Showing posts with label Traitor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Traitor. Show all posts

Thursday, October 25, 2018

American Horror Story Recap: The Traitor

Wednesday’s episode found our favorite coven of witches desperately trying to find some allies as the war against Michael Langdon aka The Antichrist loomed. 

Cordelia turned to Dinah Stevens, the witch who we know is in Outpost 3 in the present in this time jumping series, and asked her for a meeting. 

The meeting was with Papa Legba, but Dinah was not about to set that up until she got some cold hard cash for the inconvenience of summoning the voodoo devil. 

Cordelia parted with $ 100,000 and got a lot more than she bargained for when she realized that Nan was working with the elusive villain in hell. 

“I really like hell,” she admitted to Cordelia. “It’s fun! … I make trouble.”

Cordelia’s plan sounded rather simple: She wanted Papa Legba to open the gates of hell long enough to trap Michael in there for the rest of eternity. 

While Papa Legba seemed to like the idea of Michael being all locked up in his realm, he said she would need to give him something in return. 

All of her girls would have to make their way to the dimension, presumably so he could harness their powers. But that was not enough for Cordelia to agree to the offer. 

Instead, she pleaded with Dinah after Papa Legba exited the scene, but Dinah was open about that being the only way out for them. 

While Cordelia’s plan fizzled out, we got to witness a whole new plan thanks to the addition of Bubbles McGee, Joan Collins’ second character this season. 

The washed-up movie star could tell what people were thinking, so Madison reached out to her in a blatant attempt to make the first strike against the men of Michael’s school. 

Myrtle and Bubbles indulged in a dinner party with the warlocks, and that’s when Bubbles learned the frightening truth about John Henry:

He was murdered, and both men knew all about it. 

John Henry was brought back to life courtesy of Mallory and Zoe harnessing their magical abilities, and John Henry had a revenge plan in mind. 

Cordelia intercepted Ariel and Baldwin’s plan to send powder through the air to kill her and her girls and noted that the idea was stolen from a woman. 

Those warlocks switched the gender and set out to steal the idea for themselves. In any case, they were burned at the stake alongside Miss Mead. 

John Henry returned to do the lightning, but it didn’t seem to faze Miss Mead who was chanting that it was a rebirth of sorts for her. 

This episode was transitional more than anything. It set the tone for what’s to come in the coming weeks as the battle against the Antichrist gets underway. 

What are your thoughts on the latest twists and turns?

Hit the comments below!

American Horror Story continues Wednesdays on FX.


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump: Keep Kissing Putin"s Ass, Traitor!

If you were anywhere near social media yesterday, you may have noticed that the entire internet briefly set aside cat videos and celebrity butts in order to briefly focus on something slightly more important — namely, a US president just casually committing treason on live TV.

Yes, in case you somehow haven’t heard, the passionate bromance of Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin continued yesterday, and it was different from all those other times an American president sang the praises of a hostile foreign dictator who was standing right next to him, in that it actually happened in real life and wasn’t part of some terrifying Orwellian nightmare.

Obviously, the hot takes were everywhere on social media yesterday, with just about everyone roasting poor Donnie to a crisp for essentially getting dominated by a powerful Russian on TV in what can only be described as a reverse-Rocky IV.

Even prominent members of the GOP spoke out against Trump’s embarrassing display of supplication.

Of course, if you’re wondering if any of them will do anything about it by, say, running against Trump in the 2020 primaries, the answer remains “hell no,” because ultimately, ceding control of our country to a corrupt superpower is a small price to pay in exchange for corporate tax cuts.

No, the task of usurping Donnie Despot will once again fall to the Dems, who will again be forced to rely upon a much smaller arsenal of weapons than their opponents.

While the Trump campaign will continue to enjoy the support of state TV and an army of Russian bots, whoever runs against the president will be forced to rely on old-fashioned tools such as “words” and “the truth.”

Obviously, those instruments didn’t prove very reliable for Hillary Clinton in 2016, but that hasn’t stopped the rightful president from continuing to take shots at the Ruskie-installed puppet that currently occupies the White House:

“Great World Cup. Question for President Trump as he meets Putin: Do you know which team you play for?” Clinton tweeted when the soccer tournament wrapped up on Sunday.

She followed that up yesterday with a succinct yet potent burn:

“Well, now we know,” Clinton tweeted.

And if you think Clinton is exaggerating, you should really go back and watch that press conference again.

Trump basically had cartoon hearts orbiting that fleshy tube he calls a head the entire time.

Of course, what’s really troublesome about the Helsinki summit is not what was said on camera, but what may have transpired behind closed doors.

But if you’re finding that thought too horrible to contemplate today, you may want to focus instead on the moment when Trump threw a soccer ball at his wife.

You know it was a weird-ass press conference when that instant of hilariously unathletic awkwardness doesn’t even crack the top five on the list of weirdest sh-t that happened.

Now if you’ll excuse us, we’re gonna try and find out if we’ll need to buy new computers once the takeover is complete, or if there’s some sort of keyboard command for all those backward Ks and Rs in the Russian alphabet.


Monday, January 22, 2018

Megyn Kelly Says Jane Fonda"s a Traitor Who Has No Right to Call Her Offensive

Megyn Kelly lashed out at Jane Fonda Monday, essentially calling her a traitor who has no business lecturing her, or anyone else, on what qualifies as offensive. Kelly was reacting to Fonda’s blistering criticism of her for asking about Fonda’s…


Friday, August 4, 2017

Kardashian Family Calls Caitlyn a Transgender Traitor

The Kardashian family believes Caitlyn Jenner has betrayed the transgender community by sticking with Donald Trump after the President vowed to throw every transgender soldier out of the military. Sources with first-hand knowledge tell us,…


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Tomi Lahren Suspension ... Her Side Says Glenn Beck Was Jealous, His Says She"s a Traitor

Tomi Lahren is either a sellout who betrayed the people with whom she works or just so successful her boss is lashing out at her in envy … these are the 2 sides of the coin in Tomi’s suspension saga. TheBlaze honcho Glenn Beck benched Tomi for a…


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Jon Voight Slams Miley Cyrus: She"s a Traitor!

Jon Voight once said that Barack Obama was focused on the “destruction of this country,” specifically slamming the former President as someone who lied to Israel and to U.S. citizens.

But Voight was just being a true patriot at the time.

Conversely, Miley Cyrus and Shia LaBeouf and all other people who have spoken out in defiance of Donald Trump are traitors to this amazing nation.

So goes the logic of Jon Voight, apparently.

Speaking to TMZ on Tuesday, Voight went off on the Women’s March, a global event last Saturday that drew over 3.5 million people across various states and countries.

It was a peaceful protest against Trump’s personality and politics, with not a single arrest made in Washington D.C., despite a gathering of 500,000 concerned citizens.

Cyrus took part in the March, holding up signs in support of Planned Parenthood; while LaBeouf staged a “He Will Not Divide Us” lifestream resistance of his own in New York City.

And Voight voiced his objections to it all when talking to TMZ.

“It’s been very serious and very destructive, this marching against the government and against the president. Very, very serious,” Voight explains in the following video.

What about the First Amendment, a cameraman asks the veteran actor?

“It is what the First Amendment’s about, but what was the march about?” Voight confusingly replies.

Voight then went for the insane and illogical jugular.

“The march was against the government and against this president, trying to denigrate his office and his presidency, and that’s no good,” he said.

“And when you see the young people, like Shia LaBeouf and Miley Cyrus, and they have a lot of followers. Young people are looking at them, and what are they teaching? They’re teaching treason.”


Voight seemingly thinks that if you speak out against a President in a strong and passionate (and peaceful!) manner, then you are guilty of betraying your free country.

Heck, Trump himself has said the opposite.

In a Tweet clearly written by someone else, the President wrote of the March earlier this week:

“Peaceful protests are a hallmark of our democracy. Even if I don’t always agree, I recognize the rights of people to express their views.”

LaBeouf actually went viral after confronting a white supremacist during his livestream. The eccentric actor received widespread support for his actions.

But Voight was not impressed.

“They’re teaching going up against the government, not accepting the will of the people on this presidency,” he said to TMZ.

“And it’s a very sad day, really, when I see this. This Hollywood group, I find it — it’s a very sad thing for me to witness what they’re doing.”

Hey, that is one man’s opinion.

And he’s very much entitled to it… the same way Cyrus, LaBeouf and many other stars are entitled to their opinion.

Did Madonna take her speech too far? When she claimed on stage that she had thought about blowing up the White House?

Yes, of course. She deserved criticism for that.

But she’s since apologized and tried to expound on the point she was trying to make, using nuance in a statement released via Instagram.

Voight, however, is not really one for nuance.

He gave a speech at Trump’s inauguration concert, during which he complained about the “barrage of propaganda” and “all the negative lies against Mr. Trump.”

And Voight has no idea why these lies are out there, considering Trump is just a man who wants to “make America great again,” he told the crowd.

Voight, remember, is Angelina Jolie’s father.

So before you go ahead and slam the actress, perhaps you can now understand why she may not always come across as mentally balanced.

Can you imagine the way in which she was raised?!?
