Showing posts with label Horror. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Horror. Show all posts

Thursday, November 8, 2018

American Horror Story Recap: Is The Coven Doomed?

The body count continued to rise on Wednesday’s penultimate installment of American Horror Story: Apocalypse. 

Before we get to the batch of deaths, let’s speak about The Cooperative aka the elusive company we’ve heard so much about throughout the current season. 

In an unsurprising twist, we learned that the company had 100 people who were controlling the world and that they would shut the whole thing down if they got the order. 

Vladimir Putin, Warren Buffet and Bill Clinton were just some of the names supposedly attached, and we also learned that it was all a mere code name for the Illuminati. 

But how did we get to that ludicrous revelation? 

The episode kicked off with Dinah Stevens doing the work of the devil to get her talk show picked up for 13 episodes. 

The lengths voodoo witches will go to in order to get their voices heard is pretty darn crazy. In any case, Michael and Mead made their way into Miss Robichaux’s Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies and wasted no time in killing the witches. 

Cordelia, Myrtle, Mallory, Madison, and Dinah all escaped unscathed, but both Queenie, Zoe, and some other unidentified witches perished. 

They met up in Misty’s shack determined to find a way to bring their sisters back from the dead. But Cordelia was blindsided when she tried to save her girls and learned that they had been wiped from existence. 

Remember Madison learned Michael had that ability during her trip to the Murder House? Well, she only told her Supreme about it after  Michael obliterated the coven. 

In all honesty, Cordelia’s reaction by slapping Madison was ridiculous. What else would the witches have done to stop all of this? 

They’re fighting a losing battle, and Mallory might be the key to finding a way to save the world and everyone who is still alive. 

Mallory used her abilities to return to Siberia in 1918 with the aim of changing time and saving the Romanoff family from being murdered. 

Anastasia was a witch and tried to build a wall to save her family from being murdered, but she got sidetracked and couldn’t complete the spell in time. 

Mallory showed up to try and reverse what happened, but the power of the two was not strong enough to save the family. 

So Mallory returned to the land of the living without being able to complete the mission. The witches are seriously getting their asses whooped right about now. 

The episode closed with Michael confirming to The Cooperative that he was the Antichrist and that they would be following his order from that point on. 

Okay then. 

What are your thoughts on the latest installment? 

Hit the comments below. 

American Horror Story: Apocalypse concludes next Wednesday on FX. 


Thursday, November 1, 2018

American Horror Story Recap: The Rise of Satan

Michael Langdon is all about bringing the world to an end. 

On Wednesday’s episode of American Horror Story, the spawn of Satan continued to try and come to terms with the path set out for him, 

At the top of the hour, Cordelia wasted no time in telling Michael that Miriam was burnt at the stake. 

Not one to mince his words, Michael claimed that he would be taking all of the witches down the moment he managed to bring his mentor back into the land of the living. 

“It’s over,” said Cordelia. “We know who you are. Your allies are all dead. You’ve failed.”

Just when it seemed like Michael hit rock bottom, he decided to spend several days in a pentagram circle, waiting for his father to tell him what to do next. 

When nothing much of not happened, the villain started roaming the streets and found himself inside a gathering in the Church of Satan because there’s apparently one on every street. 

“I’ve seen bad facelifts that are more evil than you!” shrieked the leader of the building to some of her minions. 

But the people who attended the church had decided to embrace an evil lifestyle and were somehow being rewarded by getting dates with the likes of Ryan Reynolds. 

Michael revealed he was the person they were all waiting for, and everyone inside the church wanted to be as close to him as they possibly could be. 

It still wasn’t enough for Michael. He didn’t know what was expected of him, so he continued to take his anguish out on his new allies. 

One of his new allies, however, knew the full extent of Michael’s pain after he revealed what happened to Miriam. 

The woman then took him on a ride to Northern California to a compound which is all about making the latest sex robots. 

The two men running things were coke addicted and had bowl cuts. It was all a little too much, but the saving grace of this installment was learning that Venable was working as the assistant. 

Both men complained that Michael was lying about being the Antichrist … until the villain set a woman on fire!

Michael managed to get them to craft a robotic version of Miriam, and all seemed right in the world of Michael Langdon for a hot minute. 

What comes next? 

We have no clue, but we’ll find out next Wednesday on the next episode.

What are your thoughts on the latest installment?

Hit the comments!


Thursday, October 25, 2018

American Horror Story Recap: The Traitor

Wednesday’s episode found our favorite coven of witches desperately trying to find some allies as the war against Michael Langdon aka The Antichrist loomed. 

Cordelia turned to Dinah Stevens, the witch who we know is in Outpost 3 in the present in this time jumping series, and asked her for a meeting. 

The meeting was with Papa Legba, but Dinah was not about to set that up until she got some cold hard cash for the inconvenience of summoning the voodoo devil. 

Cordelia parted with $ 100,000 and got a lot more than she bargained for when she realized that Nan was working with the elusive villain in hell. 

“I really like hell,” she admitted to Cordelia. “It’s fun! … I make trouble.”

Cordelia’s plan sounded rather simple: She wanted Papa Legba to open the gates of hell long enough to trap Michael in there for the rest of eternity. 

While Papa Legba seemed to like the idea of Michael being all locked up in his realm, he said she would need to give him something in return. 

All of her girls would have to make their way to the dimension, presumably so he could harness their powers. But that was not enough for Cordelia to agree to the offer. 

Instead, she pleaded with Dinah after Papa Legba exited the scene, but Dinah was open about that being the only way out for them. 

While Cordelia’s plan fizzled out, we got to witness a whole new plan thanks to the addition of Bubbles McGee, Joan Collins’ second character this season. 

The washed-up movie star could tell what people were thinking, so Madison reached out to her in a blatant attempt to make the first strike against the men of Michael’s school. 

Myrtle and Bubbles indulged in a dinner party with the warlocks, and that’s when Bubbles learned the frightening truth about John Henry:

He was murdered, and both men knew all about it. 

John Henry was brought back to life courtesy of Mallory and Zoe harnessing their magical abilities, and John Henry had a revenge plan in mind. 

Cordelia intercepted Ariel and Baldwin’s plan to send powder through the air to kill her and her girls and noted that the idea was stolen from a woman. 

Those warlocks switched the gender and set out to steal the idea for themselves. In any case, they were burned at the stake alongside Miss Mead. 

John Henry returned to do the lightning, but it didn’t seem to faze Miss Mead who was chanting that it was a rebirth of sorts for her. 

This episode was transitional more than anything. It set the tone for what’s to come in the coming weeks as the battle against the Antichrist gets underway. 

What are your thoughts on the latest twists and turns?

Hit the comments below!

American Horror Story continues Wednesdays on FX.


Thursday, October 18, 2018

American Horror Story Recap: Return to Murder House

American Horror Story was all about giving fans what they wanted on Wednesday night.

By that, we mean there was a return trip to the Murder House from American Horror Story Season 1 as Madison and Behold continued their mission to find out everything they could about Michael Langdon. 

Posing as the most fabulous married couple of them all, they had to fool the realtor into proving they were seriously interested in buying the house. 

As such a wire transfer was made, taking the house off the market and allowing the two to enter the walls of the home that housed 36 ghosts. 

Behold, and Madison had to do a spell to allow them to see the ghosts because the souls were able to decide when they could be seen by mortals. 

We quickly learned that Constance Langdon, Michael’s grandmother, was dead, and there was a huge hint that she took “the coward’s way out,” courtesy of Moira. 

“I’m Constance Langdon, and this is my f–ing house!” shrieked Constance, marking Jessica Lange’s first episode with the series in four years. 

The mother of Tate went on to say that if they wanted the goods on Michael, they had to do something for her:

Get rid “that insufferable, cloudy-eyed ginger.”

And that they did. The dug up her bones and planted them in the same plot of land as her mother’s corpse. It brought Moira’s storyline full-circle and allowed her to pass on to what came next with someone who was actually happy to see her. 

As for Constance’s end of the bargain, she spilled all the beans, and much of it was to be expected. She tried her best to keep Michael’s murderous instincts at bay. 

In fact, she went as far as planting a rose bush above every single animal he skewered, but that got difficult when he graduated to the big leagues and started offing humans. 

He even had a decade-length growth spurt one night, allowing him to become stronger. But Constance realized he was going to wind up killing her, so she headed over to the Murder House with some pills and a bottle of whiskey. 

“That’s what I call a bon voyage!” Constance laughed as she told the two witches the chilling tale. Constance decided against revealing her spirit to her grandson because she was too damaged following everything. 

However, Ben Harmon was on hand try and make a connection with the child who didn’t exactly have the best start in life. 

What followed were heartwarming scenes of Ben trying to make Michael be the best man he could be, but he drew the line for good when Michael opted to slice and dice two women who moved into the house. 

As if that was not bad enough, he sent their souls away from the world, thus ousting their lives in both places. 

That’s when Viven showed up to continue the trip down memory lane revealing that there was always something amiss with the child and that she believed he was the Antichrist. 

“I never stopped loving you,” Ben said after we learned Vivien has been steering clear of him.

“I know, but I never stopped hating him,” Vivien responded. 

Everything changed for the worse when a cult showed up at the house to worship Michael, confirming all of their worst fears. 

Micheal feasted on the heart of a girl Miriam kidnapped after offering her a ride. That’s when a mysterious shadow appeared behind him, confirming he was indeed the villain of this story. 

Vivan decided enough was enough and tried to kill him, but he turned the tables and attempted to take the women who birthed him out of the equation. 

In a truly surprising scene, Tate showed up and saved her. We also learned that Tate was not taking anything to do with the child despite him being his father. 

“You didn’t spring from my nut sack! Not even I could create something as monstrous, as evil, as you!” he yelled at Michael when he showed up in his room. 

Speaking of Tate, he and Violet’s relationship was essentially over. Violet couldn’t look at Tate after everything he did, but Madison managed to talk to her. 

She said that Tate was possessed by the evil inside the house. Could that be the case? Maybe, but it all felt a little too convenient. 

What are your thoughts on the episode?

Hit the comments below. 

American Horror Story continues Wednesdays on FX. 


Thursday, October 11, 2018

American Horror Story Recap: Who Returned from the Dead?

The battle to become the new Supreme continued on Wednesdays American Horror Story, and it resulted in a fan-favorite character returning from the dead, a big death, and the return to the Murder House we’ve been waiting for. 

Picking up right where last week’s installment closed off, Cordelia was unconscious following Queenie and Madison returning from the dead. 

Hey, it’s not every day someone can do the thing the Supreme could not, but before Cordelia returned to the land of the living, she had a vivid dream of the apocalypse. 

Miss Robichaux’s Academy was a pile of rubble, the winter fog was everywhere, and there were people feasting on Cordelia’s intestines. 

It turns out; there’s not a lot of protein going around during the end of the world. The biggest shocker was a white-faced man laughing about the destruction he caused. 

When Cordelia woke up, she agreed to administer the Seven Wonders for Michael, much to the chagrin of Myrtle. The women have had the power for so long that Myrtle felt like it would be a travesty to give it up. 

Once back home, Cordelia admitted that her power was fading, and by being dismissive of Michael, she was going to make the dark future become a reality. 

John Henry, who has been jealous of Michael since he learned of his power, worried that there was something more going on here. 

That’s why he decided to make his way to New Orleans to hash out his concerns with the witches, but Miriam was hot on his tail, and sliced him up, before setting him on fire. 

As expected, Michael passed the Seven Wonders without so much as breaking a sweat. But Cordelia decided to switch things up by asking Michael to do something she could not do:

Bring Misty back from the dead. Michael brought her back, and the Stevie Nicks fanatic wasted no time in telling Cordelia the villain was talking to evil in hell, and that there’s something dark about him. 

Cordelia wanted Misty to work with the coven to help save the world, but Misty had been gone too long and didn’t know how to use her magic. 

That’s when the White Witch (Nicks) appeared and started singing at Misty about rising up to be the person everyone already knows she is. 

With Cordelia’s coven now intact, she should be able to fight Michael. As you may recall, if you watch American Horror Story online, Cordelia was adamant about winning the war in the present. 

Misty failed at bringing herself back from the dead during her test of the Seven Wonders, but technically she’s returned from the dead. 

That, in theory, could mean that she’s passed the test after all. There was no confirmation of it, but there’s no getting away from it. 

As for Madison, she was sent on a mission to the Murder House to round up all the information she could about the spawn of Satan that was going by the name Michael Langdon. 

Behold went along for the ride. Yes, that’s his name. Despite advocating for Michael to complete the Seven Wonders, he was concerned about his abilities. 

We got a blink, and you’ll miss it glimpse of the Murder House. 

This is going to be fun!

What did you think of the latest installment?

Hit the comments. 

American Horror Story continues Wednesdays on FX. 


Thursday, September 27, 2018

American Horror Story Recap: Who Survived the Outpost 3 Bloodbath?

American Horror Story: Apocalypse got off to one of the best starts in franchise history, but it all fell apart with a weak second episode. 

American Horror Story Season 8 Episode 3 picked up the pace with Michael trying to establish who would be making their way to the elusive Sanctuary. 

During a conversation with Mallory, she opened up about feeling like there’s something inside of her trying to claw its way out. 

That’s when she unleashed some sort of power that could have brought a fiery end to Michael if he was a human. 

What this revealed was that Mallory could be a witch and that Michael was scared of her. He quickly got to work to plead for answers to the person who controls him. 

Things got downright weird when we learned that Miriam was having memories of raising a young blonde boy, but she had no idea why. 

Desperate for a place in this safe haven, Miriam and Venable made a plan to kill everyone in Outpost 3 meaning they would absolutely have to go to this new place. 

Their plan picked up steam when a bunch of flawless apples was delivered by The Cooperative, and the duo got to work in putting snake venom into them. 

Unbeknownst to the pair, Coco’s ex actually survived the end of the world and was hiding under the carriage. 

He later murdered one of their henchmen to make his way inside to find Coco to get revenge on her. 

In a surprising twist, Brock murdered Coco at a Halloween party while posing as Michael. 

Venable’s plan worked, and everyone else died as a result of the poisonous apple, but not all of them stayed dead. 

Venable and Miriam went on a mission to take down Michael for good, but we learned that Miriam was actually crafted as Constance Langdon, and he gave her the memories she was looking for. 

Miriam/Constance then turned the gun on Venable, ending her reign of terror once and for all. 

Downstairs, Cordelia, Myrtle, and Madison appeared and saved Coco, Mallory, and Dinah from a certain death. 

Oh yes, the witches are back, and it seems like there are more of them than ever, you guys. 

“Surprise bitch, bet you thought you’d seen the last of me,” Madison said to Mallory, confirming they had a history. 

What the heck is going on? 

So. Many. Twists. 

And we have to wait another week to find out how all of this is going to play out. 

What did you think of the episode? 

Hit the comments below. 


Thursday, September 20, 2018

American Horror Story Recap: Where Are the Witches?!

The latest installment of American Horror Story: Apocalypse was heavy on the rubber, but light on the witches. 

We kicked things off with Michael Langdon parading around Outpost 3 with hair that looks very similar to his mother, Vivien’s.

He wasted no time in asserting his power in the lair, and Venable was livid. If you watch American Horror Story online, you know that Venable had a lot of rules about sleeping arrangements. 

Primarily, she did not want anyone in the Outpost sleeping with each other. For those at home yelling about how it won’t be possible to repopulate the Earth, we hear you. 

Timothy and Emily decided they wanted to have fun, and by that, they wanted to sleep with each other. It’s the end of the world, so why not?

They weren’t buying what Venable was selling about abstinence, so they broke into Michael’s room and found a conveniently placed laptop. 

There, they found emails between Michael and The Cooperative. That’s when they found out that Venable was lying about not having sexual contact. 

Venable was furious when the two teenagers went forward and had sex with each other. Venable ordered their deaths, but Timothy and Ash fought back. 

Miriam wound up shot, but there was something amiss with her flesh. Is she even a real person? 

As for Michael, he had a lot of sexual chemistry with Mr. Gallant, so much so that it seemed he was dressing up as the Rubber Man from Murder House and having sex with him. 

But Michael was adamant he was not the one dressing up, and that he should try to find out the truth on his own. 

Evie, Mr. Gallant’s mother, witnessed the sex between him and the Rubber Man and took the news to Miriam and Venable. 

The pair tried to whip him to get the answers, but they realized when they looked down that he was getting off on the pain. 

In a truly stunning shock, the Rubber Man showed up again, but Mr. Gallant opted to stab him because he was done with the mind games. 

That’s when we learned that Evie had been body-swapped and was dead at the hands of her grandson. Well, at least she won’t be ratting on him any longer. 

Elsewhere, Michael confronted Venable for lying to everyone about the rules, but Venable was not ready to back down. 

She said that she was sent the rules, and she was following them. However, she did not have a copy of them at hand for Michael to cast his eye on. 

Michael said that he was the one who sent the rules, calling her bluff. Oh, yes, there’s a power struggle between these two, and we’re all in for it. 

While the episode had a lot of action, the preview for it claimed the witches would make their entrance into Outpost 3. 

That did not happen, and the only excuse for that is that FX was trying to stop the typical week two drop the franchise has been known for. 

What are your thoughts on this installment? 

Hit the comments below. 

American Horror Story continues Wednesday on FX!


Friday, July 20, 2018

American Horror Story Season 8: Chilling First Details Revealed!

If you’re liking the revival craze that’s taking over Hollywood right now, then we have some good news for you. 

For the others, we’re very sorry.  

We’ve known for a while now that American Horror Story Season 8 would be a crossover between American Horry Story: Murder House and American Horror Story: Coven, arguably the best two seasons of the FX hit. 

Fans at a late-night event at San Diego Comic-Con were given an eerie first look at the new season, and that consisted of the title being revealed, as well as the poster. 

Drum roll please…The title of the eighth iteration of the series is…

American Horror Story: Apocalypse

As if the title alone was not spooky enough, the official poster is enough to freak just about anyone out. 

Yes, that does appear to be Satan’s hand comforting a newborn child. If you watch American Horror Story online, you know that Michael was revealed to be the Antichrist on American Horror Story Season 1 Episode 12

With the Harmons dead, he moved in with his grandmother, Constance (Jessica Lange), but his violent tendencies could not be left behind. 

He murdered his nanny, leading Constance to utter the following:

“Now what am I gonna do with you?”

Most fans were unimpressed when it ended that way, but now we will get to find out what happened next. 

“Apocalypse,” seems to suggest that Michael’s presence in the world is going to create an imbalance, one that will need to be resolved before the world can return to peace. 

Despite the poster being light on the specifics about how Coven comes into things, we do know that Emma Roberts is returning as Madison Montgomery aka the chainsmoking washed-up actress who was killed twice. 

Alongside Roberts, Sarah Paulson, Kathy Bates, Evan Peters, Joan Collins, Adina Porter, Cheyenne Jackson, Billy Eichner, Leslie Grossman, Billie Lourd, Jeffrey Bowyer-Chapman, and Kyle Allen will all return. 

In a Twitter Q&A in June, Ryan Murphy confirmed that all the witches have been asked back. 

That’s good news for the fans who are actually looking forward to this revival with a twist. 

For the others, well, you could just live with the fact that you’ve been swindled into watching the first part of the story. 

What are your thoughts on this title and poster? 

Hit the comments below. 

American Horror Story returns Wednesday, September 12th on FX!


Friday, June 29, 2018

Capital Gazette Reporter Tweets Horror of Latest Mass Shooting

Another mass shooting has taken place in America.

On Thursday afternoon, a gunman broke into the offices of The Capital Gazette in Maryland, opening fire and killing at least five individuals and wounding many others.

Capital Gazette scene

According to law enforcement officials, an unnamed suspect is in custody, but very little is known about him at the moment.

We can confirm, however, that the suspect was found hiding under a desk inside the building and that a package (or carrying device of some kind), which contained a flammable liquid, was discovered near him on the ground.

Police have also said the suspect was an adult male and that he used a “long gun” to carry out his massacre.

More than 170 people were in the building during the shooting; those who did not suffer any injuries were evacuated and taken to a reunification area.

Among those unharmed was reporter Phil Davis, who has made headlines for Tweeting a few details from the awful incident.

“There is nothing more terrifying than hearing multiple people get shot while you’re under your desk and then hear the gunman reload,” Davis Tweeted at one point on Thursday, adding:

“Gunman shot through the glass door to the office and opened fire on multiple employees. Can’t say much more and don’t want to declare anyone dead, but it’s bad.

“A single shooter shot multiple people at my office, some of whom are dead.”

davis tweets

In a later interview posted on the newspaper’s website, Davis said the scene inside the newspaper’s office “was like a war zone,” expounding:

“I’m a police reporter.

“I write about this stuff – not necessarily to this extent, but shootings and death – all the time. But as much as I’m going to try to articulate how traumatizing it is to be hiding under your desk, you don’t know until you’re there and you feel helpless.”

Elsewhere, Jimmy DeButts, an editor at the Capital Gazette, Tweeted that he was “devastated & heartbroken,” explaining why it is he and his co-workers do the jobs they do:

We keep doing more with less. We find ways to cover high school sports, breaking news, tax hikes, school budgets & local entertainment.. We are there in times of tragedy.

“We do our best to share the stories of people, those who make our community better. Please understand, we do all this to serve our community.”

debutts tweet

Along these lines, the newspaper has said it has no plans of going on hiatus or taking any sort of break.

“I can tell you this: We are putting out a damn paper tomorrow,” reporter Chase Cook Tweeted.

President Donald Trump, has has often referred to the press as the “enemy of the people,” something he reiterated two days ago at a rally in South Carolina, chimed in as follows on social media:

“Prior to departing Wisconsin, I was briefed on the shooting at Capital Gazette in Annapolis, Maryland.

“My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families. Thank you to all of the First Responders who are currently on the scene.”

djt shooting tweet

Added the First Lady on Twitter:

“Today’s violence at the Capital Gazette was tragic & evil.

“My heart goes out to all affected in this brutal & senseless attack, & I send thoughts & prayers for comfort to the friends, family & colleagues of those killed & injured.”

Anne Arundel County Police spokesman Lt. Ryan Frashure said that officers were on the scene “very, very quickly, I think it was around 60 seconds or a minute-and-a-half” after receiving the call about the active shooter.

As of this writing, the suspect is said to not be cooperating with police.

Here is a look at the building where the shooting took place:

the building

Maryland Governor Larry Hogan has also released a statement about this shooting at the Capital Gazette in Annapolis, saying at a press conference:

“We are terribly saddened by the loss of five members of our community in today’s heinous shooting.

“The Capital Gazette is my hometown paper, and I have the greatest respect for the fine journalists, and all the men and women, who work there.

“They serve each day to shine light on the world around us so that we might see with more clarity and greater understanding.

“There is no place in our society for this kind of hatred and violence, and the individual responsible for this horrendous crime must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”


Anne Arundel Police Deputy Chief Bill Krampf has now confirmed this was a “targeted attack” against the newspaper.


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Selena Gomez Horror Video Scares the Bejesus Out of Fans

Despite what one moronic designer said recently, Selena Gomez is not ugly.

She is very, very pretty in fact.

This very clear fact said, the singer did just frighten the ever-living heck out of her fans via her appearance… although not for the reason you may think.

Gomez didn’t get a weird haircut or don some unusual ensemble on the red carpet of some event.

Instead, the former Disney Channel star returned to her acting roots by teaming up with her close friend, Canadian artist and director Petra Collins, for a new strange and nightmarish short horror film.

It’s titled “Love Story.” But that appears to be a misnomer.

Rolled out exclusively on Instagram’s new long-form video platform IGTV, the film is filled with disturbing imagery, as teased by a few excerpts Collins shared late yesterday.

In an extended clip, for example, Gomez is totally nude and taking a bath with a prosthetic face in the water.

She wears the eerioe flesh on various parts of her body, including her own face, before it appears as if she leans in to kiss it.

We told you: This is creepy stuff!

gomez eyeball

Oh, and Gomez also sucks on a singular eyeball at one point and lies at the legs of a woman with a face made out of a dismembered fingers.

Later, the ex-Justin Bieber lover just casually scrapes icing off her own leg with a knife — and eats it.

Many fans appear to be legitimately upset by this footage, accusing Gomez of having become someone they don’t recognize and apparently don’t like very much.

“I think you changed Selena. I miss Selena in 2016 and I want in 2016 and I want it back … I’m afraid,” one fan commented in response to the footage, while another added:

“This has a serial killer vibe to it!”

It’s certainly true that Selena has grown up a lot.

She isn’t the innocent Disney star who first burst on the scene as the lead cast member in Wizards of Waverly Place.

But there’s nothing wrong with that. People grow and evolve and change. This ought to be encouraged for the most part.

Collins and Gomez previously worked together on the singer’s 2017 music videos for “Bad Liar” and “Fetish,” the latter of which featured its own fair share of strange imagery (including Gomez flailing around the kitchen, eating lipstick and glass).

The two are very close and have often talked about a collaboration of some kind.

whoa selena

Moreover, Gomez has never been shy about her affection for the horror genre.

“I love The Exorcist and the things that come from inside you, the things that are a little more subtle, and things that you deal with from inwards,” Collins told Vanity Fair last May, adding:

“I feel like it’s something Selena and I both love talking about … that topic is sort of dear to us.”

For her part, the 13 Reasons Why producer opened up about working with Collins in a July 2017 interview with Dazed:

“People don’t know but my personal life ties into the work we do together because [she] knows things about my life that nobody knows and I know a lot about [her] life that nobody knows.

“It comes out, somehow.”

Check out the creepy footage below!


Thursday, June 14, 2018

Loser Designer Blasts Selena Gomez as "Ugly," Fans React in Horror

You can say many things about Selena Gomez.

You can say you don’t like her music because you’re entitled to that opinion.

You can say you she has bad taste in men because Justin Bieber has never treated her well.

You can say she makes poor decisions with her hairstyle at times.

But you cannot say what Stefano Gabbana just said about the singer, not if you want to avoid very deserved backlash from millions of people on social media.

The Italian designer, who co-founded the fashion label label Dolce & Gabbana, went out of his way on Instagram this week to attack Gomez.

In the comments of a photo on The Catwalk Italia’s Instagram account, Gabbana wrote the following alongside a collage of Selena picture:

È proprio brutta!!!

This translates, very simply and extremely rudely, to: She’s so ugly.

The insult was many things; unprovoked, cruel, sexist and objectively untrue.

And while Gomez has thus far taken the high road, refusing to even acknowledge Gabbana’s existence, her friends and fans online have been unable to show similar restraint.

“@stefanobabbana you’re tired and over. your homophobic, misogynistic, body-shaming existence will not thrive in 2018,” Tweeted 13 Reasons Why actor Tommy Dorfman, who plays Ryan Shaver in the Netflix drama.

He added:

“it is no longer tolerable or chic. please take many seats.”

And then there was this from a Gomez follower:

“Shame on you for online bullying. Doesn’t matter if 1 million people see it or 1 person, it’s bullying. It’s wrong.”

And then this from another Gomez follower, who kept it short and simple and supportive:

“We love this beautiful queen.”

Julia Michaels, a singer-songwriter and close friend of Selena’s tweeted:

“@selenagomez just here to tell you that you are one of the most beautiful women I know, inside and out. I love you always.”

This really is true.

While the merits of what Gabbana said are really beside the point, it might as well be pointed out while we’re here:

Selena Gomez is a very pretty young woman. Full stop. This statement really can’t be debated.

Over the years, Gabbana has bullied stars on social media numerous times, including Kate Mossand Victoria Beckham.

Most recently, he went after Kate Moss on the same Catwalk Italia Instagram page, dissing a Saint Laurent look she was wearing … just because.

In 2015, celebrities such as Elton John, Courtney Love and Ricky Martin boycotted the fashion brand over insensitive comments Dolce and Gabbana made about IVF and LGBTQ families.

Moreover, the brand released a $ 245 “#BoycottDolceGabbana” graphic T-shirt inspired by the negative response to First Lady Melania Trump wearing their designs.

In other words: it courts controversy like this.

So the best thing to do is what Selena has done, which is to totally and completely ignore the misguided and pathetic messenger.

This will be the last time we write about him.


Monday, April 30, 2018

"Stranger Things" and "Florida Project" Stars Get Big Horror Film Paydays

Finn Wolfhard is turning his “Stranger Things” fame into a big payday at the movies, too. The 15-year-old who plays Mike on ‘Stranger’ is one of the leads in “The Turning” — a horror flick based on the classic novel, “The Turn of the Screw” — and…


Thursday, March 29, 2018

"American Horror Story" Actress Is Terrifying in Real Life, Ex-BF Claims

Rosa Salazar haunted the crap outta people on “American Horror Story,” but her ex-bf claims she’s way scarier in real life. Sam Setzer filed for a restraining order against Rosa, and in the docs he says she’s been terrorizing him ever since their…


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

"American Horror Story" Murder House Owners Have Video Proof of Fan Nightmares

The current owners of the Murder House from “American Horror Story” say these videos and photos of fans swarming around their home show exactly why they’re suing the previous owner. The videos are pretty insane — some fans climbed into a dumpster…


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

"American Horror Story" Murder House Owners Sue

The owners of the famed Los Angeles mansion where “American Horror Story” shot its first season say they got sold a bill of haunted goods, and now they’re suing … a ghost … so to speak. The Rosenheim mansion hosted Ryan Murphy, Connie Britton,…


Friday, January 19, 2018

"Horror House" Parents Charged with 12 Counts of Torture, Better Be Imprisoned for Life

David and Louise Turpin – the California parents who reportedly confined, tortured and malnourished their 13 children – now face up to 94 years to life in prison, authorities announced on Thursday.

The couple was officially charged in court today with 12 counts of torture, following their arrest this week for committing allegedly heinous acts. 

As previously reported, the Turpins were discovered to have been keeping their kids captive for years, allegedly depriving them of food and keeping them chained to pieces of furniture for hours and hours at a time.

The kids ranged in age from two through 29.

A 17-year old daughter managed to escape and call the police, alerting them to the despicable conditions in which her siblings were being kept.

Bail has been set at $ 13 million for the Turpins in Riverside County, California.

Said Riverside County District Attorney Mike Hestrin on Thursday afternoon:

“All the victims were and are severely malnourished. The 29-year-old female victim weighs 82 pounds.”

The kids were immediately sent to the hospital upon being rescued by authorities and are receiving various types of treatment.

They are receiving antibiotics, vitamins and nutrients and psychologists will soon be brought in to evaluate the victims when their physical conditions improve.

Hestrin also said that the children would “sleep all day and be up all night,” confirming reports from neighbors who have said they witnessed the kids being marched all around the home during very strange hours.

According to Hestrin, “none of the victims were allowed to shower more than once a year.”

Many were found lying in piles of their own feces this week.

“This is severe physical and emotional abuse we’re talking about,” Hestrin said. “It breaks our hearts, but we’re professionals and have to seek justice.”

He noted that the 17-year old who broke free and dialed 911 had been plotting her escape for two years.

On Wednesday, investigators served search warrants to the home, spending approximately seven hours going through evidence, and walking out with several boxes, two safes and pieces of wood that appear to have been part of bed frames.

David’s mother, Betty, told reporters after her son’s arrest that David and his wife had so many kids because God wanted them to.

“I feel they were model Christians,” she told the Southern California News Group on Wednesday, adding:

“It’s hard to believe all of this. Over the years, the Lord knows what happened.”

Adds David Macher, a public defender assigned to David Turpin:

“What we would like the public to know is that our clients are presumed to be innocent, and that’s a very important presumption.”

When asked about the number of counts and the nature of the charges, Macher said:

“It’s going to be a challenge.”

Aside from suffering severe caloric malnutrition associated with muscle wasting, several of the kids have cognitive impairment and “neuropathy, which is nerve damage, as a result of this extreme and prolonged physical abuse,” Hestrin says.

What will happen now to the victims?

The Riverside County Department of Public Social Services is seeking court authorization to provide oversight and care for the 13 siblings “to the extent that’s necessary,” says Susan von Zabern, spokeswoman for the Riverside County Department of Public Social Services.

She added on Tuesday:

“At this point, we’ll be doing a full assessment with medical professionals to better understand needs of the adults as well as the children, and we’ll be prepared to provide supportive services as well as engage other agencies in assisting these individuals to be stable.”


Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Weinstein Company Sued Over "Amityville Horror" Sequel

Good news for The Weinstein Company … It’s being sued again, but not for sexual harassment. The widow of the author of the novel, “The Amityville Horror” is suing Harvey Weinstein, Bob Weinstein and TWC, for allegedly ripping off her dead…


Wednesday, November 8, 2017

American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 10 Recap: Another One Bites the Dust

It was back to the 2016 Presidential Election on American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 10

When the episode got underway, we picked up with a flashback that took us to the final debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. 

That was the night Kai realized he wanted world domination and he was going to find a way to make it happen … even if it meant killing multiple people to get there. 

Kai went at it with one of Winter’s friends because of their differing views about Americans. He smacked the chick in the face, and that’s how he found himself in anger management.

This meeting helped connect the dots somewhat when it emerged that the coach was Bebe Babbitt. She was the woman who tried to reel the women in a few weeks back, but it was revealed she was working with Kai. 

She seemed to think that Kai needed to know his true purpose in the world was to give up his own life to help all American women have their way. 

“The women of the world are waiting for you, legs spread, on their backs,” she told him. “Impregnate them! Help them give birth to their rage!”

Back in the present, a protestor hit Kai in the face at one of his political rallies, so it was up there with the other crazy ones that have occurred this season. 

Kai then told his cult about Charles Manson, and noted that he “wasn’t thinking big enough.” Kai then took his latest propaganda to Planned Parenthood, and everyone stabbed the man working there. 

As if that was not bad enough, they wrote: “Stop the Slaughter” on the door. From then on, it became apparent to Kai that someone from the cult was about to try and take him down. 

Bebe visited him to find out what he was going to do now that he’s gone off course. 

“You really thought I was going to drown myself in female rage?” he asked.

“You thought I’d die for some dead bitch’s cause? … Women can’t run things. They’re too emotional, too irrational. … Women need to be grabbed by their p–s and led, preferably into the kitchen to make me a sandwich.”

Ally appeared with a gun and took Bebe right out of the equation. Yes, we’re still surprised at how crazy Ally has become. For Ally, her revenge plan was not over. 

She made it look like Winter was recording conversations with Kai and that meant Kai thought his sister could be the one ready to jump ship. 

Kai murdered Winter, and it solidified the fact that Kai and Ally are a match made in heaven. What will they do next?!

Hit the comments below!
