Thursday, October 11, 2018

American Horror Story Recap: Who Returned from the Dead?

The battle to become the new Supreme continued on Wednesdays American Horror Story, and it resulted in a fan-favorite character returning from the dead, a big death, and the return to the Murder House we’ve been waiting for. 

Picking up right where last week’s installment closed off, Cordelia was unconscious following Queenie and Madison returning from the dead. 

Hey, it’s not every day someone can do the thing the Supreme could not, but before Cordelia returned to the land of the living, she had a vivid dream of the apocalypse. 

Miss Robichaux’s Academy was a pile of rubble, the winter fog was everywhere, and there were people feasting on Cordelia’s intestines. 

It turns out; there’s not a lot of protein going around during the end of the world. The biggest shocker was a white-faced man laughing about the destruction he caused. 

When Cordelia woke up, she agreed to administer the Seven Wonders for Michael, much to the chagrin of Myrtle. The women have had the power for so long that Myrtle felt like it would be a travesty to give it up. 

Once back home, Cordelia admitted that her power was fading, and by being dismissive of Michael, she was going to make the dark future become a reality. 

John Henry, who has been jealous of Michael since he learned of his power, worried that there was something more going on here. 

That’s why he decided to make his way to New Orleans to hash out his concerns with the witches, but Miriam was hot on his tail, and sliced him up, before setting him on fire. 

As expected, Michael passed the Seven Wonders without so much as breaking a sweat. But Cordelia decided to switch things up by asking Michael to do something she could not do:

Bring Misty back from the dead. Michael brought her back, and the Stevie Nicks fanatic wasted no time in telling Cordelia the villain was talking to evil in hell, and that there’s something dark about him. 

Cordelia wanted Misty to work with the coven to help save the world, but Misty had been gone too long and didn’t know how to use her magic. 

That’s when the White Witch (Nicks) appeared and started singing at Misty about rising up to be the person everyone already knows she is. 

With Cordelia’s coven now intact, she should be able to fight Michael. As you may recall, if you watch American Horror Story online, Cordelia was adamant about winning the war in the present. 

Misty failed at bringing herself back from the dead during her test of the Seven Wonders, but technically she’s returned from the dead. 

That, in theory, could mean that she’s passed the test after all. There was no confirmation of it, but there’s no getting away from it. 

As for Madison, she was sent on a mission to the Murder House to round up all the information she could about the spawn of Satan that was going by the name Michael Langdon. 

Behold went along for the ride. Yes, that’s his name. Despite advocating for Michael to complete the Seven Wonders, he was concerned about his abilities. 

We got a blink, and you’ll miss it glimpse of the Murder House. 

This is going to be fun!

What did you think of the latest installment?

Hit the comments. 

American Horror Story continues Wednesdays on FX. 
