretes noxious gas,” which is…no.

The game, already available in Australia and the US, will soon be released in Europe.  

Considering that, many memorial organizations are already in touch with the app creators in order to avoid such shiteous things from happening go forward.

“After we were made aware that a number of historical markers on the grounds of former concentration camps in Germany had been added, we determined that they did not meet the spirit of our guidelines and began the process of removing them in Germany and elsewhere in Europe,” the company said in a statement.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Snooki Previews New Show, Houses Everywhere are Doomed

Back in November, FYI network (Kocktails with Khloe, Married at First Sight), announced a new show that would star Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi and her husband, Jionni LaValle.

Titled Nicole & Jionni"s Shore Flip, the reality series follows the couple as they flip houses on the Jersey Shore, combining the antics of Snooki"s former summer home with the "know-how" of building a home.

Sounds dangerous.

Now, Us Magazine revealed a sneak peak of the 8-episode program, which features Snooki"s cutesy antics (freaking out over loud noises, heavy focus on what she calls "style") while Jionni quietly tries to finish the task at hand.

"We"re a good team," Polizzi tells her husband in the trailer. "You got the muscles — I got the ideas."

The show has been billed as such: The couple"s friends and family members will help them as they "undertake their first business venture together flipping houses which between family and work is no walk on the beach."

Snooki also has a show on the go90 app with Jenni "JWOWW" Farley, Moms With Attitude.  It"s basically Snooki and JWOWW as mothers, with the same "zero f–ks given" approach to life as on Jersey Shore.

Both shows feature Snooki and Jionni"s children, Lorenzo and Giovanna.

Snooki previews new show houses everywhere are doomed

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Miley Cyrus & Liam Hemsworth: Is Their Relationship Doomed?!

As you’ve probably heard, Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth are back together.

The couple previously dated for almost four years and had plans to get married, but they broke up in 2013, soon after Miley entered the intergalactic stoned pixie phase of her career.

Now, it looks as though Miley and Liam are engaged for the second time, but according to Radar Online, not everyone is thrilled that the couple is giving it another shot.

“Liam already broke Miley’s heart once, and a lot of people around her are warning her that he will do it again,” says a source close to the situation.

“But she is not listening to anyone right now, even her mother Tish.”

The insider adds that Miley’s friends already staged a sort of mini-intervention in hopes of making her realize that she and Liam are “moving way too fast.”

“She doesn’t care at all though,” the insider claims. “She is convinced that he is the man that she is meant to be with.”

A rumored cause of their first split was Miley’s hard-partying, spotlight-craving lifestyle, and friends say Liam is already getting fed up with the behaviors that drove him away before:

“Liam does not want their relationship broadcast to the world and she insists on it,” the source says. “She keeps flashing that ring and posting stupid things on her social media and it is already irritating him.”

“She is trying to be the person he wants her to be, but it won’t last.”

Yikes. Well, if nothing else, maybe Miley will at least get another solid breakup ballad like “Wrecking Ball” out of this.