Showing posts with label Voight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Voight. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Jon Voight Slams Miley Cyrus: She"s a Traitor!

Jon Voight once said that Barack Obama was focused on the “destruction of this country,” specifically slamming the former President as someone who lied to Israel and to U.S. citizens.

But Voight was just being a true patriot at the time.

Conversely, Miley Cyrus and Shia LaBeouf and all other people who have spoken out in defiance of Donald Trump are traitors to this amazing nation.

So goes the logic of Jon Voight, apparently.

Speaking to TMZ on Tuesday, Voight went off on the Women’s March, a global event last Saturday that drew over 3.5 million people across various states and countries.

It was a peaceful protest against Trump’s personality and politics, with not a single arrest made in Washington D.C., despite a gathering of 500,000 concerned citizens.

Cyrus took part in the March, holding up signs in support of Planned Parenthood; while LaBeouf staged a “He Will Not Divide Us” lifestream resistance of his own in New York City.

And Voight voiced his objections to it all when talking to TMZ.

“It’s been very serious and very destructive, this marching against the government and against the president. Very, very serious,” Voight explains in the following video.

What about the First Amendment, a cameraman asks the veteran actor?

“It is what the First Amendment’s about, but what was the march about?” Voight confusingly replies.

Voight then went for the insane and illogical jugular.

“The march was against the government and against this president, trying to denigrate his office and his presidency, and that’s no good,” he said.

“And when you see the young people, like Shia LaBeouf and Miley Cyrus, and they have a lot of followers. Young people are looking at them, and what are they teaching? They’re teaching treason.”


Voight seemingly thinks that if you speak out against a President in a strong and passionate (and peaceful!) manner, then you are guilty of betraying your free country.

Heck, Trump himself has said the opposite.

In a Tweet clearly written by someone else, the President wrote of the March earlier this week:

“Peaceful protests are a hallmark of our democracy. Even if I don’t always agree, I recognize the rights of people to express their views.”

LaBeouf actually went viral after confronting a white supremacist during his livestream. The eccentric actor received widespread support for his actions.

But Voight was not impressed.

“They’re teaching going up against the government, not accepting the will of the people on this presidency,” he said to TMZ.

“And it’s a very sad day, really, when I see this. This Hollywood group, I find it — it’s a very sad thing for me to witness what they’re doing.”

Hey, that is one man’s opinion.

And he’s very much entitled to it… the same way Cyrus, LaBeouf and many other stars are entitled to their opinion.

Did Madonna take her speech too far? When she claimed on stage that she had thought about blowing up the White House?

Yes, of course. She deserved criticism for that.

But she’s since apologized and tried to expound on the point she was trying to make, using nuance in a statement released via Instagram.

Voight, however, is not really one for nuance.

He gave a speech at Trump’s inauguration concert, during which he complained about the “barrage of propaganda” and “all the negative lies against Mr. Trump.”

And Voight has no idea why these lies are out there, considering Trump is just a man who wants to “make America great again,” he told the crowd.

Voight, remember, is Angelina Jolie’s father.

So before you go ahead and slam the actress, perhaps you can now understand why she may not always come across as mentally balanced.

Can you imagine the way in which she was raised?!?


Jon Voight Says Miley Cyrus, Shia LaBeouf Guilty of Treason!!! (VIDEO)

Jon Voight thinks Hollywood is trying to destroy the country by de-legitimizing President Trump, and he’s calling Miley Cyrus and Shia LaBeouf by name, saying their conduct is treasonous.  We got Jon in Bev Hills Tuesday and he did not hide…


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Angelina Jolie to Brad Pitt and Jon Voight: STFU!

According to a hilarious new rumor, Angelina Jolie may write a tell-all.

According to this report, Jolie is sick of being made out to be the “bad guy” in her split from Brad Pitt and will be penning a memoir that hones in on Pitt’s “drinking smoking and clashes with the kids.”

But while Jolie is allegedly ready to talk, she’s also allegedly taking issue with the person to whom Pitt has been talking a lot:

Her father.

An insider tells Us Weekly that Pitt and Jon Voight have remained surprisingly close ever since the former got together with Jolie in 2005.

For what reason? What have they bonded over?

“[Pitt] told her dad that what he loves about her is how passionate and extreme she is,” the source claims. “He’s been drawn to that.”

The actors have apparently talked often throughout the years, which was always a bit awkward for Jolie because she doesn’t have a great relationship with her dad.

But it’s even more awkward now because Pitt and Voight are even talking at length about the famous couple’s divorce.

In their most recent discussions, Voight has told Pitt that Jolie is “erratic” like her mother, the late Marcheline Bertrand, according to this magazine article.

Voight and Bertrand were married from 1971 to 1980; Jolie had a very strong connection to Bertrand, up until she passed away at the age of 56 in 2007.

“She is really pissed at her dad,” the insider tells Us Weekly, adding:

“She is really bothered that he is talking to Brad. … Angelina is speaking to [Voight] but not a lot and not telling him hardly anything because she doesn’t trust him.”

Over the past couple decades, there were periods of many months at a time when Voight and Jolie were so estranged that they didn’t even speak to each other.

The actress, of course, filed for divorce from Pitt on September 19.

This filing took place a few days after Pitt got into a reported confrontation with 15-year old son Maddox.

Details on just what went down between father and son remain unknown at this time, but the FBI was even brought in to investigate claims of child abuse.

Those allegations did not leave to any charges.

However, multiple sources have recently said that Maddox doesn’t want anything to do with his father. Which is really sad, if true.

Jolie was granted temporary physically custody of all six children – Maddox, 15, Pax, 12, Zahara, 11, Shiloh, 10, and 8-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne – although the pair continue to share legal custody.

There may be an ugly divorce battle still to come between these former lovers.
